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This would be crazy..


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I think those are ridiculous.  Trading Wayne would be a huge mistake.  I could see the Texans trading Andre just so he has a chance to win a championship somewhere, but I think they have enough pieces in place to contend in a few years.  There's no way we trade Reg.  Not only that, but we would be giving up way too much to move up

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I know some will disagree,  but I simply don't think an offer of Reggie, our two this year (58) and our two next year (expect a similar level pick)  moves us up 50 spots into the top-10.


It's not nearly enough.   And it's not even close.    I'm not even sure it would happen if our 2015 pick was our first rounder.


Moving up into the first round is EXPENSIVE.    And into the top-10 is Prime Real Estate.   You pay a premium.


And Reggie........ as much as I love him......    coming off knee surgery as he is, and at his age,  just doesn't have that much value to another team that isn't the Indianpolis Colts.     He's more prized by us than he would any other team.....


The writer doesn't understand draft value.


Adding to the problem with the story,  he says we should target the two top tackles or Watkins.    I'd be OK with Watkins, but the two tackles,  as much as I love them (and I really do)  don't fill a pressing need.    As Colts' fans know, our need is on the interior OL,   not at the tackles.    We're fine there.


So,  the idea is more than just crazy....   it's not practical,  or realistic...


I guess this is a long way of saying.....   I'll pass on the idea....

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I think those are ridiculous.  Trading Wayne would be a huge mistake.  I could see the Texans trading Andre just so he has a chance to win a championship somewhere, but I think they have enough pieces in place to contend in a few years.  There's no way we trade Reg.  Not only that, but we would be giving up way too much to move up


If I were running the Texans, I'd trade AJ. But that's entirely different from us trading Reggie.

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You don't think they'll be able to contend in a year or two?


It's possible, but it's a lot harder if they pay AJ $28m over the next three years. They wouldn't save anything on the cap in 2014, but they'd save $16.1m in 2015 and $14.6m in 2016, when he'll be 34 and 35 years old.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

If I were running the Texans, I'd trade AJ. But that's entirely different from us trading Reggie.

Reggie is worth a lot more to the Colts than he would be to another team.  He's not just a HOF WR.  He's one of our best coaches.  Plus after Peyton already left, I don't think I can handle Reggie playing for another team.  He's my all time favorite athlete.

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Guest TeamLoloJones



I love Reggie, but that trade isn't dumb on our end.

I think it's a horrible trade.  Why would we give up a starting WR and two 2nd round picks for a WR or a tackle?  We may already have a very good WR corps, and we have our bookend tackles.  We can argue about whether or not to trade up, but we would go after a top tier ILB or D-lineman way before another WR or tackle.  

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I'm sorry, but this competes as one of the dumbest articles I have ever dedicate a few minutes to

"The Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Buffalo Bills are all possibly in the mix for a true #1 receiver"


Yeah- the author of this just said the Detroit Lions need a true #1 WR.  Uhhhh....Megatron anyone?

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I think it's a horrible trade.  Why would we give up a starting WR and two 2nd round picks for a WR or a tackle?  We may already have a very good WR corps, and we have our bookend tackles.  We can argue about whether or not to trade up, but we would go after a top tier ILB or D-lineman way before another WR or tackle.  


Reggie and Castonzo are FA's after this year.  Reggie is coming off knee surgery.  You're effectively giving up two LATE 2nd round picks for a top-10 pick and talent that's top-10.  


That's really a no brainer.

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That has to be one of the dumbest articles I have read in a long time.  All the trade scenarios are silly except one and even that is unlikely.  


Reggie isn't going anywhere.  Especially at his age and after an injury.  I'd love to have Sammy Watkins, but without a #1, we don't have anything to trade to get up there without selling the house and no one player is worth that.   Round One is LOADED this year and we'll be sad to hear whoever Cleveland picks with our pick (wouldn't surprise me if they packaged it to trade up or down for more stuff... what a luxury they now have).  


I am not a Trent hater as so many are, but I would never have given up a #1 in this draft year for any running back who hadn't clearly demonstrated amazing success and that proven talent wasn''t coming our way. I only hope our staff saw enough in film to make them confident Trent will come around.  Not all college successes translate to pro success.  Looks like the 'Bama backs in New Orleans and Green Bay have come around nicely, so perhaps Trent will do the same once either our blocking schemes adjust to his strengths, or he adjusts to our team's methodology.  


Year one was a huge success in both the draft and FA's.  Year two not so much.  Year 3 will teach us a great deal about our cities teams and our coach and GM.  Andrew is the real deal, I hope they don't tread water until years have gone by and he's winding down.  The last regime seemed to give Peyton a lot of Offensive Weapons, two fantastic DE's who could protect a lead and let it fly.  These guys have a solid philosophy of powerful Defense, strong running game with a killer QB who can pull it all together for a multi year run.  These first two years were never legit runs at winning it all.  We just didn't have it.  Year three needs to see a nice jump forward defensively, power running and adding at least 1 more top notch wideout.  Those would put us in the REAL position to win it all.  


That''s just my opinion... I could be right. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Reggie and Castonzo are FA's after this year.  Reggie is coming off knee surgery.  You're effectively giving up two LATE 2nd round picks for a top-10 pick and talent that's top-10.  


That's really a no brainer.

Not when ILB and the D-line are much bigger weaknesses.  Like I said I'm not really arguing about trading up, just about taking the players mentioned in the article.

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That's the pain I felt from reading this article.



I always find Yahoo! articles amusingly funny. Honestly, where do I apply to be a Yahoo! sports writer? I could have a brain aneurism in the midst of writing an article..and it would be substantially better than this garbage. 

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"The Detroit Lions, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, and Buffalo Bills are all possibly in the mix for a true #1 receiver"


Yeah- the author of this just said the Detroit Lions need a true #1 WR.  Uhhhh....Megatron anyone?

Yeah, I literally read this twice to make sure I wasn't mistaking a satire piece for an actual piece.......all signs point to him being serious. 

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Do you know what would be really crazy.


If our defense next year can have the potential of not letting the other team score on every possession.

Or Our OLine can get at least one game where Luck doesn't get sacked.

If Luck was in Seattle, they go undefeated n win the SB.


This is crazy talk.

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Trade Reggie?


H E C K NO! He is too valuable to the Colts as a player, person, and semi-coach! There is no way in hell that Reggie is ever being traded.


I can't take this article seriously as a whole, none of these make sense and this guy said that the Lions have "no true #1 receiver." HELLO? There's a guy named Calvin Johnson on that team, have you heard of him?

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Do you know what would be really crazy.

If our defense next year can have the potential of not letting the other team score on every possession.

Or Our OLine can get at least one game where Luck doesn't get sacked.

If Luck was in Seattle, they go undefeated n win the SB.

This is crazy talk.

Indeed, you know what would be really crazy, if Seattle had Luck, Lynch would probably rush for 1257 yards (regular season) and they would have the top D and perhaps make it to the SB!!!!!

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