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Where is Our GM


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Guest TeamLoloJones

No , you are 100% correct ... it won't do any good complaining. But it is a forum and opinions on the coaching staff is always going to be a part of it. Not really different from those that wanted Rogers to replace DHB or Reitz to get a shot at a guard spot. It's all just talk about the team and Grigson , Pagano on down are part of it. 

Well dw49 you somewhat made my point for me.  What you did in your post was give a thoughtful analysis about our current situation.  That's not complaining in my mind.  My issue is with the "fire so and so" threads, and the thoughtless and annoying bashing of our players and coaches, and GM.  If everyone took the time to write out a thoughtful post like you just did, I would take no issue what so ever with the criticisms of our team.

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I won't dispute that the Colts have become painful to watch. Compared to their performance before the buy week, they look like they belong on that show "Joes vs Pros" or whatever it was called.

Since I personally believe nobody is truly useful until they've had six months on the job, I'm not calling for anyone's heads. I will, however, admit to the occasional urge to give the HC, OC, and a few players a stooge slap or a violent shaking. A very, violent shaking.

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I'm kind of amazed that we have no heard much discussion on Ryan Grigson in this quandary. I think some of the apprehension that surrounds the Colts falls on his shoulders. he was the guy who signed some of these free agents  that have not panned out, he is the one who mastered the trade for Richardson, he is the one who kinda left us vulnerable at Wide receiver. I'm still waiting for some of the FA we signed to start earning their pay check, yes I know injuries have played a part but I'm concerned. The DB, are potentially good but that hasn't panned out. Not real fond of Vonte Davis's play, Greg Toler we have not seen, where is Eric Walden, He is earning a lot of money to be average. In closing I think some heat also has to go his way for where we are at, right now.

are you expecting a complete turn around and a superbowl contender right away? some of us have said since last season we more then likely wont look like a super bowl contender until 2015. 2014 the earliest. be happy we have even been in the playoffs. Grigson is trying to build a team while at the same time fill holes that have been left open by the departure of players who did not fit the new colts style. 

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We took a gamble on DHB. It hasn't worked out. No one anticipated Reggie getting hurt, and that's the real back breaker. Our receiving corps at the start of the season was just fine.


The free agents have worked out just fine. Every free agent doesn't perform like a Pro Bowler, but the only guys not doing what they were expected to do have been DHB and Toler. Bradshaw and Thomas got hurt early, but both were playing well at the time. Landry, Walden, RJF, Cherilus are all doing well. Franklin has been okay, not great, but not bad. Imagine where we'd be without those guys...


He also retained Darius Butler and Fili Moala, and brought in Havili. Da'Rick Rogers is Grigson's acquisition.


We could have done a few things differently this past offseason; the Richardson trade is probably chief among them. But the way the team has been playing the past month or so is not because Grigson didn't do a good job. This is the same old revisionist history that Colts fans have held themselves hostage to since the Polian era. It's silly. Every time something goes wrong, it's back to the GM not erasing all our problems and constructing a super team in the offseason.


After the final game of the Polian regime, Polian himself said that the team was basically without any young difference makers on either side of the ball. Grigson is in Year 2 of trying to restock a roster that was incredibly flawed. Even though he's made mistakes, he's a really good GM.

I honestly believe our receiving corps is pretty good  minus DHB. Brazill finally showed what he is capable of doing and hopefully he keeps doing it, and Rogers i never realized how big he was until the game against cinci. he has a calvin johnson type build, and although not as good as him, he still is good and i for one am glad we signed him. the only mistake with the receivers is that DHB is still on the team and whalen was released. 

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I honestly believe our receiving corps is pretty good  minus DHB. Brazill finally showed what he is capable of doing and hopefully he keeps doing it, and Rogers i never realized how big he was until the game against cinci. he has a calvin johnson type build, and although not as good as him, he still is good and i for one am glad we signed him. the only mistake with the receivers is that DHB is still on the team and whalen was released. 


I think Whalen is a reasonable piece as a fifth receiver, but he wasn't exactly doing anything with his reps. At least with DHB, you can run a reverse or something and let him try to run by the defense. There's no reason to release him, but I'm all for benching him for Rogers and Brazill at this point.


As for Rogers, I can't stop thinking about Josh Gordon. Knucklehead behavior, but obvious talent, and now finally with a shot, making something happen. Similar build, and I think Rogers is more athletic than Gordon. We might have a monster on our hands.

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I'm kind of amazed that we have no heard much discussion on Ryan Grigson in this quandary. I think some of the apprehension that surrounds the Colts falls on his shoulders. he was the guy who signed some of these free agents  that have not panned out, he is the one who mastered the trade for Richardson, he is the one who kinda left us vulnerable at Wide receiver. I'm still waiting for some of the FA we signed to start earning their pay check, yes I know injuries have played a part but I'm concerned. The DB, are potentially good but that hasn't panned out. Not real fond of Vonte Davis's play, Greg Toler we have not seen, where is Eric Walden, He is earning a lot of money to be average. In closing I think some heat also has to go his way for where we are at, right now.

GRIGSON is to busy making excuses for all our injuries there was a reason Bill Polian never went after to many free agents and where proving him right

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That's what happens when you're riding the back of the offense; where it goes, you go.





I think that is true but opposing OC's are now doing a better job of exposing Angerer and the lack of pass rush has been a killer.



 I think maybe you can make a case for the Tolar injury being huge but man.. just hard to blame this on one injury. Anyway , Butler is very good in the slot but has been terrible starting as the #2 guy. So I guess you can make a case that losing your #2 CB in this instance has been a back breaker.

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I think that is true but opposing OC's are now doing a better job of exposing Angerer and the lack of pass rush has been a killer.



 I think maybe you can make a case for the Tolar injury being huge but man.. just hard to blame this on one injury. Anyway , Butler is very good in the slot but has been terrible starting as the #2 guy. So I guess you can make a case that losing your #2 CB in this instance has been a back breaker.

Freeman has been just as exposed.
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Well dw49 you somewhat made my point for me.  What you did in your post was give a thoughtful analysis about our current situation.  That's not complaining in my mind.  My issue is with the "fire so and so" threads, and the thoughtless and annoying bashing of our players and coaches, and GM.  If everyone took the time to write out a thoughtful post like you just did, I would take no issue what so ever with the criticisms of our team.



I hear you and know exactly where you are coming from. Some of these posters are really just brutal. I used to get into more ridiculous "board wars" over similar type crap you are now annoyed with. I still get into a rift now ad then but mostly I just think a minute about where it goes when I respond to the bad stuff and just decide it's way better to move on.

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I think Whalen is a reasonable piece as a fifth receiver, but he wasn't exactly doing anything with his reps. At least with DHB, you can run a reverse or something and let him try to run by the defense. There's no reason to release him, but I'm all for benching him for Rogers and Brazill at this point.


As for Rogers, I can't stop thinking about Josh Gordon. Knucklehead behavior, but obvious talent, and now finally with a shot, making something happen. Similar build, and I think Rogers is more athletic than Gordon. We might have a monster on our hands.

Hopefully the coaching staff and front office see it that way and hold on to him. 

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At least he makes big plays , but yeah.. our LB crew as a whole is not a good pass coverage group. But then again most most Lb 's have trouble in coverage.

We also barely got any pressure at all on Dalton as well, Most of his throws he could just sit back there calmly while waiting for the crossing routes to get open. I'd like to see us blitz more up the middle with our ILBs, Also blitz Landry from time to time
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Do you have quotes of these excuses?

They where talking about it on SB nation he was talking about the injuries right after the game no I don't have quotes never said I did  If  you go to SB nation website within the last few day's you will see the article they made a point of it

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I think that is true but opposing OC's are now doing a better job of exposing Angerer and the lack of pass rush has been a killer.



 I think maybe you can make a case for the Tolar injury being huge but man.. just hard to blame this on one injury. Anyway , Butler is very good in the slot but has been terrible starting as the #2 guy. So I guess you can make a case that losing your #2 CB in this instance has been a back breaker.


I think it's hard to blame the Toler (#2 CB) injury as a driving factor when teams have been picking on the #1 CB instead.  I'd be more inclined to do so if they had been picking on Toler's replacement more.

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Yup. I forgot to mention that, if Ryan Grigson hadn't signed Erik Walden to that ridiculous contract, Donald Thomas wouldn't have gotten hurt, DHB would be able to catch, and Antoine Bethea would be able to cover.


It's clearly time for Grigson to go. He should take Pagano with him, too. Pagano is clearly responsible for Dwayne Allen's injury.

I thought Pags injured Bradshaw or was it Ballard? I know for a fact that Grigs took out Thomas then tried to end Tolers career but came up short. 

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Ryan Grigson has done a GREAT job he took a team who was 2-14 to the playoffs last year and we won are division this year. yeah a lot of people are on IR but there is nothing you can do about that it is just unfortunate we can't go out and trade for someone every time. he has done a good job in the draft and in FA despite DHB  

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I am so fed up with this forum I want to tear my own brain out.


The 'Fire Pep', 'Fire Manusky', 'Fire Pags', 'Fire Grigson' threads or comments are all ridiculous.


Before the season fans were on here saying 'We don't make the playoffs, we suck, we wont do as well as last year'




So going off our preseason expectations, we're doing ok.


Preseason expectations that wouldn't include losing our starting, All-World WR, starting TE, OG and 2 starting RBs for the year.


Or Missing our #2 CB, a starting DE and starting SS for multiple games.


Recent weeks have been frustrating, absolutely. Pep's play calling drives me mad sometimes, Manusky's defensive calls too. Our execution worries me a lot. However, we are still a playoff team, missing a lot of important players.


But I believe in Grigson who has done a phenomenal job as GM, and Pags who has built a very good young team that most importantly wins.


I don't see any coach getting fired after the season, which I think is our HUGE offseason. Last year we brought in a few key contributors (RJF, Walden, Thomas, Cherilus), but this year we could potentially give a couple of studs big money. I want Alex Mack personally, and a strong draft.


But enough of my personal preferences, I just want to make my point nice and clear:


The front office and coaching staff have done a pretty fine job. From #1 pick to first Division Championship in 2 seasons, beating 3 of the best teams in the NFL along the way. 


Where's our GM? Hopefully giving himself a big pat on the back right now.

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I'm adding 2 more to the long and growing list of those that don't know what they're talking about just from this thread. There might be even more but I got annoyed with the OP's post and then the nonsensical rambling from this George Costanza character and couldn't finish reading the others. It's amazing to me that some come here and just make themselves look absolutely foolish and ridiculous. Some really need to learn A LOT more about the game before they come here and spout ignorance.

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I think it's hard to blame the Toler (#2 CB) injury as a driving factor when teams have been picking on the #1 CB instead.  I'd be more inclined to do so if they had been picking on Toler's replacement more.



No doubt Davis has fallen off  , although I thought he was OK vs Cinn. Butler on the other hand was really bad last week. But no... you're right in saying Davis has been very poor also. In fact the whole secondary has been getting toasted. Hard to say who's less of a factor at safety too.....

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We also barely got any pressure at all on Dalton as well, Most of his throws he could just sit back there calmly while waiting for the crossing routes to get open. I'd like to see us blitz more up the middle with our ILBs, Also blitz Landry from time to time



For sure and I mentioned in another post I read that he was never hit that entire game. That's incredible.....


Yea... I mean scheme a play or two that might get a pressure. I'm not a "fire Pagano" guy , but I thought he was way more of an "innovative " force for our defense. Looks to me just as "vanilla" as the previous 10 or so years.

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That's a fair comparison for a defense to average 10 points a game.  It's a shame that the best defense in the NFL right now is allowing 14.5 points per game.  No good defenses in the nfl this year!


I agree that it's not plausible to compare defenses now to the defenses of the 1970's, simple fact is that this week there was more points in a week scored than there has ever been.

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You don't seem to get the concept that where a player is picked means nothing do you really want a list of top 1st round flops.

I blame Grigson because his job is to judge talent so according to you because of a stupid Carson Palmer trade thats justifies

a stupid Richardson trade and the Colts only wasted a Number one pick instead of 2 number ones?

As far as how often does a top 3 pick get traded so quickly did it ever occur to you that there was a reason the Browns bailed?

Tell me what Grigson has done positive for the Colts? Because I can think of TEN STUPID things he has done for the Colts.

You understand his Job is to make the Colts better now and in the future. Not wreck both.


Well you can blame Grigson if you want.


I was just saying that one first round pick for a guy who has barely started his career here and being called a bust is short-sighted.


I imagine the Browns wanted to shop Richardson because they are always changing systems and they obviously believed that Trent could do nothing else for that team. That is nothing to say he can't do anything for this team. 


Grigson has done plenty of positive things, last year the guy won Executive of the Year and if we didn't have a injury bug as bad as this year, he would be probably be in the running again. So far we are 19-10 in his two years which is good because so many teams with new GMs don't normally do that well. Has he made mistakes, yes absolutely. But for his first 2 years on the job, he has a pretty good track record.


I just don't see any move he has done that is cause for concern that we wrecked our future over ONE first round pick. So many first round picks barely last with their team 5 years. We could have picked up the next JaMarcus Russell or we could have picked up the next Peyton Manning, you never know with the draft.

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We took a gamble on DHB. It hasn't worked out. No one anticipated Reggie getting hurt, and that's the real back breaker. Our receiving corps at the start of the season was just fine.


The free agents have worked out just fine. Every free agent doesn't perform like a Pro Bowler, but the only guys not doing what they were expected to do have been DHB and Toler. Bradshaw and Thomas got hurt early, but both were playing well at the time. Landry, Walden, RJF, Cherilus are all doing well. Franklin has been okay, not great, but not bad. Imagine where we'd be without those guys...


He also retained Darius Butler and Fili Moala, and brought in Havili. Da'Rick Rogers is Grigson's acquisition.


We could have done a few things differently this past offseason; the Richardson trade is probably chief among them. But the way the team has been playing the past month or so is not because Grigson didn't do a good job. This is the same old revisionist history that Colts fans have held themselves hostage to since the Polian era. It's silly. Every time something goes wrong, it's back to the GM not erasing all our problems and constructing a super team in the offseason.


After the final game of the Polian regime, Polian himself said that the team was basically without any young difference makers on either side of the ball. Grigson is in Year 2 of trying to restock a roster that was incredibly flawed. Even though he's made mistakes, he's a really good GM.

He is good at this time I wouldn't call him REALLY GOOD just yet. I think Tolar, & Thomas were good pickups & got hurt, not his fault, WALDEN I don't know for a guy who was suppose to set the edge and be not much of a pass rusher, I have seen just  the opposite? Rodgers & McNary may pan out. Bradshaw, & DHB where chances that have not paned out! Davis IS NOT a #1 CB very inconsistent. Richardson, HMMM underwhelming to this point, may work out long term, :dunno: Certainly Grigson's legacy may hinge on that one! He is not afraid to stick it out there, but sometimes you will get it cut off when you do! Not a real fan of trading draft picks. Also team philosophy is that coach or Grigson? We don't have the OL to be a smash mouth running team weather they won't to be one or not, and our CB's or not good enough to play man coverage or safeties fast enough too play man.Of coarse a great pass rush would help, but outside of mathes the pass rush stinks. You need to play to your players strengths if Grigson says stay the coarse, and doesn't bend philosophizes then that is not a good GM & we will continue to be an average to below average team.

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We took a gamble on DHB. It hasn't worked out. No one anticipated Reggie getting hurt, and that's the real back breaker. Our receiving corps at the start of the season was just fine.



No it wasnt. We had 1 in Reggie Wayne, a 2nd year up and coming WR but that hadnt been stablished yet. 


And we signed somene with a history of not catching the ball. Im sorry but saying that our receiving coprs was fine, or that it isnt grigs fault is wrong IMO. He completely ignored it on draft day and the free agency, to me, it looked like he knew he had to get someone but it wasnt high on his priority so he just signed one that could be for cheap believing he should use his money elsewhere. I kinda agreed that i rather use the money on OL, etc. but lets not act like the team had depth at WR. it hadnt.  A single injury would make us struggle. Of course it would have been MUCH easier to handle it had it been DHB or Hilton but still, WR was a need. Maybe not OG need but a need.


Suggesting it was fine with DHB; Reggie, Hilton, Brazil is wrong IMO. Besides why is everyone acting like "taking a gamble" is fine and good excuse for signing probably his worst contract to date. DHB has hurt this team more than he has helped. He took a gamble on him but IMO, you take a gamble on someone who is not expecting to play like most of your snaps (until he gets benched). He took a gamble on someone with a history of drops to be a starter when he didnt have a backup plan and failed, why is that ok?


Honestly, i felt like he had to sign a body to a position and convinced himself that the speed/atlheticism/physical traits were more importantly than the performance.

For all the heat donnie caught here, he should have resigned him.


I do agree on the rest, which is why i didnt quote it. I think he is fine but he has had issues...which is expected from a 2nd year GM. he also had 0 talent to begin with.

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Almost everyone had us going 10-6 or 11-5 and finishing 2nd in the division, and that was before we had all these injuries.  We are 8-5 with a division title wrapped up.  People seriously need to stop complaining, it really makes our fan base look like a bunch of crybabies.

Everyone had us picked for 10 to 11 wins?? Who homers?? I had us at 9-7 & most experts had us at 8-8 or 7-9 2nd place. I not complaining but Grigson has made some good moves & some head scratches moves. My only problem is he seems willing to mortgage to future, IE trade draft picks, for players he thinks are real good, Davis, & Richardson who honestly may be average at best or under achievers. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Everyone had us picked for 10 to 11 wins?? Who homers?? I had us at 9-7 & most experts had us at 8-8 or 7-9 2nd place. I not complaining but Grigson has made some good moves & some head scratches moves. My only problem is he seems willing to mortgage to future, IE trade draft picks, for players he thinks are real good, Davis, & Richardson who honestly may be average at best or under achievers. 

Most the NFL and ESPN personalities pegged the Colts at 10-6, with a few saying 9-7 or 11-5.  For every miss Grigson has had, he has also had some home runs.  Luck, Fleener, Allen, Hilton, Brazill, Ballard, Chapman, Rogers, Freeman, Cherilus, Havili, Butler, Howell...some of the moves he has made have been questionable, but he's made more brilliant moves, than bad ones.

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Most the NFL and ESPN personalities pegged the Colts at 10-6, with a few saying 9-7 or 11-5.  For every miss Grigson has had, he has also had some home runs.  Luck, Fleener, Allen, Hilton, Brazill, Ballard, Chapman, Rogers, Freeman, Cherilus, Havili, Butler, Howell...some of the moves he has made have been questionable, but he's made more brilliant moves, than bad ones.

I saw a few who had us at 10-6 most had us less honestly much tougher schedule this year. Of the home runs you mention the only HOME RUN is Luck & honestly you or I could have made that pick. Although most of the guys you mention may work out I wouldn't call any of them brilliant, Fleener coming along finaly, Allen,Hilton,Ballard, Chapman, where good picks maybe more, Freeman, nice find, Cherilus, Butler nice pickups, Havili  ahhhh whatever, Brazil, Rodgers, Howell, Werner, Thornton, Holmes, Mcnary, Ect we will see. He Grigson has done some good some bad ,& some we will have to wait & see, but at this point anyway, Grigson has been  a little above average with time to see how some of these moves workout. Honestly his best move IMO was resigning Wayne that was good.

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When any team starts taking on lots of free agents it is a sign of desperation in my eyes. There is a reason their old teams let them go. I am pretty sure that the average of those that work out that are not names Peyton Manning is far south of 50%. That is why Polian didn't believe in signing them. Grigson is not Bill Polian and that is not a good thing. Trading those top two draft picks will put this team behind for years to come unless Richardson turns into a star and that doesn't seem likely. Davis is better but he seems inconsistent. All in all, I would rather have the two draft picks but that is just my opinion.  :D

imo trade all draft picks below the second round, they take too long too learn on the job and some never work out trade the picks for proven free agents, who can play now not in 2 or 3 years, the future is now.

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No it wasnt. We had 1 in Reggie Wayne, a 2nd year up and coming WR but that hadnt been stablished yet. 


And we signed somene with a history of not catching the ball. Im sorry but saying that our receiving coprs was fine, or that it isnt grigs fault is wrong IMO. He completely ignored it on draft day and the free agency, to me, it looked like he knew he had to get someone but it wasnt high on his priority so he just signed one that could be for cheap believing he should use his money elsewhere. I kinda agreed that i rather use the money on OL, etc. but lets not act like the team had depth at WR. it hadnt.  A single injury would make us struggle. Of course it would have been MUCH easier to handle it had it been DHB or Hilton but still, WR was a need. Maybe not OG need but a need.


Suggesting it was fine with DHB; Reggie, Hilton, Brazil is wrong IMO. Besides why is everyone acting like "taking a gamble" is fine and good excuse for signing probably his worst contract to date. DHB has hurt this team more than he has helped.


For all the heat donnie caught here, he should have resigned it.




DHB is NOT Grigson's worst contract. There's nothing even remotely wrong with DHB's contract. One year deal, not a lot of money, nothing risky about the contract at all. 


We started the year with Reggie, Hilton and DHB, and had Brazill and Whalen to work in as needed. That top three was good enough, even if DHB did nothing. Not great, not off the charts, but good enough. Plus, the plan was to use the tight ends and backs as receivers a little bit more. 


We didn't have depth, but I never said we did. I said at the beginning of the season that depth at receiver was a concern, and to make it worse, we lost our best receiver. But the guys we had to begin with weren't a problem.


DHB sucks. Simply put. It's too bad, because he has the physical tools. The previous two years, he'd been catching the ball better. Some were hoping he'd be a 1,000 yard receiver, which is silly. I was hoping he'd catch 50 balls for 700 yards, and he probably won't. But I never expected him to pace our offense. If we had signed someone rather than DHB, we'd be in better shape, but not by much, because we still would have been heavily reliant on Reggie, who has been out for six games.


Signing DHB was clearly a mistake. Not only has he not done anything, but he probably cost us a roster spot that someone who can actually catch could have taken. But I reject the sensationalism. The move didn't work out, but it's not that bad of a move.

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imo trade all draft picks below the second round, they take too long too learn on the job and some never work out trade the picks for proven free agents, who can play now not in 2 or 3 years, the future is now.


Unfortunately we traded away our first and second round picks. It seems to me that much less than 50% of free agents ever work out and they are much more expensive. Polian used to sign some very good undrafted free agents and did wonders at the bottom end of the draft. I haven't seen much of that from Grigson.  :D

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Unfortunately we traded away our first and second round picks. It seems to me that much less than 50% of free agents ever work out and they are much more expensive. Polian used to sign some very good undrafted free agents and did wonders at the bottom end of the draft. I haven't seen much of that from Grigson.  :D

grigson did pick up some undrafted passed over players, freeman, da rick, mcnary, wallen,adongo ,etc

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