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Luck Era vs Manning Era

Dark Superman

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What do Colt fans constantly hear about those days of getting "byes" ...    "too much rest"   


Luck is a RUNNER...   He is MOBILE...     and that is SO huge...  


Indy will not depend on "timing" with AL....       IF plan A breaks down...     Luck can take it to plan B....   which is "move"....  


Indy NEVER had that option with Peyton..            ...


If Nick Harper's girlfriend hadn't stabbed him, Peyton Manning would have at least one more ring. We would have beaten the Steelers, and whoever represented the AFC would have beaten the Seahawks anyway.

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The Rodgers vs Favre debate is a lot harder because both are very similar physically.  


But I like Rodgers....       Don't really know why...     just a feeling...    They are both GREAT.



And the ONLY reason I favor Luck over Manning is mobility.      Luck's legs won Indy how many games last year?

I am not a huge Favre fan but I don't think Rodgers is close to him. He does not have that ability to win games when he is behind like Favre did routinely. Favre also never had great talent around save for his final couple of years in GB and won a ton and almost took an undertalented Vikes team to the bowl. I mean had anyone heard of Percy Harvin before Favre?


I agree about Luck. He has more phsycial skill than Manning and also has the "it" factor - makes everyone around him better and can comeback in the 4th like Manning.

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What do Colt fans constantly hear about those days of getting "byes" ... "too much rest"

Luck is a RUNNER... He is MOBILE... and that is SO huge...

Indy will not depend on "timing" with AL.... IF plan A breaks down... Luck can take it to plan B.... which is "move"....

Indy NEVER had that option with Peyton.. ...

if he doesn't learn to get rid of the ball, he might not have a very long career. The plays are designed to be passes, not qb scrambles. It his a huge advantage to be able to run whenthings break down, but if you do that toomuch, injuries happen

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if he doesn't learn to get rid of the ball, he might not have a very long career. The plays are designed to be passes, not qb scrambles. It his a huge advantage to be able to run whenthings break down, but if you do that toomuch, injuries happen


Well now that Bruce Arians & the long ball of death has moved to Arizona & Pep Hamilton will be installing his WCO with an improved O-line  , Getting rid of the ball should'nt be the issue next season .


Being big & strong & young served 12 well last year , An older less mobile QB in last seasons offensive scheme would have failed regardless of being a future HOF'er , If 18 was to roll up to the podium to enter the HOF I would not want it to be because he played in Indy in 2012 .

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all the manning fans are gone. all you have left are colts fans and the "new fans" who came over when Andrew Luck was drafted.


these boards never cease to entertain....but unfortunately they have slipped just under the call of duty forums for intelligent input and use of special characters in user names.

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all the manning fans are gone. all you have left are colts fans and the "new fans" who came over when Andrew Luck was drafted.


these boards never cease to entertain....but unfortunately they have slipped just under the call of duty forums for intelligent input and use of special characters in user names.


I'm a Colts fans first  I liked Jim Harbaugh I liked Peyton Manning & I like Andrew Luck & IMO in time 12 will be every bit as good if not better with a decent defense that stops the run, he will have even better success  . I hated Jeff George & John Elway .

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Peyton was very good...   BUT...  Peyton never played with ONE vet WR, and ....   a Rookie WR, a Rookie TE, a Rookie, TE, a Rookie RB, and a brand new D scheme......    and 36 dropped balls....


Peyton was a miracle worker but even that "stone" footed HOF QB could not have done what Luck did.




Luck can run an that is a big benefit.  But no way does he have even close to Manning's accuracy or anticipation nor does he have Manning's ability to read a defense.  Those things may come in time but they're not there yet.


Manning did take us into the playoffs in 2010 with Blaire White as one of the starting WR's and Quinn Ojinnaka as the starting RT.  

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Peyton is obviously the BETTER QB "right now" all things being equal.   


But all things are not equal......    Luck was dealt a team that started a lot of R's on O.      And a new D that didn't get TO's ....


All that being said...   Indy's OL was a train wreck last season.    Had Manning had to stand in there and make it happen do you really think it would have ended like it did with Luck under center?    I don't...  


Luck ran for his life on how many plays?      Factor in all the rookies running pass paterns...  ???   


Oh well...     now we got a Better OL....     potentially... 


if your eye test tells you a rookie qb is better than a hall famer then you have an optics issue

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I feel the same way....      He was knocked down, beat up, hit time and time again....     and yet at the end of the game he was getting it DONE.  


7X........       Indy has a WINNER under center.....      


Luck is just CLUTCH, he had the oportunity to choke all season, didn't do it once.

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all the manning fans are gone. all you have left are colts fans and the "new fans" who came over when Andrew Luck was drafted.


these boards never cease to entertain....but unfortunately they have slipped just under the call of duty forums for intelligent input and use of special characters in user names.


I'v read this a couple of times I'm convinced there is a message here -  its like Jim Irsays tweets the other night . Any idea's ?

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Well now that Bruce Arians & the long ball of death has moved to Arizona & Pep Hamilton will be installing his WCO with an improved O-line  , Getting rid of the ball should'nt be the issue next season .


Being big & strong & young served 12 well last year , An older less mobile QB in last seasons offensive scheme would have failed regardless of being a future HOF'er , If 18 was to roll up to the podium to enter the HOF I would not want it to be because he played in Indy in 2012 .

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Peyton is obviously the BETTER QB "right now" all things being equal.   


But all things are not equal......    Luck was dealt a team that started a lot of R's on O.      And a new D that didn't get TO's ....


All that being said...   Indy's OL was a train wreck last season.    Had Manning had to stand in there and make it happen do you really think it would have ended like it did with Luck under center?    I don't...  


Luck ran for his life on how many plays?      Factor in all the rookies running pass paterns...  ???   


Oh well...     now we got a Better OL....     potentially... 



I don't think that is a fair comparison. Arian's offense dictated that Luck hold the ball longer so receivers could get down field. Had Manning still be here, it would have been his offense in place, with all the bubble screens and ways to avoid the pass rush, and he get rid of the ball quicker than any QB in the league, so those things compensate for his lack of mobility.


This is an argument that will rage on until Luck retires. I believe the ability of the team outside of Luck will have a big influence on the outcome of this argument.

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I meant to like this instead of the one you quoted....


SPOT ON...  Arinas is GONE...   and HE is the one who put AL under the rush.  


Stupid really, but It did work out.      But Bruce will get Zona's QB's killed.   The same way he got Rothelisberger killed.  


It is NOT a QB friendly O.     As far as overall health goes.

Well now that Bruce Arians & the long ball of death has moved to Arizona & Pep Hamilton will be installing his WCO with an improved O-line  , Getting rid of the ball should'nt be the issue next season .


Being big & strong & young served 12 well last year , An older less mobile QB in last seasons offensive scheme would have failed regardless of being a future HOF'er , If 18 was to roll up to the podium to enter the HOF I would not want it to be because he played in Indy in 2012 .

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Very good point...     but then Peyton is passing to almost all new targets.    


It takes time....   to develop that type O that can just go "silent" .. .


It takes a long time.   



AND, INDY's OL was weakest straight up the gut.     Bad for Manning.  

I don't think that is a fair comparison. Arian's offense dictated that Luck hold the ball longer so receivers could get down field. Had Manning still be here, it would have been his offense in place, with all the bubble screens and ways to avoid the pass rush, and he get rid of the ball quicker than any QB in the league, so those things compensate for his lack of mobility.


This is an argument that will rage on until Luck retires. I believe the ability of the team outside of Luck will have a big influence on the outcome of this argument.

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Very good point...     but then Peyton is passing to almost all new targets.    


It takes time....   to develop that type O that can just go "silent" .. .


It takes a long time.   



AND, INDY's OL was weakest straight up the gut.     Bad for Manning.  




Luck did great things last year, and with those rookies having a year under their belt they should improve, and we should have better o-line play, and Luck will definitely have more completions in this new system.... however, to play devil's advocate, will improving Luck's stats really equate to more wins... or was throwing everything at Luck and making him do so much like we did last year the reason we won 11 games. Hard to measure.


Personally I think we will be a much better offense next year which is exciting because we were a pretty good offense last year.

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If the Luck era > the Peyton era, then it means that the Colts will have had better postseason success.  As you stated, putting a balanced team around Luck will be the difference.  The Luck era will have the benefit of a front office willing to learn from the mistakes made during the Manning era.   


If the Luck era > the Peyton era, then it means that the Colts will have had better postseason success.  As you stated, putting a balanced team around Luck will be the difference.  The Luck era will have the benefit of a front office willing to learn from the mistakes made during the Manning era.   

I think it's entirely possible the Colt's are more successful in the postseason with Luck . The regular season success was historic with PM , but the stubbornness of the front office to fix some of our glaring holes exposed itself against the better teams in the postseason. I say the odds of Luck being as good as PM aren't very good, less than 10 percent. Manning singlehandedly got them in the playoffs many , many years with a team that had some glaring deficiencies. Exhibit A was the Painter year, same players pretty much, went to worst in the league. Peyton was probably the best that ever played the game in that 04 season and definitely one of the best ever overall.

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Let's let the Luck era get out of the Luck year...before we annoint him. I have great hope that indeed it is because the Peyton era was the best decade of football I've watched....always a SB contender and that can't be bad...I would take a similar run easily.

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Does this mean Flacco is greater than Luck as he had two playoff road wins as a rookie ?  Honestly, it's way to early to tell if Luck is going to be as good as Manning. I consider Manning one of the best ever to play the game. That being said, I was at the playoff game in Baltimore, and really liked what I saw out of Luck. It was a very good rookie season, complete with a few comebacks that you like to see. To achieve greatness, Luck will need to look no further than Peyton Manning, or a Ray Lewis on defense, who were students of the game, and practiced, and studied film incessantly. This extra attention to detail seperates the above average quarterback, from the great ones. No way you can tell after one year, but it was a good rookie year, and nice turn around season for the Colts.

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Oh lord. Lets wait for year 2 first. If we go 6-10 does Manning swing back to first?

Let's win something first.


I don't know that the Colts will finish 6-10 but I do not expect them to win 11 games again. They are going to come back down to earth and I think something like 8-8 is closer to being right....

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Im going to say the Andrew Luck Era will be more successful than the Peyton Manning era and here's why!

Luck arguably had the better rookie year with a lot less to work with. Peyton had a veteran offensie line and Pro Bowl Wideout Marvin Harrison and we only ended up with three victories. Luck led the Colts to the playoffs with practically no line and a team full of rookies and new faces, Luck is that good and he's only a rookie.

Key: Get more talent around this kid quickly. Protection is key. Thank god he's mobie unlike Manning was. He needs another receiver to go along with that arsenal. Luck is going to be great, we just need to give him more help around the ball.

Defense: if the Manning era had a defense, Manning may have had 2 more rings. Personally I like what we are doing more in this era with Chuck Pagano's 3-4. I love the aggressive play style and hard hitting defenses.. The Cover 2 was far to soft and I'm more into having big run stoppers clogging holes and not small speed guys.. We should surely have a top 5-10 defense in a few years. I believe in Pagano and with a balanced team on offense and defense we should surely be a force to be reckoned with. Keep Luck on the fied and the opposing teams offense off it it.

Overall in time I can see the Colts having a very balanced team. Lead by an Elite quarterback we are only setting ourselves up for greatness. I love what Grigson and Pagano are doing compared to the Dungy-Polian era. Prepare for a smash mouth defense and a offense which will be led by Luck that's surely going to score points and win games.

I'm ready to build this monster.. I'm going out on a limb but I'm going to say Luck will win us 3 rings!

I sure hope so!

Basing future performance from the first year record isn't a great idea as PM went 3-13 so if Andrew were to follow the pattern we wouldn't be happy.  

I'm going to wait and see how he does after this upcoming season and should it be great, I'll apologize to all for my skepticism but IMO it is way too early to make predictions and realistically expect them to happen....but we all can hope!

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Basing future performance from the first year record isn't a great idea as PM went 3-13 so if Andrew were to follow the pattern we wouldn't be happy.  

I'm going to wait and see how he does after this upcoming season and should it be great, I'll apologize to all for my skepticism but IMO it is way too early to make predictions and realistically expect them to happen....but we all can hope!


 based on rookie season only Andrew Luck is 2 or 3 times better than Peyton Manning . 11-5 vs 3-13  '

I watched both players senior seasons it was obvious both times to me who our first picks would be . I 'm a big Peyton Manning fan & Andrew Luck fan but first & foremost I'm a Colts fan .

I don't discount that 18 was the best QB in Indianapolis Colts history I saw a great turnaround after his rookie season . When I watched 12 at Stanford I really felt he had skills already that took 18 a couple of years in the league to acquire & size & the ability to elude would be tacklers  . Now with Pep Hamilton bringing the WCO to Indy to work with his former student in my mind this  is the difference maker in B.A's bombs away scheme 12 did very good but in a system he already knows with a coach who knows him well ?? I expect greatness .


Andrew Luck can be the greatest QB in Indianapolis Colts history only time will tell . Year 1 is in the books & the results are in .


I really hope Peyton Manning & the Broncos don't win a Superbowl - Simply put I want him to retire a Colt . I don't want to see him in that ugly orange uni in the HOF .  That for me would be a disgrace . IMO :blueshoe:

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One rookie season isn't enough to judge Luck, however we can see some things that I think can help us get some sense of how this can turn out.


Luck is a student of the game and I believe he is highly intelligent. I feel he will study and be a great reader of defenses.


One thing peyton was great at was getting teams off sides with a hard count  and using the hurry up to get 12 on the field. Luck was able to accomplish this after 14 weeks in teh NFL.


I think he is a leader by nature, but perhaps not an in-your-face type leader that Peyton is. Peyton's ability to hold folks accountable is probably very underestimated in a team sport such as football. I'm not sure Luck's casual demeaner will ever hold a difficult locker room together. Every once in a while you get a Tiki Barber in the room and I'm not sure Andrew can handle a strong cancer like that. Lets prey for chemistry on this team becasue we can see what Tiki did to Eli in NY.


He is highly competitive and definitely tries to make things happen, almost to a fault. I see some Brett Favre somewhere in there in such a way  that intelligence turns into bad decision making. Needs to work on this.


For those that say Arians long pass play calls forced Luck to hold onto the ball longer, I agree to a point. I also heard the same Bruce Arians yell "THROW THE darn BALL" from the sidelines. he needs to work on forcing bad plays.


He is CLUTCH that is for sure. When the game is on the line he comes through. Thats a huge plus.


Based on what I've seen, he can't be any worse than Brett Favre and I'll take a decade of Brett Favre any day.


And as for the above comment.... If peyton signs a one day and retires a colt, i will personally smack him.

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I don't know that the Colts will finish 6-10 but I do not expect them to win 11 games again. They are going to come back down to earth and I think something like 8-8 is closer to being right....



It will be tough to match our 11-5 record from last year, but our schedule also looks quite a bit easier on paper this year

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If we build our team the way the Giants built it with Eli or the Steelers built it with Big Ben, we will win a SB in Luck's first 5-6 years.


That would be a team that plays more aggressive on defense and special teams, and keeps the QB in the game and gives him short field position whenever they can and enough possessions to work with.



These questions, I can safely answer:


  1. Will we be resting starters in meaningless games like the Polian era? No
  2. Will we build a more complete team on D and ST unlike the Polian era? Yes


Will we be lucky enough to have one good run in the playoffs in the next 5-6 years for a SB win? Probably yes. But will be lucky enough to have 2 such successful runs? You never know.


Peyton has had, what, about 46 4th qtr comeback wins in his NFL regular season career, but just 1 in his postseason career??? So, Luck might give us similar stats too, if his rookie year is any indication. So, I am confident the Luck era will match the Peyton era in regular season success in terms of double digit wins. But 12 wins for 7 years would be probably too much to ask.


Let me put it this way. Luck would have to win 10 games for about 10 seasons, 2 SBs, and 1 regular season MVP to help us have a case that Luck's era was better than Peyton's era.


If Luck wins 2 SBs, 0 MVPs, 10 games about 7-8 times in his career, it could end up a case of Luck being Eli or Big Ben, which would suffice for those who just want SBs, regardless of regular season record.


Bottom line, Luck era can be better than the Peyton era, ONLY IF HE WINS 2 SBs because it is going to be real hard to top the regular season success of Peyton.

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If we build our team the way the Giants built it with Eli or the Steelers built it with Big Ben, we will win a SB in Luck's first 5-6 years.


That would be a team that plays more aggressive on defense and special teams, and keeps the QB in the game and gives him short field position whenever they can and enough possessions to work with.



These questions, I can safely answer:

  • Will we be resting starters in meaningless games like the Polian era? No
  • Will we build a more complete team on D and ST unlike the Polian era? Yes
Will we be lucky enough to have one good run in the playoffs in the next 5-6 years for a SB win? Probably yes. But will be lucky enough to have 2 such successful runs? You never know.


Peyton has had, what, about 46 4th qtr comeback wins in his NFL regular season career, but just 1 in his postseason career??? So, Luck might give us similar stats too, if his rookie year is any indication. So, I am confident the Luck era will match the Peyton era in regular season success in terms of double digit wins. But 12 wins for 7 years would be probably too much to ask.


Let me put it this way. Luck would have to win 10 games for about 10 seasons, 2 SBs, and 1 regular season MVP to help us have a case that Luck's era was better than Peyton's era.


If Luck wins 2 SBs, 0 MVPs, 10 games about 7-8 times in his career, it could end up a case of Luck being Eli or Big Ben, which would suffice for those who just want SBs, regardless of regular season record.


Bottom line, Luck era can be better than the Peyton era, ONLY IF HE WINS 2 SBs because it is going to be real hard to top the regular season success of Peyton.

I have been meaning to ask this for awhile. Is it just Colts fans that believe the regular season actually means something? I see it here all the time. I mean if Luck wins two SBs his era is infinetly more successful than Peyton. I mean the object is to win the SB, right? The year Eli won his SBs his regular season records were 10-6 and 9-7 but who cares if  you win out in the post-season. I mean isn't that the point?

Edited by Nadine
removed bold
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I have been meaning to ask this for awhile. Is it just Colts fans that believe the regular season actually means something? I see it here all the time. I mean if Luck wins two SBs his era is infinetly more successful than Peyton. I mean the object is to win the SB, right? The year Eli won his SBs his regular season records were 10-6 and 9-7 but who cares if  you win out in the post-season. I mean isn't that the point?


How is Luck's era INFINITELY more successful by winning 2 SB's compared to Peyton's 1?

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Did you read my post?


Yes I did, which is why I still can't figure out how one more superbowl win would make Luck's era INFINITELY more successful.  I could possibly agree that it would be considered more successful, but to say infinitely more so sounds absurd.  

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Ok. I say infinitely because I put waay more stock in championships than regular season wins/achievements.

Yes I did, which is why I still can't figure out how one more superbowl win would make Luck's era INFINITELY more successful.  I could possibly agree that it would be considered more successful, but to say infinitely more so sounds absurd.  

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If we build our team the way the Giants built it with Eli or the Steelers built it with Big Ben, we will win a SB in Luck's first 5-6 years.


That would be a team that plays more aggressive on defense and special teams, and keeps the QB in the game and gives him short field position whenever they can and enough possessions to work with.



These questions, I can safely answer:


  1. Will we be resting starters in meaningless games like the Polian era? No
  2. Will we build a more complete team on D and ST unlike the Polian era? Yes


Will we be lucky enough to have one good run in the playoffs in the next 5-6 years for a SB win? Probably yes. But will be lucky enough to have 2 such successful runs? You never know.


Peyton has had, what, about 46 4th qtr comeback wins in his NFL regular season career, but just 1 in his postseason career??? So, Luck might give us similar stats too, if his rookie year is any indication. So, I am confident the Luck era will match the Peyton era in regular season success in terms of double digit wins. But 12 wins for 7 years would be probably too much to ask.


Let me put it this way. Luck would have to win 10 games for about 10 seasons, 2 SBs, and 1 regular season MVP to help us have a case that Luck's era was better than Peyton's era.


If Luck wins 2 SBs, 0 MVPs, 10 games about 7-8 times in his career, it could end up a case of Luck being Eli or Big Ben, which would suffice for those who just want SBs, regardless of regular season record.


Bottom line, Luck era can be better than the Peyton era, ONLY IF HE WINS 2 SBs because it is going to be real hard to top the regular season success of Peyton.


Well said. I'd like to add that the reason Peyton had poor PS stats was because in the PS you play the best of the best, and quite frankly the Colts weren't that great of a team. Other than a brief period when we had a running game and some Defense, we were pretty much a one dimensional team. PM's PS stats last year (albeit one game)  are more indicative of him being on a better team. They had a running game until Moreno went down and they had defense. I expect his Post Season numbers to shine as a Bronco. 

I have been meaning to ask this for awhile. Is it just Colts fans that believe the regular season actually means something? I see it here all the time. I mean if Luck wins two SBs his era is infinetly more successful than Peyton. I mean the object is to win the SB, right? The year Eli won his SBs his regular season records were 10-6 and 9-7 but who cares if  you win out in the post-season. I mean isn't that the point?

Yes. The OP compares Eras. An successful era to a football team can be measured in SB wins.


How is Luck's era INFINITELY more successful by winning 2 SB's compared to Peyton's 1?

We're not saying Eli is a better QB than Peyton. We're saying that the Giants are a better club than the Colts simply because they have won more hardware. 


If Andrew wins 2 SBs but only reaches the Playoffs 6 out of 10 years, it will still be a more succesful era than that of the colts 12 years of one and dones with one ring.

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Well said. I'd like to add that the reason Peyton had poor PS stats was because in the PS you play the best of the best, and quite frankly the Colts weren't that great of a team. Other than a brief period when we had a running game and some Defense, we were pretty much a one dimensional team. PM's PS stats last year (albeit one game)  are more indicative of him being on a better team. They had a running game until Moreno went down and they had defense. I expect his Post Season numbers to shine as a Bronco. 

Yes. The OP compares Eras. An successful era to a football team can be measured in SB wins.


We're not saying Eli is a better QB than Peyton. We're saying that the Giants are a better club than the Colts simply because they have won more hardware. 


If Andrew wins 2 SBs but only reaches the Playoffs 6 out of 10 years, it will still be a more succesful era than that of the colts 12 years of one and dones with one ring.

Did you watch Peyton with the Broncos in the playoffs? Two picks - one for a pick six and the other to end the game in OT and a fumble and a kneel down.

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