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Colts passing game is a joke


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Hadn't seen this twitter thread posted, if so my fault for missing it. This guy broke down 10+ plays, a few where he thinks Brissett was let down by teammates and 10 plays which he considered miscues by Brissett.



That's the one where I thought Hilton received too much blame by some. JB could've hit Hilton out of his break but waited too long to pull the trigger.



There's several more plays if you go to the twitter thread but I didn't want to flood the whole page with this.

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11 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

I’m not arguing the questioning.  I’m not sold on JB long-term and i’m not convinced he can’t be the answer.

  But then, the # of interceptions Luck threw made me question his ability to take us all the way

I definitely agree on Luck (questioning him), but he had a lot of skill and made guys around him better. Liked him a lot, but never thought of him as god like by any means. I rarely felt out of any game with him under center though. I did feel frustrated on occasion, but far less than I do now :-). 

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2 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:


Anyone that we choose, whether its the first 1-5 picks of the draft,..... OR a FA.....  OR..... a later pick can fail.


With QBs taken in the first 15 picks of the first round....  probably over 50% dont work out


Unless we lost the rest of our games, we are going to have to give up very large draft capitol to be in range of the better, top,  prospects


Love appears to have the basic skills that is needed to be a successful QB in NFL....... he just needs to work on the basics (I believe)


Love is attractive as he should still be available with our Redskins pick, and we have a QB to keep us at least average until he would be ready


Personally I hoped JB would be THE guy.  


He is still being tested....So far......  he hasnt proven to be the long term answer for our QB spot


I am very much starting to fear that the slow read and slow release may not be able to be resolved with JB


We will see....... I remain hopeful, but my hope in JB is starting to falter



I really don't know much about the qbs coming out.  However, we all know that as the draft gets closer, qbs value increases.  Love's value, for example, may increase to  a top 15 pick or higher.  U just never know as qbs r over drafted.

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5 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

I definitely agree on Luck (questioning him), but he had a lot of skill and made guys around him better. Liked him a lot, but never thought of him as god like by any means. I rarely felt out of any game with him under center though. I did feel frustrated on occasion, but far less than I do now :-). 

Luck played almost all of his short career with hardly anything around him and an OL that was horrendous. yeah, he threw a lot of INTs but his first few years were with an offense that was very high risk-reward. Early last year if I recall we had a huge amount of dropped passes and a couple of those resulted in INTs. Second half of last year was the first time he had a decent OL around him but you are right, we were hardly ever out of a game with AL behing center.

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7 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

I don’t think they will trade up. We have to many holes to fill to be giving up draft picks. If someone falls to us then maybe. Who knows this kid might not even test well. 

There’s not as many holes as you make it sound. Fixing the QB position should be prioritized first. 


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1 hour ago, bravo4460 said:


I want to like JB, I really do. He makes it easy with his personality and leadership.


However this Colts roster is too talented to be where it is now. Colts are becoming a one dimensional team. To have 4 games at 151 yards or below (not counting his injury game) is inexcusable. The offense isn’t doing enough and it starts with the QB.


I honestly don’t understand the love for this guy. I don’t hate him and I tried to give him a chance. There is still time

left this season but he IS NOT the answer.


Also just because “we are spoiled” doesn’t mean that we should have to settle for mediocre QB play. You should always want the best QB for your team. That argument doesn’t make sense.

Not really saying it is an argument but just relaying what I heard from local radio guys who have shows here locally. I am not even sure JB is the answer. IMO we haven't had enough of a sample size to say he is or isn't. If we flop the rest of the way and finish 8-8 like I predicted at the beginning of the season than yeah I would hope we do perhaps take a QB in Round 1 or 2. What if we finish 10-6 and win the division and JB looks good, then what?

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

I definitely agree on Luck (questioning him), but he had a lot of skill and made guys around him better. Liked him a lot, but never thought of him as god like by any means. I rarely felt out of any game with him under center though. I did feel frustrated on occasion, but far less than I do now :-). 

Yea.  Not sure anyone will ever measure up (In my eyes) after Manning.


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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Doesn't make sense, JB has a cannon for an arm and is not using it this year much at all.

He even threw TY open on that play and anticipated where he was going to be. Could it be he doesn’t fit Reichs offense. You would think Reich could incorporate plays like this to take advantage of his arm. 

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1 hour ago, EastStreet said:

I definitely agree on Luck (questioning him), but he had a lot of skill and made guys around him better. Liked him a lot, but never thought of him as god like by any means. I rarely felt out of any game with him under center though. I did feel frustrated on occasion, but far less than I do now :-). 

With Luck I think we would be 9-2 right now and a SB contender. I like JB but Luck was better. With JB I can still see making the playoffs but he can't carry a team like Luck can. Ballard is a good to great GM, I think our defense will even be better next season and he will draft another WR to help out the offense.

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1 minute ago, Chloe6124 said:

He even threw TY open on that play and anticipated where he was going to be. Could it be he doesn’t fit Reichs offense. You would think Reich could incorporate plays like this to take advantage of his arm. 

As bad as JB played the other night, the deep pass he threw to TY, TY should've caught it. He catches that and people are singing a different tune today.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

As bad as JB played the other night, the deep pass he threw to TY, TY should've caught it. He catches that and people are singing a different tune today.

Yes but that video above is a deep ball down the middle. Wasn’t the one to TY more to the sideline. Geez frank get some plays in the book that take advantage of his arm. That video above shows he can anticipate and throw a guy open. 

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Eagles in a must win situation put up 9 points with the so-called great Carson Wentz and lose, Wentz threw for 256 yards which is good but not great but also only had 1 TD and 2 INT's. Derek Carr threw for a whopping 127 yards and 0 TD's and 1 INT in a loss to the crappy Jets. Examples where QB's that some may think is good lay eggs as well. Lets do an all 22 on Carr and Wentz today, I bet that would be fun. Every time they miss an open WR down field we have to do a shot of whiskey lmao 

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Bold prediction. If Jacoby doesn’t end up here as the guy for the next few years he will go somewhere that fits his talent more and have a lot of success. Seems he might not be the right guy for Reichs quick throw offense. Maybe in the off season Reich adds some of these deep plays to the play book. It just seems like a waste of the talent he has not to use it more. He might fit the Arian’s offense down in Tampa really well.

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2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Eagles in a must win situation put up 9 points with the so-called great Carson Wentz and lose, Wentz threw for 256 yards which is good but not great but also only had 1 TD and 2 INT's. Derek Carr threw for a whopping 127 yards and 0 TD's and 1 INT in a loss to the crappy Jets. Examples where QB's that some may think is good lay eggs as well. Lets do an all 22 on Carr and Wentz today, I bet that would be fun. Every time they miss an open WR down field we have to do a shot of whiskey lmao 

That was the jets third straight win. Seems they are starting to put things together. Having Darold out with mono really hurt them. The Steelers have a tough schedule ahead. This playoff race even for the wildcard isn’t over. Oakland plays KC next week.

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7 hours ago, NFLfan said:


That's the problem. Why are these quarterbacks (Jackson, Mahomes, Wilson, Josh Allen) viewed as RBs? Did you view Luck as a RB? He ran about as much as Mahomes has. Comparing their first full years, Luck ran more than Mahomes did. Given that, why is Luck viewed as a pocket passer and Mahomes is not? Yes, Luck did get hurt; that supports your argument. My question is why do you not categorize Mahomes as a pocket passer? Why do you view him as a RB-type QB?


This all goes back to your post where you said Mahomes has "hit a wall" because he missed a few games and that you expect Jackson to get hurt too because he runs a lot. Even if Jackson were to get hurt today, it does not mean that it was because he runs more. All players get hurt. Pocket passers like Stafford, Flacco, Ben are all hurt. Josh Allen runs a lot but he has not missed time this year. So, I disagree with your narrative. 


Let me be specific. I see a few different types of QB.

1) A QB who uses running as a huge part of their game (Jackson/Newton type)

2) A QB who who uses mobility as a huge part of their passing game (Mahomes/Wilson)

3) A QB who is primarily a pocket guy who is not afraid to run (Luck)

4) A QB who is primarily a pocket guy and tries not to run (Brady/Stafford/Flacco)


2018 rushes

Jackson - 147 (16 games)

Newton - 101 (14)

Wilson - 67 (16)

Mahomes - 60 (16)

Luck - 46 (16)

Brady - 23 (16)


When an injury happens to type 1 or 2 and the player is hobbled, their game and O scheme built around them is typically severely limited. Let's just say a sprained ankle. A Mahomes or Jackson won't be half of what they typically are. A hobbled type 3 or 4 will be a lot less limited because the offense built around them doesn't have the run reliance.


In terms injury likeliness. Guys like Newton and Jackson are basically passers and running backs. Guy like Mahomes and Wilson extend plays and use mobility but don't act or run like running backs. Guys like Luck see themselves as passers who "can" run when necessary. Guys like Brady don't want to run....  


In short, it's proven that RBs are more injury prone than QBs overall, so type 1 is logically at more risk. While type 2 may not be at more risk than type 3, their game will be more limited if they are hobbled. While there are no studies that take a granular look at different types of QBs, their injury likeliness, the impact of an injury, etc., It's not a huge leap of logic to think QBs that run as running backs put themselves at risk more often than those who don't, and so on as you move down the QB type list. 

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I don't think Jacoby knee/leg is all that healed. Frank ran the ball damn near every play for two games straight and made very little use of the QB.   I think JB still has some healing to do on that thing.  Of course that still doesn't erase some of the issues we've seen all season, but I think it does explain some of this over reliance on the run game as of late.

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2 minutes ago, krunk said:

I don't think Jacoby knee/leg is all that healed. Frank ran the ball damn near every play for two games straight and made very little use of the QB.   I think JB still has some healing to do on that thing.  Of course that still doesn't erase some of the issues we've seen all season, but I think it does explain some of this over reliance on the run game as of late.

I agree, I just haven't posted that because some in here would think I am using it as an excuse for Thursday's performance.  

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7 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:


Just a thought..... you seem to be an intelligent poster, and bring great points to the board.


I dont "worship at the alter" for anyone .......except for my Father in heaven


I am however estatic with the direction that Reich / Ballard are taking this team


With me..... (Not that it really matters) They have earned the benefit of the doubt


We ARE better as a team.......  we are missing only 2-3 players to get this team to a championship level.


The prior regime left with weaknesses at almost every position group.... and no depth


The people we cut, generally were not picked up by other teams...... They were out of football.

Not even good enough to make another teams PS.


MANY More of the people that we cut TODAY are finding homes on other teams


There is a message there


What is Ballard / Reich supposed to do at QB...... ?


You have a QB that MAY or MAY NOT be good enough to be a top 20 QB


After last week, my faith in JB is faltering greatly.  I watched some tapes of Jordan Love and see the quick choices, quick release, and excellent touch on the ball, and I wonder..... could this kid be developed to become a pro.


He has huge holes to go with his strengths..... he completes a lot of passes to both teams ........   But the skill is undeniable.


I compared some of this with JB and he just clearly doesnt have these kind of base skills.....  


If things dont quickly improve with JB, I think that you have to start looking at other options for next year, or at least have someone that you can develop from that spot. Love is NOT the answer for the Colts (or any team in 2020)


He would kill a team......  but he or someone like him, needs to be on the roster before we start next season. Someone that can be here for the LONG haul


In regards to JB


They will HAVE to come out and publicly support him.....  what are they supposed to do?


There weren't a lot of available choices at that time


You go with what you have


I was surprised with bringing in Hoyer, as I felt that CK earned the back up role in preseason.


I was surprised that we stayed with our kicker, his extra points are an adventure...... ugly.


Other than these two things this year........  we have a much more competitive team.....

all of this without stellar QB play, and with crazy amount of injuries.


This team is better top to bottom....... if we keep improving the steps lead to SB wins.


I used to run very large teams. When I had 1 superstar performer, and 20 average performers, I would get very inconsistent results..... some quarters way up, some quarters way down.


This creates havoc with a P&L statement.  The board and president start to take LONG looks at you.


When I dumped bottom performers, developed and grew, the "middle" of the team and added 1-2 top performers, the numbers and performance went up consistently. 


I looked like a "star" but it ALWAYS the team getting better, top to bottom.


The dynamic duo of Reich and Ballard are well on the way to building a better team.


As I dont live at the complex, and live a full non football life, I give the benefit of the doubt to these guys.


The "fan" in me wants to win every game..... but I realize that building something from the ground up that is sustainable, takes careful steps


I need to be patient.......


Go Colts......

Good post. I agree with the majority of the above.

To be clear, I love what Ballard has done (and Reich), I just laugh at some when their automatic go to is "so you think you know better than Ballard/Reich" any time a draft choice, player, play call, game plan, etc. is criticized. Instead of having a fact and data dialog, they play the Ballard trump card... All coaches and GMs makes mistakes, and none are above a level of criticism. 


And I agree our roster is absolutely better by a ton than it was a few years ago. Ballard has done an A job transforming things in short order. Not perfect, but huge improvement. Still a bit cautious with Reich as it's only his 2nd year as a HC, but pretty darn happy with him too. He's been given a challenging hand to play in some aspects, so hard to judge several things at this point.


On Love. Serious skill and high ceiling. Last year he was elite. This year, he lost his coaches, WRs, RBs, and OL, and their D has taken a huge step back. In short, almost total turnover and he's being asked to do way to much this year on a very bad team. I wouldn't assume he's a huge project. He would be on a bad team, but a team like the Colts with a solid core (especially the OL) might be enough to flourish early.


And FYI. Totally agree with you on work place things. I've managed people for most of my career, and have been responsible for very large organizations if not entire divisions or companies both domestically and internationally. If you are not in a constant state of improvement, you are losing. 

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2 hours ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

I've been curious about how Ballard and Reich feel about drafting a potential future replacement, whether they're on the same side of the fence or not. I've said it before but I'm curious how much longer Reich will be for. I mean, I don't have much reason to believe it he'll retire within the next 5+ years but I just have doubts that he'll be one of those guys coaching into his mid 60s.


Basically, I just wonder if he's pro-developing a potential replacement or if he's all in on JB. Obviously, he's said all the right things about JB in the media, but going by our gameplan's and taking the ball out of JB's hands, you wonder what he truly thinks.


They didnt have a lot of time to prepare JB mentally with Lucks early retirement.

Its not easy to change the mindset of someone who has been a career backup. 

You would have hoped Ballard sat JB down at some point and said 'look we need

you become a starter in the NFL'  'Notice I didnt say we need you to start for the

Indianapolis Colts'  ' We need you to become a starting level QB' 


My belief is they have had this discussion multiple times. Ballard is not someone

who will keep someone for sentimentality sake. I think its pretty evident with

Ballard taking time during a Playoff Run to scout other Qb's. This was Ballard

sending a message .


I think it also very clear that as long as JB is healthy, this entire season was devoted

to him redefining himself as starting level QB. The problem I see is that he has traits

from his tenure in New England and backing up Luck to do what you can to not lose

a football game due to stupid mistakes. He is so locked in to not making mistakes he has indirectly crippled the offense to a degree.


This is what separates elite/great QB's from the rest. They understand being open

is not graded on yards but their belief that the WR will go and a make a play. This

is where JB needs to let go. He needs to understand he dosnt need to try and win

every game by himself. He needs to let other professional football players carry some

of that weight and responsibility. 






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2 hours ago, hoosierhawk said:

Luck played almost all of his short career with hardly anything around him and an OL that was horrendous. yeah, he threw a lot of INTs but his first few years were with an offense that was very high risk-reward. Early last year if I recall we had a huge amount of dropped passes and a couple of those resulted in INTs. Second half of last year was the first time he had a decent OL around him but you are right, we were hardly ever out of a game with AL behing center.

Yup. Wish his career was more like the second half of last year (in terms of surrounding support). If so, he'd probably still be playing.

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1 hour ago, WoolMagnet said:

Yea.  Not sure anyone will ever measure up (In my eyes) after Manning.

Manning was just so easy to like too. Performance was there, but his personality/demeanor was awesome. I enjoyed his sense of humor as much as his play. Not sure anyone could ever compare to me personally. 

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10 minutes ago, krunk said:

I don't think Jacoby knee/leg is all that healed. Frank ran the ball damn near every play for two games straight and made very little use of the QB.   I think JB still has some healing to do on that thing.  Of course that still doesn't erase some of the issues we've seen all season, but I think it does explain some of this over reliance on the run game as of late.

Not to mention it was a short week. He had two weeks before playing the jags.


It will be interesting if they do more in the off season to taylor the offense to his strengths. They had very little time to do it and this offense was built for Luck.

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9 minutes ago, Blindside said:

They didnt have a lot of time to prepare JB mentally with Lucks early retirement.

Its not easy to change the mindset of someone who has been a career backup. 

You would have hoped Ballard sat JB down at some point and said 'look we need

you become a starter in the NFL'  'Notice I didnt say we need you to start for the

Indianapolis Colts'  ' We need you to become a starting level QB' 


My belief is they have had this discussion multiple times. Ballard is not someone

who will keep someone for sentimentality sake. I think its pretty evident with

Ballard taking time during a Playoff Run to scout other Qb's. This was Ballard

sending a message .


I think it also very clear that as long as JB is healthy, this entire season was devoted

to him redefining himself as starting level QB. The problem I see is that he has traits

from his tenure in New England and backing up Luck to do what you can to not lose

a football game due to stupid mistakes. He is so locked in to not making mistakes he has indirectly crippled the offense to a degree.


This is what separates elite/great QB's from the rest. They understand being open

is not graded on yards but their belief that the WR will go and a make a play. This

is where JB needs to let go. He needs to understand he dosnt need to try and win

every game by himself. He needs to let other professional football players carry some

of that weight and responsibility. 






Part of that has to be he knows how good this team is and is probably just don’t screw it up. I can’t imagine the pressure. Like I said above I think the off-season will be interesting to see if they do some things to Cater to his strengths.

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1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

With Luck I think we would be 9-2 right now and a SB contender. I like JB but Luck was better. With JB I can still see making the playoffs but he can't carry a team like Luck can. Ballard is a good to great GM, I think our defense will even be better next season and he will draft another WR to help out the offense.

Looking at the games we lost, I think we are undefeated with Luck, or at worst 10-1. 

But, he gone... 


I still think we can make the playoffs, but honestly my expectations once there are pretty low. It'll be a tough road getting in. Really not one "easy" game. TN at home coming up is the easiest on paper, but I could see us struggle if we can't pass. Got my pop corn ready... 


It's pretty interesting Ballard was out at Utah St... Surprises me he personally traveled. Definitely creates some interesting messaging / questions. 

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9 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

Manning was just so easy to like too. Performance was there, but his personality/demeanor was awesome. I enjoyed his sense of humor as much as his play. Not sure anyone could ever compare to me personally. 

Pats are about to go through the same thing we are. When Brady retires, their forum will be entertaining. I only consider 3 QB's in the GOAT talk that is Brady, Montana, and Peyton. That is based off of everything = stats your favorite, overall wins as a starter, leadership, league MVP's, longevity, and have to have at least 1 SB win as a starter to check off that resume. If someone wanted to put Unitas in that I could buy it. Can't disrespect the old school. 

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10 minutes ago, EastStreet said:

Looking at the games we lost, I think we are undefeated with Luck, or at worst 10-1. 

But, he gone... 


I still think we can make the playoffs, but honestly my expectations once there are pretty low. It'll be a tough road getting in. Really not one "easy" game. TN at home coming up is the easiest on paper, but I could see us struggle if we can't pass. Got my pop corn ready... 


It's pretty interesting Ballard was out at Utah St... Surprises me he personally traveled. Definitely creates some interesting messaging / questions. 

The guys that are doing the patriots game just talked about how the pats have issues with teams who are dialed in on the run. 

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11 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Pats are about to go through the same thing we are. When Brady retires, their forum will be entertaining. I only consider 3 QB's in the GOAT talk that is Brady, Montana, and Peyton. That is based off of everything = stats your favorite, overall wins as a starter, leadership, league MVP's, longevity, and have to have at least 1 SB win as a starter to check off that resume. If someone wanted to put Unitas in that I could buy it. Can't disrespect the old school. 

Honestly I think the Pats will transition pretty well. Not saying they will go directly to another Brady level guy, but I don't see Brady retiring last minute like Luck. Belichick, assuming he stays, will have a clear plan and not miss too many beats.

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3 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

The guys that are doing the patriots game just talked about how the pats have issues with teams who are dialed in on the run. 

They'll be fine. Their D will carry them. IIRC, they are top 2 in both phases. Their O will get it going enough to compete with any team. I only see a couple teams that can match them across the board on O and D. Belichick always finds a way to elevate them when they are struggling in a specific area. 

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2 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

Dumb question but was has changed this year from 2017.




1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Doesn't make sense, JB has a cannon for an arm and is not using it this year much at all.




The answer is... not much has changed. Jacoby is largely the same QB with some variance in his downfield success(which is understandable - those are lower probability shots on small sample) + being in Chud's Air Coryell system before and in Reich's system now. 

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10 minutes ago, stitches said:





The answer is... not much has changed. Jacoby is largely the same QB with some variance in his downfield success(which is understandable - those are lower probability shots on small sample) + being in Chud's Air Coryell system before and in Reich's system now. 

The fact he was in more of air it out offense I think is probably the biggest reason. Maybe he would be good down in Tampa where the offense fits him better. I just want  to see more risks like that and not be so scared.  He clearly can anticipate  and throw guys open.

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