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RG way ahead of schedule for return


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Griffin has great football I.Q. QBs may be paid to throw the ball, but I'm sure a coach cares more about wins in the end. It's called the Tebow Effect lol. I could flip your argument around as well...even recently, we saw Brady go down instead of picking up a crucial first for his team. I believe this happened against the Ravens. We've also seen guys like Schaub and Manning get knocked over where a guy like Wilson or Kaep would have picked up a first down easily. Every quarterback has his pros and cons.

Yes, the I.Q. is there but also the athletic ability and more often than not instinct takes over and he runs and therefore has much more of a risk to get hurt. I also think for every time a QB like Brady or Manning throw the ball away, they in turn make five crucial throws often on third down. Whereas a QB like RG may pick up a first down with his feet but will then miss the throws. I just think in the end, you want the drop back guy which is why I think Luck is by far the best QB of the rookie class and he will prove that over the next 5 years.


BTW, it amazes me how much Brady's play against the ravens comes up. No QB was going to make that first down if you see the play. The defenders were right in front of him. He had no where to go but down. Normally Brady is able to pick up 5-8 yard when needed for first, see Houston game in Dec when he ran for a crucial first in the third quarter but not with a guy like Nagata standing right in front of him. ;-)

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Yes, the I.Q. is there but also the athletic ability and more often than not instinct takes over and he runs and therefore has much more of a risk to get hurt. I also think for every time a QB like Brady or Manning throw the ball away, they in turn make five crucial throws often on third down. Whereas a QB like RG may pick up a first down with his feet but will then miss the throws. I just think in the end, you want the drop back guy which is why I think Luck is by far the best QB of the rookie class and he will prove that over the next 5 years.


BTW, it amazes me how much Brady's play against the ravens comes up. No QB was going to make that first down if you see the play. The defenders were right in front of him. He had no where to go but down. Normally Brady is able to pick up 5-8 yard when needed for first, see Houston game in Dec when he ran for a crucial first in the third quarter but not with a guy like Nagata standing right in front of him. ;-)

I disagree with your assumption that 12 is the best rookie QB of this class by far but I don't want to get into another one of those debates again lol. We already have a thread for that. As for the "drop"...Brady could have easily made that first down. Even if he had to take a lick, it would have been worth it for his team. I'm not critiquing his entire game, but that one play stood out for me, and as I was rooting for the Patriots that day, I darn near threw my remote at the television.

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I disagree with your assumption that 12 is the best rookie QB of this class by far but I don't want to get into another one of those debates again lol. We already have a thread for that. As for the "drop"...Brady could have easily made that first down. Even if he had to take a lick, it would have been worth it for his team. I'm not critiquing his entire game, but that one play stood out for me, and as I was rooting for the Patriots that day, I darn near threw my remote at the television.

I hear you on the Luck debate. Time will tell. But he is the protocol typical QB and he stepped into a disaster of a situation unlike RG and Wilson and lost his HC early and played like the #1 pick and "next Elway" he was billed as.


I guess we will have to disagree on the brady play but I will say that I hated the fact that he slid and did not at least take on the defender. He has become much more conservative as he has gotten older. I think some of it might be the knee injury or the licking he has taking over his career. He has played with broken ribs, fingers and ankle injuries. Still, Brady from 2001 puts his head down and goes full force.

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I hope they do not rush him back though, or he rushes himself back.


OT but what is the deal with Derrick Rose? He coming back this season. I know it was an ACL tear but from what I have heard he is not coming back until he is clearly feeling 100%.


I guess everyone might be different though with these injuries......

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I hope they do not rush him back though, or he rushes himself back.

OT but what is the deal with Derrick Rose? He coming back this season. I know it was an ACL tear but from what I have heard he is not coming back until he is clearly feeling 100%.

I guess everyone might be different though with these injuries......

Acl tear in basketball are much worst
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I hope they do not rush him back though, or he rushes himself back.


OT but what is the deal with Derrick Rose? He coming back this season. I know it was an ACL tear but from what I have heard he is not coming back until he is clearly feeling 100%.


I guess everyone might be different though with these injuries......

Rose does not want to come back at less than 100 percent and said he will take the whole season. This is where football is so unlike other sports - no guaranteed contracts. Football players could never do what Rose is doing and think their job would be safe. Rose can take the season with little to no reprcussions. That being said, you are right. Everyone heals differently but more importantly some guys learn to play and play well injured. Others don't want to push it. Just depends on the person and the security they feel like they have to take extra time if they need it.

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No it's not... 


Rose is being selfish.     He "thinks" the Bulls are not good enough to compete....  yet he won't get on the floor when he has been going full for some time now.  ????


I have no idea what his issue is except "content"  ...    


NBA players don't get HIT.      There limbs don't get torqued.      The comparison is not close.

Acl tear in basketball are much worst

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I think the doctor should probably just keep his mouth shut or say something that don't give the fans such unrealistic expectations. He is kind of putting extra pressure on RG3 himself also. They would be very wise to take their time with him and bring him along slowly. One more tear to that ACL and his career is more than likely over, so rushing him back and putting pressure on him to come back so quick is doing nothing but putting his career in jeopardy.

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This is a classic example of a "guaranteed" contract situation vs a "NON guaranteed" contract...


I promise you ...   If dude had to EARN his money he would have been playing.


Rose does not want to come back at less than 100 percent and said he will take the whole season. This is where football is so unlike other sports - no guaranteed contracts. Football players could never do what Rose is doing and think their job would be safe. Rose can take the season with little to no reprcussions. That being said, you are right. Everyone heals differently but more importantly some guys learn to play and play well injured. Others don't want to push it. Just depends on the person and the security they feel like they have to take extra time if they need it.

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No it's not... 


Rose is being selfish.     He "thinks" the Bulls are not good enough to compete....  yet he won't get on the floor when he has been going full for some time now.  ????


I have no idea what his issue is except "content"  ...    


NBA players don't get HIT.      There limbs don't get torqued.      The comparison is not close.

I agree and I would also add that player like Wes Wekler or Peterson play the same type of game as Rose in terms of movement AND get hit.

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No it's not...

Rose is being selfish. He "thinks" the Bulls are not good enough to compete.... yet he won't get on the floor when he has been going full for some time now. ????

I have no idea what his issue is except "content" ...

NBA players don't get HIT. There limbs don't get torqued. The comparison is not close.

I have to be totally honest, I am embarassed to be a member of this board when posters choose to spew this ignorant garbage. Put your own biases aside, Rose is one of the classiest players in the NBA. To insinuate that he is deliberately avoidingg playing a high impact game like basketball while recovering from an ACL tear is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement I have seen in some time...

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No it's not... 


Rose is being selfish.     He "thinks" the Bulls are not good enough to compete....  yet he won't get on the floor when he has been going full for some time now.  ????


I have no idea what his issue is except "content"  ...    


NBA players don't get HIT.      There limbs don't get torqued.      The comparison is not close.



If I was in the NBA and not on the Heat I might say to myself "why bother" lol.

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Another student took Rose's ACT to pass him, vacated season with John Calipari, Rose was caught in bed with memphis state football players girlfriend and got the crap beat out of him, snubbed Lebron James during his FA run, and is a ball hog,....yeah, we shouldn't question his integrity.

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I hope they do not rush him back though, or he rushes himself back.


OT but what is the deal with Derrick Rose? He coming back this season. I know it was an ACL tear but from what I have heard he is not coming back until he is clearly feeling 100%.


I guess everyone might be different though with these injuries......

Maybe Rose isn't taking PEDS to speed up his return.....

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Well stated.  I was a little harsh.  I do wish I was an NFL DC though....I do not think I would be well liked especially against the Pistol/Zone Read/New wave Veer offenses.  They are effective 'for THE NOW."   :)


I'm fairly sure your teams would get a lot of penalties and you'd be at risk for getting the Gregg Williams treatment if you were to really push the envelope.  "Let's just hit the QB even when he doesn't have the ball" is not really a winning strategy long-term in a league where the politics heavily favor QBs and there are already rules in place that make it dodgy to do more than give a light shove to a QB off the fake.


Besides which, if your focus on stopping the zone read is too aggressive your playcalling and/or your players run the risk of lapsing in other areas.  The Redskins were still extremely productive offensively even when using the zone read sparingly and our offensive staff did a good job of mixing things up to exploit teams in ways they were unprepared for.  This is why I always laugh when people claim that the offense will be figured out.  The reality is that teams already know how to defend those plays.  What they don't know is when those plays are coming and how to defend those plays and everything else.  Oh... and even if they do know what play is coming and how to defend it in a specific instance they still have to out-execute the opposing team to succeed.


Offenses aren't static, either, they are continually evolved and refined and, historically speaking, the great offensive minds tend to keep slightly ahead of the great defensive minds.


Hey...that's the harsh reality for Griffin and these Pistol/Zone Read guys.


NFL DC's aren't gonna sit there and say "he's a nice kid and he's great for the league" when it's their paycheck on the line.


I just find it hilarious that of all QB's....Joe Flacco....one of the most stationary and immobile QBs in the NFL, just QB'd his team to a Lombardi while a lot of fans are drooling on themselves over QBs that are almost a sure bet to get maimed.


Flacco isn't totally statuesque like Drew Bledsoe or Tom Brady, though.  He can move around a bit if needed... a little Eli-ish in that regard.


If by "dancy" you mean good pocket/roll out mobility....I couldn't agree more.


But we all know what I'm talking about here...a Read/Option QB who instantly becomes a ball carrier once he keeps the ball is playing Russian Roulette....and that is what did RGIII in with both a concussion and the ACL.


If Shanahan or any other coach not named Chuck Pagano wants to do that with their QB....then be my guest.


Incidentally, Griffin has been relatively safe running the read option.  In large part that's because he gives the ball to Alfred Morris much of the time and doesn't take many chances with that play.  The QBs are generally well-coached in that regard, they're not supposed to run if there's a chance of unavoidable contact.


Griffin's problem stems from holding on to the ball too long as a passer both in terms of throwing late and going down or out of bounds late when he doesn't like his options.  I worry about him much more on traditional dropbacks than on anything else and I think the same could probably be said about Andrew Luck, who also seems inclined to hold onto the ball and throw later than is ideal at times.

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This is why I hate the state of "guaranteed"  sport contracts.     Nobody feels a need to produce....  when it does not matter. 




I have to be totally honest, I am embarassed to be a member of this board when posters choose to spew this ignorant garbage. Put your own biases aside, Rose is one of the classiest players in the NBA. To insinuate that he is deliberately avoidingg playing a high impact game like basketball while recovering from an ACL tear is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement I have seen in some time...

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blah blah blah....   ...       


Golly ...    Danny looked good..  oh...  


????   Granger ... not ROSE?    



bye bye BULL fan...


Whatever Cardiac Colt fan...    


CYA   ...  and I hope not...

I have to be totally honest, I am embarassed to be a member of this board when posters choose to spew this ignorant garbage. Put your own biases aside, Rose is one of the classiest players in the NBA. To insinuate that he is deliberately avoidingg playing a high impact game like basketball while recovering from an ACL tear is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement I have seen in some time...

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I have to be totally honest, I am embarassed to be a member of this board when posters choose to spew this ignorant garbage. Put your own biases aside, Rose is one of the classiest players in the NBA. To insinuate that he is deliberately avoidingg playing a high impact game like basketball while recovering from an ACL tear is the most ignorant and inaccurate statement I have seen in some time...

I don't know how close to Chicago you live, but on the Espn 1000 local Chicago radio, this speculation has been raging for awhile.

These comments aren't without warrant either, as Rose and his brother/agent, have made some not so great comments in the last month.

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blah blah blah.... ...

Golly ... Danny looked good.. oh...

???? Granger ... not ROSE?

bye bye BULL fan...

Whatever Cardiac Colt fan...

CYA ... and I hope not...

No... I am a sports fan. I value the integrity of sports and the sacrifices these individuals make with their bodies and their futures. You are obviously entitled to your opinion, but sometimes you just need to adjust your filter and keep it inside. I just don't like the negative tone these kind of posts set for the forum. What I've always loved about this particular forum is that it's more than a blog, it's a community of educated and informed sportsfans. But when I see ridiculous crap posted like Derrick Rose doesn't think his team is good enough for him to come back and play, it frustrates me because it detracts from truly insightful thoughts. For instance, I actually share your sentiments with regards to professional athletes' contracts. I think that is a topic we could have a great discussion about. But when good ideas are disguised in illogical babble, it is difficult to respond with an intelligent retort... Hopefully we can move on and carry on an intelligent conversation...

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I'm fairly sure your teams would get a lot of penalties and you'd be at risk for getting the Gregg Williams treatment if you were to really push the envelope.  "Let's just hit the QB even when he doesn't have the ball" is not really a winning strategy long-term in a league where the politics heavily favor QBs and there are already rules in place that make it dodgy to do more than give a light shove to a QB off the fake.


Besides which, if your focus on stopping the zone read is too aggressive your playcalling and/or your players run the risk of lapsing in other areas.  The Redskins were still extremely productive offensively even when using the zone read sparingly and our offensive staff did a good job of mixing things up to exploit teams in ways they were unprepared for.  This is why I always laugh when people claim that the offense will be figured out.  The reality is that teams already know how to defend those plays.  What they don't know is when those plays are coming and how to defend those plays and everything else.  Oh... and even if they do know what play is coming and how to defend it in a specific instance they still have to out-execute the opposing team to succeed.


Offenses aren't static, either, they are continually evolved and refined and, historically speaking, the great offensive minds tend to keep slightly ahead of the great defensive minds.



Flacco isn't totally statuesque like Drew Bledsoe or Tom Brady, though.  He can move around a bit if needed... a little Eli-ish in that regard.



Incidentally, Griffin has been relatively safe running the read option.  In large part that's because he gives the ball to Alfred Morris much of the time and doesn't take many chances with that play.  The QBs are generally well-coached in that regard, they're not supposed to run if there's a chance of unavoidable contact.


Griffin's problem stems from holding on to the ball too long as a passer both in terms of throwing late and going down or out of bounds late when he doesn't like his options.  I worry about him much more on traditional dropbacks than on anything else and I think the same could probably be said about Andrew Luck, who also seems inclined to hold onto the ball and throw later than is ideal at times.

Well stated RG3.  


Break out some film of the old wishbone offenses and veers.  Fake means.....by sports definition....Sports A brief feint or aborted change of direction intended to mislead one's opponent or the opposing team.  Having a false or misleading appearance


I do not know how many clinics....how many practices....haw many pre-games, Contain contain contain.  "This guy is GREAT at the fake.  Do NOT go for the fake...hit him."  I hit the QB.....over and over again.  The QB did not wish to continue to get hit.  I am talking LEGAL bone jarring hits.  I am not talking about ACL injuries or any injuries a la Williams. Injuries happen if a QB runs.  Simple as that....they also happen on fakes.


This is simple defensive philosophy...no Gregg Williams bounty....this is not new news.....and QBs will continue to get hurt....running the Pistol...Zone Read...."Veer with a twist"  offenses.  They will also get hurt running the Pro-Style Offense whether in the pocket or running.  I for on am glad this is a contact sport.  :)   :flag:  :flag: (It also does not hurt to get one or two of these to show you are not messing around)

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Well heres my toughts im glad to here RG3 is mending think hes a great young man ,and i love his talent,but if he keeps relying on his legs he will end up having a much shorter career ,and i hope they dont rush him back think hes good for the league.That being said we made the right choice IMO  Luck hands down with an OL to protect him and establish the running game will prove he is the best of the 3 qbs,hes better passer if you take all throws in to consideration short intermediate and long,and if need be can run and have the body to back it up and the brains to know how to protect himself when he does.Wouldnt trade him for either one,for that matter looking at age for any QB in the league!! :thmup: Defenses will adapt to the running QB,s and then dont like theyre chances to last for a long career

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Well heres my toughts im glad to here RG3 is mending think hes a great young man ,and i love his talent,but if he keeps relying on his legs he will end up having a much shorter career ,and i hope they dont rush him back think hes good for the league.That being said we made the right choice IMO  Luck hands down with an OL to protect him and establish the running game will prove he is the best of the 3 qbs,hes better passer if you take all throws in to consideration short intermediate and long,and if need be can run and have the body to back it up and the brains to know how to protect himself when he does.Wouldnt trade him for either one,for that matter looking at age for any QB in the league!! :thmup: Defenses will adapt to the running QB,s and then dont like theyre chances to last for a long career

I am not gonna kid anyone.  Jay do you remember at one point I was raving over RG3 over all of the QBs when there was an uncertainty on the great 18?  I was only leery of him due to a previous knee injury and the way he got up after a HUGE hit at the Alamo Bowl.


I want to make it unequivocally clear my 'defensive' comments are in no way a slam on the talents of Griffin 3, Kaepernick, or Wilson....those talents are obvious!!!  My thought process is entirely on stopping these offenses the way I know how.  Again...these are variations of 1960s and 70s offenses.  I seriously would love to do it!

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 25, 2013 - personal argument
Hidden by Nadine, February 25, 2013 - personal argument

haha exactly. Or maybe he does want Luck to get capped at the knees when he does a play fake.

I don't want anyone to get capped at the knees, thank you very much. But If I can't play straight up football, and resort to trick plays No matter who you are), then It's open game for some hard hitting. If you don't like that, go play some snakes and ladders.


It really is getting tiresome with you chuckle brothers liking each others posts every single day. 

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