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Coby Fleener: "I want to be that guy" (Article)


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Article on how Coby Fleener wants to be "that guy" who Andrew looks for when the games on the line.

I was happy with Fleener last season, was really coming into his own. Gonna be great to watch him this season

@KBowenColts: ICYMI: Coby Fleener on 2014: "I'd like to take more of a burden. When the game is on the line, I want to be that guy

Article: http://www.colts.com/news/article-1/Coby-Fleener-%E2%80%9CWhen-the-game-is-on-the-line-I-want-to-be-that-guy%E2%80%9D/218950f5-1183-4034-b8a4-6c0dc7191b88

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Well he certainly has the upper hand it would seem in terms of familiarity with Luck given the time they have been on the same team together so its not too far of a stretch to imagine that chemistry building to a greater extent.  I can kind of see a Manning/ Clark type relationship developing between them.  I think the main thing is Fleener has to be more consistent catching the ball. If I remember he dropped a few easy ones last year. 


Still one of my favorite players on the team right now.  Will be interesting to see how he develops this year and if he can really come into his own.  You could tell his rookie year he had a confidence issue.  Last year he seemed much more sure of himself but still had some mental mistakes.  Year 3 should be fun.

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Well he certainly has the upper hand it would seem in terms of familiarity with Luck given the time they have been on the same team together so its not too far of a stretch to imagine that chemistry building to a greater extent.  I can kind of see a Manning/ Clark type relationship developing between them.  I think the main thing is Fleener has to be more consistent catching the ball. If I remember he dropped a few easy ones last year. 


Still one of my favorite players on the team right now.  Will be interesting to see how he develops this year and if he can really come into his own.  You could tell his rookie year he had a confidence issue.  Last year he seemed much more sure of himself but still had some mental mistakes.  Year 3 should be fun.


 Coby is credited with 2 drops in the last regular season for a 2.9% drop rate which is fantastic. He had a few in pre-season.

 Reggie & Donnie Avery were both at 6.9%. chuckle

 Of course Andrew forces passes to Reggie and they are often Junk throws, like the one Reggie got hurt on.

 D Clark last season 7.7%. 1 :woah: out of every 13 passes dropped. Yawn.

 TY 2.9%

 Note: TY & Avery were tied for the League lead in drops in Andrews year one with 16. And i rheemed Andrew for being so Inaccurate that season and caught___.  It wasn`t them it was his LATE ____ throws. He still has a good ways to go.

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IMO, Coby seemed to come on strong towards the end of last year. That's a great attitude for him to have, going to need "that guy"

Yeah, definitely good that someone wants to step up. We gotta get Andrew outta the habit of only checking for Reggie on 3rd downs. He'll have too many weapons this year to only be checking for Reggie

We'll see if Andrew improves his vision this year

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Yeah, definitely good that someone wants to step up. We gotta get Andrew outta the habit of only checking for Reggie on 3rd downs. He'll have too many weapons this year to only be checking for Reggie

We'll see if Andrew improves his vision this year


His Vision will Improve as Fast or Faster than his run game and pass protection. lol  He and the unit just need Experience. Go Andrew - Go Colts!

He rewarded Reggie his 1st year for coming back. Now it is time for what is best for the Team and that is spreading it around, IMO.

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Well he certainly has the upper hand it would seem in terms of familiarity with Luck given the time they have been on the same team together so its not too far of a stretch to imagine that chemistry building to a greater extent.  I can kind of see a Manning/ Clark type relationship developing between them.  I think the main thing is Fleener has to be more consistent catching the ball. If I remember he dropped a few easy ones last year. 


Still one of my favorite players on the team right now.  Will be interesting to see how he develops this year and if he can really come into his own.  You could tell his rookie year he had a confidence issue.  Last year he seemed much more sure of himself but still had some mental mistakes.  Year 3 should be fun.

Yeah but I still like Allen much better.

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Yeah but I still like Allen much better.


Allen is a beast no doubt.  I think him and Fleener compliment each other nicely due to their skill sets.  Fleener being more of the Dallas Clark model TE and Allen more of the blocking tight end that is also very proficient in the passing game... they both create mis-matches in the passing game that the Colts will have to take advantage of. 


Here's hoping they can both stay healthy!

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Yep, really like Coby's attitude and desire. Hopefully he can contribute more. He was 15th in the League among TE's with 52 catches. So yes he's ok, but would like to see him open it up deep more. We'll see if he can get past the middle of the road but like someone said, we have many weapons. So Coby has to focus on quality catches and deeper middle routes and maybe not total catches.

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Yeah, when he holds on to a TD or big 3rd down catch while being blanketed/leveled by a LB or safety, I hope I get to witness that "aha" or "bad-butt" moment of his and I hope he does not disappoint. :)


Year 3 is when a lot of TEs take that big step forward. I am hoping for the same from him.

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Well he certainly has the upper hand it would seem in terms of familiarity with Luck given the time they have been on the same team together so its not too far of a stretch to imagine that chemistry building to a greater extent.  I can kind of see a Manning/ Clark type relationship developing between them.  I think the main thing is Fleener has to be more consistent catching the ball. If I remember he dropped a few easy ones last year. 


Still one of my favorite players on the team right now.  Will be interesting to see how he develops this year and if he can really come into his own.  You could tell his rookie year he had a confidence issue.  Last year he seemed much more sure of himself but still had some mental mistakes.  Year 3 should be fun.

I think you need to do a little fact finding before making that comment about his high drop rate. Compared to the average receivers in the NFL Fleener is in the top 10 in dropped passes.

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