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To much talent....


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We have way to much talent to play this conservative. We really need to push and try to control the pace.

I found it difficult to even get into this game.

Defence way to soft. Looks way to high school no big hits no tenasity about them other then landry

Offence way to slow and conservative. I would rather andrew through 4 ints and win then this garbage...

Get after emm Irsay!!!

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We NEED to play like Green Bay. Run enough so they respect it, but AIR THE BALL OUT! Luck is way to good to be sitting here tryna run the ball man!!


I agree. Way to slow paced for the burners we have on the outside. I thought when pep said it was going to be a mix of his and arians? Looks nothing like arians

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You have to protect the QB if you don't want to be conservative.  After the field goal to start the second half Luck was under pressure on just about every other pass the rest of the game or was having to take off and run with it because the passing lanes weren't open.  There were some questionable play calls namely why try the third and one with Donald Brown that's not what he's built for and Bradshaw is built for that but like I said last week Pep is a rookie coach it'll take him sometime too. 

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you forgot very affective


I liked the goal line and short yardage results when running yesterday, I'll give you that. I don't have a problem being ground and pound between the 20's and on critical downs, but all the way down the field? Where's all the various formations and personnel groupings that were going to "create conflict for the defense" that we heard so much about in the off-season? So far, all I've seen is a lot of power I/ Jumbo sets with a little 3-wide/ 2 TE mixed in. Very bland and unimaginative

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For the most part I actually thought the offense looked pretty good yesterday. However, I think Pep or Pagano (not sure who decides) gets way too conservative when they have a lead. When the Colts went up 20-17 yesterday, the Colts suddenly decided the only plays they would run would be power runs or 2-3 yard passes. I think it resulted in a 3 and out and led the very next drive to Miami's final TD.


Pep does need to get Hilton more involved in this offense though IMO. Not just on passing plays. The guy is usually going to be the biggest playmaker (besides Luck) on the field. It is time to start slowly phasing him in to the No. 1 receiver role and giving him an expanded role on offense. We need to get the ball in his hands early and often. I think it would make defenses much more circumspect to put the pressure on Luck if they knew Hilton could have the ball on given play and could reel off a huge gain.

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Last season folks were upset about Luck tossing it up 40 times a game (sometimes 52!) and not focusing on the running.  We were 7th in yds/gm passing and 22nd in yds/gm rushing.  We ran 28/gm and passed 40/gm.  Arians took a HC job in AZ and this forum was, by and large, overjoyed.


It is early, but this season we have flip flopped. We are 5th in rushing yds/gm and 19th in passing yds/gm. We run 26/gm and pass 33/gm.  Right now we average one whole field length series less per game as far as plays go. (9)


These are numbers I actually somewhat expected in the switch.  What I didn't (or hoped I wouldn't) expect was the rushing defense being just as poor as last year.  We were/are 29th last and this year giving up 138/gm in 2012 and 136 so far this year.  Even after all of the D changes to improve that.  In passing, we actually are 16th,moving up from 21st last year. the downside, we are still giving up 12/gm more this year than last. 


This tells me that our improvements aren't as much as hoped (yet) and other may have improved more at this early stage.  All said, it is still only week 2.  The next few games will shape our team, and by week 6 or 7, I think we'll pretty much know what to expect the rest of the year.


But right now I do not like us getting 9 less offense  plays per game and the giving up even more yardage (field position and likely some TOP influence) than last year. And the O line isn't any better than last year and when Luck has to pass, it won't be any prettier than last year too.  And I really despise Luck having to make head first dives on his broken play-run for the first down attempts.


I am interested to see how/if this team grows together...

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We have way to much talent to play this conservative. We really need to push and try to control the pace.

I found it difficult to even get into this game.

Defence way to soft. Looks way to high school no big hits no tenasity about them other then landry

Offence way to slow and conservative. I would rather andrew through 4 ints and win then this garbage...

Get after emm Irsay!!!


Really? What exactly does "high school" look like? And what, in your mind, would display a tenacious style of play?

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43 pass attempts, 26 rushing attempts and that includes 4 scrambles by Luck.  Between the scrambles and the sacks the actual numbers are 50 pass plays, 22 run plays.  HOW IS THIS CONSERVATIVE?!?  One of the reasons we lost is we abandoned the run when it was being effective.  Both Bradshaw and Brown averaged 4.3 a rush, Bradshaw with a long of 9 yards.  15 attempts for 65 yards with a long of 9 is Edge type numbers for the first 2.5 to 3 quarters.  Then we'd give it to him a bunch in the 4th and he'd wear the other team out.  2nd half yesterday looked like a BA coached team and it's one of the main reasons we lost. Lots of problems yesterday but being conservative was certainly not one of them.

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43 pass attempts, 26 rushing attempts and that includes 4 scrambles by Luck.  Between the scrambles and the sacks the actual numbers are 50 pass plays, 22 run plays.  HOW IS THIS CONSERVATIVE?!?  One of the reasons we lost is we abandoned the run when it was being effective.  Both Bradshaw and Brown averaged 4.3 a rush, Bradshaw with a long of 9 yards.  15 attempts for 65 yards with a long of 9 is Edge type numbers for the first 2.5 to 3 quarters.  Then we'd give it to him a bunch in the 4th and he'd wear the other team out.  2nd half yesterday looked like a BA coached team and it's one of the main reasons we lost. Lots of problems yesterday but being conservative was certainly not one of them.


I have to agree here.  Not being predictable with the running, but opportunistic, even when behind.  Dolhpins sort of abandoned the run and the stopped moving the chains giving us possessions and better field position.  When they went back to the run more, in concert with sending a fierce pass rush/blitzing, they took the game back.  Yes, they took it from us.


It's early, we have things to fix. But I'm most disappointed in our rushing defense.  I expected better, much better. We couldn't contain a scrambler QB, nor a more  conventional  rushing attack thus far.  If we can stiffen the run D some, I feel the pass D will gtt better too. 


Unlike many here, I didn't feel we upgraded our O line much. Well, we did, slightly.  But not against imaginative blitzing packages.  If they can't pull together and fix that, we'll have a hard time making comebacks this year. Even as good as Luck has proven he is.

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For the most part I actually thought the offense looked pretty good yesterday. However, I think Pep or Pagano (not sure who decides) gets way too conservative when they have a lead.

There is a difference between conservative and timid. You can play conservatively and still play very hard -- smash-mouth and running the ball. The same thing can be said for the defense.

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43 pass attempts, 26 rushing attempts and that includes 4 scrambles by Luck. Between the scrambles and the sacks the actual numbers are 50 pass plays, 22 run plays. HOW IS THIS CONSERVATIVE?!? One of the reasons we lost is we abandoned the run when it was being effective. Both Bradshaw and Brown averaged 4.3 a rush, Bradshaw with a long of 9 yards. 15 attempts for 65 yards with a long of 9 is Edge type numbers for the first 2.5 to 3 quarters. Then we'd give it to him a bunch in the 4th and he'd wear the other team out. 2nd half yesterday looked like a BA coached team and it's one of the main reasons we lost. Lots of problems yesterday but being conservative was certainly not one of them.

Don't you know that throwing the ball more is a cure all for any loss? This is indianapolis dangnabbit! Running the ball is antiquated and boring!

Yes, that was sarcasm

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i dont have much a problem with Pep but i do wonder about the coaching philosophy. third and 13 their 40 yhard and we bassically gave it up with a run... i was hoping a deep pass to Ty or something to make the FG or maybe the first down.

also the D got a 3 and out and we got pinned back aftrer the punt and for wahtever reason after a very good 1st down pass to Havili that got us 6 yards we just ran to gave them the ball...i dont think those 2 examples were all on pep, Im guessing HC and OC decide those stuff

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Our defence let miami and the raiders tear us up. Yes we adjusted and got it togather, but come on why do we have to always make adjustments at half time. I wish teams had to try and adjust to us...

If you had ever been to a high school football game you would know what I meant. If you think our defence played good then you and i will have to disagree

When i say play with tenasity I think seattle, san fransico. I think with the talent we have, the last two weeks we have played soft.

Next time instead of trying to make me look like a * think about what i said its not rocket science its plain cut and dry.

Look im a huge fan of this team but im not happy with the last two games. I believe we can play so much bettet!

Really? What exactly does "high school" look like? And what, in your mind, would display a tenacious style of play?

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The Colts piled up the most yards in a first half since 2004 against the Phins.....    314 or so...   


So   ??   The Second half is where the issue arises?    Indy did NOT adjust to Miami's D. 


That is on the staff.

Im not in panic mode but I am a little worried.
This no coast is way to unproductive to me.

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First and foremost the STAFF need to get "imaginative" ... 



facts...     Andrew Luck made a HORRIBLE throw into the EZ in the second half instead of being patient.


Andrew Luck was AGAIN impatient the nest drive.       He is young, he has done it 7 times...     I guess I can forgive him.



The BIG play was Pags not going for the first in the first half and trying a 52 yard FG, and the HORRID call on Wayne for motion.


Just a few plays and Indy wins yet ANOTHER CLOSE game. 


Water finds it's level kids...        and the Colt cup is coming back to EARTH.

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Our defence let miami and the raiders tear us up. Yes we adjusted and got it togather, but come on why do we have to always make adjustments at half time. I wish teams had to try and adjust to us...

If you had ever been to a high school football game you would know what I meant. If you think our defence played good then you and i will have to disagree

When i say play with tenasity I think seattle, san fransico. I think with the talent we have, the last two weeks we have played soft.

Next time instead of trying to make me look like a * think about what i said its not rocket science its plain cut and dry.

Look im a huge fan of this team but im not happy with the last two games. I believe we can play so much bettet!



First of all, it's defense not defence and secondly I don't think I was trying to make you look like anything. I've been to many high school football games, my friend. In fact, I played on a team that was in contention for a state championship and currently serve on the board of directors for a local Junior Footbal Leaue.


Now, back to what's important to me and just so that I understand. You are upset because we make adjustments at the half? Every team makes adjustment at the half at ALL levels of play, pop warner included. You can't compare our defensive philosophy to that of Seattle or San Fransico.


What I think you don't understand is that the Indianaplis Colts are in the rebuilding process. You aren't going to "have your cake and eat it too". We are a couple years from being a complete team, clicking on all cyclinders. Coaches have to acclimate, players have to adjust to different philosophies than they might be used too and those things don't happen over night. What you call soft might be us playing the best we can with what we have available. What you don't recognize are the many positives things that this team is doing and you fail to see the big picture of that we are headed in the right direction.

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Right On Mr Local Jr football league Man... 



LOLLL>>.  ..   :thmup::applause::cheer2::number1::td::goodluck: :disco: :rock: :clap:



And GRAMMAR police...        You sir are a top notch ...........



whatever.. :sigh:

First of all, it's defense not defence and secondly I don't think I was trying to make you look like anything. I've been to many high school football games, my friend. In fact, I played on a team that was in contention for a state championship and currently serve on the board of directors for a local Junior Footbal Leaue.


Now, back to what's important to me and just so that I understand. You are upset because we make adjustments at the half? Every team makes adjustment at the half at ALL levels of play, pop warner included. You can't compare our defensive philosophy to that of Seattle or San Fransico.


What I think you don't understand is that the Indianaplis Colts are in the rebuilding process. You aren't going to "have your cake and eat it too". We are a couple years from being a complete team, clicking on all cyclinders. Coaches have to acclimate, players have to adjust to different philosophies than they might be used too and those things don't happen over night. What you call soft might be us playing the best we can with what we have available. What you don't recognize are the many positives things that this team is doing and you fail to see the big picture of that we are headed in the right direction.

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Im not going to get into it with you on the grammer part. I know i dont spell good and I really dont care especially when im on my cell.

First off solid coverage hard hitting and sure tackeling is not a philosophy its something every team wants to exceed at its called fundamentals i guess thats how you spell it.

And for the record I am happy with the direction this team is going and we are going to have good games and bad.

i know we are going to get better but thats what this forum is for. Not to try and punk someone out and worry about how somebody spelled something wrong because thats high school as well.

I know we are rebuilding but that dont mean i cant criticize them when we are playing like crap either. And i will be the first to point out the good as well I just want us to exceed like this team want and im not going to make excuses like (oh we are rebuilding).

So for you I played on a team who couldnt quite make it to the big game. You maybe happy with almost winning but not me. I will take my cake and eat it too.

First of all, it's defense not defence and secondly I don't think I was trying to make you look like anything. I've been to many high school football games, my friend. In fact, I played on a team that was in contention for a state championship and currently serve on the board of directors for a local Junior Footbal Leaue.

Now, back to what's important to me and just so that I understand. You are upset because we make adjustments at the half? Every team makes adjustment at the half at ALL levels of play, pop warner included. You can't compare our defensive philosophy to that of Seattle or San Fransico.

What I think you don't understand is that the Indianaplis Colts are in the rebuilding process. You aren't going to "have your cake and eat it too". We are a couple years from being a complete team, clicking on all cyclinders. Coaches have to acclimate, players have to adjust to different philosophies than they might be used too and those things don't happen over night. What you call soft might be us playing the best we can with what we have available. What you don't recognize are the many positives things that this team is doing and you fail to see the big picture of that we are headed in the right direction.

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