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Like everybody else has said, we never sign big FAs, and if we did, the last one I would want is Randy Moss. I mean, I'm sure with Peyton he would play and act much better than he has recently, but I still wouldn't chance him messing up our chemistry. Plus, he'd be pointless money spent imo. Mebane is either going back to the Hawks or to the Broncos, so I really don't see us making any signings at this point. Plus, Irsay said he only wants his own guys and doesn't want to sign other people's.

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i cant believe everyone is so freaked out about sign chad johnson. what a loser. he hasnt been the old chad johnson for a long time. he will just bring a sideshow with him and its going to finally blow up for the patriots. which even though i thank is a great organization, has slipped lately. We, the COLTS, are stack at recievers and running backs. We dont need any "johnson" or moss. PEACE

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OK everyone place your bets on who blows up in Belichicks face first. Albert I DON'T NEED TO WORKOUT Hainsworth or Chad OchoCinco :dancing:

When will you people learn...youve been telling us for years, every single time we sign someone with some history, that it will blow this team into the sky. It hasnt happened yet. Ocho Cinco has wanted to come here for years...he wont be the problem. The only question mark is Haynesworth...and if things start to go south we cut him. None of us know how this will turn out...but the constant 'i cant wait to see spit hit the fan' sentiment is juvenile. Look at the precedent...its there for everyone to see.

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So, is this thread about OchoCinco to NE or about Peyton's contract? It seems to have two lines going on.

Also, quick reminder for folks to review the rules. Masked cursing and insulting nicknames (insults in general) aren't tolerated on this board. Thanks. :)

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I'm going to try to bring this back on track by discussing Ocho. I know Ocho and Belichick are friends, Ocho has always said he would like to play for Bill. With that said, Bill won't let Ocho get away with half the stuff Marvin let go. Ocho is still a good talent and this is a good pickup for the Pats. 2 rounds of Ocho vs Revis each year.

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Thanks, 21. :)

RE: Ocho, I adore the dude. I think he has gotten a bad rap and has been put into categories with some players that he didn't deserve to be with. Yes, he is a showboat and is mouthy. But I don't know that he has ever done anything 'bad' or illegal, has he? I cannot recall anything.

He has always been very respectful to Belichick and to Dungy when he was here, as well as Peyton and Brady.

He is a character to say the least, but I think he will play by whatever rules he is given (to the best of his ability). I also think he will be an asset to the team and no offense to our Patriot friends, but I hate that. ;) I really like Chad and I would rather not see him in a Pats uni. HOWEVER, I would rather see him in that uniform than a Titan one. :yuk:

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Thanks, 21. :)

RE: Ocho, I adore the dude. I think he has gotten a bad rap and has been put into categories with some players that he didn't deserve to be with. Yes, he is a showboat and is mouthy. But I don't know that he has ever done anything 'bad' or illegal, has he? I cannot recall anything.

He has always been very respectful to Belichick and to Dungy when he was here, as well as Peyton and Brady.

He is a character to say the least, but I think he will play by whatever rules he is given (to the best of his ability). I also think he will be an asset to the team and no offense to our Patriot friends, but I hate that. ;) I really like Chad and I would rather not see him in a Pats uni. HOWEVER, I would rather see him in that uniform than a Titan one. :yuk:

Ocho hasn't done anything illegal that I can remember, but he does some stupid things with regards to his own team. He will call out his coach, his QB, he will dog it on some plays and even dogged it during an entire offseason where he said he didn't lift anything more than what he could to just get by. Funny guy, but not someone I would want on my team...unless Belichick is my coach.

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Ocho hasn't done anything illegal that I can remember, but he does some stupid things with regards to his own team. He will call out his coach, his QB, he will dog it on some plays and even dogged it during an entire offseason where he said he didn't lift anything more than what he could to just get by. Funny guy, but not someone I would want on my team...unless Belichick is my coach.

And that's why this, and the Haynesworth trade, are going to work.

Chad should lead the league in receiving this season, and Brady in passing.

If they can stay healthy and get past the Jets and us, they have a very good chance at redeeming the bid for perfection, IMO... :sorry: :wth: :argh: :rolleyes2: :blowtop: :oops: :bash: :Cry::hide:

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And that's why this, and the Haynesworth trade, are going to work.

Chad should lead the league in receiving this season, and Brady in passing.

Are you kidding me? Did you see Ocho last year. He is a shadow of what he used to be. That guy will be average at best w/ the Pats.

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Yea, and we lose in the playoffs every year. We need Moss now.

We never needed Moss. The Colts problem is on D and the offensive line. Adding Randy Moss will help what? Seriously. Is he a bigger deep threat than Garcon? No. Is he better than Wayne? No. Will he run across the middle like Collie or Clark? No. So except for depth he adds ZERO! Now if you say lets add Logan Mankins at G then you're on to something! Or say lets add a good DT.

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Adding Randy Moss will help what? Seriously. Is he a bigger deep threat than Garcon? No. Is he better than Wayne? No. Will he run across the middle like Collie or Clark? No.

Are you serious? Better deep threat than garçon. Yes. Better than Wayne. Maybe. Will he run across the middle. Yes. The only knock on Randy is he's a year older than Reggie, that's it.

Do you know who Randy Moss is?

Reggies best yds per rec he was 15.7, in 2004. Moss last yr in NE, 15.4...

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Its COLTS all day for me but i am tired of all my friends being excited about thier teams making big moves to kick our A** and i have nothing to say back because we never get any body!Manning if your reading this please make something happen , whatever it takes because if something does not change you will not win another championship i promise you. We need another championship and by the way you will never be considered the best unless you win more the one more!

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Can I ask a question?

Whats wrong with being 'just another target'? Do we expect him to break records and be a superhero? No...but I love the fact that Brady has another target and another threat.

Are guys like Garcon and Collie and Gonzalez anything special? No...they are just 'another target' for Peyton...but many of you guys run around like they are probowl receivers. This was a good deal for New England...I dont understand why so many are trying to make it sound like its going to fail.

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Can I ask a question?

Whats wrong with being 'just another target'? Do we expect him to break records and be a superhero? No...but I love the fact that Brady has another target and another threat.

Are guys like Garcon and Collie and Gonzalez anything special? No...they are just 'another target' for Peyton...but many of you guys run around like they are probowl receivers. This was a good deal for New England...I dont understand why so many are trying to make it sound like its going to fail.

I don't think anyone said it wasn't a good deal for the Pats. I think the general opinion is that Chad is past his best and that this does not really make Colts fans shake in their boots. Also the media has overblown it a bit IMO.

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I don't think anyone said it wasn't a good deal for the Pats. I think the general opinion is that Chad is past his best and that this does not really make Colts fans shake in their boots. Also the media has overblown it a bit IMO.

I dont think the media has been creating the narrative that anyone should be shaking in their boots...but it WAS a big story yesterday, so we heard about it.

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Can I ask a question?

Whats wrong with being 'just another target'? Do we expect him to break records and be a superhero? No...but I love the fact that Brady has another target and another threat.

Are guys like Garcon and Collie and Gonzalez anything special? No...they are just 'another target' for Peyton...but many of you guys run around like they are probowl receivers. This was a good deal for New England...I dont understand why so many are trying to make it sound like its going to fail.

because this is a colts board and most here hate the patriots....durrrr.

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Can I ask a question?

Whats wrong with being 'just another target'? Do we expect him to break records and be a superhero? No...but I love the fact that Brady has another target and another threat.

Are guys like Garcon and Collie and Gonzalez anything special? No...they are just 'another target' for Peyton...but many of you guys run around like they are probowl receivers. This was a good deal for New England...I dont understand why so many are trying to make it sound like its going to fail.

Maybe because it's an INDIANAPOLIS COLTS FANS WEBSITE. So sorry if we don't all unanimously praise the decision. Der.

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And that's why this, and the Haynesworth trade, are going to work.

Chad should lead the league in receiving this season, and Brady in passing.

If they can stay healthy and get past the Jets and us, they have a very good chance at redeeming the bid for perfection, IMO... :sorry: :wth: :argh: :rolleyes2: :blowtop: :oops: :bash: :Cry::hide:

I don't think Chad will have any more receptions than anyone else (unless he's just on fire). He is not even a deep threat. But he will add one more the defense will have to cover thus more options for the QB. The Haynesworth trade is interesting. They let Ty Warren go today, and Haynes is under contract for over 6 mil per year for two years. So apparently he's going to play a lot unless cut by preseason.

IMO they are doing these moves for the Jets. You have to beat who's in your way to the AFCCG. And in this case your own division. Years back it was the colts, hence getting Adalius Thomas to stop Dallas Clark.

Talk is with NE playing the 3-4 two gap and NE having been decent at runstopping but not good enough to stop teams like the Jets, Haynesworth and Wilfork will each double team to stop the run. Wilfork plug the middle tying up two blockers, Haynes will tie up 2 himself. Thus the fat guys as some call them;)

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I don't think Chad will have any more receptions than anyone else (unless he's just on fire). He is not even a deep threat. But he will add one more the defense will have to cover thus more options for the QB. The Haynesworth trade is interesting. They let Ty Warren go today, and Haynes is under contract for over 6 mil per year for two years. So apparently he's going to play a lot unless cut by preseason.

IMO they are doing these moves for the Jets. You have to beat who's in your way to the AFCCG. And in this case your own division. Years back it was the colts, hence getting Adalius Thomas to stop Dallas Clark.

Talk is with NE playing the 3-4 two gap and NE having been decent at runstopping but not good enough to stop teams like the Jets, Haynesworth and Wilfork will each double team to stop the run. Wilfork plug the middle tying up two blockers, Haynes will tie up 2 himself. Thus the fat guys as some call them;)

I ran this through my Patstalk translator and this is what came back:

"Chad is going to be average at best because his best days are behind him, and if Haynesworth is able to adjust his attitude enough to make the team his weight will still be an issue making it difficult for him to play a lot of downs.......I'm not sure why the team brought in a mouth and a trouble maker/malingerer.....but I doubt the Pats will be able to get past the Jets this year, let alone the Colts."

Congrats. See y'all on the street.

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