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Bayless is off the deep-end


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You sure do like ellipses lol.

My view is that if they have praise, they are free to say it. I don't think years from now we will be going "Man Grigson really sunk Luck's career by giving him those compliments."

I'm sure you are as familiar with Andrew as anyone. He can take praise, just as well as he can take criticism. You worry too much.


To be clear,  I'm not the least bit worried that the comments will sink Luck's career.  


It's just a lot of unnecessary noise that we brought on ourselves.


I like controlling what we can control,  and not worrying about what is out of our control.


This one was well within our control,  and we muffed it.     That's what's annoying to me.


As for your other comments,  you wouldn't be the first person to tell me I worry to much.  An occupational hazard of being a producer.    You have to worry about problems BEFORE they happen to make sure that they don't actually happen!


As for ellipses.....     yes!     I love me some of them little dots all in a row.........................          :thmup:

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So the picture doesn't represent your opinion of Luck just a little bit?

Because it seems accurate.

About as accurate as your avatar is to you I suppose.

It was my avatar going into this season, following a first year comprised of many stumbles and mistakes, so no. I don't worship, not idolize Andrew Luck. He's a football player.

I like the kid, think he's going to be great, but come off this line of thinking where I'm acting like he's infallible. I criticize him for his mistakes and shortcomings. But this article was trash. Plain and simple.

Skip still preaches for Tim Tebow. A guy who can't even get a job period in the NFL, let alone a starting QB job. If Timmy had Andrew's first two seasons. He would lose his mind. "HES A GAMER, ALL HE DOES IS WIN GAMES!!!!"

It's all an act. Whatever fits his "persona" best is what he does. More controversial the better. This comes at the cost of your credibility however.

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Skip crowned Tebow after one mediocre season. He just doesn't like to publicity support "favorites."

Going against the grain leave more room for "I told you so" later on. That's all Skip wants.


I hear yah . . . I got a friend that likes to pick against the pats just so he can say I told you so and then not worry of he is wrong as the pats win . . . kind of win win for him . . . he wins if he is rights and he wins if he is wrong as our pats win . . .


no one is perfect and his Tim Tebow support was a little out there . . .


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I hear yah . . . I got a friend that likes to pick against the pats just so he can say I told you so and then not worry of he is wrong as the pats win . . . kind of win win for him . . . he wins if he is rights and he wins if he is wrong as our pats win . . .

no one is perfect and his Tim Tebow support was a little out there . . .

Lol but that was the beauty of it. He started out small in his support of Tim, and he found a lucky home run in that scenario when Tim started winning game after game. Then Skip became the "Tim Tebow told ya so" guy.

He's already started his "Johnny football" rhetoric so I can't wait to see how that one ends haha.

Great for ratings, but it doesn't make you a very reliable source of information.

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I take exception with the bolded, on several levels.


1) All great quarterbacks have bad games. I'll be cliche and run right to Manning and Brady, who have both had terrible games and were the major factor in their team losing. It happens, and it's not even remotely surprising for a second year QB to play poorly. (And if we're comparing him to Robert Griffin, which is Bayless' sole mission in life, we have more than a handful of terrible games from Griffin this season alone.)


2) What Andrew Luck and the Colts did last week has only been done by two other teams in the history of the NFL playoffs. Eli has never done it. Robert Griffin has certainly never done it. As a matter of fact, NO ONE has done it aside from Jim Kelly and the Bills, and they needed overtime. Jeff Garcia led the Niners back from 24 points against the Giants in 2003, but no one is comparing Luck to Jeff Garcia.


What Skip Bayless is doing is what he's done since before the Colts drafted Andrew Luck, and that's undermine Luck's qualities and abilities, for no reason other than to be controversial. It has nothing to do with Grigson's comments (which are far less glowing than the nonsense Bayless wrote about Brady a few weeks ago) or Pagano's comments, because GMs and coaches speaking glowingly of their own players all the time. Jim Harbaugh just declared Michael Crabtree the best pass catcher EVER. This is Bayless being the same wild-eyed troll he always is about everything. He spent several years proclaiming that LeBron James was overrated and would never win a title, and the day after Miami won their first championship, he did nothing but double down on his stupid and indefensible point of view. He is a troll of the greatest order, and no one should ever take him seriously or even give him the benefit of the doubt. He doesn't deserve it.


I take it you don't like Skip . . . :yay:  . . .


I don't mind Skip frankly and don't mind people taking a stand that might not be viewed by the populous . . . the standard "this guy is good, he is going to do well, blah blah blah," can get kind of tiring to me . . . but find me one who wants to speak their mind, I will take them over one who just says what the fans want to hear and follow the crowd . . . yah the former might come up with things that are off the wall from time to time as perhaps their have no filter and may not be able to refrain from saying something they might want to hold back to be safe that sorry, which is rare, but on the other hand will more often say things that are true that some may not want to hear and sometimes the true can not be well received . . . 


for example the James issue, no he had not won a ring and it was looking like he may not . . . if I recall there was a stat that the Heat was like 2 for 40 in last minute shots when the game was tied or they were down by one or two . . . and they look horrific in Dallas with James clanking a lay up off the back board that did not even hit the rim late in the deciding game, and if SA coach doesn't bench Duncan for defense and Ray Allen does not hit that three they loose last year too . . . so yes he has two rings but at the same time I got no problem someone calling out James prior to that point as till he won a ring he was hardly good when it mattered . . .


getting back to Luck, I wish him and the colts the best of luck . . . coming into the league he was very highly praised and so far he has had a solid first two years a QB, better than most . . . but that is just that . . . and yes he has a great deal of upside potential and he might fulfill this potential and do think your team is in best position as any team in the league from that position . . . but I am not going to crown his yet . . . as we both know it takes a long time, good health, teams, coaches, teammates to put together a great resume to put among the all time great (See Gronk). . . and part of it too is that you have to perform for those 12-14 years and not all due . . . so yah I am in agreement with Luck has potential, but at the same time, like Skip, lets not crown him just yet . . .  


And yes he does make rookie mistakes, but we do not know is he going to be making this kind of mistakes going forward, or is he going to be like Romo, Farve, and Eli, great QBs when they are on, but make more brain farts than the Brady's and Manning's . . . the jury is out on Luck and he should very get over this, but until he does, the fact remains he makes brain farts and all Skip is saying until is see it don't say it is going to go away . . .


just a minor point Frank Reich actually came in for Buffalo in the second half for Kelly who got injured in the game, which made the comeback even more unexpected . . . my memory its not always the best either as games over 10 years ago . . . :)

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Lol but that was the beauty of it. He started out small in his support of Tim, and he found a lucky home run in that scenario when Tim started winning game after game. Then Skip became the "Tim Tebow told ya so" guy.

He's already started his "Johnny football" rhetoric so I can't wait to see how that one ends haha.

Great for ratings, but it doesn't make you a very reliable source of information.


I hear yah lol . .. but I think, in part what I wrote to Supes above, one can filter out a few of the off the wall things and then take the ones, which tend to be more frequent, that have an edge that have some merit and bite to them, even though they may hurt . . .


but just like with article on Luck, he should tread softly on Johnny football . . . he might be good, who knows, but for me the odds are he might be like RGIII where so far his body type is not the best for staying health in the NFL and the big and fast 325 lb boys . . .

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God I hate bayless, how this * even has a job is beyond me. How can this total * not see that Andrew will be one of the best QBS of all time when his career is over. bayless is an old washed up beat writer that shows favoritism towards who ever he likes, and whoever he doesn't like he will cut them to shreds any chance he gets, he's a total disgrace and ESPN should ax this bum ASAP!

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Let me simplify this equation.

Skip hates Irsay.

Irsay owns the Colts.

Andrew is the Colts QB.

Skip hates Andrew.

Throw in a little RG3 competition, and his gimmick is more than a little transparent.

Unfortunatekly, I saw it...


He cant admit he was wrong in last years draft..


100% wrong..and everybody knows it but him

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He is an *. He kept making the argument that the patriots have overcome more than any team in the league with injuries etc and never mentioned all the losses the colts have had which is as many as the patriots. It felt like he was already making excuses about the potential pats loss. You know why he is doing this? Because he is DEAD SCARED of ANDREW LUCK beating who he claims is the best qb in the nfl and if that happens he has to admit that LUCK is better than RGIII.

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To be clear,  I'm not the least bit worried that the comments will sink Luck's career.  


It's just a lot of unnecessary noise that we brought on ourselves.


I like controlling what we can control,  and not worrying about what is out of our control.


This one was well within our control,  and we muffed it.     That's what's annoying to me.


As for your other comments,  you wouldn't be the first person to tell me I worry to much.  An occupational hazard of being a producer.    You have to worry about problems BEFORE they happen to make sure that they don't actually happen!


As for ellipses.....     yes!     I love me some of them little dots all in a row.........................          :thmup:


I don't get how anything was "muffed." Grigson and Pagano praised their quarterback, effusively. I don't see how that's a bad thing.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

I don't get how anything was "muffed." Grigson and Pagano praised their quarterback, effusively. I don't see how that's a bad thing.

I honestly don't understand why anyone would have a problem with what they said.  I smiled like a four year old when I read the Grigson quote.  

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I don't get how anything was "muffed." Grigson and Pagano praised their quarterback, effusively. I don't see how that's a bad thing.


I don't think it was necessary to refer to Luck as someone who someday could be the GOAT or to mention him with Michael Jordan.     Not at this point in his career.


It's the kind of thing a fan would do.    I don't think it's the kind of thing a GM or HC should do. 


Not now, at least.    Maybe a few years from now when Luck has accomplished much, much more.  


Until then,  there are other flattering, but less hyperbolic things that can be said.....


It's not like these were the only comments available to them.


Just a different way of looking at things.....   and I'm clearly in the very small minority on this one....

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I take it you don't like Skip . . . :yay:  . . .


I was afraid I was being too subtle...


but find me one who wants to speak their mind, I will take them over one who just says what the fans want to hear and follow the crowd 



Nonsense. I don't think that people say things because the fans want to hear them, or to follow the crowd. There's plenty of dissent. But on this topic, there's precious little dissent about Andrew Luck because he's done a really good job in his first two years, he had a good college career, and he deserves credit for what he's done. The one guy screaming at the top of his lungs about how everyone else is wrong just looks like a fool, not someone who simply wants to speak his mind.


for example the James issue, no he had not won a ring and it was looking like he may not . . . if I recall there was a stat that the Heat was like 2 for 40 in last minute shots when the game was tied or they were down by one or two . . . and they look horrific in Dallas with James clanking a lay up off the back board that did not even hit the rim late in the deciding game, and if SA coach doesn't bench Duncan for defense and Ray Allen does not hit that three they loose last year too . . . so yes he has two rings but at the same time I got no problem someone calling out James prior to that point as till he won a ring he was hardly good when it mattered . . .



LeBron is strangely one of the most polarizing sports figures in the world. Plenty of people called him out for not having won, especially after they lost to Dallas. But there's valid criticism, and then there's being a blowhard. Guess which category I think Skip Bayless falls into.


but at the same time, like Skip, lets not crown him just yet . . .  



This is a cop-out. Giving him credit for what he's done and been a part of is hardly 'crowning him.' Plenty of people in the media and throughout the league have been critical of Luck at times. A significant evidence of this is that he didn't win ROY last year. Before that, he was second in Heisman voting twice in a row. He's not being crowned. He's being recognized as a big time player in the NFL.


And after you lead your team to a victory in the playoffs after being down 28 points, particularly the way Luck did, you deserve some recognition.


And yes he does make rookie mistakes, but we do not know is he going to be making this kind of mistakes going forward, or is he going to be like Romo, Farve, and Eli, great QBs when they are on, but make more brain farts than the Brady's and Manning's . . . the jury is out on Luck and he should very get over this, but until he does, the fact remains he makes brain farts and all Skip is saying until is see it don't say it is going to go away .. .


That's not all Skip is saying. This is what Skip is saying: At his best, Luck has turned into more of a Pro Bowl game manager. 


That's a direct quote, and it's nonsense. 


And what's worse, Bayless has spent the better part of three years slobbering over Tim Tebow, talking about how great he is and projecting him directly into the HOF, yet Tebow is out of the league. And then he says that maybe he'd buy Luck as an up and coming star if he acted more like a star, rather than just a regular guy. I guess Luck should grandstand after every big play, seek out attention and magazine covers, participate in a press conference after he's traded for a 7th round pick to compete for a backup QB spot, etc. Maybe that would show the "It Factor" that Bayless thinks so highly of.


I've already spent too many words on this topic, so I'm dropping it. Just suffice to say that Skip Bayless isn't being attacked for simply daring to have an unpopular opinion. He's trolling, and the more I respond to his trash, the more I play right into his plan. So I'm done.


just a minor point Frank Reich actually came in for Buffalo in the second half for Kelly who got injured in the game, which made the comeback even more unexpected . . . my memory its not always the best either as games over 10 years ago . . .  :)



Yeah, I know. Oops. Point still stands. Of all the great QBs in the history of the NFL, only one has ever led a bigger comeback in the playoffs.

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I don't think it was necessary to refer to Luck as someone who someday could be the GOAT or to mention him with Michael Jordan.     Not at this point in his career.


It's the kind of thing a fan would do.    I don't think it's the kind of thing a GM or HC should do. 


Not now, at least.    Maybe a few years from now when Luck has accomplished much, much more.  


Until then,  there are other flattering, but less hyperbolic things that can be said.....


It's not like these were the only comments available to them.


Just a different way of looking at things.....   and I'm clearly in the very small minority on this one....


I'm just very much over the whole PC Police thing. The comments of public figures are sliced and diced until they are virtually unrecognizable. Every time a person talks, they don't have to sound like their remarks were drawn up by the PR department, test-screened, reviewed by legal and then finally spoon fed to the person that's saying them. The criticism when someone speaks authentically strikes me as hypocritical, seeing as how when a person makes prepared remarks, they are ripped as being fake (not accusing you of being hypocritical, just pointing out the paradox). 


To me, the takeaway from these comments is really simple: Grigson and Pagano are very happy with and excited about Luck and his future. And I don't think they should be ashamed of that or temper their expressions about it. I think what they said is authentic, and that's a good thing.

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He definitely is a sensationalist who rarely uses facts, but I did see some validity to his comparison of Luck and Eli.  Luck does have a little bit of Eli in him, in that he can play terribly and then amaze you in the same game.  Or he can outright play terribly.  Or he can pIay great all game.  He has some of Eli's inconsistency, which I think he will grow out of.  But he's right in that Luck hasn't proven anything yet.  He's led an overachieving team farther than anyone thought two years in a row, but let's see some consistency and a championship before we even talk about GOAT.


And I understand that context is king in both Pagano's and Grigson's comments, but Bayless isn't that far off base here.  He does make a lot of excuses for the Chiefs, though.

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You can dissect Luck all you want, either way, but if anyone, and I mean anyone cannot see that this young kid is one heckuva player, then they are either stupid, blind, jealous or mad. The way some people sound, you would think some of these other elite qbs never have a bad game or make poor decisions.


I doff my hate to Grigson and Pagano, even if they were caught up in the moment after one of the most remarkable turnarounds in NFL history. Or maybe some would have preferred they rip him for throwing those interceptions.


Some of the negative reactions on here are way worse than what Bayless said. He is just doing his job (being controversial to gain viewers or readers or whatever).


This young man is going to be rated 'elite' sooner rather than later. It is pretty plain to see.

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I take it you don't like Skip . . . :yay:  . . .


I don't mind Skip frankly and don't mind people taking a stand that might not be viewed by the populous . . . the standard "this guy is good, he is going to do well, blah blah blah," can get kind of tiring to me . . . but find me one who wants to speak their mind, I will take them over one who just says what the fans want to hear and follow the crowd . . . yah the former might come up with things that are off the wall from time to time as perhaps their have no filter and may not be able to refrain from saying something they might want to hold back to be safe that sorry, which is rare, but on the other hand will more often say things that are true that some may not want to hear and sometimes the true can not be well received . . . 


for example the James issue, no he had not won a ring and it was looking like he may not . . . if I recall there was a stat that the Heat was like 2 for 40 in last minute shots when the game was tied or they were down by one or two . . . and they look horrific in Dallas with James clanking a lay up off the back board that did not even hit the rim late in the deciding game, and if SA coach doesn't bench Duncan for defense and Ray Allen does not hit that three they loose last year too . . . so yes he has two rings but at the same time I got no problem someone calling out James prior to that point as till he won a ring he was hardly good when it mattered . . .


getting back to Luck, I wish him and the colts the best of luck . . . coming into the league he was very highly praised and so far he has had a solid first two years a QB, better than most . . . but that is just that . . . and yes he has a great deal of upside potential and he might fulfill this potential and do think your team is in best position as any team in the league from that position . . . but I am not going to crown his yet . . . as we both know it takes a long time, good health, teams, coaches, teammates to put together a great resume to put among the all time great (See Gronk). . . and part of it too is that you have to perform for those 12-14 years and not all due . . . so yah I am in agreement with Luck has potential, but at the same time, like Skip, lets not crown him just yet . . .  


And yes he does make rookie mistakes, but we do not know is he going to be making this kind of mistakes going forward, or is he going to be like Romo, Farve, and Eli, great QBs when they are on, but make more brain farts than the Brady's and Manning's . . . the jury is out on Luck and he should very get over this, but until he does, the fact remains he makes brain farts and all Skip is saying until is see it don't say it is going to go away . . .


just a minor point Frank Reich actually came in for Buffalo in the second half for Kelly who got injured in the game, which made the comeback even more unexpected . . . my memory its not always the best either as games over 10 years ago . . . :)

I would argue that there are those whose opinions go aainst the grain and then there are those who are just simply porfessional contrarians. Bayless is that to me. He has so many off the wall, indefensible takes on things that they can really only be from producer driven scripts. He is just playing a role that ESPN has crafted for him. First Take is not the show it is if he and Stephen A agree with each other all the time.

Now I am surprised that they allowed such a piece on the web site. That is different than spewing nonsense on the show. However it is still just Bayless and I would expect nothing more. If he really believe what he wrote or just trying maintain the narrative against all kinds of mounting evidence to the contrary, it really doesn't matter. That is just Bayless being Bayless.

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nice article thanks for posting . . . I like Skip . . . I think he is just trying to bring a little prospective to the people who surround Luck . . . I do think Luck is a keeper and should do very well in the NFL . . . but he does have an Eli quality about him, Jekyll and Hyde, where he can throw three picks and loose 49-10 or be clean win and win 31-17 or do both like last week . . .


I think all Skip is doing is what some might want to do with some of Luck's supporters and do their best Dennis Green  and say "Luck is who we think he is (great QB with great potential in the NFL) and if you want to crown his behind (GOAT) then crown him, but Luck is who we think he is and KC let him off the hook (great players can come from behind but at times needs help from opponent after getting too far in a hole)"


time will tell and there is a world of a career ahead of Luck and he is already off to a fast start, I just think Skip wants to see a few more results in the book before we crown him . . . very likely Luck has the most potential of any young QB . . . but as we all know teammates, injuries, bad bounces, can fort a good season . . .



The article is mostly what you'd expect from Bayless....


But in this particular case,  I'll defend old Skipper........ to a point.


This whole article was inspired by the comments of Grigson and Pagano after the KC game.


Grigson compares Andrew to Michael Jordan....   and Pagano says he may go down as the Greatest of All Time.


There was no reason -- none -- for either man to make either comment at that time.     You can say lots of very nice, very complimentary things about your quarterback without comparing Luck to Jordan or saying he maybe the GOAT.


That was a mistake and that's what led to the Bayless article.


The article is filled with lots and lots and lots of Skip's nonsense.    I can rip it apart without any problem. 


But the point is....  it was inspired by the Grigson/Pagano quotes....  Skip himself points to those comments high up in the story.  


This was entirely predictable.    We brought it on ourselves.    So, for that reason,  I'll give Skip a pass.   The * was just doing what *s do.

Look, it goes without question that I respect the words & wisdom of Yehoodi & NCF immensely. Both men made valid points 1. Don't heap NFL elite praise on football players too quickly when they are still young & trying to master the art of not turning the ball over because great QBs seldom put their team in a deep hole. 2. Skip Bayless saw Michael Jordan up close & personal in Chicago & he is well aware of what MJ did in the clutch in BIG NBA Finals moments meaning that he never lost a Championship that he competed in. Ryan Grigson, our GM, no matter how well intentioned with the Andrew Luck/ MJ comparison was way off the mark to compare an established legend with a fantastic NFL apprentice that has done nothing of significance yet, but whose career looks very promising & bright.


Bravo gentlemen!


However, Skip Bayless is known for heaping praise on QBs that haven't achieved Lombardi Greatness yet either in Tim Tebow or RG3. Also, why is it okay for Skip Bayless to make a Tom Brady/MJ comparison himself when basketball & football having nothing in common game wise? & just because you saw MJ win 6 Championships in Chicago it doesn't give you a pass or pardon because you said something outlandish in your own comparison. Seeing MJ his entire NBA career doesn't make you Mr. Bayless the #1 authority on all things MJ related. Scottie Pippen can say that. Phil Jackson can say that. Not you Skip sorry I hate to pop your bubble there.  


"Last season, his rookie year, Luck had the NFL's second-most turnovers, 23, just three fewer than Mark "Butt Fumble" Sanchez."


Really Skip comparing Andrew Luck to Mark Sanchez in the same sentence? Even for you that is weak, lazy, tabloid, yellow journalism...Does Andrew need to reduce his turnovers in BIG games? Sure he does, but comparing Luck to Sanchez is simply ridiculous. Let me ask you something Skip? If Rex Ryan had 2 choices to run his team Luck or Sanchez who do you think sexy Rexy will ride into battle with Ah huh...That's what I thought...Neck Beard Chewbacca AKA Andrew Luck...

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In my opinion, this is probably the most level headed, non-nonsensical piece I have ever read from him. He makes valid points. Keep in mind that we are all homers.

How dare you introduce logic & reasoning into a Skip Bayless topic ColtJ82! Just Kidding! 


"I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!" 


"Your winnings, sir."


 "Oh, thank you very much. " LOL! --From the film "Casablanca."  

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I thought Grigson's comment about QBs wanting to hand it off in the big moment was a subtle shot at Manning.

An interesting theory except for 2 vital facts amfootball: 1. Ryan Grigson never drafted Peyton Manning in 1998 & 2. Ryan Grigson never cut Peyton Manning in 2012.


Jim Irsay, the owner, had full & complete jurisdiction over 18's NFL fate at the RCA Dome & Lucas Oil Stadium not Grigs. 


My point is simply this: Ryan Grigson had virtually no 1st hand experience with Manning, let alone a personal working relationship to decide his INDY future much less slam him. Even if he wanted to, he had no authority or frame of reference to do so. 

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this is the same guy,who a couple years ago was saying how great Tebow was.lol.Not worth listening to him.I think he just likes going against the grain.

Precisely, Robert. If you asked Skip what color is the Sky? To which you replied blue. Skip would reply "Yeah but is it navy blue or turquoise blue? "


The guy loves to ruffle feathers, rattle cages, & he thinks that he is a vibrant colored ______________. Ready to strut his stuff. See Below: LOL! 



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