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Worst Colts Of All-Time


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any Defensive Tacle to this point outside of Tony Siragusa?

Uh, no. The Colts have had many fine defensive tackles. You are apparently only considering the past few years.

I'd agree with those who say Art Schlicter. Ineffective players come and go, injuries take their unfortunate toll, but to be drafted that high and to not only be totally useless as a player, but to embarrass the entire franchise repeatedly for years because of a sleazy non-football related issue is just a whole different level. And what he has done SINCE leaving football - my word! Even Jeff George offered moments of hope. Even the Elway debacle brought a couple of fine players in return. Schlicter has been just an abomination from the moment he joined the team until the present day. The gift that just keeps on giving.

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Colt fan since George Shaw got injured opening the door for Unitas, Painter has to be the greatest flop in terms of raw talent, he literally had almost none. Schlicter and Jeff George were the most disappointing flops in Colt history with Entmann a very close second.

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Nah Linkenbach hasnt been around that long and is still learning, of course I could make it easy and say anyone who has ever played in the colts secondary in the last 20 years

Ashley Ambrose, Jason Belser, Eugene Daniels, Mike Prior, Ray Buchanan, Nick Harper, Joseph Jefferson, Bob Sanders, Antoine Bethea.

Not a great list over a 20 year period, but difficult to say worst of ANYONE who has ever played during that time frame.

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Gilbert Gardner

Ben Hartsock

Sweet Pea Burns

Tim Jennings

Dante Hughes

Marcus Howard

Kerry Collins

Jerry Hughes

Jacques McClendon

I don't know if any of those could be considered the worst... None of them really contributed much, but they didn't royally >>> up either.

I would agree with the Hank Baskett call since he arguably cost us ring.

Those Jared Lorenzen nicknames cracked me up though!

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He just recently got arrested again for scamming old people out of all their retirement money.

Seems like this thread comes around every few years, and Art ends up claiming the crown each time. All it takes is for some of the newer or younger fans to turn to the web for a little background, and there is little question he deserves more vitriol than all others combined.

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Seems like this thread comes around every few years, and Art ends up claiming the crown each time. All it takes is for some of the newer or younger fans to turn to the web for a little background, and there is little question he deserves more vitriol than all others combined.

It's one thing to suck on the field.

It's another entirely to also suck off it as well.

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My immediate thought was Mike Pagel. During his Colts career he threw 39 TDs, 47 Interceptions, ended up averaging 50.1% completions and was sacked 109 times.

But Curtis Painter has to be the biggest bust. You get great time sitting behind a master and then have a playoff team handed to you...the end result being...

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I been a colts fan only the last 17 years Im not familiar with the colts of the 80's and such, Nick Harper I thought was an alright corner, quite possibly better than anyone we have had in that position since I been watching them, which still isnt saying much

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I been a colts fan only the last 17 years Im not familiar with the colts of the 80's and such, Nick Harper I thought was an alright corner, quite possibly better than anyone we have had in that position since I been watching them, which still isnt saying much

Nick Harper was great for us. His wife stabbing him in the leg the night before our playoff game with the Steelers causing him to get caught by Roethlisberger is what I have an issue with.

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I dunno if that I blame her for the performance in that playoff game, it was a rarity Bettis fumbled, and Id have to relook the path Harper took, I think he ran very close to Roethlisberger the general direction, very close to him I think. but that particular play I picture it and remember it just not how close he was

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Getting hurt & being a bust are 2 different things!

That's kinda subjective, don't ya think?

If I pick a guy #1 over all and he barely plays over the two short years he's on my team.......what do you call that my friend?


"Bust" doesn't just mean the player sucked. It can mean the player was a waste, a poor value and/or didn't work out for whatever reason.

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That's kinda subjective, don't ya think?

If I pick a guy #1 over all and he barely plays over the two short years he's on my team.......what do you call that my friend?


"Bust" doesn't just mean the player sucked. It can mean the player was a waste, a poor value and/or didn't work out for whatever reason.

A bust to me is a guy picked high who sucks as a player.The guy was a consensus #1 pick all agreed. Steve was a promising player who's career was derailed by injury. when he played he played well. The guy had 2 knee injuries in back to back years. Bad luck. 2 his credit he went to Miami an played well there till he was hurt again.Most would have sat at home & counted there money. Busts to me are JaMarkus Russel Akelli Smith etc. Guys who sucked for what ever reason & weren't injuries.

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Someone guessed him. Gardner was A total waste. & Maybe Pitcock for QUITTING!!

Gardner, back up two years, gets starting job and messes up so bad Rob Morris has to replace him as starter mid season, and he doesn't make the Colts after that. Total waste.

I agree with Quinn P. close #2, then Sclichter top 3.

T. Ugoh, J. George honorable mentions.

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A bust to me is a guy picked high who sucks as a player.The guy was a consensus #1 pick all agreed. Steve was a promising player who's career was derailed by injury. when he played he played well. The guy had 2 knee injuries in back to back years. Bad luck. 2 his credit he went to Miami an played well there till he was hurt again.Most would have sat at home & counted there money. Busts to me are JaMarkus Russel Akelli Smith etc. Guys who sucked for what ever reason & weren't injuries.

I'm glad you defined your opinion of a bust. That doesn't change what I recognize as a bust.

#1 overall that costs a ton of cash and doesn't last two years, hurt most of the time......that's a bust.

I don't care if he was diagnosed with butt cancer a week after being drafted, I'd call that a bust.

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I'm glad you defined your opinion of a bust. That doesn't change what I recognize as a bust.

#1 overall that costs a ton of cash and doesn't last two years, hurt most of the time......that's a bust.

I don't care if he was diagnosed with butt cancer a week after being drafted, I'd call that a bust.

Your free to have your own opinion :whatever: I don't agree though. I guess Ernie Davis & the kid from Arkansas we drafedt & Len Bais were busts all High draft choices who died.

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Chip Vaughn. Two back-to-back unsportsmanlike penalties... Even though it was preseason, anyone who can make Jim Caldwell mad is a bad player in my book!


"Yo Vaughn, how ya like me now!?! Let's eat!"

Anyone who can make Jim Caldwell have an emotion must be bad.

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Since this 'worst Colt of all time' thread is not confined to players, but includes any person who worked for the franchise, then

the answer is easy and obvious. Who is responsibile for 16 seasons of futility and embarassment? Who made the Colts the laughing-stock

of the league? Who's failure to create a quality product on the field led to the economic conditions that forced the team to slink out of town

in the middle of the night? You all missed it.

It's 'Tiger Bob' Irsay.

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