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sherman smarter then andrew?


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C'mon People both of these guys are very smart, graduated from one of the highest achedemically rated universities in the country.


Both of these guys is well versed in dealing with the media and most of what they present is well scripted.


Much of what Sherman presents is perfect for the market he is trying to capitalize on; he ain't no thug, he ain't no dummy.

What Luck presents may appear less slick, less overbearing but nonetheless still calculated, he has been preped for this role for years by his dad and people around him. (Remember that "Aw Shucks" guy that preceeded him here --how did that work out for him and his marketability?)


Both have great futures in the NFL and the advertising guys are drooling over the money they can make off them.

They are just going about it in different ways.

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon   

Dewey earned like 4 or 5 degrees so that settles that Dewey McDonald smartest man in the NFL and a horseshoe.

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I never said there was anything wrong with introverts. I said your defining of him (or others) as an introvert based off the loudest people is false.

Introverted people do not find enjoyment around people because it drains them. It is stressful and makes them anxious. Introverts are more energized by being along and to their thoughts. That's not saying they can't have good social skills though. But they will need times to themselves afterwards. They enjoy conversing about concepts and ideas.

Thank you


I also think that people can have varying degrees of intraverson/extraversion. 


I definitely do not think Luck is an introvert.  I doubt you'll find many introverts as quarterbacks in the NFL



I recently watched The Social Network (the story of facebook) and the impression I came away with is that Mark Zuckerberg is an introvert.  But that didn't stop him from being super intelligent and ambitious.......and the youngest billionaire ever.


There will be both introverts and extraverts who are exceedingly bright and ambitious and vice versa


Public speaking ability is something I'll give Sherman credit for.  He can be very charming.  He can also jam his foot in his mouth.  Neither of these things has anything to do with intelligence 

I just think he's got a temper.....but then again so does Mark Zuckerberg.


I will agree though that many people will be more inclined to assign all positive attributes to people who make them feel good.  That's what politics is all about (not intending to start a political discussion, just making a point)

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 andrew is looked at as a super genius  

By who?


He's smarter than I, I'll say that right off the top. He's incredibly smart for a jock, I'll say that too. But....a "super genius"?


And they say sports fans engage in hero-worship. 

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sherman got a 3.9 gpa in stanford studying communications while luck got a 3.48 gpa in architectural design. now I have no clue which is the harder degree, but this is an interesting insight when you consider andrew is looked at as a super genius while sherman is thought to be a loud mouth buffoon

Communications is one of the most generic majors out there. Many NFL players have that degree because it's relatively easy to achieve compared to some others.

Luck's degree is far, far more impressive.

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Ah. Well if that is the definition then I retract my previous statement. Never thought of introverts as being people who are drained by being around other people.

Ya, there's just more to introversion than being shy or quiet. Didn't know if that's what you were thinking.

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I never said there was anything wrong with introverts. I said your defining of him (or others) as an introvert based off the loudest people is false.

Introverted people do not find enjoyment around people because it drains them. It is stressful and makes them anxious. Introverts are more energized by being along and to their thoughts. That's not saying they can't have good social skills though. But they will need times to themselves afterwards. They enjoy conversing about concepts and ideas.

If that is the definition of "introverted" than I would not describe Luck as introverted. He has to practice and play with a lot of people and perform in front of crowds of tens of thousands. As per your definition, he would be "drained". The only football player that I can think of that may fit that description is the former Saint and Dolphin Ricky Williams.

Luck being less extroverted than Sherman may be more accurate. But then again who isn't?

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As far as a list of qualities that are important for a human being to have in order to be a well functioning member of society, intelligence is about 4th or 5th on the list, IMO.  So the idea of trying to decide which player is smarter than the other is kind of silly anyway.


Especially measuring it by how well they matriculated a university.


I think Sherman is probably a bit regretful about his outburst after the NFC game.  Posting the gpa is a way of trying to undo the image he portrayed.  Face it, when someone carrys on like that in an emotional way, and doesn't really apologize, the image isn't exactly positive. 


As far as the image of intelligence, I think emotional people kind of come off as being less intelligent than people with more measure to their conduct.  That really doesn't indicate intelligence however.

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Man you guys are bored this summer, I can clearly see it.



Go down to your local pawn shop and search for some old vinyls, or go find some cheap used games and occupy your mind with that, maybe go searching for some old films you never seen before, or books, anything to relieve your stress and boredom.


You're totally over analyzing something that is not going to matter when the season starts and you'll probably have forgotten about it by then.


What does it really matter who is smarter? The only person you guys should even be worrying about with education is yourselves and/or your children.


If you learn anything from E!SPN it's that they are more worried about drama than they are the sport. That's why they have LeBron Watch 24/7 to the point that the Spurs win gets over shadowed by LeBron losing. That's also why every big time gambler goes online for their sources on betting cause ESPN is more worried about what Tom Brady and Gisele are up to and what Brett Favre said to really worry about sports.

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Man you guys are bored this summer, I can clearly see it.



Go down to your local pawn shop and search for some old vinyls, or go find some cheap used games and occupy your mind with that, maybe go searching for some old films you never seen before, or books, anything to relieve your stress and boredom.


You're totally over analyzing something that is not going to matter when the season starts and you'll probably have forgotten about it by then.


What does it really matter who is smarter? The only person you guys should even be worrying about with education is yourselves and/or your children.


If you learn anything from E!SPN it's that they are more worried about drama than they are the sport. That's why they have LeBron Watch 24/7 to the point that the Spurs win gets over shadowed by LeBron losing. That's also why every big time gambler goes online for their sources on betting cause ESPN is more worried about what Tom Brady and Gisele are up to and what Brett Favre said to really worry about sports.


I don't know, why jump into a thread and take the time to read it and tell everyone they should be doing something else?



Today I worked on a refinishing project that I've had in process for months......almost done.

Also made progress on sewing new roman shades for my living room

And I rescreened, restained, and hung a screen door.

Cooked dinner for the fam

And had this conversation on the side.

I'm not bored and I definitely don't have too much time on my hands.

Just having a conversation.........I think early on it was established that measuring intelligence by gpa or degree was not possible.

I was just interested in the perception of introversion or extaversion in the NFL

As far as being worthy topics, It's not terribly important but, ok to talk about here

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I am smarter then both of them. :thmsup: I have declared it. ;)


But, then again it is easier for athletes at the top to often get more "sliding" by professors in college and even teachers in high school......have seen it with my own eyes. None of these men are true geniuses to me. I don't consider athletes to be anyway because it is just a game they play after getting these so called good educations at times.

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I am smarter then both of them. :thmsup: I have declared it. ;)

But, then again it is easier for athletes at the top to often get more "sliding" by professors in college and even teachers in high school......have seen it with my own eyes. None of these men are true geniuses to me. I don't consider athletes to be anyway because it is just a game they play after getting these so called good educations at times.

Not at Stanford they dont.

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Not at Stanford they dont.


I certainly hope you are correct. I like to think some colleges push the athletes harder in the brains department.....or so I hope. I always thought of Luck as a smart guy too, one of the more intelligent ones in this league based on what I have read about him throughout his life.

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I certainly hope you are correct. I like to think some colleges push the athletes harder in the brains department.....or so I hope. I always thought of Luck as a smart guy too, one of the more intelligent ones in this league based on what I have read about him throughout his life.


I appreciate that as a long-time Stanford fan my viewpoint is going to be seen as biased.


Part of why I'm a long-time fan isn't because we've been a super-power in football for the past 50 years...   that's actually only been the case for the past 5.   Otherwise, we've been far more mediocre than anything else....


The reason I'm a long-time Stanford fan is because they embrace the concept of the true student-athlete.   Stanford has the strictest requirements to gain admission, only the military academies and some Ivy League schools compare.   


There are no majors designed just to keep athletes eligible.    For example, Michigan has a General Studies major.   About 85% of the football team are GS majors.   And about 85% of those who are GS majors at Michigan are athletes.    In short,  it's a major just for athletes.      That doesn't exist at Stanford.


Are some majors easier than others at Stanford.    Sure.   Yes.    No doubt.    But none are considered easy.    Stanford athletes takes all the same courses that the genius students take.     


By the way,  for various interviews, several architecture professors were interviewed about Luck and said he compared very favorably to the general student body population at Stanford.  You know...  the geniuses.    For an athlete,  he was exceptional.


Luck is way smarter than Sherman,  and no one who knows them both would tell you otherwise.    Luck is a rare breed.   He's one of the smarter student-athletes Stanford has ever turned out.     Seriously.

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I appreciate that as a long-time Stanford fan my viewpoint is going to be seen as biased.


Part of why I'm a long-time fan isn't because we've been a super-power in football for the past 50 years...   that's actually only been the case for the past 5.   Otherwise, we've been far more mediocre than anything else....


The reason I'm a long-time Stanford fan is because they embrace the concept of the true student-athlete.   Stanford has the strictest requirements to gain admission, only the military academies and some Ivy League schools compare.   


There are no majors designed just to keep athletes eligible.    For example, Michigan has a General Studies major.   About 85% of the football team are GS majors.   And about 85% of those who are GS majors at Michigan are athletes.    In short,  it's a major just for athletes.      That doesn't exist at Stanford.


Are some majors easier than others at Stanford.    Sure.   Yes.    No doubt.    But none are considered easy.    Stanford athletes takes all the same courses that the genius students take.     


By the way,  for various interviews, several architecture professors were interviewed about Luck and said he compared very favorably to the general student body population at Stanford.  You know...  the geniuses.    For an athlete,  he was exceptional.


Luck is way smarter than Sherman,  and no one who knows them both would tell you otherwise.    Luck is a rare breed.   He's one of the smarter student-athletes Stanford has ever turned out.     Seriously.

You just spent all of your post singing the praises of Stanford and how athletes are treated the same as the general student population and then you say Luck is way smarter than Sherman and Sherman also went to Standford and had a higher GPA than Luck. :dunno:

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You just spent all of your post singing the praises of Stanford and how athletes are treated the same as the general student population and then you say Luck is way smarter than Sherman and Sherman also went to Standford and had a higher GPA than Luck. :dunno:

I guess it shows more of a bias about Andrew then it does about Stanford.
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I never really looked into the Wonderlic........


The Wonderlic is a 50-question test administered to all combine participants that measures cognitive ability. The time limit is 12 minutes. A score of 20 is indicative of "average" intelligence and roughly equivalent to an IQ of 100. Former Bengals punter Pat McInally, who attended Harvard, is the only prospect known to have scored a perfect 50 on the test.  ESPN.




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i have, I've actually taken the test. It's a short version of an iq test. Not an aptitude test at all

So you've taken the Wonderlic Test that NFL players take. Okay. I got into this discussion a few months back and at least three guys were quick to swoop in and explain to me how wrong I was and that the WT isn't indicative of a player's I.Q. And looking at the definition, it really isn't.
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So you've taken the Wonderlic Test that NFL players take. Okay. I got into this discussion a few months back and at least three guys were quick to swoop in and explain to me how wrong I was and that the WT isn't indicative of a player's I.Q. And looking at the definition, it really isn't.

companies used the wonderlic for a long time before the NFL started using it

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companies used the wonderlic for a long time before the NFL started using it

I get that, but I'm sure it's been revised at least a few times in the past 20 years. I would do the research myself but I'm on my mobile phone so it really isn't worth the effort.
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Ah. Look at the first paragraph. " Used to assess the aptitude of prospective employees for learning and problem-solving." It is used to predict the likelihood of success of an NFL player. " Matthews and Lassiter did not find the test to be a successful measure of fluid and crystallized intelligence. It has shown high correlations to aptitude tests such as Aptitude Test Battery."
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Man you guys are bored this summer, I can clearly see it.

Go down to your local pawn shop and search for some old vinyls, or go find some cheap used games and occupy your mind with that, maybe go searching for some old films you never seen before, or books, anything to relieve your stress and boredom.

You're totally over analyzing something that is not going to matter when the season starts and you'll probably have forgotten about it by then.

What does it really matter who is smarter? The only person you guys should even be worrying about with education is yourselves and/or your children.

If you learn anything from E!SPN it's that they are more worried about drama than they are the sport. That's why they have LeBron Watch 24/7 to the point that the Spurs win gets over shadowed by LeBron losing. That's also why every big time gambler goes online for their sources on betting cause ESPN is more worried about what Tom Brady and Gisele are up to and what Brett Favre said to really worry about sports.

How come most of your posts are angry rants, lashing out at the members of this board?

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You just spent all of your post singing the praises of Stanford and how athletes are treated the same as the general student population and then you say Luck is way smarter than Sherman and Sherman also went to Standford and had a higher GPA than Luck. :dunno:

Do you think GPA measures intelligence?

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Interesting comparison of the two majors.  I know one kid who was an outstanding player in high school who was highly recruited by a number of major college football programs.  He was "the guy" that drew head coaches, not assistants, to his games to scout him and to hopefully steer him to their schools.  He made visits to several major football schools (and I do mean MAJOR).  At one "brand name" university, their "academic advisor" didn't even want to know what he was interested in doing besides football, and kept stressing how many of their athletes were now playing in the NFL. When his parents, who were there with him (both have Master's degrees, by the way) pushed the academic advisor to change the subject, she reluctantly asked the kid what major he was interested in, he replied that he wanted to major in Architecture. She quickly countered that she would recommend Communications, because that's what all of their minority athletes majored in. Needless to say, he went to another school, less renowned for their football program, but blew out his knee in his senior year.  And yes, he's now an architect.

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You just spent all of your post singing the praises of Stanford and how athletes are treated the same as the general student population and then you say Luck is way smarter than Sherman and Sherman also went to Standford and had a higher GPA than Luck. :dunno:


As for the GPA,  so says Richard Sherman.


I've posted that I don't believe Richard's claim. 


And a pure GPA alone wouldn't indicate who is smarter than the other.

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