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The Wait for Updated Weight is Over (The Bigger is Better Edition)


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So,  periodically,  I'll print a new roster....   we've added some players,  dropped some players, and I want a hard copy of the latest.   I did that yesterday.   And I couldn't help but notice that there are new weights for the players. 


I've cut and pasted a copy of the roster, and then I've inserted how much weight has been gained, or in some interesting cases,  lost.     I've put into BOLD the numbers that jump out at me and that I thought you'd find interesting.


I think the team is making a conscious effort to get BFS,  Bigger/Faster/Stronger.   


Where the gain is +/- 5 pounds, I wouldn't read anything into that.  But where the gain is more than that,  I think it's worth noting.   There are some players who have gained considerable weight, like Josh Chapman is now 340, up 24 pounds!    But, 4 or our top 6 offensive tackles have lost weight, in some cases a fair amount of weight.   I don't think that is a coincidence.   I think that's a spot we've decided to try and be a half-step quicker at.


Anyway....  check it out....   see what catches your eye!  


Enjoy!     :thmup:  



# NAME *. HT. WT. AGE EXP. COLLEGE 83 Allen, Dwayne TE 6-3 265    +10 23 2 Clemson 79 Anderson, Justin G 6-5 340      -2 25 2 Georgia 51 Angerer, Pat ILB 6-0 236      --- 26 4 Iowa 36 Asante, Larry SS 6-0 210      --- 25 2 Nebraska 33 Ballard, Vick RB 5-10 224      +7 22 2 Mississippi State 41 Bethea, Antoine S 5-11 206     +10 28 8 Howard 43 Boyett, John S 5-10 203      -1 23 R Oregon 44 Bradshaw, Ahmad RB 5-10 214      --- 27 7 Marshall 15 Brazill, LaVon WR 5-11 194      +3 24 2 Ohio 31 Brown, Donald RB 5-10 207       -3 26 5 Connecticut 38 Brown, Sergio FS 6-2 217      +7 25 4 Notre Dame 20 Butler, Darius CB 5-10 186      +1 27 5 Connecticut 34 Carter, Delone RB 5-9 232       -6 25 3 Syracuse 74 Castonzo, Anthony T 6-7 307       -8 24 3 Boston College 29 Chapman, Allen CB 5-11 181       --- 21 R Kansas State 61 Chapman, Josh NT 6-0 340     +24 24 2 Alabama 78 Cherilus, Gosder T 6-7 314     -11 28 6 Boston College 67 Cleary, Emmett T 6-7 324     +11 23 R Boston College 53 Conner, Kavell ILB 6-0 245     +12 26 4 Clemson 86 Cunningham, Justice TE 6-3 258      --- 22 R South Carolina 23 Davis, Vontae CB 5-11 204      -1 25 5 Illinois 80 Fleener, Coby TE 6-6 247      -5 24 2 Stanford 97 Franklin, Aubrayo NT 6-1 320      +5 32 11 Tennessee 50 Freeman, Jerrell ILB 6-0 232       -2 27 2 Mary Hardin-Baylor 27 Gordy, Josh CB 5-11 196      +1 26 3 Central Michigan 25 Green, Marshay CB 5-10 183      +8 27 2 Mississippi 73 Griffin, Robert G 6-6 361     +31 23 1 Baylor 67 Guy, Lawrence DE 6-4 318     +18 23 3 Arizona State 5 Harnish, Chandler QB 6-2 222      +3 24 1 Northern Illinois 54 Harvey, Mario ILB 6-0 264       --- 25 2 Marshall 8 Hasselbeck, Matt QB 6-4 235      +10 37 15 Boston College 39 Havili, Stanley FB 6-0 243       -2 25 2 USC 65 Heard, Kellen DT 6-6 341      +2 27 3 Memphis 81 Heyward-Bey, Darrius WR 6-2 219      +3 26 5 Maryland 55 Hickman, Justin OLB 6-2 249       -9 27 2 UCLA 13 Hilton, T.Y. WR 5-9 178       -5 23 2 Florida International 56 Holmes, Khaled C/G 6-3 319      +17 23 R USC 26 Howell, Delano S 5-11 196       -5 23 2 Stanford 73 Hughes, Montori DT 6-4 335       +6 22 R Tennessee-Martin 71 Ijalana, Ben T 6-4 322      -15 23 3 Villanova 99 Jean Francois, Ricky DT 6-3 297      +2 26 5 LSU 46 Jones, Dominique TE 6-3 270      +15 25 2 Shepherd 84 Kelley, Jeremy WR 6-6 231       +6 25 R Maine 30 Landry, LaRon S 6-0 226       +6 28 7 LSU 35 Lefeged, Joe S 6-0 204       -1 25 3 Rutgers 72 Linkenbach, Jeff T 6-6 325       +2 26 4 Cincinnati 12 Luck, Andrew QB 6-4 239       +5 23 2 Stanford 56 Lutrus, Scott ILB 6-3 238       -9 25 2 Connecticut 91 Mathews, Ricardo DT 6-3 300       -10 25 4 Cincinnati 98 Mathis, Robert OLB 6-2 246       +1 32 11 Alabama A&M 1 McAfee, Pat P 6-1 233      +13 26 5 West Virginia 75 McGlynn, Mike G/C 6-4 325       -2 28 6 Pittsburgh 96 McKinney, Brandon NT 6-2 345       --- 29 8 Michigan State 2 McManus, Brandon P/K 6-3 201       --- 21 R Temple 42 Meggett, Davin RB 5-8 219       +4 23 1 Maryland 95 Moala, Fili DE 6-4 308       -2 27 5 USC 48 Moore, Dan RB 5-11 240       +5 23 R Montana 94 Nevis, Drake DT 6-1 310        --- 24 3 LSU 45 Overton, Matt LS 6-1 242       -12 27 2 Western Washington 10 Palmer, Nathan WR 5-11 198       +3 24 2 Northern Illinois 40 Price, Sheldon CB 6-2 180        --- 22 R UCLA 47 Prime, C.O. LB 6-1 261       +6 23 R Wagner 49 Rayford, Caesar LB 6-7 267       --- 27 R Washington 90 Redding, Cory DE 6-4 318       +3 32 11 Texas 76 Reitz, Joe G 6-7 323       +1 27 3 Western Michigan 11 Rumble, Rodrick WR 6-2 207       +6 23 R Idaho State 16 Sambrano, Jabin WR 5-11 190      +15 23 1 Montana 14 Sampson, Lanear WR 5-11 205        --- 22 R Baylor 64 Satele, Samson C 6-3 300       +1 28 7 Hawaii 85 Saunders, Weslye TE 6-5 261        -9 24 3 South Carolina 62 Schmeig, Rick C 6-3 310       +5 23 R Purdue 59 Sheppard, Kelvin LB 6-2 256      +12 25 3 LSU 52 Sidbury, Lawrence OLB 6-3 269      +9 27 5 Richmond 57 Simmons, Monte LB 6-3 248      +22 24 1 Kent State 60 Sowell, Bradley T 6-7 315       -5 24 2 Mississippi 58 Spears, Quinton LB 6-4 230       -4 25 2 Prairie View A&M 34 Swanson, Daxton S 5-11 191      +6 22 R Sam Houston State 68 Tevaseu, Martin NT 6-2 345     +20 25 3 Nevada-Las Vegas 66 Thomas, Donald G 6-4 306      +1 27 6 Connecticut 69 Thornton, Hugh G 6-3 334      +14 21 R Illinois 28 Toler, Greg CB 6-0 190      -2 28 5 St. Paul's (VA) 32 Vaughn, Cassius CB 5-11 199      +4 25 4 Mississippi 4 Vinatieri, Adam K 6-0 208      +2 40 18 South Dakota State 93 Walden, Erik OLB 6-2 250      --- 27 6 Middle Tennessee State 87 Wayne, Reggie WR 6-0 200      +2 34 13 Miami (Fla.) 17 Whalen, Griff WR 5-11 197      +12 23 2 Stanford 37 Williams, Kerwynn RB 5-8 198      +3 22 R Utah State 21 Williams, Teddy CB 6-1 207      +6 24 2 Texas-San Antonio 63 Ziemba, Lee T 6-6 313       -7 24 3 Auburn
# NAME *. HT. WT. AGE EXP. COLLEGE 48 McNary, Josh LB 6-0 251 25 R Army
Unsigned Draft Pick
# NAME *. HT. WT. AGE EXP. COLLEGE 92 Werner, Bjoern OLB 6-3 260     -6 22 R Florida State
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I get the bigger part.  And probably stronger.  But what makes you think we're faster?  Faster than what?


Yes, we certainly have a lot of beef, especially on that D line.  But it's not like the RBs are going to run into them, they try to go around.


And before people jump on me, I understand the role of the D linemen.  We don't want our LBs fending off G's when they're trying to tackle.  I'm hoping the 'bigger is better' philosophy works.  However, 'better talent is better' is more successful.  I think we've upgraded talent wise.  Can't wait to see if we're right.

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Hilton lost 5lbs lol. Good to see Chapman bulked up. I guess bob griffin isn't real serious about making the team.


I got on an elevator with RG330 (now RG360) one time in Dallas when he was training before the draft.  I asked him if he thought it could hold him.  He seemed like a nice kid.  Thank goodness he had a sense of humor.  He's a longshot, but I'm wishing him luck.

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McAfee, Pat P 6-1 233 +13




What, are we converting Mcafee to Interior Iinebacker now to? ;)  :funny: 


Im not sure I would read alot into many of the players current weight to be honest, They have been off for 6 months, Not surprising some have gained significant weight, Not all players go above and beyond to stay in shape and even some that do can gain quite a bit of weight,

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Apologies.......     here is a MUCH easier to read list.....   The changes will be much more obvious!


Enjoy!      :thmup:  




#         NAME            *.        HT.      WT.                 AGE    EXP.     COLLEGE

83 Allen, Dwayne    TE           6-3      265    +10       23         2          Clemson 

79 Anderson, Justin  G           6-5      340      -2        25         2          Georgia 

51 Angerer, Pat         ILB         6-0      236      ---        26        4          Iowa 

36 Asante, Larry        SS         6-0      210      ---        25         2         Nebraska 

33 Ballard, Vick         RB         5-10    224      +7       22         2         Mississippi State 

41 Bethea, Antoine    S           5-11    206     +10     28         8         Howard 

43 Boyett, John           S           5-10    203      -1       23         R         Oregon 

44 Bradshaw, Ahmad RB       5-10    214      ---       27         7         Marshall 

15 Brazill, LaVon       WR        5-11    194      +3      24         2         Ohio 

31 Brown, Donald      RB        5-10     207      -3       26        5          Connecticut 

38 Brown, Sergio       FS         6-2       217      +7      25        4          Notre Dame 

20 Butler, Darius        CB         5-10    186      +1      27        5          Connecticut 

34 Carter, Delone      RB         5-9       232       -6     25         3         Syracuse 

74 Castonzo, Anthony T          6-7       307       -8     24         3         Boston College 

29 Chapman, Allen    CB        5-11     181       ---     21         R         Kansas State 

61 Chapman, Josh     NT        6-0       340     +24     24        2          Alabama 

78 Cherilus, Gosder     T         6-7       314     -11      28        6          Boston College 

67 Cleary, Emmett        T         6-7       324     +11     23        R         Boston College 

53 Conner, Kavell       ILB       6-0       245     +12     26        4          Clemson 

86 Cunningham, Justice TE   6-3       258      ---       22       R          South Carolina 

23 Davis, Vontae         CB       5-11     204      -1       25        5          Illinois 

80 Fleener, Coby         TE        6-6       247      -5       24        2          Stanford 

97 Franklin, Aubrayo   NT        6-1       320     +5      32       11         Tennessee 

50 Freeman, Jerrell     ILB       6-0        232     -2       27         2         Mary Hardin-Baylor 

27 Gordy, Josh              CB      5-11      196     +1      26         3         Central Michigan 

25 Green, Marshay      CB       5-10      183     +8      27         2         Mississippi 

73 Griffin, Robert           G         6-6        361     +31    23         1         Baylor 

67 Guy, Lawrence        DE       6-4        318     +18     23        3         Arizona State 

Harnish, Chandler     QB      6-2         222     +3       24        1         Northern Illinois 

54 Harvey, Mario           ILB      6-0        264     ---        25        2          Marshall 

Hasselbeck, Matt       QB       6-4        235      +10    37       15        Boston College 

39 Havili, Stanley          FB       6-0         243       -2      25         2        USC 

65 Heard, Kellen           DT       6-6         341      +2      27         3        Memphis 

81 Heyward-Bey, Darrius WR 6-2        219      +3       26        5        Maryland 

55 Hickman, Justin      OLB      6-2        249       -9       27        2        UCLA 

13 Hilton, T.Y.                 WR      5-9        178       -5      23        2         Florida International 

56 Holmes, Khaled       C/G      6-3         319      +17    23       R        USC 

26 Howell, Delano          S        5-11       196       -5      23        2        Stanford 

73 Hughes, Montori       DT       6-4         335       +6     22       R        Tennessee-Martin 

71 Ijalana, Ben                 T        6-4         322      -15     23       3         Villanova 

99 Jean Francois, Ricky DT     6-3         297      +2       26       5         LSU 

46 Jones, Dominique      TE     6-3         270      +15     25       2         Shepherd 

84 Kelley, Jeremy             WR   6-6         231       +6      25       R        Maine 

30 Landry, LaRon              S      6-0         226       +6      28       7         LSU 

35 Lefeged, Joe                 S       6-0         204       -1       25       3        Rutgers 

72 Linkenbach, Jeff           T        6-6        325       +2       26       4        Cincinnati 

12 Luck, Andrew               QB      6-4        239       +5       23       2        Stanford 

56 Lutrus, Scott                  ILB     6-3        238       -9        25       2        Connecticut 

91 Mathews, Ricardo        DT     6-3        300       -10      25       4        Cincinnati 

98 Mathis, Robert             OLB    6-2        246       +1       32      11       Alabama A&M 

McAfee, Pat                       P       6-1        233      +13     26       5        West Virginia 

75 McGlynn, Mike             G/C     6-4        325       -2        28       6        Pittsburgh 

96 McKinney, Brandon     NT     6-2         345       ---        29       8       Michigan State 

McManus, Brandon        P/K    6-3         201       ---        21      R      Temple

42 Meggett, Davin              RB     5-8        219       +4       23       1       Maryland 

95 Moala, Fili                       DE     6-4        308       -2        27       5      USC 

48 Moore, Dan                    RB     5-11      240       +5       23       R      Montana 

94 Nevis, Drake                  DT      6-1        310        ---       24       3       LSU 

45 Overton, Matt                  LS      6-1        242       -12      27       2       Western Washington 

10 Palmer, Nathan             WR     5-11      198       +3       24       2        Northern Illinois 

40 Price, Sheldon               CB      6-2        180        ---       22      R        UCLA 

47 Prime, C.O.                     LB      6-1         261       +6        23     R        Wagner 

49 Rayford, Caesar            LB      6-7         267        ---       27      R        Washington 

90 Redding, Cory               DE      6-4         318       +3       32      11       Texas 

Reitz, Joe                           G        6-7         323       +1       27       3        Western Michigan 

11 Rumble, Rodrick           WR      6-2         207       +6      23        R       Idaho State 

16 Sambrano, Jabin          WR      5-11       190      +15      23       1       Montana 

14 Sampson, Lanear         WR      5-11       205        ---       22       R      Baylor 

64 Satele, Samson               C       6-3         300       +1        28       7       Hawaii 

85 Saunders, Weslye          TE      6-5         261        -9        24       3       South Carolina 

62 Schmeig, Rick                  C       6-3         310       +5        23       R       Purdue 

59 Sheppard, Kelvin           LB       6-2         256      +12      25        3       LSU 

52 Sidbury, Lawrence        OLB     6-3         269      +9        27        5      Richmond 

57 Simmons, Monte             LB       6-3         248      +22      24       1       Kent State 

60 Sowell, Bradley                T         6-7         315       -5        24       2       Mississippi 

58 Spears, Quinton              LB       6-4         230       -4        25        2       Prairie View A&M 

34 Swanson, Daxton             S        5-11       191      +6        22       R       Sam Houston State 

68 Tevaseu, Martin               NT      6-2          345     +20      25        3       Nevada-Las Vegas 

66 Thomas, Donald               G        6-4          306      +1       27        6       Connecticut 

69 Thornton, Hugh                 G        6-3          334      +14     21       R       Illinois 

28 Toler, Greg                        CB      6-0          190      -2        28        5        St. Paul's (VA) 

32 Vaughn, Cassius             CB      5-11        199      +4       25        4        Mississippi 

Vinatieri, Adam                    K        6-0          208      +2       40       18       South Dakota State 

93 Walden, Erik                    OLB     6-2          250      ---        27        6        Middle Tennessee State 

87 Wayne, Reggie                WR      6-0         200      +2        34       13      Miami (Fla.) 

17 Whalen, Griff                     WR     5-11        197      +12     23         2      Stanford 

37 Williams, Kerwynn            RB     5-8          198      +3        22        R      Utah State 

21 Williams, Teddy                CB      6-1          207      +6       24         2      Texas-San Antonio 

63 Ziemba, Lee                        T       6-6           313       -7       24         3      Auburn



#   NAME              *.      HT.      WT.   AGE   EXP.   COLLEGE

48 McNary, Josh  LB         6-0      251      25       R      Army


Unsigned Draft Pick

#    NAME                 *.   HT.     WT.           AGE    EXP.     COLLEGE

92 Werner, Bjoern OLB     6-3     260     -6     22         R        Florida State




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I get the bigger part.  And probably stronger.  But what makes you think we're faster?  Faster than what?


Yes, we certainly have a lot of beef, especially on that D line.  But it's not like the RBs are going to run into them, they try to go around.


And before people jump on me, I understand the role of the D linemen.  We don't want our LBs fending off G's when they're trying to tackle.  I'm hoping the 'bigger is better' philosophy works.  However, 'better talent is better' is more successful.  I think we've upgraded talent wise.  Can't wait to see if we're right.

Since Grigson took over the Colts have added guys like Hilton, Brazill, DHB, Landry, Toler, Fleener....it seems to me he has made a conscious effort to get more speed/athletic.

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Man, RG3 gets injured and gains major weight to 300+ won't be no Read Option for Washington this Year. :funny:

Only joking. If he can drop or turn some of that into muscle, I wouldn't mind having him block for Andrew Luck this year

From OTA pics he looked kinda sloppy

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The only thing I got from this (I don't really care about this kind of thing anyway) is that Ballard is a bit bigger than Bradshaw.

I would have guessed other wise. Why is Bradshaw a lock as the primary back? 


Bradshaw is a proven, complete back.  As fast as Brown and as powerful as Ballard.  But he's not a lock as the primary back.  If he heals up by the start of the season, he'll probably start but the other two will most likely get nearly as many carries.


Bradshaw has an unquestioned history of bad feet.  The Colts will be smart with him and limit his carries.  Does it really matter who starts if everyone gets the same number of plays?  I don't think so.

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Bradshaw is a proven, complete back.  As fast as Brown and as powerful as Ballard.  But he's not a lock as the primary back.  If he heals up by the start of the season, he'll probably start but the other two will most likely get nearly as many carries.


Bradshaw has an unquestioned history of bad feet.  The Colts will be smart with him and limit his carries.  Does it really matter who starts if everyone gets the same number of plays?  I don't think so.

It doesn't matter who starts, it's who finishes. So cliche' it almost hurt to type it, but I agree. I'd like to see Bradshaw with limited carries, playing on passing downs. He's a good blocker and there's some serious value there.  

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It doesn't matter who starts, it's who finishes. So cliche' it almost hurt to type it, but I agree. I'd like to see Bradshaw with limited carries, playing on passing downs. He's a good blocker and there's some serious value there.  


May be a cliche, but it's true.   The only think I'd add is that "it's who finishes...the season."  We can't have Ballard taking all the carries like he did at the end of the season last year.  We need backs that can make it to January without going on IR.

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McAfee, Pat P 6-1 233 +13




What, are we converting Mcafee to Interior Iinebacker now to? ;)  :funny: 


Im not sure I would read alot into many of the players current weight to be honest, They have been off for 6 months, Not surprising some have gained significant weight, Not all players go above and beyond to stay in shape and even some that do can gain quite a bit of weight,

Blame it on the...


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Apologies.......     here is a MUCH easier to read list.....   The changes will be much more obvious!


Enjoy!      :thmup:  




#         NAME            *.        HT.      WT.                 AGE    EXP.     COLLEGE

83 Allen, Dwayne    TE           6-3      265    +10       23         2          Clemson 

79 Anderson, Justin  G           6-5      340      -2        25         2          Georgia 

51 Angerer, Pat         ILB         6-0      236      ---        26        4          Iowa 

36 Asante, Larry        SS         6-0      210      ---        25         2         Nebraska 

33 Ballard, Vick         RB         5-10    224      +7       22         2         Mississippi State 

41 Bethea, Antoine    S           5-11    206     +10     28         8         Howard 

43 Boyett, John           S           5-10    203      -1       23         R         Oregon 

44 Bradshaw, Ahmad RB       5-10    214      ---       27         7         Marshall 

15 Brazill, LaVon       WR        5-11    194      +3      24         2         Ohio 

31 Brown, Donald      RB        5-10     207      -3       26        5          Connecticut 

38 Brown, Sergio       FS         6-2       217      +7      25        4          Notre Dame 

20 Butler, Darius        CB         5-10    186      +1      27        5          Connecticut 

34 Carter, Delone      RB         5-9       232       -6     25         3         Syracuse 

74 Castonzo, Anthony T          6-7       307       -8     24         3         Boston College 

29 Chapman, Allen    CB        5-11     181       ---     21         R         Kansas State 

61 Chapman, Josh     NT        6-0       340     +24     24        2          Alabama 

78 Cherilus, Gosder     T         6-7       314     -11      28        6          Boston College 

67 Cleary, Emmett        T         6-7       324     +11     23        R         Boston College 

53 Conner, Kavell       ILB       6-0       245     +12     26        4          Clemson 

86 Cunningham, Justice TE   6-3       258      ---       22       R          South Carolina 

23 Davis, Vontae         CB       5-11     204      -1       25        5          Illinois 

80 Fleener, Coby         TE        6-6       247      -5       24        2          Stanford 

97 Franklin, Aubrayo   NT        6-1       320     +5      32       11         Tennessee 

50 Freeman, Jerrell     ILB       6-0        232     -2       27         2         Mary Hardin-Baylor 

27 Gordy, Josh              CB      5-11      196     +1      26         3         Central Michigan 

25 Green, Marshay      CB       5-10      183     +8      27         2         Mississippi 

73 Griffin, Robert           G         6-6        361     +31    23         1         Baylor 

67 Guy, Lawrence        DE       6-4        318     +18     23        3         Arizona State 

Harnish, Chandler     QB      6-2         222     +3       24        1         Northern Illinois 

54 Harvey, Mario           ILB      6-0        264     ---        25        2          Marshall 

Hasselbeck, Matt       QB       6-4        235      +10    37       15        Boston College 

39 Havili, Stanley          FB       6-0         243       -2      25         2        USC 

65 Heard, Kellen           DT       6-6         341      +2      27         3        Memphis 

81 Heyward-Bey, Darrius WR 6-2        219      +3       26        5        Maryland 

55 Hickman, Justin      OLB      6-2        249       -9       27        2        UCLA 

13 Hilton, T.Y.                 WR      5-9        178       -5      23        2         Florida International 

56 Holmes, Khaled       C/G      6-3         319      +17    23       R        USC 

26 Howell, Delano          S        5-11       196       -5      23        2        Stanford 

73 Hughes, Montori       DT       6-4         335       +6     22       R        Tennessee-Martin 

71 Ijalana, Ben                 T        6-4         322      -15     23       3         Villanova 

99 Jean Francois, Ricky DT     6-3         297      +2       26       5         LSU 

46 Jones, Dominique      TE     6-3         270      +15     25       2         Shepherd 

84 Kelley, Jeremy             WR   6-6         231       +6      25       R        Maine 

30 Landry, LaRon              S      6-0         226       +6      28       7         LSU 

35 Lefeged, Joe                 S       6-0         204       -1       25       3        Rutgers 

72 Linkenbach, Jeff           T        6-6        325       +2       26       4        Cincinnati 

12 Luck, Andrew               QB      6-4        239       +5       23       2        Stanford 

56 Lutrus, Scott                  ILB     6-3        238       -9        25       2        Connecticut 

91 Mathews, Ricardo        DT     6-3        300       -10      25       4        Cincinnati 

98 Mathis, Robert             OLB    6-2        246       +1       32      11       Alabama A&M 

McAfee, Pat                       P       6-1        233      +13     26       5        West Virginia 

75 McGlynn, Mike             G/C     6-4        325       -2        28       6        Pittsburgh 

96 McKinney, Brandon     NT     6-2         345       ---        29       8       Michigan State 

McManus, Brandon        P/K    6-3         201       ---        21      R      Temple

42 Meggett, Davin              RB     5-8        219       +4       23       1       Maryland 

95 Moala, Fili                       DE     6-4        308       -2        27       5      USC 

48 Moore, Dan                    RB     5-11      240       +5       23       R      Montana 

94 Nevis, Drake                  DT      6-1        310        ---       24       3       LSU 

45 Overton, Matt                  LS      6-1        242       -12      27       2       Western Washington 

10 Palmer, Nathan             WR     5-11      198       +3       24       2        Northern Illinois 

40 Price, Sheldon               CB      6-2        180        ---       22      R        UCLA 

47 Prime, C.O.                     LB      6-1         261       +6        23     R        Wagner 

49 Rayford, Caesar            LB      6-7         267        ---       27      R        Washington 

90 Redding, Cory               DE      6-4         318       +3       32      11       Texas 

Reitz, Joe                           G        6-7         323       +1       27       3        Western Michigan 

11 Rumble, Rodrick           WR      6-2         207       +6      23        R       Idaho State 

16 Sambrano, Jabin          WR      5-11       190      +15      23       1       Montana 

14 Sampson, Lanear         WR      5-11       205        ---       22       R      Baylor 

64 Satele, Samson               C       6-3         300       +1        28       7       Hawaii 

85 Saunders, Weslye          TE      6-5         261        -9        24       3       South Carolina 

62 Schmeig, Rick                  C       6-3         310       +5        23       R       Purdue 

59 Sheppard, Kelvin           LB       6-2         256      +12      25        3       LSU 

52 Sidbury, Lawrence        OLB     6-3         269      +9        27        5      Richmond 

57 Simmons, Monte             LB       6-3         248      +22      24       1       Kent State 

60 Sowell, Bradley                T         6-7         315       -5        24       2       Mississippi 

58 Spears, Quinton              LB       6-4         230       -4        25        2       Prairie View A&M 

34 Swanson, Daxton             S        5-11       191      +6        22       R       Sam Houston State 

68 Tevaseu, Martin               NT      6-2          345     +20      25        3       Nevada-Las Vegas 

66 Thomas, Donald               G        6-4          306      +1       27        6       Connecticut 

69 Thornton, Hugh                 G        6-3          334      +14     21       R       Illinois 

28 Toler, Greg                        CB      6-0          190      -2        28        5        St. Paul's (VA) 

32 Vaughn, Cassius             CB      5-11        199      +4       25        4        Mississippi 

Vinatieri, Adam                    K        6-0          208      +2       40       18       South Dakota State 

93 Walden, Erik                    OLB     6-2          250      ---        27        6        Middle Tennessee State 

87 Wayne, Reggie                WR      6-0         200      +2        34       13      Miami (Fla.) 

17 Whalen, Griff                     WR     5-11        197      +12     23         2      Stanford 

37 Williams, Kerwynn            RB     5-8          198      +3        22        R      Utah State 

21 Williams, Teddy                CB      6-1          207      +6       24         2      Texas-San Antonio 

63 Ziemba, Lee                        T       6-6           313       -7       24         3      Auburn



#   NAME              *.      HT.      WT.   AGE   EXP.   COLLEGE

48 McNary, Josh  LB         6-0      251      25       R      Army

Unsigned Draft Pick

#    NAME                 *.   HT.     WT.           AGE    EXP.     COLLEGE

92 Werner, Bjoern OLB     6-3     260     -6     22         R        Florida State



WOW;   The other that jumps out to me is how YOUNG we are, look at those ages.  Or, maybe I am just old like my name and everyone seems young.....  Go Colts!

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Just curious, what are the differences based on?

Last years weight for each player Im assuming, I dont think this is a positive, Nobody can convince me that coaching staff told Robert Griffen to balloon up to 361lbs and Chapman 24lbs to 340

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Last years weight for each player Im assuming, I dont think this is a positive, Nobody can convince me that coaching staff told Robert Griffen to balloon up to 361lbs and Chapman 24lbs to 340

For Chapman, 340 pounds isn't that big of a deal. Consider the weight of other nose tackles in the league. Especially with his conditioning work being somewhat limited over the past year due to his injury. I'm not worried about that. I would expect him to drop a good 5-10 of that during training camp.

But regarding the list, what prompted me to ask is that there are weight differences for even some of our new players, including rookies. Just wondering where NCF got the previous weights from.

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Yeah like super said I could see guys loose 5-10 pounds easy during training camp. Now 30 pounds of lard is another story. Also, gaining weight does not = getting slower. As long as its good weight and how you're training you can become faster and more explosive.

I just can't believe how small Hilton is. He even looks smaller than 179. Maybe cause he is a little taller than my vertically challenged self ;)

I could see the tackles losing some for quickness and the guards being beefy for the road grader roles.

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McAfee, Pat P 6-1 233 +13




What, are we converting Mcafee to Interior Iinebacker now to? ;)  :funny: 


Im not sure I would read alot into many of the players current weight to be honest, They have been off for 6 months, Not surprising some have gained significant weight, Not all players go above and beyond to stay in shape and even some that do can gain quite a bit of weight,

Good point Gavin.  When July and August heat hits the bodies, some will shed pounds in exponential numbers.  


I do see Chapman and Tevaseu as getting wider and tougher to move.  As you have said before, McKinney may be history.  Tevaseu is a big boy.


I also heard that big Bob Griffin was actually showing some ability...361 or not. (Fatboy slim?)  I would love to see him and McAwful wrestle :)


:coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet: !!!!!

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For Chapman, 340 pounds isn't that big of a deal. Consider the weight of other nose tackles in the league. Especially with his conditioning work being somewhat limited over the past year due to his injury. I'm not worried about that. I would expect him to drop a good 5-10 of that during training camp.

But regarding the list, what prompted me to ask is that there are weight differences for even some of our new players, including rookies. Just wondering where NCF got the previous weights from.



From the previous roster on Colts.com....


I take a fast glance at it about once a month or so....   sometimes more often than that depending on what's going on....

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On what was listed on the official roster as of a few weeks ago....



From the previous roster on Colts.com....


I take a fast glance at it about once a month or so....   sometimes more often than that depending on what's going on....

That's interesting. I guess they weighed everyone in at the minicamp and then updated the website. So the weights for the rookies in particular are basically updates from the combine or their pro days before the draft. Guys like Khaled Holmes and Hugh Thornton gaining significant weight in the last two or three months is interesting.

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That's interesting. I guess they weighed everyone in at the minicamp and then updated the website. So the weights for the rookies in particular are basically updates from the combine or their pro days before the draft. Guys like Khaled Holmes and Hugh Thornton gaining significant weight in the last two or three months is interesting.


Yes....   I noticed those too....     Not sure yet how I feel about it...?   Not sure if this is "off-season, they're not supposed to be in game shape just yet"   Or,  they've put on muscle at the direction of the staff and this is what they'll be playing at this coming year?


I think a question to the Craig Kelley mailbag is in order!

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Yes....   I noticed those too....     Not sure yet how I feel about it...?   Not sure if this is "off-season, they're not supposed to be in game shape just yet"   Or,  they've put on muscle at the direction of the staff and this is what they'll be playing at this coming year?


I think a question to the Craig Kelley mailbag is in order!

I figured they had dropped the weight to perform for the combine and have put it back on....which is not uncommon.

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Yes....   I noticed those too....     Not sure yet how I feel about it...?   Not sure if this is "off-season, they're not supposed to be in game shape just yet"   Or,  they've put on muscle at the direction of the staff and this is what they'll be playing at this coming year?


I think a question to the Craig Kelley mailbag is in order!

The weigh-ins for the combine and pro days are shortly after their seasons end. I think flying around the country and working out and running and all that stuff takes a toll on your body, making it harder for you to maintain muscle mass. It's almost like a nonstop season. Players usually drop weight from September to January just because of the physical demands. They workout, and they condition, and they eat, but most of them drop weight.

So after the pre-draft stuff is done, and they get back on their normal training routine (or a new routine, under the direction of the Colts staff), it makes sense that they'd put weight back on. Especially these guys who are bigger and play heavier than others, specifically Holmes and Thornton. Not that the team didn't want them to put on weight, but a potential drop and then gain doesn't really trouble me.

Different story for veteran guys with significant fluctuations, plus or minus. I don't know what Griffin has been doing, but I can't imagine anyone wanted to see him at 361. But even Lawrence Guy and Martin Tevaseu, it's not surprising that they'd pack on some weight after a long season. Twenty pounds is six months is not just muscle, I'm sure, but it does make sense that they'd rebuild some muscle once the season is done. And for those defensive linemen, that's not a problem.

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