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Greg Toler Won't Return Until He's 100 Percent


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The Colts swapped Powers for Toler....  


EVEN trade ...  aye.?

So basically he collects a pay check, even though he is able to play, albeit with some discomfort. Correct me if I am wrong, but in the NFL, with the $$ these guys make, pain is part of the game. The guy needs to get his butt out there.

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I think it's been long enough, get on the field. I hope our struggles of late hasn't effected how he perceived his injury. Sure the coaches are agreeable now but that might change come after the season, abruptly. Then he's looking at a pay cut where ever he goes next.

I think Toler's best interest is to get on the field at 95%.

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to me..the colts have been doing an ok job against the run..it's the secondary that's horrible

The run D has been putrid. And the secondary hasn't gotten any help from a nonexistent pass rush. Just heard on the radio that the Colts had 4 pressures on Dalton on 37 drop backs.......that is pathetic.

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Ok. No doubt now as to why AZ didn't mind letting him walk. I've like Toler's play, generally, but this is the NFL. Guys play through injuries.

I don't think you should play through injuries...BUT if you are not durable then football is NOT your career.

The other aspect of football players is the past/current use of steroids. It makes you brittle (actually susceptible to tears) for the REST OF YOUR LIFE and you just keep on getting injured in whole new ways year after year.  We can all look around the league and even our own team and spot those players who cannot get through a season without one or more injuries of 1/4 to 1/2 season. Steroids are truly a 'deal with the Devil'...young players in college use them to enhance their draft position and get that big payday...but the unfortunate team who drafts them get injury-prone players who are hurt year after year and end up with greatly shortened careers.

On the positive side we have the great Reggie Wayne...on the negative side we have a famous DB and a short-career WR who used to play for us.

It is kinda crazy but it is better to have players who smoke up occasionally than those who use/have used roids.

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Ok. No doubt now as to why AZ didn't mind letting him walk. I've like Toler's play, generally, but this is the NFL. Guys play through injuries.

No it is not. THIS is an internet message board. It is absolutely comical that someone on a message board is commenting on an NFL player's toughness.

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No it is not. THIS is an internet message board. It is absolutely comical that someone on a message board is commenting on an NFL player's toughness.

yeah I will comment on his toughness because me paying money to buy tickets is paying his salary. I'm sorry he's not 150% but at this point of the season I don't think ANY player is even 90%! Man up and get out there and play like u are paid to do. 

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I can understand letting players heal but if your 95% and were battling for positioning you need to get on the field. He better play atleast 1 or 2 games before the playoffs so he's not rusty.

Precisely Joker. Toler needs to get some contact in LIVE game action right now. No one is 100% at the moment. Everybody's nicked up. Get your caboose on the field before someone else takes your roster spot Greg. Is Toler INDY's "look for any excuse not to play" version of NE's Rob Gronkowski earlier this season? I'm starting to wonder.


I'm no medical Dr. but just suit up, shut up, & buckle that chinstrap son...Enough is enough...

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yeah I will comment on his toughness because me paying money to buy tickets is paying his salary. I'm sorry he's not 150% but at this point of the season I don't think ANY player is even 90%! Man up and get out there and play like u are paid to do. 

I have to agree with you........especially since we haven't won every game we played....would be different if we were winning every game blowing everyone out......but last I looked we were only winning every other game....and yet to blow anyone out. Every player is paid to play.........that's why they're called PLAYERS.......they play......not sit and watch when you just don't feel 100 percent....at this point in the season I doubt any player on the field is 100 percent.....just get out their and PLAY.....stop this prima donna crap....

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This wont be popular but it's the right call.  The Colts have won their division and without the Pats or Bengals falling apart completely in their last three games can't really move up in the playoff seeding.  Groin injuries are tricky and can easily be re-injured if he's not 100%.  Since the Colts don't need to win to win the division or get in the playoffs it makes since to let him rest and get healthy for the playoffs. 

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yeah I will comment on his toughness because me paying money to buy tickets is paying his salary. I'm sorry he's not 150% but at this point of the season I don't think ANY player is even 90%! Man up and get out there and play like u are paid to do. 

Honestly the TV contracts do far more to pay their contracts than us buying tickets does. 


I can promise you no one in the Colts organization is going to go to a player and say hey the forum is mad you aren't playing so you need to get out there. 

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Good. Why play him until we need him? Our playoff spot is locked.

Precedent. INDY has a long track record of resting guys who play like crap when the post season begins, which leads to a swift execution. SW1 is just tired of the same story almost every darn season. It's time to alter that routine & see what different results shake out. 


In a perfect world House that strategy might work except that football is all about timing & chemistry & if you sit Toler down even longer I have serious reservations about Greg flipping on that competitive/fluid switch when 1 failed turnover means we are going home...Again...JMO

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Precedent. INDY has a long track record of resting guys who play like crap when the post season begins, which leads to a swift execution. SW1 is just tired of the same story almost every darn season. It's time to alter that routine & see what different results shake out.

In a perfect world House that strategy might work except that football is all about timing & chemistry & if you sit Toler down even longer I have serious reservations about Greg flipping on that competitive/fluid switch when 1 failed turnover means we are going home...Again...JMO

What good is he if he comes back, earlier than he should, for a game that doesn't mean anything and re-injures himself?

We need health far more than consistency right now. Because getting our players healthy will be our only shot at making a run.

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This wont be popular but it's the right call.  The Colts have won their division and without the Pats or Bengals falling apart completely in their last three games can't really move up in the playoff seeding.  Groin injuries are tricky and can easily be re-injured if he's not 100%.  Since the Colts don't need to win to win the division or get in the playoffs it makes since to let him rest and get healthy for the playoffs. 

Look, I respect whatever the INDY medical staff says, but if Greg can't play now I don't expect a miraculous recovery 3-4 weeks from now. Let me see his speed & range of motion now so that if Toler can't go in the post season, I at least have a backup CB with some valuable game reps under his belt. Sitting accomplishes nothing except allowing moss or rust to grow. 


How do groin injuries heal anyway? Time & a boatload of ice? Seriously, I've always wondered what the medical solution really is. Sorry if SW1 seems crass & insensitive here. My apologies. 

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yeah I will comment on his toughness because me paying money to buy tickets is paying his salary. I'm sorry he's not 150% but at this point of the season I don't think ANY player is even 90%! Man up and get out there and play like u are paid to do.

Actually, jim Irsay pays his salary.

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What good is he if he comes back, earlier than he should, for a game that doesn't mean anything and re-injures himself?

We need health far more than consistency right now. Because getting our players healthy will be our only shot at making a run.

No argument there House. I guess I have just seen the rest players/early exit from the Playoffs approach in INDY so often now that I'm am not overly optimistic by that strategy. Plus, it doesn't help that we tend to start slow or stumble early in games this year. I'm not superstitious, but I would like to see a new philosophy in INDY using additional regular season game action because I know what's coming if we refuse to do this. Disappointment...


Injuries can happen anywhere; anytime. You can't live in fear ever. Unless the medical staff gives me tight restrictions about practice or game reps, I don't pamper anybody. 

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Why does it seem no matter who the coach is, the GM is, etc. this team always seem to have trouble with DBs?  For the life of me I cannot figure out why this team cannot get this corrected. 

and as much as pagano is a defensve guy and thrives on a great defense i can not believe the secondary is horrible. okay wait nvm i actually can believe it. Vaughn is a joke, no pressure on the QB unless it comes from Mathis. but if anyone else has noticed, Vaughn gets picked on the most by opposing teams 

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No argument there House. I guess I have just seen the rest players/early exit from the Playoffs approach in INDY so often now that I'm am not overly optimistic by that strategy. Plus, it doesn't help that we tend to start slow or stumble early in games this year. I'm not superstitious, but I would like to see a new philosophy in INDY using additional regular season game action because I know what's coming if we refuse to do this. Disappointment...

Injuries can happen anywhere; anytime. You can't live in fear ever. Unless the medical staff gives me tight restrictions about practice or game reps, I don't pamper anybody.

I think resting guys who have been struggling with nagging injuries for awhile, is different than shutting the whole team down for 2 weeks. IMO.

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We have the chance of making it to the 2nd seed. Pats and Bengals just have to lose, and we should have at least two more wins coming to us.

well. Statistically it is possible. Other than that, I have no idea how we're gonna get the second seed. I do think  we can win against houston and jax. But we will lose against KC. That's 10-6 right there. NE will probably end up 12-4. and denver 14-2. cicny will probably be 11-5 or maybe even 12-4. even if we win the rest of our games, we have to pray that NE loses 2/3  and cincy loses 2/3.

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