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The more I think about the 2013 Colts the more I see us as the 2011 Jets.

The Jets played great defense all year without 1 dominant pass rusher and their D-Line full of run stuffers ... Sound familiar ???

They got to the quarterback off scheme made possible by 1 great corner in Revis (Davis) and another athletically gifted corner with question marks in Cromartie (Toler).

Exotic blitzes that overloaded OLines leaving slow O lineman to make quick decisions on faster Corners or blitzing backers taking opposing lanes to the QB.

It seamed the key to their defense was Jim Leonard's (Bethea) knowledge of the scheme/helping guys line up properly while limiting error made the Jets gambling blitzkrieg style a sound defense.

What the Jets scheme lacked was an enforcer to put a staple on its defense ... He may be late to the party but he's always bearing gifts (Landry).

On the Offensive Side ...

The New York Football Jets were a hard nosed downhill running team employing a two back sets while asking Mark Sanchez to make timely throws in manageable situations to keep defenses off balance.

At their best the Jets varied their formations, mixed in counters, power o's, traps and the occasional draw to set up the play action passing game.

Ladanian Tomlinson (Bradshaw) in the twilight of his career showed his worth to the team, providing versatility in the passing game with his catching and pass pro all while being the quicker counterpart to a younger Shonn Greene (Ballard).

The receiving core were a talented group but were nonetheless group that had something to prove.

- Braylon Edwards: Big, fast WR with a questionable hands who was thought of a difference maker (Darius Heyward-Bey)

- Santonio Holmes: Talented young player in the league at the time showing promise but still learning himself (Ty Hilton)

- Jericho Cotchery: Veteran that went out and did his job (Reggie Wayne)

- Dustin Keller: Solid TE but still a relatively mystery to the league up until this point in his career (Dwayne Allen)

Sprinkle in Brad Smith and you have a No Coast offense.

In their entirety the Jets were a team led by its young head coach trying to find its place among the elite.

Full of confidence in themselves and a belief in one another

We are the 2011 New York Jets, the difference is Andrew Luck.

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Our offense is and will be nothing like the jets and our cb tandem is no where near the talent of revis and cromartie. This is just my opinion, feel free to interpet it as me being a debbie downer but you'd be wrong...

I'm just noting how similar some of this teams situations are to that of the Jets that year

Offensive/Defensive strategy aside even though I really believe our mentality will mirror the Jets of that year I see ourself in their light but moreso sustaining what they lived as a short success

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Defensively, the comparison makes sense. It's a very similar defensive approach, as Pagano coached under Rex Ryan in Baltimore. We don't have the corners, but I think we have better safeties (ironically, Landry played for the Jets last year). Time will tell whether we're as good up front, but I think Mathis is a better pass rusher than anyone the Jets had. They haven't had a double digit sack man since Rex has been there, but they know how to get pressure.


Offensively, I think the difference will be night and day, and that's a good thing. The Jets offense has been their weak link the entire time, mostly because of poor passing concepts and a below average quarterback. Sanchez gets a lot of flack, but his coordinators have been Brian Schottenheimer and Tony Sparano, and both have been terrible in their play calling and game planning. And the Tebow nonsense last year was very reproachable. Our offensive scheme should be head and shoulders above the Jets, overall, in terms of concepts and production. 

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I understand your comparisons and see some similarities but the biggest difference is our coaching staff, offensive scheme (it's not the same as the Jets). And Lucks ability compared to Sanchez's. The Jets also had a better o line at that time then we have currently (could change this year).

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I'm just noting how similar some of this teams situations are to that of the Jets that year

Offensive/Defensive strategy aside even though I really believe our mentality will mirror the Jets of that year I see ourself in their light but moreso sustaining what they lived as a short success

Interesting concept, nice read!

Personally, I don't think anyone knows who the 2013 Colts are yet. Almost half the starters haven't played together in a real game yet. Could go a dozen different ways, from great to horrible.

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The more I think about the 2013 Colts the more I see us as the 2011 Jets.

The Jets played great defense all year without 1 dominant pass rusher and their D-Line full of run stuffers ... Sound familiar ???

They got to the quarterback off scheme made possible by 1 great corner in Revis (Davis) and another athletically gifted corner with question marks in Cromartie (Toler).

Exotic blitzes that overloaded OLines leaving slow O lineman to make quick decisions on faster Corners or blitzing backers taking opposing lanes to the QB.

It seamed the key to their defense was Jim Leonard's (Bethea) knowledge of the scheme/helping guys line up properly while limiting error made the Jets gambling blitzkrieg style a sound defense.

What the Jets scheme lacked was an enforcer to put a staple on its defense ... He may be late to the party but he's always bearing gifts (Landry).

On the Offensive Side ...

The New York Football Jets were a hard nosed downhill running team employing a two back sets while asking Mark Sanchez to make timely throws in manageable situations to keep defenses off balance.

At their best the Jets varied their formations, mixed in counters, power o's, traps and the occasional draw to set up the play action passing game.

Ladanian Tomlinson (Bradshaw) in the twilight of his career showed his worth to the team, providing versatility in the passing game with his catching and pass pro all while being the quicker counterpart to a younger Shonn Greene (Ballard).

The receiving core were a talented group but were nonetheless group that had something to prove.

- Braylon Edwards: Big, fast WR with a questionable hands who was thought of a difference maker (Darius Heyward-Bey)

- Santonio Holmes: Talented young player in the league at the time showing promise but still learning himself (Ty Hilton)

- Jericho Cotchery: Veteran that went out and did his job (Reggie Wayne)

- Dustin Keller: Solid TE but still a relatively mystery to the league up until this point in his career (Dwayne Allen)

Sprinkle in Brad Smith and you have a No Coast offense.

In their entirety the Jets were a team led by its young head coach trying to find its place among the elite.

Full of confidence in themselves and a belief in one another

We are the 2011 New York Jets, the difference is Andrew Luck.

Sorry the more I read this thread the more silly it sounds. I can't understand why the comparison was even made. 

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The Jets? Really? I consider Mathis an elite pass rusher. Our offense has Andrew Luck who hands down alone is better than anyone on the Jets offense..

We have yet to see what our defense can do, so to compare us to their defense is a tad premature. I would definitely rank their offensive line ahead of ours obviously.

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I'm just noting how similar some of this teams situations are to that of the Jets that year

Offensive/Defensive strategy aside even though I really believe our mentality will mirror the Jets of that year I see ourself in their light but moreso sustaining what they lived as a short success

Indianapolis has nothing to do with the New York Jets and that circus. 

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I can see it now.......


Welcome to the NFL on CBS..where we have 2 big rivalry games on tap..The early game features the Indianapolis Jets, vs..the Houston Raiders live from Reliant Stadium.. The second part of our rivalry doubleheader will have the New England Jaguars, vs the San Francisco Bills. This Sunday is shaping up to be one of the best match-ups of the entire year between Super Bowl contenders.


Both games feature great QB play..Indy, being led by superstar Mark Sanchez, who easily outplayed Andrew Luck for the starting spot, will go against the future of Houston in Terrelle Pryor..


In the nightcap, Blaine Gabbart and Tim Tebow will share the snaps, leading New England against Kevin Kolb, just recently acquired in the off season by coach Jim Harbaugh, to replace Ryan Fitzpatrick..


Seriously..comparing the Colts to any Jets team, or any team to any another past or present is just as ludicrous as the story I posted above. No one team is similar to another. They all run different offenses and defenses..though at times they may have some similar plays, but they all have different players etc. You can say Luck is as great as Peyton, or Brady..they may do great things in their careers, may be considered the best of all time, but in no way are they similar.


I just don't buy into comparing one team from one year, against another team from previous or future years...


But then again...it may just be me..who knows..

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The more I think about the 2013 Colts the more I see us as the 2011 Jets.

The Jets played great defense all year without 1 dominant pass rusher and their D-Line full of run stuffers ... Sound familiar ???

They got to the quarterback off scheme made possible by 1 great corner in Revis (Davis) and another athletically gifted corner with question marks in Cromartie (Toler).

Exotic blitzes that overloaded OLines leaving slow O lineman to make quick decisions on faster Corners or blitzing backers taking opposing lanes to the QB.

It seamed the key to their defense was Jim Leonard's (Bethea) knowledge of the scheme/helping guys line up properly while limiting error made the Jets gambling blitzkrieg style a sound defense.

What the Jets scheme lacked was an enforcer to put a staple on its defense ... He may be late to the party but he's always bearing gifts (Landry).

On the Offensive Side ...

The New York Football Jets were a hard nosed downhill running team employing a two back sets while asking Mark Sanchez to make timely throws in manageable situations to keep defenses off balance.

At their best the Jets varied their formations, mixed in counters, power o's, traps and the occasional draw to set up the play action passing game.

Ladanian Tomlinson (Bradshaw) in the twilight of his career showed his worth to the team, providing versatility in the passing game with his catching and pass pro all while being the quicker counterpart to a younger Shonn Greene (Ballard).

The receiving core were a talented group but were nonetheless group that had something to prove.

- Braylon Edwards: Big, fast WR with a questionable hands who was thought of a difference maker (Darius Heyward-Bey)

- Santonio Holmes: Talented young player in the league at the time showing promise but still learning himself (Ty Hilton)

- Jericho Cotchery: Veteran that went out and did his job (Reggie Wayne)

- Dustin Keller: Solid TE but still a relatively mystery to the league up until this point in his career (Dwayne Allen)

Sprinkle in Brad Smith and you have a No Coast offense.

In their entirety the Jets were a team led by its young head coach trying to find its place among the elite.

Full of confidence in themselves and a belief in one another

We are the 2011 New York Jets, the difference is Andrew Luck.

Even though the 2011 Jets were a good team, I don't see the comparison and I think we will be a better team than them. Our offense is still better than the defense and our offense will be more versatile than that of the '11 Jets. Our defense will have atleast 2 pass rushers, they're not all run stuffers.

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