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Polian doesn't list Colts as a contender


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INDIANAPOLIS – Bill Polian spent 15 years in the Indianapolis Colts' front office. But despite being with the franchise all that time, Polian didn’t cut them any slack when it came to revealing his list of playoff contenders

Polian, now an analyst at ESPN, listed five legitimate contenders, five teams with question marks and five teams that missed the playoffs last season but have a chance to make it this season. 

Here’s his list: 

Legitimate contenders 

San Francisco 



New England 


Teams with question marks 



Green Bay 



Teams on the rise 

Kansas City 



New Orleans 



Isn't it funny how Indy isn't even listed? Can you say SOUR GRAPES? Please keep it civil........... 


Why would he mention them as contenders? They aren't and they won't be. That said, I think they will be much better than last year but not as fortunate in close games and against some teams. Somewhere from 7-9 to 9-7..

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Well Ill say this...Polian did say that anything before week 4 is guessing and we haven't even played a real game yet.........But Carolina?......Kansas City? Come on man!


Both of those teams are on a big upswing. KC had a ton of pro bowlers last year but poor leadership. They fixed that and they got a good QB. I expect them to be tough and I expect them to beat the Colts or at least play them really tough.

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At the very least I would put the Colts on the "team on the rise" list. My God why not? Did I completely miss last season and our bright young QB who looks to be the real deal? Did I miss something?


Sometimes I am honestly stunned at the lack of respect this team is receiving. Sure, I don't expect EVERYONE to love us. But, it is getting to the point that everyone is just brushing us off because they think we were flukey.


But, in the end a lack of respect can be a good thing. It will give us a chip.....


The only reason they are not on the rise is because of last years miracle record. They are not going to rise from that, they are going top come down to earth and learn what a tough league the NFL really is.

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 Yeah.....how can a lot of experts say Luck will be a top 5 QB by this time next year yet we are not a team on the rise? Last time I checked an elite QB is the biggest difference maker an NFL team can have. We saw that with Peyton. He made most guys around him look better than they are.


I have not read anywhere that Luck will be a top 5 QB by next year. I would like a quote on that article. I see articles that rank him from 13th to 16th now.

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NE doesn't have question marks?  A poor receiving corps, the worst secondary in football, and very little team depth.  Here's my list:


Legitimate contenders


San Francisco

Teams with question marks 
Green Bay



New England

Teams on the rise 

Kansas City

St. Louis

New Orleans


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A roster that's had a turnover of 50+ players in the last two years is pretty darn close to being rebuilt.


A team that keeps picking up and trading players up to the last minute is certainly rebuilding. Many of the players on this years team will not be with the team next year or the year after. That is rebuilding.

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The Colts may or may not be a contender, just a matter of opinion. Personally i think if you made the playoffs and then improved your roster you do have a chance to contend.   But Bill Polian is not going to say much positive about the Colts. He routinely leaves the Colts out of discussions or when forced to talk about them usually takes shots. He did it last year too. As i look at his list, as someone already mentioned some of the best young QB's are on there, the one missing is Luck who probably did more with less then any QB in this league last year as a rookie and made the playoffs. I like his chances with a better overall roster this year.   A good argument could be made for the teams on there, but i think you could probably  switch Washington for Indy, especially with RG having his knee butchered for the 2nd time. Maybe even Houston considering we only lost the division to them by one game last year. Is it unrealistic to think we could win the division over them?  

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Of course they are rebuilding. They tore down the whole team and are putting a new one back together. That is rebuilding.



A roster that's had a turnover of 50+ players in the last two years is pretty darn close to being rebuilt.



I'll trust Pagano over anyone on this forum.



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Both of those teams are on a big upswing. KC had a ton of pro bowlers last year but poor leadership. They fixed that and they got a good QB. I expect them to be tough and I expect them to beat the Colts or at least play them really tough.

Ill hold you to that when Smith reverts to pre Harbaugh Alex Smith and the Panthers are sitting at 6-10 or 7-9

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Yes, there is...What we did last year. That's why they are called projections. You look at last year's successes & extrapolate forward based on our talent level, new additions, & what we have learned. Granted, it's more educated guessing than scientific fact at this juncture. 


Dial what back? No, disrespect, but if I don't like what Mr. Polian said, I'm going to make my objections known... In a polite manner obviously...SW1 is stating my genuine beliefs. I make no apologizes for my resolve ever. As always, people are certainly free to disagree with me. I've got no problem with that at all. I never claimed to have all the answers just a neverending stream of questions...


SW1 meant no disrespect Nadine. I swear. 


my goodness I see you feel strongly about this.

I just don't

There are so many unknowns that affect how you do in a season. In fact I listened to a talk that Polian gave on this exact subject

It followed our Superbowl season as we started our quest for the repeat

He reminded everyone that it is hardly ever the best team that wins the super bowl, and if it was then the Colts would have won in 2005 because they were a better team than they were in 2006


So now he is giving projections because that's his job


Not sure why he counts us out but, doesn't matter to me one bit.  Matters the same to me as being picked to be in the superbowl


As in not at all


I can see that that is not the case for you.  To each his/her own. Enjoy the season

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my goodness I see you feel strongly about this.

I just don't

There are so many unknowns that affect how you do in a season. In fact I listened to a talk that Polian gave on this exact subject

It followed our Superbowl season as we started our quest for the repeat

He reminded everyone that it is hardly ever the best team that wins the super bowl, and if it was then the Colts would have won in 2005 because they were a better team than they were in 2006


So now he is giving projections because that's his job


Not sure why he counts us out but, doesn't matter to me one bit.  Matters the same to me as being picked to be in the superbowl


As in not at all


I can see that that is not the case for you.  To each his/her own. Enjoy the season

Fair enough. I just believe that my opinion and those of my friends have just as much credibility as Bill Polian's does. True, I have no GM experience at all, but Bill isn't exactly holding a crystal ball either. I'm not implying that Bill needs to gloat our sing INDY's praises, but I am a bit surprised over him completely ignoring & bypassing the Colts as a franchise. Did we join FBI's WITSEC Program? Just kidding!  haha


How does Bill define question mark teams exactly? Sustainability? 3 Playoff appearances in a row? An AFC Championship Game? A steady improvement with each season? Adjustments squads make to being the hunted now? 

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I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I don't know why anyone lets what some anaylst say upset them especially when the regular season hasn't even started.


Last year at this time, 16 ESPN "experts" made their picks as to which team they thought would win the SB.  The picks went to the Packers, Patriots, Falcons, Cowboys, and Eagles.  Not a single one of them chose the Ravens.


Or as Polian said:


In Week 4 or thereabouts we'll start to have a better feel for where every team in the league is truly heading, and we'll have a very good idea by Week 6. Anything before that is guessing, and I don't like guessing.




If Polian left out the Colts due to sour grapes, then that is his problem. 


I'm sure not going to worry about it.




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Fair enough. I just believe that my opinion and those of my friends have just as much credibility as Bill Polian's does. True, I have no GM experience at all, but Bill isn't exactly holding a crystal ball either. I'm not implying that Bill needs to gloat our sing INDY's praises, but I am a bit surprised over him completely ignoring & bypassing the Colts as a franchise. Did we join FBI's WITSEC Program? Just kidding!  haha


How does Bill define question mark teams exactly? Sustainability? 3 Playoff appearances in a row? An AFC Championship Game? A steady improvement with each season? Adjustments squads make to being the hunted now? 



I mean with projections counting us out and also being in the superbowl..........if we all project somewhere between those two we'll all be right


Bill is a keen football mind but, he gets things wrong and also my impression of him is colored by the fact that this is his job now.And part of that job is to create controversy


Before our superbowl season, I distinctly remember one of the Yahoo Fantasy bloggers saying to not draft peyton in the first round.......which was obviously silly.


I do wonder though why Polian said what he did. Maybe he just doesn't 'get' who we are now, which is a markedly different team that the teams he built.


I'm not sure I get who we are now but,I'm hopeful that I learn the complete roster this year. Last year was so confusing,I often did not know who guys were.


Other than that,my first hope is to not have ANY humiliating defeatslike @Jets and @Patriots last year


So, I guess my projection is a more consistently competitive team.  And that's just based on all the off season activity. I've never seen anything like it.  I mean in the past, we had the draft and that was pretty much it

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INDIANAPOLIS – Bill Polian spent 15 years in the Indianapolis Colts' front office. But despite being with the franchise all that time, Polian didn’t cut them any slack when it came to revealing his list of playoff contenders

Polian, now an analyst at ESPN, listed five legitimate contenders, five teams with question marks and five teams that missed the playoffs last season but have a chance to make it this season. 

Here’s his list: 

Legitimate contenders 

San Francisco 



New England 


Teams with question marks 



Green Bay 



Teams on the rise 

Kansas City 



New Orleans 



Isn't it funny how Indy isn't even listed? Can you say SOUR GRAPES? Please keep it civil........... 


I just bought today's USA Today NFL special and they predict the Colts being third in the AFC South with a 7-9 record. Is that sour grapes too? They also say they will be a better team than last year that got outscored by 40 points and still won 11 games. I think this was a pretty fair evaluation. I could see them getting to 8-8 or if they get all the breaks they got last year even 9-7. USA Today has Tennessee ahead of them at 8-8.

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A team that keeps picking up and trading players up to the last minute is certainly rebuilding. Many of the players on this years team will not be with the team next year or the year after. That is rebuilding.

Hey, what were we supposed to go last year? 1-15, 2-14? See how that went...

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I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I don't know why anyone lets what some anaylst say upset them especially when the regular season hasn't even started.


Last year at this time, 16 ESPN "experts" made their picks as to which team they thought would win the SB.  The picks went to the Packers, Patriots, Falcons, Cowboys, and Eagles.  Not a single one of them chose the Ravens.


Or as Polian said:


In Week 4 or thereabouts we'll start to have a better feel for where every team in the league is truly heading, and we'll have a very good idea by Week 6. Anything before that is guessing, and I don't like guessing.




If Polian left out the Colts due to sour grapes, then that is his problem. 


I'm sure not going to worry about it.

It matters to me because it evokes an emotional response from me: A lack of gratitude from a former employer where Bill acquired a number of his Executive Of The Year Awards from Is he dismissing the Bills, another employer with the same level of intensity or hesitation? I highly doubt it.  Yes, I realize that NFL analysts are supposed to be impartial in the screening process among teams.


True, Bill is not a Supreme Court Justice here. I realize that, but  as an analyst one must try to appear balanced in their criticism both positive & negative in scope. Usually, when your former boss Jim Irsay gives you the boot, objectivity gets tossed out the window. It's really hard to be fair to the boss who let you go. The only question is: Do you acknowledge your bias publicly, abstain from chiming in at all with any opinion trying deliberately not to be  incredibly harsh or cruel, or is there a statute of limitations when the kid gloves came come off with no neutrality or safe haven for a previous franchise anymore? 


Players go through this process when they retire & become broadcasters on network, satellite, & cable TV shows too. They go from having your teammates back in the locker room to getting the story or scoop by being methodical, unyielding, & willing to step on more than a few egos & toes along the way to meet a deadline & satisfy the demands of their editor or producer. 

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Yes, there is...What we did last year. That's why they are called projections. You look at last year's successes & extrapolate forward based on our talent level, new additions, & what we have learned. Granted, it's more educated guessing than scientific fact at this juncture.

Dial what back? No, disrespect, but if I don't like what Mr. Polian said, I'm going to make my objections known... In a polite manner obviously...SW1 is stating my genuine beliefs. I make no apologizes for my resolve ever. As always, people are certainly free to disagree with me. I've got no problem with that at all. I never claimed to have all the answers just a neverending stream of questions...

SW1 meant no disrespect Nadine. I swear.

the colts dont fit into any of the three criteria unless you think they are a top five team right now.

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not even a team on the rise. well, he has officially burnt all his bridges and won't be granted any interviews with our gm nor pro staff. good riddance Mr. Polian. You are officially out of site, out of mind. go on which ya bad thing and leave us out of it.

did you even read the criteria for teams on the rise?

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Hey, what were we supposed to go last year? 1-15, 2-14? See how that went...


They got outscored by 40 points and they went 11-5. A few changes in the breaks of the game and they are 5-11 which is still better than most predicted. They certainly overachieved. They should come down to earth a bit this year and it will still be a good season for a team that is bringing in lots of new people and making adjustments all of the time.

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They got outscored by 40 points and they went 11-5. A few changes in the breaks of the game and they are 5-11 which is still better than most predicted. They certainly overachieved. They should come down to earth a bit this year and it will still be a good season for a team that is bringing in lots of new people and making adjustments all of the time.


That's your opinion. Mine is they could win the division. And should make it back to the playoffs at the very least. We had a ton of injuries and a slew of rookies on the team. We brought in more players that fit our scheme. And our rookies have a ton of experience under their belt.

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That's your opinion. Mine is they could win the division. And should make it back to the playoffs at the very least. We had a ton of injuries and a slew of rookies on the team. We brought in more players that fit our scheme. And our rookies have a ton of experience under their belt.


That is your opinion. Most of the experts do not agree with that. Yes, they could win the division if Houston had a big fall off and the Colts are as fortunate as they were last year all year long. I think they have a lot of players to try and work in and that usually doesn't go smoothly. I still see the offensive line as a problem and special teams could cost them a few games. It will be exciting to watch and I won't be disturbed if they have a lesser record but show continuous improvement that will carry into next year. I really expect them to be much improved next year. Then they may well challenge for that division title.

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I mean with projections counting us out and also being in the superbowl..........if we all project somewhere between those two we'll all be right


Bill is a keen football mind but, he gets things wrong and also my impression of him is colored by the fact that this is his job now.And part of that job is to create controversy


Before our superbowl season, I distinctly remember one of the Yahoo Fantasy bloggers saying to not draft peyton in the first round.......which was obviously silly.


I do wonder though why Polian said what he did. Maybe he just doesn't 'get' who we are now, which is a markedly different team that the teams he built.


I'm not sure I get who we are now but,I'm hopeful that I learn the complete roster this year. Last year was so confusing,I often did not know who guys were.


Other than that,my first hope is to not have ANY humiliating defeatslike @Jets and @Patriots last year


So, I guess my projection is a more consistently competitive team.  And that's just based on all the off season activity. I've never seen anything like it.  I mean in the past, we had the draft and that was pretty much it

Okay, maybe you are right Nadine. Bill can't get a read on our team right now since so many pieces he brought into INDY are now retired or relocated to other cities & organizations. I'll buy that. I also like what you said about a desire to not get creamed & dominated like when Peyton was down & out for the entire season, especially the NY Jets...God, was that loss was so humiliating.


Just please remain a viable competitor & never just capitulate & throw in the towel INDY. That's all I ask: Keeping fighting until the game clock completely expires in the 4th quarter. Thank you. 

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That is your opinion. Most of the experts do not agree with that. Yes, they could win the division if Houston had a big fall off and the Colts are as fortunate as they were last year all year long. I think they have a lot of players to try and work in and that usually doesn't go smoothly. I still see the offensive line as a problem and special teams could cost them a few games. It will be exciting to watch and I won't be disturbed if they have a lesser record but show continuous improvement that will carry into next year. I really expect them to be much improved next year. Then they may well challenge for that division title.

we challenged for the division title last year. if not for a last minute td by the jags we would have won the title

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Okay, maybe you are right Nadine. Bill can't get a read on our team right now since so many pieces he brought into INDY are now retired or relocated to other cities & organizations. I'll buy that. I also like what you said about a desire to not get creamed & dominated like when Peyton was down & out for the entire season, especially the NY Jets...God, was that loss was so humiliating.


Just please remain a viable competitor & never just capitulate & throw in the towel INDY. That's all I ask: Keeping fighting until the game clock completely expires in the 4th quarter. Thank you. 


That and for goodness sake, PROTECT ANDREW LUCK!


If we cannot do that then we are doomed

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At the very least I would put the Colts on the "team on the rise" list. My God why not? Did I completely miss last season and our bright young QB who looks to be the real deal? Did I miss something?


Sometimes I am honestly stunned at the lack of respect this team is receiving. Sure, I don't expect EVERYONE to love us. But, it is getting to the point that everyone is just brushing us off because they think we were flukey.


But, in the end a lack of respect can be a good thing. It will give us a chip.....


"Because they think we were flukey". hahahahahaha! Just one of the flukiest of All-Time!

Thats ALL!. We gave up more points than we scored, hahaha! Were there BLOWOUTS against good teams????


A team on the rise! Nooo one can say! They Are widely expected to win fewer games WITH all the new players.

Because Our Colts have a competitive schedule THIS season.


Did Reggie have 3 drops on short passes last game or did Luck just throw bad passes.

Hahaha! Had to laugh as None of the Homers touched either side of that one.



Then again it was the weakest schedule in the League. Its like, why would Grigson Replace so many of those fine Colts that won 11 games. Good Grief! Please, Get a Clue fans.

Polian nailed it. Not sure i would favor us over Any of his top ten. We fans expect to give Houston a run for their money. They don`t have a new OC, or a Team filled with new starters. Under that circumstance no way would it be logical to favor the Colts over Houston.

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ah, we did last minute miracles all the time with manning so for me this is like saying if we won fewer games, we would have had a worse record


and I would agree


Yes, we did and some of those teams may not have been quite as good at the record indicated. With a great QB, you always have a chance. You made a good point.

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if ifs and buts were candy and nuts we would all have a merry Christmas.

Was the win against Houston week 17 a miracle comeback?


Oh, I don't know if I would call it a miracle but it was certainly a surprise and it could easily have gone the other way. Many of the games last year would fall into that category.

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If not for a host of last minute miracles, the Colts would have been 5-11.....

But they weren't 5-11 they were 11-5. They won games and made the plays when it mattered. They won't be 7-1 in one scores games again this year, but we also won't have as many games where we have to win at the last minute. This is an improved team and I see 10 wins. You see 5,6,7 or whatever.. We'll see how it starts in a few days

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