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Pep Hamilton is the worst Offensive Coordinator in the NFL...


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49ers game is what everybody goes to, it was 1 game without Vernon Davis and it was close till the 4th!!! Just because it worked against a depleted 49ers team doesn't mean it is gonna work against everyone else....Our coaches have the exact same gameplan against everyone...Great coaches gameplan for their specific opponents...I give up it's hopeless....



I'm not sure you understand what you are saying...  In fact when i look at this thread you seem like a troll that won't listen to what anyone else has to say, But lets try anyways...


In the 49er's game what game plan did we have? We ran the ball quite a bit right?  In the Miami game what kind of game plan did we have?  We threw the ball down the field and had lots of vertical routes... (SHOCKER THEY WERE DIFFERENT?!?!?!?) Last night what game plan did they have?  They had a intermediate passing game planned with play action off the run game... WHY? because their linebackers have proven they cant do anything, but guess what? our receivers dropped balls and the offense had no rhythm..


Honestly do people even watch the game?  I could care less what Gruden says or any other announcer... if you watch the game the colts had a game plan that would have been blowout on the chargers...  DHB doesn't drop the TD we are up 10 to 3 and they start throwing instead of running.  And that would have gone right into our strength on D. 

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Funny you say that. Cause while we steamrolled the Jags, Denver struggled. I don't know why some of you make it seem like the Jags are a high school team in the NFL. It's been documented that they can & have beaten us and they always play is tough (except this season obviously)

They are horrible. Denver won 35-19.

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I figured this was a JShipp thread

Now people wanna blame the offense. This is the same offense (minus) injuries that smacked San Francisco in the mouth at San Francisco. Same offense that ran wild on the Jaguars. Nothing wrong with the play calling, it's the execution that was off tonight


The offense actually struggled for a good portion of the 9ers game. The opening drive was great, but they stalled for a good portion of the game after that.  If the 9ers could have passed the ball, the Colts likely would have lost that one too.


Same thing with the Jags, the offense was horrible to start the game.  But it was the Jags without Blackmon, they weren't going to make us pay for it.

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Call me crazy but... offensive playing calling was not the problem last night (minus the early 3rd down where Luck rolled left and threw an incomplete pass, that was a terrible play call).


We had 34 pass play calls and 13 run play calls (Luck ran for 4 of the pass calls). We just had terrible execution. The dropped pass by DHB which could have a been a touchdown. The dropped pass by Reggie on a key 3rd down. The drop by Fleener that would have been a huge game, if not a touchdown. The drop by Richardson on a screen where he had room to run and blockers in front of him. 


The plays were there, we just didn't execute. I also feel like Pagano made some terrible decisions. Should have went for it a couple times on 4th down after realizing our defense was gassed and couldn't stop a nose bleed.

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We have been winning despite our coaching, but much like the Dolphins game the pathetic play calling put us behind and never let us get rythym..We played uptempo to start and finish the game and that was our only success...Like Jon Gruden said, he doesn't understand why we don't let Luck sling it more, we have way to many 3 and outs because of our predictability....I don't see the offense evolving at all it reminds me of a high school offense...We are way to easy to figure out, if we throw more and run no huddle it will open up the run game and everything else, we have a great young QB who's skills aren't being utilized because of this power running game/body blows nonsense!! If we had a real OC we would be 6-0 right now it it kills me that are coaches can't seem to make adjustments or gameplan to win instead of game planning not to lose...The decision to punt on 4th and 2 was a joke as well as the defense couldn't get off the field all night so lets give them the ball on the 50 where 1 play puts them in field goal range , the whole thing was pathetic....I know there were many drops, but a lot of that was do to being cold from sitting on the sidelines and not having any rythym all game, and Trich did good he was carrying  2 or 3 guys and getting hit behind the line  all night, if we pass more and put the defense on their heels the holes would open up..That is all...


Shocking that you have this mindless, overreaction post.

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I hope pep can figure out how to maximize Luck's skills and not insist on being the grind it out ground game that A) Richardson and the Line may not be able to make happen and B) handcuffs  Luck.

Grinding it out is how we beat San Fran. The ground game produced more offense than Luck. He has a long way to go before he can have a Peyton/Brees type role in the offense.

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Last night's game was a flashback of the MNF game vs the Miami Dolphins in the Peyton Manning era. Defense got gassed by the wildcat, and completely got dominated in time of possession but still won the game due to offensive execution

Execution on offense didn't happen last night. Yes, chargers domianted our defense..... but they only put up 19 points. That game was ours. I have no problem admitting when we get outplayed or a team is just better than us. But neither of those was the case last night. The San Diego Chargers didn't beat the Indianapolis Colts. The Indianapolis Colts beat the Indianapolis Colts

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We have been winning despite our coaching, but much like the Dolphins game the pathetic play calling put us behind and never let us get rythym..We played uptempo to start and finish the game and that was our only success...Like Jon Gruden said, he doesn't understand why we don't let Luck sling it more, we have way to many 3 and outs because of our predictability....I don't see the offense evolving at all it reminds me of a high school offense...We are way to easy to figure out, if we throw more and run no huddle it will open up the run game and everything else, we have a great young QB who's skills aren't being utilized because of this power running game/body blows nonsense!! If we had a real OC we would be 6-0 right now it it kills me that are coaches can't seem to make adjustments or gameplan to win instead of game planning not to lose...The decision to punt on 4th and 2 was a joke as well as the defense couldn't get off the field all night so lets give them the ball on the 50 where 1 play puts them in field goal range , the whole thing was pathetic....I know there were many drops, but a lot of that was do to being cold from sitting on the sidelines and not having any rythym all game, and Trich did good he was carrying 2 or 3 guys and getting hit behind the line all night, if we pass more and put the defense on their heels the holes would open up..That is all...

Lol you give me a good laugh every time

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We did try and jump on them early with a little flea flicker....then got down to the red-zone and failed....in what would be the first of 9 more failed 3rd down conversions.  Players let us down in this one.  The body language throughout was mind boggling to me.  Reggie looked like he was in la la land on offense...Butler and Davis looked like they could care less....Toler played like Cassius Vaughn last year....AWFUL.. 


Oakland and Miami were two we should have dominated I thought.  I have been on here more than anyone saying I want this team to be one who wins 37-0 instead of the old Colts 40-37 games that left me near calling 911.... :)


Ya aint preachin to the choir!  I hate all of the 4t QTR comebacks....  This game was NOT in any way shape or form Peps fault....where is the Manusky thread?


It's obvious. The defense was tired, and the offense was * off at the poor play calling.

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All the wr's, te's and Trent need to work over time in the jug machine. Heck, runs some laps while you're at it. Way to many drops by every one of our guys. And don't get me started on penalties.

On a side note. Trent ripped off some good runs even with the big sign saying " hey guys look, we're running the ball". We were playing catch up so didn't matter by that point.

Our biggest problem is Rivers straight up owned out defense. He was running the no huddle and making good audibles. Had us gassed on on our heels the whole game. Really hurt when Freeman went out. We need Freeman and Landry back out there bad.

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I knew there would be many moronic comments of how the offense is just fine and the dropped passes were the reason...How about going uptemp putting the d on there heels and getting them tired and then enforce our will running the ball...Instead lets run when they are fresh and know we are gonna run and continue to get in 3rd downs all game and have 3 and out after 3 and out...It's almost like our gameplan is to keep the opposing defense fresh, tire our defense out and then hope Luck can save us in the end...We ran out of time last night..We should be 6-0 period and we could be blowing teams out, but we play not lose it's horrible!!

Because some who don't agree with you they are *? From what I was looking at Luck didn't have the time to go uptemp as you call it. The Colts played a bad game and all you can to is whine and cry about Pep? Well Pep is not in charge of the defense who were run on at will. Pep was not the one who couldn't block for Luck to find his check downs. Pep was not the defensive backs who couldn't cover a couple of no name receivers. Was it Pep who dropped passes? Maybe the Chargers just played a good game at home and the Colts got beat. Would that be out of the realm of logical thought?

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Lol you give me a good laugh every time

I am as big a Colt Fan as you can be it literally makes me physically ill when we lose, but many fans are still in denial about the coaching...I guess it makes them feel better I don't know..Can't see the forest through the trees I guess..I just know the talent we have as a whole and behind center especially and it kills me watching the play calling...I call what I see, if it was working and we were running all over people and enforcing our will despite stacked boxes I'd be all for it...It's not happening though??? Let Luck have control like Rivers did, no huddle read the defense and keep them guessing instead of running right into stacked boxes...I don't see how people can not see this and our coaches...Jim Irsay wants to win and will do whatever it takes and Grigson is putting the talent here, but 1 thing about Irsay that has killed us even in the Manning years was choosing coaches, I want a real proven coach to go along with Luck...Pagano is extremely likable, but is better suited to be a D coordinator or CB coach then a head coach and Hamilton is clueless and in waaay over his head and it's just a fact..I still have hope we can win and contend despite this, but also can imagine how dynamic we would be if we had the right OC and Head coach game planning for us...

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I knew there would be many moronic comments of how the offense is just fine and the dropped passes were the reason...How about going uptemp putting the d on there heels and getting them tired and then enforce our will running the ball...Instead lets run when they are fresh and know we are gonna run and continue to get in 3rd downs all game and have 3 and out after 3 and out...It's almost like our gameplan is to keep the opposing defense fresh, tire our defense out and then hope Luck can save us in the end...We ran out of time last night..We should be 6-0 period and we could be blowing teams out, but we play not lose it's horrible!!

lol and your comments aren't moronic?

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Because some who don't agree with you they are *? From what I was looking at Luck didn't have the time to go uptemp as you call it. The Colts played a bad game and all you can to is whine and cry about Pep? Well Pep is not in charge of the defense who were run on at will. Pep was not the one who couldn't block for Luck to find his check downs. Pep was not the defensive backs who couldn't cover a couple of no name receivers. Was it Pep who dropped passes? Maybe the Chargers just played a good game at home and the Colts got beat. Would that be out of the realm of logical thought?

How about quick passes and having more than 2 receivers on the field to get open...If the opposing D only has to cover 2 guys it's not hard to do..How about putting Donald Brown in the slot going 4 wide or having brown and richardson in the backfield at the same time?? How about some innovation instead of a high school offense??? The D was on the field 40 mins and is decimated by injuries and only gave up 19 points..I'd like to see more blitzes, but the D just got wore out from all the offensive 3 and outs, but they did enough to win...

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I figured this was a JShipp thread

Now people wanna blame the offense. This is the same offense (minus) injuries that smacked San Francisco in the mouth at San Francisco. Same offense that ran wild on the Jaguars. Nothing wrong with the play calling, it's the execution that was off tonight

JShipp is not the only who feels that way. EVERYONE runs wild on the Jags so they don't count. Outside this msg board others (nationally) are starting to question this Stanford offense. Gruden even questioned it last night. Descent teams tend to pull off an upset or two in the season but does that mean that Pep is all world now? Not hardly because I still believe the drops are magnified in this grind it out every 3rd down counts with no room for error type of play. Try opening up this basic offense to move the chains on 1st and 2nd downs instead of relying on must make 3rd downs.

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Jags doesn't count!!! Quit implying they do, and we started slow as heck that game too, good thing Blackmon was still suspended or it might have been worse than 3-0 deficit after the 1st...

Lol I can't anymore, You have some serious issues, learn how to take a loss like a MAN! Jesus Christ all it is from you is wahhh wahhh... wahhh, all day everyday.

You miss so many points when you come on here ranting and for someone who has ALL the answers I can't help but think that you're just disrespecting the game of football, because you just don't get it.. But hey to each his own, keep watching with that attitude, I can just imagine how miserable you are. Poor dude

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I complained about pep after the Miami game and now I'll do it again. Pep to his credit did great against SF and Sea but he is way too predictable. I know we took T Rich so we can do the power run enforce our will against opposing defense etc... But we have A Luck, Reggie, TY, and now T Rich can we show different formations then call a run from it? I mean damn pep be creative. I don't know anymore I can't believe what the chargers did to us last night that was embarrassing and top it all off it was a prime time game now I'm hear all about it on the media all week

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I complained about pep after the Miami game and now I'll do it again. Pep to his credit did great against SF and Sea but he is way too predictable. I know we took T Rich so we can do the power run enforce our will against opposing defense etc... But we have A Luck, Reggie, TY, and now T Rich can we show different formations then call a run from it? I mean damn pep be creative. I don't know anymore I can't believe what the chargers did to us last night that was embarrassing and top it all off it was a prime time game now I'm hear all about it on the media all week

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If we come out with this same game plan against the Broncos next week we are gonna get embarrassed!! We better open the offense up because we are going to have to score a lot of points....We have the talent to beat them, but I fear we don't have the coaching...I can only imagine what Peyton was thinking watching the play calling last night, I'm sure he was sick to his stomach or laughing his butt off I don't know which??

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By the way if you disagree with playcalling the coaching staff or whatever it doesn't make you a troll or a non Colt fan because someone's opinion is different. I come to this board to read others' posts and get their thoughts about the game. So my 2 cents is if you don't like the topic then read another post.

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Jags doesn't count!!! Quit implying they do, and we started slow as heck that game too, good thing Blackmon was still suspended or it might have been worse than 3-0 deficit after the 1st...


Why do the Jags not count?  Were they removed from the NFL?  Did that game get converted to an exhibition game?  It was a game the Colts should have won and they did in impressive fashion.  

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If we come out with this same game plan against the Broncos next week we are gonna get embarrassed!! We better open the offense up because we are going to have to score a lot of points....We have the talent to beat them, but I fear we don't have the coaching...I can only imagine what Peyton was thinking watching the play calling last night, I'm sure he was sick to his stomach or laughing his butt off I don't know which??


I think you're making a lot of good points.  I have a problem with the play calling, as well as our intention of being a smash mouth running team when we clearly don't have the O line to do it.  That's almost like Jacksonville saying they're going to be a Broncos type of passing team with Gabbert and their receivers.


That all being said, I think the blame for the loss should rest on the defense.  Simply said, we were methodically shredded.  Yes, Rivers is a very good QB, the best one we faced this year.  But they beat us with their running game. 


Forget Pep, he can do enough to win.  I'm surprised there's not similar outrage over our D coordinator. 

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I think the offense as a whole is perfectly fine. I have issues with the overall conservative mindset that Pep (and Pagano) seem to approach each and every game with, however. The lack of aggressiveness is really holding this team back on offense. They got away with it the whole season until last night. I thought the decision not to go for it on 4th and 4 (I think) in the 3rd quarter at like the Chargers own 39 yard line and instead punt was clearly a bad decision in light of the difficulty the defense was having in getting off the field. I know some posters on here will disagree and say you punt there, but I simply can't agree with that. The decision to punt on the 4th and 2 in the 4th quarter was also a very conservative and dubious decision even before you factor in the fact that the punt ended up being only to about the 50 yard line.


I agree that the defense was the biggest issue last night and the drops did not help. But the play-calling deserves some blame as well. The coaches can't continue to be this conservative or it will hold the team back from success they could have otherwise. "You play to win the game." A trite phrase, but it applies here and the Colts did not look like they were doing so last night.

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We have been winning despite our coaching, but much like the Dolphins game the pathetic play calling put us behind and never let us get rythym..We played uptempo to start and finish the game and that was our only success...Like Jon Gruden said, he doesn't understand why we don't let Luck sling it more, we have way to many 3 and outs because of our predictability....I don't see the offense evolving at all it reminds me of a high school offense...We are way to easy to figure out, if we throw more and run no huddle it will open up the run game and everything else, we have a great young QB who's skills aren't being utilized because of this power running game/body blows nonsense!! If we had a real OC we would be 6-0 right now it it kills me that are coaches can't seem to make adjustments or gameplan to win instead of game planning not to lose...The decision to punt on 4th and 2 was a joke as well as the defense couldn't get off the field all night so lets give them the ball on the 50 where 1 play puts them in field goal range , the whole thing was pathetic....I know there were many drops, but a lot of that was do to being cold from sitting on the sidelines and not having any rythym all game, and Trich did good he was carrying  2 or 3 guys and getting hit behind the line  all night, if we pass more and put the defense on their heels the holes would open up..That is all...



Would you think the same about Pep, if those catches werent dropped?.

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It's obvious. The defense was tired, and the offense was ticked off at the poor play calling.

The defense was tired....gave up 3rd down conversions all night.  That demoralizes a defense.


I am Sure Satele and McGlynn would be upset with any playcalling...they cannot block.  As for Reggie, DHB, TY. Fleener and Richardson.  I would be exceedingly upset with the play calling that puts the football right between the numbers......................................DROP....missed 3rd downs...OK...all Peps fault.  WAAAH!

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Guest Jeremiah

We have been winning despite our coaching, but much like the Dolphins game the pathetic play calling put us behind and never let us get rythym..We played uptempo to start and finish the game and that was our only success...Like Jon Gruden said, he doesn't understand why we don't let Luck sling it more, we have way to many 3 and outs because of our predictability....I don't see the offense evolving at all it reminds me of a high school offense...We are way to easy to figure out, if we throw more and run no huddle it will open up the run game and everything else, we have a great young QB who's skills aren't being utilized because of this power running game/body blows nonsense!! If we had a real OC we would be 6-0 right now it it kills me that are coaches can't seem to make adjustments or gameplan to win instead of game planning not to lose...The decision to punt on 4th and 2 was a joke as well as the defense couldn't get off the field all night so lets give them the ball on the 50 where 1 play puts them in field goal range , the whole thing was pathetic....I know there were many drops, but a lot of that was do to being cold from sitting on the sidelines and not having any rythym all game, and Trich did good he was carrying  2 or 3 guys and getting hit behind the line  all night, if we pass more and put the defense on their heels the holes would open up..That is all...

You make some good points and I've made similar points myself (JoKeR) but last night our Colts lost because our receivers couldn't catch a cold. Everyone of them had a case of the dropsies last night, and up till last night they've been catching the ball very well. I'm very disappointed in how our guys played last night but I think it was just one of those games where we didn't seem ready to play. Our play calling was fine, WRs got open but couldn't catch and the running game was good considering how short time of possession was.

Also I'd like to give Metronet a shout out for only recording the game for exactly 2hrs and 30 min, cutting off most of the 4th quarter. I can kinda understand in a overtime game but this was still in regulation. Seriously what's with DVRs and football games???

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I am as big a Colt Fan as you can be it literally makes me physically ill when we lose, but many fans are still in denial about the coaching...I guess it makes them feel better I don't know..Can't see the forest through the trees I guess..I just know the talent we have as a whole and behind center especially and it kills me watching the play calling...I call what I see, if it was working and we were running all over people and enforcing our will despite stacked boxes I'd be all for it...It's not happening though??? Let Luck have control like Rivers did, no huddle read the defense and keep them guessing instead of running right into stacked boxes...I don't see how people can not see this and our coaches...Jim Irsay wants to win and will do whatever it takes and Grigson is putting the talent here, but 1 thing about Irsay that has killed us even in the Manning years was choosing coaches, I want a real proven coach to go along with Luck...Pagano is extremely likable, but is better suited to be a D coordinator or CB coach then a head coach and Hamilton is clueless and in waaay over his head and it's just a fact..I still have hope we can win and contend despite this, but also can imagine how dynamic we would be if we had the right OC and Head coach game planning for us...

I get it... But dudeeeeeee that's the game of football... "sometimes it just doesn't work". I really don't know what to say because I am skeptical of play calling as well, when it isn't executed. but when they do it's beautiful. Not my style of play if it were my choice... but I can't go as far as saying what we are doing just isn't working. I see the same things, where it looks like our heavy run formations are 100% run, but I just don't think that's true because when I watch our playaction, we have guys open... Yes we have to catch the ball, block better, play better D and all of those things, but again sometimes it just isn't working. And yeah, last night it wasn't working for too many guys, and I don't know what else to say except it happens.. Makes me sick to my stomach but it's not worth losing your mind.

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Funny you say that. Cause while we steamrolled the Jags, Denver struggled. I don't know why some of you make it seem like the Jags are a high school team in the NFL. It's been documented that they can & have beaten us and they always play is tough (except this season obviously)

I totally agree... Sick of fans who disrespect pro teams, in any sport. Just thinking they might be the people who have really never played any sports and understand you have to play the games. It's funny though people's expectations of their teams and what not

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Would you think the same about Pep, if those catches werent dropped?.

If they caught them we may have squeaked out a win, but the problem is they are magnified because we put ourselves in waaay too many 3rd and longs...My main point is we have the guys to run a similar offense to Denver and if we spread out we are hard to stop and it will just make Richardson much harder to deal with...These games shouldn't be close we put our self in these situations with how conservative we are...I have no problem with losing if we are legitimately beat by a better team, but we are letting mediocre teams hang around...We call plays like we have Trent Dilfer as our QB and we are the Ravens of old with an all-time great defense which we are improved, but not close to that yet...Great coaches get the most out of their teams talent and I think our coaches don't give our talent a chance a lot of times..Like they are afraid, and playing scared of messing up...They keep preaching we want to run the ball and I want us to run the ball, but we would run much better against spread defenses and tired defenses, and we huddle up and let them rotate fresh d-linemen in all game instead of keeping them on the field and tiring them out...

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The defense was tired....gave up 3rd down conversions all night.  That demoralizes a defense.


I am Sure Satele and McGlynn would be upset with any playcalling...they cannot block.  As for Reggie, DHB, TY. Fleener and Richardson.  I would be exceedingly upset with the play calling that puts the football right between the numbers......................................DROP....missed 3rd downs...OK...all Peps fault.  WAAAH!


Who cares about dropped passes? It's irrelevant, the play calling put them in the situation to fail whether you like it or not.

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The defense was tired....gave up 3rd down conversions all night.  That demoralizes a defense.


I am Sure Satele and McGlynn would be upset with any playcalling...they cannot block.  As for Reggie, DHB, TY. Fleener and Richardson.  I would be exceedingly upset with the play calling that puts the football right between the numbers......................................DROP....missed 3rd downs...OK...all Peps fault.  WAAAH!

As you said McGlynn and Satele can't block right??? So way do we keep pretending they can block for a power run game, disguise their defencies by spreading the D out instead of hoping they are gonna somehow turn into Larry Allen and Dermonti Dawson...That's my point, quick passing game, stretch play, play action is the way to go...When we get those maulers on the O-line then I'm all for the power game...

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I totally agree... Sick of fans who disrespect pro teams, in any sport. Just thinking they might be the people who have really never played any sports and understand you have to play the games. It's funny though people's expectations of their teams and what not

Everybody steamrolls the Jags!!! They are acting like they did something great by only losing by 16 points against an uninterested broncos team...

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If they caught them we may have squeaked out a win, but the problem is they are magnified because we put ourselves in waaay too many 3rd and longs...My main point is we have the guys to run a similar offense to Denver and if we spread out we are hard to stop and it will just make Richardson much harder to deal with...These games shouldn't be close we put our self in these situations with how conservative we are...I have no problem with losing if we are legitimately beat by a better team, but we are letting mediocre teams hang around...We call plays like we have Trent Dilfer as our QB and we are the Ravens of old with an all-time great defense which we are improved, but not close to that yet...Great coaches get the most out of their teams talent and I think our coaches don't give our talent a chance a lot of times..Like they are afraid, and playing scared of messing up...They keep preaching we want to run the ball and I want us to run the ball, but we would run much better against spread defenses and tired defenses, and we huddle up and let them rotate fresh d-linemen in all game instead of keeping them on the field and tiring them out...


I dont know much about Pep but it sounds like what Dungy was to Manning. I always wondered what an aggressive coach like Belichick would have done to Manning.

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I guess I don't get it.  When we beat SF and Seattle, so much was being said about how Pagano's vision of how the team should work was being applauded.  So we get dominated by a good offensive team in SD, and Pep is horrible?   Maybe I am in the minority, but going to the playoffs and losing in the first round 7 times is not acceptable.  We have to run better and stop the run better.   The only way we are going to do that is to commit to it.  Secondly, Richardson only ran the ball 10 times last night.   So it wasn't like we ran 75% of the time.  The defense lost the game.  Chucking the ball on every play wins a lot of regular season games.  But how does that work in the playoffs?  Well, by our own history, not that well.    I would rather lost to SD in October than SD in January.

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