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Do you like the Richardson trade?


Do you like this trade?  

292 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like that we gave up a 2014 1st rounder for Richardson?

    • Yes, I like it
    • No, I don't like it
    • I'm torn; he's a good player, but the price is too steep

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Should be the best Qb Rb duo in the league now


Yeah, it's probably Luck/T-Rich, Schaub/Foster, Wilson/Lynch and Ryan/Jackson when it comes to the best QB/RB duos.


EDIT: Superman said it too, Griffin/Morris probably rounds out the top 5.


Lynch/Wilson, Griffin/Morris? I don't know, all these backs kind of feel equal to me but we'll see.

Only if your starting point is thinking "who has a potentially top fight back" (while ignoring actual accomplishments to date) and then considering which one of those backs plays with a good QB.


Personally I'd rather have Manning, Brady, Rodgers or Brees with an undrafted free agent than any of the combinations listed.


Plus don't forget Flaco/Rice/Pierce and Kaepernick/Gore.

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I hate to lose a 1st rd pick but this is a perfect trade.

I will go ahead and say after this trade we will give up around a 18-24 rd pick. Richardson was the 3rd pick overall two years ago who has proven himelf in this league as a top RB ( no ??? Marks here )

Yes we have more holes to fill on the OL and D and we will soon.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 19, 2013 - link to another forum
Hidden by Nadine, September 19, 2013 - link to another forum

Another angle on the trade, from the Jags fans pov:


They are trying to steal our Teddy!


No, Colts tanked for Luck and are now trying to get Browns to tank so we don't get Bridgewater. I thought Titans were the dirtiest organization, but this is pretty low Colts. Heck, they probably couldn't care less for Richardson, they just don't want Jags getting a franchise QB.


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Only if your starting point is thinking "who has a potentially top fight back" (while ignoring actual accomplishments to date) and then considering which one of those backs plays with a good QB.


Personally I'd rather have Manning, Brady, Rodgers or Brees with an undrafted free agent than any of the combinations listed.


Plus don't forget Flaco/Rice/Pierce and Kaepernick/Gore.


^^ This ... also I think Schaub is an average at best QB, so I might even throw Cutler/Forte, Stafford/Bush, Vick/McCoy, and maybe a couple others in there for consideration to replace Schaub/Foster.

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I really like this trade, it gives us that RB that can balance out our offense.


I can understand why people are worried about giving up first round picks, but if you look at our first rounders over the last 10 years, they are not to impressive.


2003-Dallas Clark

2004-No pick

2005-Marlin Jackson

2006-Joseph Addai

2007-Anthony Gonzales

2008-no pick

2009-Donald Brown

2010-Jerry Hughes

2011-Anthony Costanzo

2012-Andrew luck

2013-Bjorn Werner


Point is, none of these have been stars except for the obvious one. I think we made a good trade and Grigs has set us up nicely for the future.

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I don't like this trade at all, OL & DL(pash rush) were both bigger priorities than RB.  We have a suspect OL to begin with, than we lose Thomas; so what do we do??? Go out and trade a 1st rnd pick for a RB ....Makes perfect sense.


I liked the fact that Grigson is always looking to make moves, but I am starting think he is a little too willing to trade away future draft picks.


Also many seem to just taking it for granted we are giving up a late round draft pick ... where is this coming from??? Not from the Colts team I have seen the 1st two games.... and even if it did turn out to be a later round pick I still would not be using a 1st round draft pick on any RB not named Adrian Peterson.


If we do not make the playoffs this will be a epic fail.

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HORRIBLE move!!!  Running back is not a critical position any longer.  Reggie can't play forever.  Mathis can't play forever.  Bethea can't play forever.  OL is still in need of upgrades.  Grigson is showing no patients by trading away draft pick after draft pick.  I hope I'm wrong!

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Just because the Browns lose doesn't mean we win. I still think the price is too steep. JMO

@mchappell51: #colts pick up final 3 years on Trent Richardson's contract. $1,165,000 this year, $$2,252,708 in '14, $3,184,062 in '15.

Looks like a bargain to me, Browns paid him nearly 14mil for 17 games and have a 6mil dead cap hit for him next year

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@mchappell51: #colts pick up final 3 years on Trent Richardson's contract. $1,165,000 this year, $$2,252,708 in '14, $3,184,062 in '15.

Looks like a bargain to me, Browns paid him nearly 14mil for 17 games and have a 6mil dead cap hit for him next year


Not a bargain when you add a round 1 draft pick to the equation.

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  • I wouldn't trade a No.1 for any running back..

..and word from Cleveland is that we're getting someone who didnt quite come to play this year... 


I would never have done this



Oh you mean normally players show up to play for the Browns. News to me.....



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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 19, 2013 - quoted removed post
Hidden by Nadine, September 19, 2013 - quoted removed post

Another angle on the trade, from the Jags fans pov:





Jags fans and any fans of a team who is hoping for Bridgewater is going to be sorely disappointed. He's not very good, and in the same exact mold of Geno Smith. Both have played mediocre defenses for their entire career and have padded their stats off of it. Aaron Murray would be the QB I would look at, or even Manziel. Regardless of the kids attitude, Manziel can play and he gets the guys around him to buy into him. Those two face the top defenses in college football weekly and succeed, for the most part. I would even look at AJ McCarron before Bridgewater, again based off the fact he plays against NFL caliber players weekly.

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To the topic, I'm excited about getting Richardson. Very few RB's excel at all 3 phases of the position, and not only do we have one now, we just gained another. Play-action should be even deadlier now, because you just can't assume, with either back, that we are going to do one specific thing. The O-line has actually done quite well in run blocking and I look for Richardson to fully take advantage of not seeing a stacked box like he did in Cleveland. Bradshaw/Richardson look to be a lethal combo.

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Love it.  If the Colts have a "decent" season, they'll be in the teens or even twenties for next years draft. So we just got a tough, hard-nosed guy who the league thought was worthy of the third pick in 2012, in return for an unnamed, unproven 20th-best guy in next year's draft. If we had somehow had that third pick in 2012 would we have taken him? You bet your *ss we would have!

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I really like this trade, it gives us that RB that can balance out our offense.


I can understand why people are worried about giving up first round picks, but if you look at our first rounders over the last 10 years, they are not to impressive.


2003-Dallas Clark

2004-No pick

2005-Marlin Jackson

2006-Joseph Addai

2007-Anthony Gonzales

2008-no pick

2009-Donald Brown

2010-Jerry Hughes

2011-Anthony Costanzo

2012-Andrew luck

2013-Bjorn Werner


Point is, none of these have been stars except for the obvious one. I think we made a good trade and Grigs has set us up nicely for the future.

I would argue that Dallas Clark was a great draft pick. For 8 yrs he was truly solid here. When he was out would you ever feel confident in Jacob Tamme or Brian Fletcher? Sure Dallas isn't what we once was, but he gave us 8 quality years. Also Marlin got plaqued by injuries so thats hard to predict when drafting. I like Donald Brown, I just don't feel we are using him correctly in our offense. He needs to catch screens and such. Him in space would be a real threat.

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I still have the Colts at 8-8 or 9-7 this year. That being said, a mid - first round pick for Trent Richardson is a good trade, and well worth the gamble. The O line still needs a lot of work , but this could get the Colts the extra win they may need to get in the playoffs. Once you get in , anything can happen. These kind of trades very rarely happen during the season , which is why this is so shocking. I guess it's the Ravens fault 17 years after the move , why the Browns are so dumb . Those poor fans on Cleveland are suffering.

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Literally every single Steelers fan is laughing right now, so, yeah, I think I like it.


BTW, strictly speaking, this means that the Browns traded a top-5 pick, 3 late-round picks, and 13+ million dollars for a mid-to-late first round pick and a 17 game rental of Trent Richardson.


The Colts, on the other hand, got the third overall pick for about 6 million bucks and a mid-to-late first rounder.


I mean, think about that for a minute.


That's completely insane.

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Literally every single Steelers fan is laughing right now, so, yeah, I think I like it.


BTW, strictly speaking, this means that the Browns traded a top-5 pick, 3 late-round picks, and 13+ million dollars for a mid-to-late first round pick and a 17 game rental of Trent Richardson.


The Colts, on the other hand, got the third overall pick for about 6 million bucks and a mid-to-late first rounder.


I mean, think about that for a minute.


That's completely insane.


The Browns will more than likely get a top 10 pick.

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Looking over our first round draft picks for the last few years....


Anthony Gonzales, Donald Brown, Jerry Hughes



All of those were a bust. You could even look at Tony Ugoh as a bust as a high round draft pick. High draft pick doesn't always work out, why not trade it for something that appears to be a great deal? Both from a money prospective and a scheme fit.


Trent Richardson has proven already that he is better than all of those players, and will be the kind of running back we need in the backfield going forward. He's a workhorse, he can block, and he can catch.


Anybody that has the season he has last year while playing with 2 broken ribs is a true football player IMO and has the kind of grit our team needs going forward. Will he be the next Peterson? Probably not, but we don't need that, we need somebody that can help take pressure off of Luck, the way that Edge took pressure off Manning.


A huge thumbs up from this fan!

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This is probably the biggest in season trade since the Clinton Portis Champ Bailey deal awhile back. T-Rich has the talent to be our next Edgerrin James, and if we can continue to bolster this OL, this offense will be a beast in a year or 2. Luck, Richardson, Hilton, Fleener, Allen, and Ballard are all great young pieces on offense for the future!

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We cannot really evaluate this until we see what Trent can do the remainder of this season and next season.  If he comes in and still averages his 3.6 yards per carry and continues to play like he did with the Browns then it was an awful trade and really sets the team back.  On the flip side, if he can come in and live up to his top 3 draft status this could be a steal.


I am definitely apprehensive about the trade since he is a RB and given their life expectancy in the NFL I do not know if he will return the first round investment.  He is going to have to be a top tier RB to really return the value so we shall see.


If I am a Browns fan I would definitely be bummed because this just shows they have given up on the season and are now playing for 2014.

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Anyone not seeing what an amazingly great deal this is for the Colts doesn't fully understand football.  Desperate need of a running back and to take pressure off Luck.


Also he played for Cleveland and not understanding his value probably means u don't fully understand how much easier it will be to work with Luck than with Weeden.

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RIchardson is soft and doesn't hit the holes hard. Horrible trade.

You actually think the Browns would give up so quickly on him if he were a stud? MJD did it for years in JAX without a supporting cast.

^Not sure if serious about second account.

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Trent Richardson has proven already that he is better than all of those players, and will be the kind of running back we need in the backfield going forward. He's a workhorse, he can block, and he can catch.


This is delusion. Trent Richardson has done nothing. Do you even comprehend what you see?

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