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Luck is already elite! Put any of the so called elite QB's on the Colts behind that horrendous O-Line, and ask yourself could they go 11-5?


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Not if you look at it the way I stated??? Could any of those guys other than Rodgers have made it through the season much less go 11-5...No QB has ever came in and done more with less his rookie year...2 guys on the 0-line that aren't even legitimate NFL players, 4 rookie receivers and an old Reggie Wayne who wore down as the season went on...I know he can get a lot better as far as timing and getting rid of the ball quicker, at times he tried to do too much. The thought of what he will be even this year is scary and he is just as smart as Peyton and was running the no-huddle day 1...

  And I quote your topic title" Luck is already elite! Put any of the so called elite QB's on the Colts behind that horrendous O-Line, and ask yourself could they go 11-5? " 


Just because you can run a no huddle offense doesnt qualify you to be as smart as "the sheriff " Peyton Manning.  That just means the coaching staff worked on the no huddle from the jump.  Kudos to the coaching staff.  Luck at times this year forced the issue alot down the field, something he didnt do in college at all causing intereceptions.  What makes a good QB is awarness of how to handle that situation and play, to say he's as smart as Peyton Manning is FAR FETCHED.  Is Luck ahead of the curve sure.  We are only going into year 2. 

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Baiting is against forum rules, you might want to check on that here on your Colts forum.

i DIDN'T REALIZE THIS...ACTUALLY YOU HAVE MADE A LOT OF GOOD POINTS...I was just taking shots at the Texans in fun, not with malicious intent as others have done to me which I could care less about...Texans are a very good team, but unfortunately they'll only go as far as Schaub will take them...They remind me of the young Colts minus Manning and it's a shame they don't have the QB to get them there...

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For some reason I have no desire to go on a Houston Texans forum??? It's all in fun, I don't understand why people can be so sensitive? It's sports debate everyone should not always agree that would be quite boring...I may Imbelish on some threads to illicit a reaction , but it makes the threads more interesting IMO.

That to me sir, sounds like a Confession. Please slowly take your hands off the keyboard & place them behind your back. You're in direct violation of forum rules.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you type or post can & will be used against you in the cyber courts. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't get one... you can get a forum member to represent you :mod:

*sips apple juice* :funny:

I'm terrible

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  And I quote your topic title" Luck is already elite! Put any of the so called elite QB's on the Colts behind that horrendous O-Line, and ask yourself could they go 11-5? " 


Just because you can run a no huddle offense doesnt qualify you to be as smart as "the sheriff " Peyton Manning.  That just means the coaching staff worked on the no huddle from the jump.  Kudos to the coaching staff.  Luck at times this year forced the issue alot down the field, something he didnt do in college at all causing intereceptions.  What makes a good QB is awarness of how to handle that situation and play, to say he's as smart as Peyton Manning is FAR FETCHED.  Is Luck ahead of the curve sure.  We are only going into year 2. 

I never said he was elite last year???? I said he is elite, and will prove my point this year with the O-line and D-line improvements and the development of the other rookies...I agree he held the ball too long at times and didn't adjust to the speed at times, but that won't be a weakness this year. 

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  And I quote your topic title" Luck is already elite! Put any of the so called elite QB's on the Colts behind that horrendous O-Line, and ask yourself could they go 11-5? " 


Just because you can run a no huddle offense doesnt qualify you to be as smart as "the sheriff " Peyton Manning.  That just means the coaching staff worked on the no huddle from the jump.  Kudos to the coaching staff.  Luck at times this year forced the issue alot down the field, something he didnt do in college at all causing intereceptions.  What makes a good QB is awarness of how to handle that situation and play, to say he's as smart as Peyton Manning is FAR FETCHED.  Is Luck ahead of the curve sure.  We are only going into year 2. 

Tennessee education vs Stanford education?? Luck graduated early as well...John Gruden and Bruce arians who also coached Manning his rookie year both have been quoted as saying Luck is further along mentally than any QB they have ever been around or watched...Ill trust Gruden and Arians ...Of course manning is more advanced at the moment but Luck will equal or surpass what Manning has done just IMO..How is it far-fetched to say Luck is as smart as Manning?? Manning has more experience which can't be duplicated but he isn't smarter he has just seen more at the moment...

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Look jshipp I'm with you bro i believe luck is being highly overlooked... I know two other qbs that wouldn't hold up, heck one didn't hold up witha good oline. They both got more pub and hype not to mention had the top two running games I'm the league, however luck is not elite yet lets get a playoff win first.

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Look jshipp I'm with you bro i believe luck is being highly overlooked... I know two other qbs that wouldn't hold up, heck one didn't hold up witha good oline. They both got more pub and hype not to mention had the top two running games I'm the league, however luck is not elite yet lets get a playoff win first.

Let's just hope it doesn't take Luck as long as it did Matt Ryan *crosses fingers*

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Commenting on Luck's smarts for the game...

Last season I remember someone in sports media mentioning that Luck would never be the "student" of the game the same way Peyton was/is (I think that may have been said because Luck has some interests "outside" of football, but in no-way was a stab at his work ethic)...

 anyways, Not really sure that is a bad thing, sometimes I think Peyton was/is TOO cerebral in his approach to the game...


I will always take Brains over Brawn (for lack of better cliche) for my QB, but Luck seems to have the best of both... 


Maybe its that photogenic memory he is said to possess, but I think Luck will be able to play "as smart" as Peyton, without "over-thinking" the game....

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Not if you look at it the way I stated??? Could any of those guys other than Rodgers have made it through the season much less go 11-5...No QB has ever came in and done more with less his rookie year...2 guys on the 0-line that aren't even legitimate NFL players, 4 rookie receivers and an old Reggie Wayne who wore down as the season went on...I know he can get a lot better as far as timing and getting rid of the ball quicker, at times he tried to do too much. The thought of what he will be even this year is scary and he is just as smart as Peyton and was running the no-huddle day 1...


Last year was one of Reggie Wayne's best seasons yet.  He proved he is an elite receiver, and I don't know that he wore down as much as he began to demand a lot more attention after the first few games and we saw our other guys step up (TY, mainly, and Avery).  I think Heyward-Bey's addition (I still want us to snag another WR in the draft) is going to see this offense become a monster -- hands or no hands, DHB's speed has to be respected, so does TY's, and Fleener and Allen have potential to create a lot of match up problems in the middle of the field (there are very few LB's in the league that can cover either of them).  Anyway, I think Brazill has some potential, and maybe Whalen and Palmer but I am not sold on the last 2 yet.  If we add another big, fast WR we will have one of the best WR corps in the league.  Regardless of whether we add one or not, I think the development of our younger guys coupled with DHB's addition will see Reggie have an even better year this season when teams know they're going to be in trouble by focusing solely on Reggie.

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Would it have been baiting if he would have used Kevin Kolb :jump: .... Why do other teams fans come on here expect us to just be nice, I for one do not get it at all but ok. If your feelings get hurt oh well have a nice day. I have heard way harsher things from people on here with way more post then me but its ok because you have been on this forum longer. And this is a big deal grow up and relize your on a Colts forum.


Look I am very high on Luck too and I believe he will be elite but he has done nothing compared to the afore mentioned Qb's, all are SB winners so let's let Luck become elite.

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Wow. I love my Colts with all my heart but talk about putting the head before the horse(You know the original metaphor, but this sounded more fitting haha). Luck is good and we do have a shot at the division next year but the Texans aren't the mess they were 3-5 years ago. For at least a couple years it's going to be us vs them with the looser playing for a WC spot and there is no clear cut winner and probably won't be for the next at least 2 years.

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Would it have been baiting if he would have used Kevin Kolb :jump: .... Why do other teams fans come on here expect us to just be nice, I for one do not get it at all but ok. If your feelings get hurt oh well have a nice day. I have heard way harsher things from people on here with way more post then me but its ok because you have been on this forum longer. And this is a big deal grow up and relize your on a Colts forum.


Look I am very high on Luck too and I believe he will be elite but he has done nothing compared to the afore mentioned Qb's, all are SB winners so let's let Luck become elite.

If I were to go on a Steelers or Jets forum and start talking about the Colts they would insult me every way they possibly could, and I would expect nothing less. Colts fans are too nice  at times IMO...I lived in Cleveland for 5 years and I wouldn't wear a Colts jersey  to a Browns game and not expect hell from the fans...It irks me at times when we let other teams fans come to our stadium and take over. especially packer fans...The football culture is still young here and we have many fair weather bandwagon fans, but I'm Colts through and through all the way back to the days of Chris Chandler and Jeff George. Colts fans need to get a little less hospitable if you ask me.

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I didn't necessarily say he was better, but his strength and mobility allowed him to do things despite a horrible line these QB's wouldn't be able to do because they don't have this physical trait. Lets try it in reverse....How would Luck have done on the Texans with 3 Pro Bowl O-linemen, Andre Johnson, Arian Foster and Owen Daniels, and the comfort of knowing he had Watt on D...I think he could have competed for a Super Bowl with that team, and the same goes for putting him on the Broncos or Patriots...

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Would it have been baiting if he would have used Kevin Kolb :jump: .... Why do other teams fans come on here expect us to just be nice, I for one do not get it at all but ok. If your feelings get hurt oh well have a nice day. I have heard way harsher things from people on here with way more post then me but its ok because you have been on this forum longer. And this is a big deal grow up and relize your on a Colts forum.


Look I am very high on Luck too and I believe he will be elite but he has done nothing compared to the afore mentioned Qb's, all are SB winners so let's let Luck become elite.

At least have the decency to quote me if you're going to talk about me. Judging by your post count, I think I've been here way longer than you have. I also have friends here who, surprise, act humanely and I crack jokes with. The troll that started this thread did so to bait, it was so obvious that it's insane. But whatever. Think what you will. I'll continue enjoying my spot as the resident Texan fan.

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At least have the decency to quote me if you're going to talk about me. Judging by your post count, I think I've been here way longer than you have. I also have friends here who, surprise, act humanely and I crack jokes with. The troll that started this thread did so to bait, it was so obvious that it's insane. But whatever. Think what you will. I'll continue enjoying my spot as the resident Texan fan.

It would be 1 thing to get personal and insult you....I just poked fun at the Texans just a little bit cause I knew you were a Texans fan...I have personally been insulted which is different and didn't care...If everyone like or agreed with me the world would be a very boring place...I guarantee you if I would go on a Texans site and talk about the Colts the insults would pour in because Texas is a true football state and I wouldn't expect anything else..You make good points at times, but you don't need to be sensitive and quote rules if someone jokingly says something about the Texans....It's not that serious.

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Hey, I altered my post to sound a little less harsh! What do you guys expect of me when new posters like this come around haha

To be friendly as I always am...kind to others...and if they keep it up kick their _____(insert your own word)  If all fails do what superheros do when they are down.



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It would be 1 thing to get personal and insult you....I just poked fun at the Texans just a little bit cause I knew you were a Texans fan...I have personally been insulted which is different and didn't care...If everyone like or agreed with me the world would be a very boring place...I guarantee you if I would go on a Texans site and talk about the Colts the insults would pour in because Texas is a true football state and I wouldn't expect anything else..You make good points at times, but you don't need to be sensitive and quote rules if someone jokingly says something about the Texans....It's not that serious.

And I come on here and talk about my team....whenever I see fit. Otherwise I'm in the General section, participating in those endless Brady/Manning debates, or commenting on other interesting things of the day. Or I'm talking privately with my friends through PM. You'll never find me starting a Texan thread in the General section or randomly bragging about my team, I'll tell you that. And we Texans are very hospitable. You'd be surprised if you go to the site and act sensibly. They'd welcome you like one of their own.

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To be friendly as I always am...kind to others...and if they keep it up kick their _____(insert your own word)  If all fails do what superheros do when they are down.



Hehe...hey that looks fun. I want to do what the heroes do!

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If your a top 5 QB I'd consider that elite no matter your age, I agree he wasn't elite yet last year , but will be top 5 this year...Look at the jump Peyton made his second year and Luck has a much smaller jump to make.

first 5 qbs i would say are top teir, Elite to me are the greats... IMO

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Luck did very good behind that horrendous O-line.


Luck is not Elite, he needs to win a Super Bowl to be considered Elite. He hasn't won a playoff game yet.

That will happen within next 2 years, possibly this year...Even all time greats had great talent around them. The Colts have upgraded significantly since last year already, and with the draft still the come and the development of the young guys they already have I'd expect at least 1 playoff win this year...

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That to me sir, sounds like a Confession. Please slowly take your hands off the keyboard & place them behind your back. You're in direct violation of forum rules.

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you type or post can & will be used against you in the cyber courts. You have the right to an attorney, if you can't get one... you can get a forum member to represent you :mod:

*sips apple juice* :funny:

I'm terrible

Three members are available...... :bossy: This guy is a little bossy, and he will get kicked outside for smoking.   :cool:  OOOPS!  0-2...I thought this forum was not smoking.... :manning: There we go...we got our forum friend that will help us out on the subject of Luck.  And if he cannot...I am available for a nominal fee. :lecture: (Old as the hills, but like the Energizer bunny on Peeps.)  :)

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That will happen within next 2 years, possibly this year...Even all time greats had great talent around them. The Colts have upgraded significantly since last year already, and with the draft still the come and the development of the young guys they already have I'd expect at least 1 playoff win this year...


That is a dangerous word to throw around.


The Eagles significantly upgraded to the "Dream Team" and that ended horribly. 


Too many variables for me to agree with that logic. I will certainly hope that we get better from last year.

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This turns into a Manning vs. Luck thread in 2.8 seconds.


2.8 seconds Manning's average release time.


also the answer to the OPs question...who could stay behind our attrocious line....anyone who can release the ball in 2.8 seconds.


I leave for a month and I miss...nothing.

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This turns into a Manning vs. Luck thread in 2.8 seconds.


2.8 seconds Manning's average release time.


also the answer to the OPs question...who could stay behind our attrocious line....anyone who can release the ball in 2.8 seconds.


I leave for a month and I miss...nothing.

He may release in 2.8 but that doesn't mean he wouldn't still get rocked, and Luck had less than 2.8 seconds a lot of times..Manning would be starting his new job on CBS halftime show this year if he played for us last season.

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Would it have been baiting if he would have used Kevin Kolb :jump: .... Why do other teams fans come on here expect us to just be nice, I for one do not get it at all but ok. If your feelings get hurt oh well have a nice day. I have heard way harsher things from people on here with way more post then me but its ok because you have been on this forum longer. And this is a big deal grow up and relize your on a Colts forum.


Look I am very high on Luck too and I believe he will be elite but he has done nothing compared to the afore mentioned Qb's, all are SB winners so let's let Luck become elite.


Perhaps because it's in the forum terms of services that this is a forum where all NFL fans, including those of teams not named the Colts, can get together to discuss the NFL and Colts football.  Why is it difficult for fans of opposing teams to have civil, friendly discussion?  Why does everything turn into a measuring contest?

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