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10 Random Thoughts


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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.

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I think T.Y. is special. I don't think the guys around him are, however. I would have much preferred pulling the trigger on a wide receiver and passed on the Richardson trade. The lack of talent at tight end and receiver is evident. I think we have talented backs right here on our roster. I haven't been satisfied with Richardson's results, but I think a lot of that is how he has been used. You also have to figure we've been getting blown out in the first half of the last several games and our offensive strategy has shifted by necessity. This defense is what has me scratching my head...How can a team with a tough, defensive minded coach as Pagano get kicked to the curb repeatedly in the first half of multiple games? To me, all NFL defenses have stars. They all have talent. The mark of a successful NFL defense is how they adapt to change. Teams have been game planning for our weaknesses as a unit, and we haven't had answers...

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I think T.Y. is special. I don't think the guys around him are, however. I would have much preferred pulling the trigger on a wide receiver and passed on the Richardson trade. The lack of talent at tight end and receiver is evident. I think we have talented backs right here on our roster. I haven't been satisfied with Richardson's results, but I think a lot of that is how he has been used. You also have to figure we've been getting blown out in the first half of the last several games and our offensive strategy has shifted by necessity. This defense is what has me scratching my head...How can a team with a tough, defensive minded coach as Pagano get kicked to the curb repeatedly in the first half of multiple games? To me, all NFL defenses have stars. They all have talent. The mark of a successful NFL defense is how they adapt to change. Teams have been game planning for our weaknesses as a unit, and we haven't had answers...

Good comments. Understand about TY, but not convinced. YET. I know I could be disasterously wrong (hopefully).

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some random thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.


I'm mostly with You with Your points, here's what we are not in full accordance:


I don't think we are bad, but i do think we are inconsistent what's killing us. Since St. Louis game we are up and down.


I can't decide yet if T.Y. was not as good as we believe or he is inconsistent too. Apparently Reggie's shoes are too big for him to fill yet.


We suffered key injuries, mostly on O-line, and Luck literally has lost his main weapons, without viable running backs (Bradshaw and Ballard)  and his favorite and reliable WR (Reggie Wayne) he is struggling with finding targets. DHB is just not the answer at WR.


Pat Mac looks like a HOF punter one game, and he seem being unable to kick past 50 yrd line the other game. We gave lots of free yards to Cards' O-line yesterday.


In general the whole seems to be out of steam, and we have key issues to answer. Offensive play calling isn't working all the time neither and D keeps falling flat game by game. Perhaps it's high time for the team to sit down and do some soul-searching, otherwise we will be one and done in wild card round.

Edited by HungarianColtsFan
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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.


1) Agree its possible. Don't see how it could be a good thing though ... maybe if we still had our 1st round pick and it moved us up the draft board.


2) Agree


3) Agree


4) Hes not as good as some have over-hyped, but I believe he is still great receiver with a lot of potential.  He is going to have trouble as long as we are lacking any other real receiving  threats to take some of the pressure off, or some well designed plays to get him the ball.


5) Agree - but it does seem we get bit harder/more often than a lot of teams


6) Agree - Both Pagano's and Pep's inexperience (or inability) is showing


7) Agree


8) Don't agree - I think he has good and bad games like everyone else


9) Agree - no team is owed one - but we have a few key pieces in place to realistically build one, and it would be a shame to waste it.


10) Agree - Trying to "do too much" trading & "outside the box thinking"; along with inexperienced and/or inflexible coaching strategies could turn around and bite us.

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I believe that despite the fact we brought experienced vets in this offseason, we are being led by rookies per se, Luck, Pep, Pagano and Grigson. Talented rookies are great one game and bad another and that's how are team plays as a whole.

DHB needed to be a clutch big time experienced WR to take pressure off of Luck and that hasn't happened very often.

I disagree about Hilton.

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1. Agree, we are not playing well but at the same time neither are the texans or Jags. I don't think we'll lose all of them

2. Definitely agree!

3. Agree, it is annoying when you hear this west coast offence which is supposed to protect him more and it's really not. Think AC and GC are quite good and would be happy if they were with us next year, same thing with an uninjured Thomas but McGlynn and Satele can't be with us anymore. 

4. Disagree, personally I am happy with what TY is doing. Sure he might not get 10 catch 100 yard TD games every week but he's just trying his best in a bad situation. It lies with the other WR's to step up really and try and free him up a bit. 

5. Agree.

6. Agree but i don't think Pagano is at fault, i think it lies with OC and DC. Never really liked Manusky but Pep i do like, just think his entire strategy of power running is ineffective when 3 of the 5 lineman can't block or make holes to save their lives. 

7. Agree to an extent, He has been shocking stats wise but whenever he runs he seems to break like 1/2 tackles and only earn 3 yards. Now you can't blame all that on him. Effort is there, he is a great open field runner imo but it's trying to get him in to that open field which is the problem. Think we need to throw a few more screen passes to him and let him try something that way. 

8. No opinion really, punters job in my mind is just to kick it as far as you can and hope for the ST to get you some good field position. 

9. agree

10. Agree, i think Grigson so far has been nothing but excellent apart from building a poor interior oline and perhaps over spending for Richardson and Walden. But you are going to have a few bad calls.

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I agree with most of your statements but I don't see how losing every game from here out can be a good thing. We don't have our 1st rounder anymore.

And TY Hilton is a 2nd year receiver and a #2. He's not a number #1 type receiver. He has flashes of a number 1 but he's not there yet, and he might never be. #1's should be possession receivers IMO.

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1. Agree. we are not playing well , but we wont lose all of the next 5

2. Agree (vehemently)

3. Agree , but I don't think hes running out of steam just starting to show some frustration (like everyone else)

4. Disagree hes getting opposing Ds best CB every week now and Luck doesn't have time to get him the good throws

5. Agree

6. Agree (somewhat) they just need to start games w the things that have worked (no huddle) istead of waiting till 2nd half

7. Disagree you cant bring in someone to be a feature back then run by committee all great backs will tell you they need a rhythm (25-30X) till then who knows

8. Disagree (no boos on your opinion though)

9. Disagree it depends on whether your basing "dynasty" on wins or superbowls

10. Disagree I believe Grigson is doing a fine job so far 11-5 after a 2-14 and year two 7-4 two games up in Div. w a basically rookie team... Ill take it

                                                                                                         GO COLTS!!

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We're still 7-4 and in first place within our division. Yes, we've played like garbage...this i fully agree. But if you just get into the playoffs...anything can happen. Just ask joey and the ravens. We just got to hang tough in trying times. We're a scary team for anybody to face come playoff time. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW WHOM WILL SHOW UP.

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Unless the whole fan forum sells their souls t


We're still 7-4 and in first place within our division. Yes, we've played like garbage...this i fully agree. But if you just get into the playoffs...anything can happen. Just ask joey and the ravens. We just got to hang tough in trying times. We're a scary team for anybody to face come playoff time. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW WHOM WILL SHOW UP.

Unless the whole fan forum collectively sells their souls to the devil, I don't think the other team has much to fear if we make it to the playoffs.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

One silver lining in this may be that Grigson will have all the negotiating power with re-signing any of our players.  Whoever does get resigned (Davis, Bethea, McAfee, etc...) will not command as much money as we thought.  Unless everyone goes on a Joe Flacco like playoff run.  If Grigson cuts Satele in the offseason and lets McGlynn walk,  I don't even care who he drafts or signs in free agency, I would still smile for about a month straight.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

We're still 7-4 and in first place within our division. Yes, we've played like garbage...this i fully agree. But if you just get into the playoffs...anything can happen. Just ask joey and the ravens. We just got to hang tough in trying times. We're a scary team for anybody to face come playoff time. THEY JUST DON'T KNOW WHOM WILL SHOW UP.

People should remember that the Ravens looked like one of the worst teams in the league at the end of regular season last year and just backed into the playoffs.  We all were happy that the Ravens were the team we got to play in round one.  

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.

1) That would only be good the Browns, not us. 





My random thoughts:


Also, when your head coach keeps saying "we've got to figure it out" that means he doesn't have a solution. What kind of message does that send your team!? 


It's gonna take more than a few cute mouse traps around the locker room, I'll say that much. 

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I'm not going to dispute anything.


I will say that how we're playing on 11/24 means nothing if we make the playoffs.  And if we win three home games we'll be in.


We may stink and get bounced in our first game.  Or we may turn it around at the end of the season and get back to that aggressive defense and fast offense that we've seen periodically throughout the season.


Just like the Ravens last year, we have the capability to get hot.  I'm not saying it's going to happen, but no one can say it won't.

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I think People are being unfair on Ty...the dude is aplaymaker in my opinion. He cant take over a game by himself like a calvin johnson just because of physical attributes. he will never bet hat type of WR...but that doesnt mean he cant be star. Much like Desean Jackson.


we just dont have any star on offense and the OL sucks

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No we can`t get hot.

We are not going to make a move with our O-line and it start run & pass blocking well.


 We have no Anquain Bolden.

 Andrew holds on to the ball to long. Andrew isn`t accurate enough.


 Our defense front seven has 4 pretty good players and NO depth.

 Richardson is too slow. He needs to drop 15 lbs.

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No we can`t get hot.

We are not going to make a move with our O-line and it start run & pass blocking well.


 We have no Anquain Bolden.

 Andrew holds on to the ball to long. Andrew isn`t accurate enough.


 Our defense front seven has 4 pretty good players and NO depth.

 Richardson is too slow. He needs to drop 15 lbs.




This statement that I keep seeing a few people repost and repost irritates the hell out of me. It just is not true, Luck has on average less than 3 seconds to throw the ball, which means his receivers need to get open in 2 seconds. That is nearly impossible especially since we have nobody that can get open in 5 seconds most of the time. What do you expect him to do? Hang onto the ball for 2 seconds and throw it away every time! He is just trying to make something happen because outside of TY(and even he has been questionable) our receivers suck.

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Who said my beef was related to this game?


I assumed it was. My fault. I'm going over the game right now and don't see any problem with his punting, and it reminded me of your post.


Even still, not sure what's wrong with the way McAfee has punted this year, aside from a handful of ugly ones. And that's something that happens to every punter, by the way.

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A few comments to your random thoughts.


A little early to be making comments about TY.  I distinctly remember a lot of people calling Wayne a bust after his first two years in the league (a lot of people thought the Colts should have traded up in 2003 to take Charles Rogers because they did not think Wayne was a starting caliber WR).  Since Wayne went down, Hilton has 24 catches for 333 yards and 3 TDs.   Extrapolate that over a season and that 96 catches for 1,332 yards and 12 TDs, There will be some stumbles along the way but I will take that production from a new #1. 


Uh-oh I see the trickles of you disliking Grigson as much as Polian, or did I misunderstand the comment about needing better "management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching)"


For MacAfee.. my word the guy has one of the best "inside the 20" percentages in the NFL, some of the fewest TBs and one of the better net averages.  If that's over-rated then I guess I don't know what the word means.


I have not liked Manusky since the Colts hired him.  He proved me wrong in the first half of the season, I will wait until the end of the season to really make a determination.

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Uh-oh I see the trickles of you disliking Grigson as much as Polian, or did I misunderstand the comment about needing better "management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching)"



I don't understand the incessant comparison of Grigson vs. Polian. Some of Grigson's moves deserve criticism, to be sure. That's fair.


But Polian was a long time GM who showed over many years what his approach was, and refused to adjust to compensate for the flaws in his approach. Instead, he doubled down on them.


Grigson has been doing this for less than two years, and has had some pretty unique circumstances that have flavored his early approach. We don't have nearly enough information on him to start to paint him in any light, much less see him the way we saw Polian. All we know about Grigson is that he drafted pretty well the first year, maybe not as well the second year (though he clearly had an objective), and that he spreads his money out in FA. I like what we know about Grigson, as of right now, even if I would do some things differently (starting with the Richardson trade).

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8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.


Dear Mr. Braveheartcolt,


Regarding # 8 on your list, the following players (Rohn Stark 43.4, Hunter Smith 43.0, David Lee 40.6) have assured me that Mr McAfee (45.8), our franchise player, is of the highest quality. In addition Mr. Trindon Holliday confirms with me that next time he will fair catch and abstain from returning as he suggests you should do and turn away right now from your keyboard. Mary mother of Christ, what's next? People attacking Matt Overton? Is their nothing sacred for a fan to hold onto even our franchise player!


Sincerely Geffory

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I don't understand the incessant comparison of Grigson vs. Polian. Some of Grigson's moves deserve criticism, to be sure. That's fair.


But Polian was a long time GM who showed over many years what his approach was, and refused to adjust to compensate for the flaws in his approach. Instead, he doubled down on them.


Grigson has been doing this for less than two years, and has had some pretty unique circumstances that have flavored his early approach. We don't have nearly enough information on him to start to paint him in any light, much less see him the way we saw Polian. All we know about Grigson is that he drafted pretty well the first year, maybe not as well the second year (though he clearly had an objective), and that he spreads his money out in FA. I like what we know about Grigson, as of right now, even if I would do some things differently (starting with the Richardson trade).

Since, you quoted me I assume this was directed at me.  I was not comparing Polian to Grigson ( I did in another thread about Polian and I actually think if you look at their first two years there is a lot of similarities).  I was comparing BraveheartColt's like (or dislike) of Polian and Grigson. 


I also like Grigson so far as a GM.

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Dear Mr. Braveheartcolt,


Regarding # 8 on your list, the following players (Rohn Stark 43.4, Hunter Smith 43.0, David Lee 40.6) have assured me that Mr McAfee (45.8), our franchise player, is of the highest quality. In addition Mr. Trindon Holliday confirms with me that next time he will fair catch and abstain from returning as he suggests you should do and turn away right now from your keyboard. Mary mother of Christ, what's next? People attacking Matt Overton? Is their nothing sacred for a fan to hold onto even our franchise player!


Sincerely Geffory

Overton is not near the long snapper that Snow was.  Just saying. :)

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Since, you quoted me I assume this was directed at me.  I was not comparing Polian to Grigson ( I did in another thread about Polian and I actually think if you look at their first two years there is a lot of similarities).  I was comparing BraveheartColt's like (or dislike) of Polian and Grigson. 


I also like Grigson so far as a GM.


Cool deal.

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Dear Mr. Braveheartcolt,

Regarding # 8 on your list, the following players (Rohn Stark 43.4, Hunter Smith 43.0, David Lee 40.6) have assured me that Mr McAfee (45.8), our franchise player, is of the highest quality. In addition Mr. Trindon Holliday confirms with me that next time he will fair catch and abstain from returning as he suggests you should do and turn away right now from your keyboard. Mary mother of Christ, what's next? People attacking Matt Overton? Is their nothing sacred for a fan to hold onto even our franchise player!

Sincerely Geffory

There. I stepped away for three days. I think Pat is over-rated. He's good, but not the invicible game winner some make him out to be.

Just my opinion, tis all.

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A few comments to your random thoughts.

A little early to be making comments about TY. I distinctly remember a lot of people calling Wayne a bust after his first two years in the league (a lot of people thought the Colts should have traded up in 2003 to take Charles Rogers because they did not think Wayne was a starting caliber WR). Since Wayne went down, Hilton has 24 catches for 333 yards and 3 TDs. Extrapolate that over a season and that 96 catches for 1,332 yards and 12 TDs, There will be some stumbles along the way but I will take that production from a new #1.

Uh-oh I see the trickles of you disliking Grigson as much as Polian, or did I misunderstand the comment about needing better "management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching)"

For MacAfee.. my word the guy has one of the best "inside the 20" percentages in the NFL, some of the fewest TBs and one of the better net averages. If that's over-rated then I guess I don't know what the word means.

I have not liked Manusky since the Colts hired him. He proved me wrong in the first half of the season, I will wait until the end of the season to really make a determination.

Again, it is all about perspective. TY and Grigson are doing OK but I'm 'sensing' they may not be the saviours many people think. It was a gentle summary of what I was thinking at the time. And my opinions really do mean 'jot'.

And you go and ruin my week by mentioning Bill.

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.

well it seems like your upset becouse macfee is not over rated ty hilton a beast he went against a monster corner, trich i cant say nothing about that im done

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

Very True, Colts need to wake up

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

Yes, I had them on my fanatsy team now on the bench

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

No way running out of steam but yes need to protect better

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

He is now the #1 and getting double teamed, someone needs to step up

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

True and not true, when you lose your best offensive option it takes its toll

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

NO, execution is the issue, Get-R-Done

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

Trade will work out just not this year

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

Who cares, he just punts the ball

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

Luck is going to be great and it took Peyton a few years till the team was built around him

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

Coaches are fine, I have no issue it what they are trying to do

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.

I think that all the things listed can be improved. We had a monster team at the beginning and I guess we planned it all assuming that we would not have that many injuries...

So the problem is our backup plan.

Richardson can improve. You can see the talent in him. He's just not doing it right. We should pay Tomlinson to coach him or something. Lol

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Ten things I think

1. We are not playing well at the moment and are quite capable of losing all our remaining games. Perhaps that's a good thing.

2. A month ago, our Defense was all over Manning and Co., like a team possessed. Now we looks like a Defense that has been repossessed and put up for sale. It leads me to think our coaching is failing.

3. Whilst Luck has carried this team on its shoulders to many a win, he is running out of steam, and confidence. His development is under threat by our inability to protect him.

4. TY Hilton is not as good as people have made out. A possible flash in the pan. Great young players stand up when the pressure is on. He's not doing so.

5. Injuries affect all teams. Squad depth carries the good teams over the line. We knew we lacked depth, and it is now becoming the reality we all secretly (or openly) feared.

6. Coaching. Something is not working. We are too predictable, too conservative, and unwilling to accept we are going backwards. Opposing teams are working us out. Pagano's inexperience is showing.

7. The Richardson trade smells of failure. We loaded the dice to fit our team strategy, and it is not working. It was worth a try, but it is not looking good at this point. I hope we don't make it worse by trying too hard to save face. A good Front Office will take its lumps and move on.

8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.

9. We have a great fan base, but we are not owed a Dynasty. Most teams have not enjoyed the relative success we've enjoyed this last decade, so we shouldn't expect it just because we got a great young QB. My expectations have been well and truly tempered, but I can live with that.

10. We have a good core of young players, and we can still build a very successful franchise under Luck, but we need better management off the field (trades, drafts and coaching) or we will fail to reach the heights we all thought possible after our fairy tale of a season last year.

I'm still going to hold out hope and will certainly enjoy the (bumpy) ride.

These are just some randon thoughts, so no need to bash, or argue or agree.


I think TY is a decent receiver but not a number one. I agree with most of what you said. Not all trades and free agent signings work out and neither do draft choices. I think a big difference between the current GM and Polian is Polian's ability to select low round draft picks and undrafted free agents very effectively.  :36dancing:

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    • Trade him? He just handed him a nice extension.
    • Yes, thanks, you’re right. When the Panthers traded to get the 1 is when Ballard said he didn’t have all the information to make the trade. That’s strange to me.  “Didn’t want to make a blind decision without all the information,” Ballard told reporters Monday. “I know for people, they might not understand that. But I think history kind of tells you that when you do that, you better know what you’re getting. And we weren’t quite ready to do that at that time. And then we feel like there’s enough depth in the draft that we were gonna be okay.”   This was in late March. Ballard had a chance to get the 1 and use it to take Stroud not Young. I think it’s strange he said he didn’t move up to 1 because it would have been a “blind decision.” Why would it be a blind decision in March? Why wouldn’t you know what you’re getting? You’re getting whoever you want if you get the 1. It didn’t happen, but Ballard could have recognized that Stroud was going to be superior, could have made the trade and could have drafted him. Ballard admits it never occurred to him to attempt the trade because it would be a “blind decision.” 
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    • Not now...   Let the year play out. Maybe at the end of the season... 
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