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Week 8 impressions: Brissett


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What on his play call of having a free rusher come in and throw a 40 yarder downfield?  That play call?  Or fake horse collar play call?  Or setting the shaky old kicker up for a 52 yarder?


That's outcoe bias in a nutshell man.  The Colts were at home with a better team by a fairly wide margin but to each his own.

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1 minute ago, Nickster said:

 I didn't watch TV for like a week or two after 2003.


THe 2016 run was exhausting. Staying up late,eating pizza and wings, drinking way too much during the work week.  I joked with cardinal fans that I wasn't used to it.  How did they deal with long playoff runs? I screamed so loud from the bottom of my gut so hard and jumped up so quickly on the Montero HR in game one of the ALDS in my parents living room with my brother and a couple of other friends that year I literally almost passed out.


I just fell to the ground in tears when the Cubs won it all. I couldn't believe it was real. Other than the Colts winning it all in 2006-2007 that was my favorite sports moment of all-time. 

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I just fell to the ground in tears when the Cubs won it all. I couldn't believe it was real. Other than the Colts winning it all in 2006-2007 that was my favorite sports moment of all-time. 


I like football and hockey way more than baseball, but I am a Cub fan before all.  Way we grew up really.  Everyone played baseball and we poured over the box scores and debated at school all the time.  Down here in SW Indiana we have probalby 40 20 20 20 split for Cards Cubs Reds and Other teams split so we argued all the time.

Have a good week dude.  

On to Pittsburgh.

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1 minute ago, Nickster said:


I like football and hockey way more than baseball, but I am a Cub fan before all.  Way we grew up really.  Everyone played baseball and we poured over the box scores and debated at school all the time.  Down here in SW Indiana we have probalby 40 20 20 20 split for Cards Cubs Reds and Other teams split so we argued all the time.

Have a good week dude.  

On to Pittsburgh.

Yeah it seemed like one was either a Cubs, Cards, or Reds fan here haha . I chose the Cubs as a kid. I endured many cursed years but 2016 took care of us brother. Have a good one, off to Pittsburgh for another Tums eating night. Nothing is easy with the 2019 Colts.

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8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I just fell to the ground in tears when the Cubs won it all. I couldn't believe it was real. Other than the Colts winning it all in 2006-2007 that was my favorite sports moment of all-time. 

The 2 PCHS basketball titles are better for me but that is for personal reasons

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3 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

I was at the game too & I'm a JB fan.  I'll admit he missed some throws. Threw behind Doyle on a deep cross. Also missed Pascal early when he broke open late in the play on our first drive.  Looked like JB's clock probably sped up on that play because he knew he had the ball for a long time & the rush was coming.  But please tell me all these examples of plays where you saw receivers open all day????  


I sure didn't see receivers open all day.  I assure you if receivers were open all day we would have scored more than 15 points. JB deserves to be critiqued but the criticism he gets on this board from some is a joke.  He plays well & wins & he gets backhanded compliments.  "Yeah but..."


When Luck threw it 50 times last year but we got shut out by Jacksonville, did you same people criticize Luck just as hard?  Or were there excuses made because he's "elite" & therefore it couldn't have been his fault right?  Same with Manning when he wet the bed in the playoffs. Excuses...  Never any for JB though...  I see people saying JB isn't & will never be elite like a Brady or Luck...  JB is in his 2nd season of playing. Brady wasn't elite in his 2nd year of playing either...


Lastly, people say JB holds the ball too long & is slow through his progressions.  Would you be happier if JB forced more dangerous throws to guys that aren't open so we can get more tip drill interceptions?  Sure he has to improve but I like the way he's learning on the job & still getting us wins in the process. It's clear right now that JB truly only trusts TY & Doyle (I almost don't blame him).  He has to get better chemistry with some others (we really need Funchess back) but they've got go do better at getting open quicker too.


From what I've seen the players believe in him.  The coaching staff and management believe in him.  So I'm gonna believe in him too.  As long as he keeps progressing & we keep winning, he's alright in my book. 


I agree some what with what u r saying.  Luck and Payton get a pass when they have a bad game.  Someone is usually held accountable other than Luck and Payton. However, the one thing about that is evident is the lack of production and supposed separation of the recievers.  The visible hanging onto the ball by Brissett.  People just want to know if it the recievers not getting seperation or is it Brissett not going through his reads?  I don't have access to the over head film which would help settle the arguement.  Trust me, the Colts know what the problem is but they will never call anyone out.

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1 minute ago, Moosejawcolt said:

I agree some what with what u r saying.  Luck and Payton get a pass when they have a bad game.  Someone is usually held accountable other than Luck and Payton. However, the one thing about that is evident is the lack of production and supposed separation of the recievers.  The visible hanging onto the ball by Brissett.  People just want to know if it the recievers not getting seperation or is it Brissett not going through his reads?  I don't have access to the over head film which would help settle the arguement.  Trust me, the Colts know what the problem is but they will never call anyone out.

I am normally not this guy but it’s Peyton.  


With that said you are spot on here.  Like most things in football it’s probably a mix of both.  Both me and another fan that went to the game today and specifically watched the samething saw two different things.  So, odds are both are going on and whichever you want to blame you can.  


Jacoby doesn’t want to make a mistake so that probably leads him to holding the ball when a guy like Luck would have fired it in there.  While a good number of throws left people going “wow, that’s why he’s special” a good number of them also ended with Luck doing the two hands on his head why did I throw that expression he had after pick.  Also, the “wow, that’s why he’s special” should be over looked because it’s true, it did make him special and not every QB can do it and that’s why Jacoby doesn’t try, he knows he’s not that kind of player.  


The WRs do struggle to get open and don’t run great routes.  Outside of TY Doyle probably runs the best routes on the team which is why I think Jacoby targets him so much.  


So when you add those two things together you get a passing game that isn’t great.

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17 minutes ago, Nickster said:


I like football and hockey way more than baseball, but I am a Cub fan before all.  Way we grew up really.  Everyone played baseball and we poured over the box scores and debated at school all the time.  Down here in SW Indiana we have probalby 40 20 20 20 split for Cards Cubs Reds and Other teams split so we argued all the time.

Have a good week dude.  

On to Pittsburgh.

There are lot of Dodger and Yankee fans down here too


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22 minutes ago, Moosejawcolt said:

I agree some what with what u r saying.  Luck and Payton get a pass when they have a bad game.  Someone is usually held accountable other than Luck and Payton. However, the one thing about that is evident is the lack of production and supposed separation of the recievers.  The visible hanging onto the ball by Brissett.  People just want to know if it the recievers not getting seperation or is it Brissett not going through his reads?  I don't have access to the over head film which would help settle the arguement.  Trust me, the Colts know what the problem is but they will never call anyone out.

I definitely saw him miss Pascal for what probably would have been a touchdown.  He ended up throwing late to TY as the rush started closing in...  I think he needs to get better pre snap.  I saw from the jump that Pascal was gonna be open over the middle but I guess that's easy for me sitting 20 rows up in the stands. 


I think he'll get better there with more experience.  Seeing how the defense is aligned & what coverage they're in and where you're going to be able to exploit them pre snap...  Then manipulating the defense to get what you want.  He's not there yet but I just dislike people saying he'll "never" get there... 


As if Brady or Brees came out putting up 4-5k yards & 30-40tds their 2nd season of playing...  It's those absolutes that people use when speaking negative of JB that makes me defend him.  Yet, QB's that I'm sure the JB haters will say are better than him & that he'll "never" reach their level, when they put up empty numbers & lose because of interceptions or poor play they still place them above JB.  I want to see the names of the 20 QB's that are better & I expect their win-loss records, not just their stats to prove they're better...

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Context is important. Last week Brissett put up the stats and the performance, this week he struggled against a very good defense but came up clutch with the game on the line and got the win.


I'd rather think of this as another positive ticked off on the list of things you want to see from your quarterback rather than being too critical about the first 58 minutes of the game.

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12 minutes ago, ClaytonColt said:

Context is important. Last week Brissett put up the stats and the performance, this week he struggled against a very good defense but came up clutch with the game on the line and got the win.


I'd rather think of this as another positive ticked off on the list of things you want to see from your quarterback rather than being too critical about the first 58 minutes of the game.

This is fair, one of those yeah buts, was could he go win the game in the last two minutes.  Today he showed he could and that throw to TY was special.  The whole play, the escape, the poise to keep looking downfield on a busted play and not taking off and running on it and then making that throw on the run.  There is only a couple of guys in the league who can do all of those things.  That play was the difference in winning and losing.


Hes proving to be about what the Colts thought they had in him.  A top 20 guy talent wise.  He’s not great but he’s good and he’s a leader and winner and showed that today.  Add in top 20 talent and he’s your starter going forward because short of getting another Peyton Manning it’s hard to find guys who are all those things.  

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6 hours ago, EastStreet said:


TY has the least separation average out of the top 5 WRs/TEs on the team. TY (1.28), Doyle (1.54), Ebron (1.8), Rogers (2.15), Pascal (1.53). They don't list Hine's because he's a RB, but he's likely got the best separation on the team.


JB is also 25th in AGGN%, meaning he's throwing it into tight coverage more than 24 other QBs. 


TY is not slow, or bad, this just means he's doubled a lot. But he is definitely not the most open guy. Still, TY has more than double the targets compared to the next WR, and far more than any of the TEs. What this means is he forcing it a lot to TY, and probably because he's stuck on his first read. It's pretty obvious most of Reich's play calls are 1st read to TY, a TE, or a RB. The other WRs are getting open, they are just further down the progression.



JB's TTT today was his worst of the year I believe (3.05), and was 2nd worst in the league today. This means he's holding on too long, and while the OL was not perfect, he had plenty of time on average. If I had all 22 I'd screenshot a few plays where he had plenty of time, had open guys up the seam, but attempted to check down or simply locked onto his first read.


thanks for the numbers... they provide important context for what we are seeing. I agree TY is getting doubled a lot, but I wonder if there is a service that actually tracks those things? I don't think I've found a place that track them. PFF must be tracking them. Can someone with access check this out - how much is TY getting doubled and how does it compare to the rest of the league top receivers?

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We are 5-2 and won again, how did JB do last week vs Houston in your opinion? The critiquing here from a few on here makes me think people are NFL coaching experts. I have watched football for 40 years, played in highschool as well. I know JB is above average at worse if not good. Anyone that says he is below average, I just can't take serious.


I see people continue to post this "we are 5-2 and that's all that matters" thing again and again. This is getting kind of frustrating for me. QB wins is NOT a real stat. I wish people would stop using our record to justify their opinion of Brissett. The Bears won 12 games last year with Mitchell freaking Trubiski. This is what you get with inconsistent QB play. If your team is good enough you will have stretches where you win 5-6 out 7. The problem is that 5-2 is a snapshot at week 7 of a season, it doesn't take into account what part of this record is due to the QB's play, what part is despite the QB play. 5-2 is not a complete evaluation of what the QB is doing and it's not a projection of what the QB and the team with that QB will be able to do in the next 7 weeks 7 months or 7 years.


For me those threads are about evaluating and projecting Jacoby going forward, because either at the end of this season or next season we will have to either let him go and move on to another QB or give him a big time contract for the next 4-5 years. Thus the question in those threads should not be what the record is right now, it's what could you expect in the next 4-5 years if you get this type of play from the QB? If all we care about is what our record is and we will dismiss all of Brissett's deficiencies as long as we are winning, then what's the point of those threads? We might as well just lock the thread after the first post "we won, thus Jacoby played good enough" or "we lost thus Jacoby was not good enough". IMO Jacoby's second best game(behind the HOU game) was the loss to the Chargers and his worst games have been in wins. Those "look at the record" arguments are not serious arguments about Jacoby's play. We should look past the present and try to project what we can expect going forward based on how Jacoby himself is playing, what he's doing well and what he's struggling with, rather than what the team did in a 6-7 game stretch. What do you think is the expected long-term record of the team with QB play that Jacoby Brissett provided today? What about with the play he's provided for the full season so far?  

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8 hours ago, Chloe6124 said:

Was that him or no one getting open. All around the offense struggled against a top 5 defense. We actually had more yards then Denver’s average.  Not every game is going to be pretty. Sometimes you have to win ugly. Just enjoy the win and stop over thinking it to much.


Reading comprehension fail.


Just because we won doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to objectively assess how the team played. When your QB does have time in the pocket (refuting your claim it's all on the o-line), doesn't scan fully, and misses guys who are open, that's worrying.


But you know, you do you. 

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8 hours ago, Stephen said:

I don't  care about Brissett  holding the ball. Would rather he do that than throw 4 ints and we lose


That's a facile statement if I've ever seen one.

7 hours ago, EastStreet said:

I just said in a previous post that I don't. If I did, I would happily provide.



I do... I just lack time right now. 


Cherry pick some plays and I can post up All 22 shots.

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7 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The more people continue to post silly stuff the more I will be here to mock it :thmup:


For the most part the silly stuff is only on one side of the fence. 


Are you saying it's wrong to be somewhat cautious and realistic about Brissett? I have no issue giving him plaudits, but I'm not going to blindly say it's all ok when there are things week to week that are worrying. 


Not wanting to have a dig at you to be clear, I know that you're open to reasonable conversation about this all. Some.. not so much. 

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4 hours ago, ClaytonColt said:

Context is important. Last week Brissett put up the stats and the performance, this week he struggled against a very good defense but came up clutch with the game on the line and got the win.


I'd rather think of this as another positive ticked off on the list of things you want to see from your quarterback rather than being too critical about the first 58 minutes of the game.


This is a fair position to take, but to provide a little bit of further context, his throw to Hilton didn't win the game as such. Without a lucky flag we might have been struggling to get into FG range. 


Or it might have forced him to throw and we get a break for a TD, who knows. 


While recognising that Denver have a good D, teams that are contenders can still stomp on teams with good Ds if they can't move the ball. See 49'ers today. Take it as a back handed compliment that I think we could actually compete this year if a few things were tightened up.

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14 minutes ago, SteelCityColt said:


This is a fair position to take, but to provide a little bit of further context, his throw to Hilton didn't win the game as such. Without a lucky flag we might have been struggling to get into FG range. 


Or it might have forced him to throw and we get a break for a TD, who knows. 


While recognising that Denver have a good D, teams that are contenders can still stomp on teams with good Ds if they can't move the ball. See 49'ers today. Take it as a back handed compliment that I think we could actually compete this year if a few things were tightened up.


IMO, the key to this game was the defense holding the Broncos to 13 freaking points(Broncos offense being bad helped too). Against most competent teams you will be 10+ points down at this point and will have no way to win the game  in the last 90 seconds if you put up this sort of offensive performance for the first 58:30 minutes of the game(I include everything here, QB, playcalling, OLine, etc)

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2 minutes ago, stitches said:


IMO, the key to this game was the defense holding the Broncos to 13 freaking points(Broncos offense being bad helped too). Against most competent teams you will be 10+ points down at this point and will have no way to win the game  in the last 90 seconds if you put up this sort of offensive performance for the first 58:30 minutes of the game(I include everything here, QB, playcalling, OLine, etc)


It's somewhat amazing we did, given the flag fest. Was it 5(6?) PI/Holding calls on Ya Sin? 

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1 minute ago, SteelCityColt said:


It's somewhat amazing we did, given the flag fest. Was it 5(6?) PI/Holding calls on Ya Sin? 

The Broncos had nothing but Sutton vs Rock all day long. We shut down their run game and pretty much any receiver not named Sutton, who feasted on Ya-sin. He only got 72 yards but also drew flags for at least 60-70 more. I'm not sure the exact number. 

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8 minutes ago, stitches said:




For all the criticism of the O line, they weren't getting pressure just rushing 4 every time, there were (some well disguised at times) blitzes. But good teams/QBs eat blitzes all day and laugh in the face of them. Identify it, hit the quick hitter, rinse and repeat. Takes the pressure off the line. 


Given how we scheme up our O, I would have thought that we would have been well suited to coping with it. 

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7 minutes ago, SteelCityColt said:


For all the criticism of the O line, they weren't getting pressure just rushing 4 every time, there were (some well disguised at times) blitzes. But good teams/QBs eat blitzes all day and laugh in the face of them. Identify it, hit the quick hitter, rinse and repeat. Takes the pressure off the line. 


Given how we scheme up our O, I would have thought that we would have been well suited to coping with it. 


Yeah, @Chloe6124 I think posted something about the players and Reich saying the Broncos showed some things we had not seen from them before so we weren't prepared for it. But yeah... they were blitzing and stunting and looping... that's what we had most trouble with. 

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7 hours ago, PrincetonTiger said:

The 2 PCHS basketball titles are better for me but that is for personal reasons

My uncle starred for Wood and the 86 and 87 sectionals were by far the greatest things I ever saw in sport .  Are you old enough to remember Travis Trice tying up the game with a rainbow at the buzzer?


I HATED Princeton!  When I wrestled hated em too.

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5 minutes ago, Nickster said:

My uncle starred for Wood and the 86 and 87 sectionals were by far the greatest things I ever saw in sport .  Are you old enough to remember Travis Trice tying up the game with a rainbow at the buzzer?


I HATED Princeton!  When I wrestled hated em too.

My Parents taught in the NGSC for 40+ years each and my Dad coached multiple sports too so yes

  Greg Wilkinson is your uncle

2 minutes ago, Nickster said:


and Gil Hodges

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2 minutes ago, PrincetonTiger said:

High School coach in Ohio

   One son played at Michigan State another at Wisconsin 

That’s what it was his sons.  I despised Goldberg and Westland when I wrestled.  Good old fashioned rivalry despising though.

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2 minutes ago, Nickster said:

That’s what it was his sons.  I despised Goldberg and Westland when I wrestled.  Good old fashioned rivalry despising though.

I knew them well 

    Mr. Goldberg became an administrator around Indianapolis  

Knew Mr. Harris and his family very well too 

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10 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:


At the moment Deon Cain is the most replaceable colt of the entire 53 man roster.  He's hovering on the verge of bust status. 

Not picking on you, but using your comment to make a general observation. 


Don't know how Cain ever got the reputation around here as being anything better than a 6th round developmental WR.  If we waive him tomorrow, that isn't a bust.  Fountain was drafted ahead of him.


I think folks wanted to praise Ballard (sorry) and built Cain up to be a 2nd rounder to then say that Ballard was a genius to steal 2nd round talent in the 6th. Ignoring the fact that Ballard also passed on him in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  Cain was the BPA at the time, 185th best player, nothing more.  


Just goes to show the void of talent JB has to work with so far.


Cain  6th round.   

Fountain  5th round

Pascal  UDFA.

Rogers UDFA.

Hines 4th.


Where's Campbell and Ebron?

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3 hours ago, stitches said:


I see people continue to post this "we are 5-2 and that's all that matters" thing again and again. This is getting kind of frustrating for me. QB wins is NOT a real stat. I wish people would stop using our record to justify their opinion of Brissett. The Bears won 12 games last year with Mitchell freaking Trubiski. This is what you get with inconsistent QB play. If your team is good enough you will have stretches where you win 5-6 out 7. The problem is that 5-2 is a snapshot at week 7 of a season, it doesn't take into account what part of this record is due to the QB's play, what part is despite the QB play. 5-2 is not a complete evaluation of what the QB is doing and it's not a projection of what the QB and the team with that QB will be able to do in the next 7 weeks 7 months or 7 years.


For me those threads are about evaluating and projecting Jacoby going forward, because either at the end of this season or next season we will have to either let him go and move on to another QB or give him a big time contract for the next 4-5 years. Thus the question in those threads should not be what the record is right now, it's what could you expect in the next 4-5 years if you get this type of play from the QB? If all we care about is what our record is and we will dismiss all of Brissett's deficiencies as long as we are winning, then what's the point of those threads? We might as well just lock the thread after the first post "we won, thus Jacoby played good enough" or "we lost thus Jacoby was not good enough". IMO Jacoby's second best game(behind the HOU game) was the loss to the Chargers and his worst games have been in wins. Those "look at the record" arguments are not serious arguments about Jacoby's play. We should look past the present and try to project what we can expect going forward based on how Jacoby himself is playing, what he's doing well and what he's struggling with, rather than what the team did in a 6-7 game stretch. What do you think is the expected long-term record of the team with QB play that Jacoby Brissett provided today? What about with the play he's provided for the full season so far?  


Good points.


Regarding Jacoby's upside, imo it's hard to predict. It's always hard to predict. Who could predict, that Mariota will flame out like he has after his first season? He threw 4 TD, 0 INT, and almost had a perfect passer rating in his very first NFL game. And his first 8 games were better than Gardner Minshews. Nick Foles's first year was even better. RGIII-s first was amazing too. On the contrary, Manning broke the rookie INT record in his first year. Wilson in is first year rarely threw more than 150 yards a game, and the Hawks tried to "hide him" as much as possible. He wasn't even a game manager. Brady in his first 2 years was nothing like the Brady of the 2006-2018 era.


So we just don't know how much Jacoby can improve. We can only hope he will. The one side of him which makes me optimistic, is that mental tougness (staying focused, being not distracted by outside circumstances, staying calm in key moments, have short memory, never loose self-confidence, but never be over confident, never panic, never let your inside clock speed up or slow down etc.) was almost always a big part of the failure of those young QB's who never lived up to the expectations. Winston, Mariota, Bortles, Tannehill, Trubisky, Osweiler, Hoyer, not to mention Manziel etc. all have some kind of character and/or mental issues (along with technical, etc. deficiencies), which haunted them as pressure kept coming and increasing. Some can't focus enough to be consistent, some developed to see ghost, some just completely lost his confidence, etc. etc.


What I see in Jacoby is that he is a tough kid. He is smart, and has a very good mental build to keep focus, keep calm, never break, and not panic in big moments. He may not deliver from time to time, but never because his head. This is a strong foundation to build on. And, in addition to that, he has quite a few abilities which is already good to be a good QB. He has strong enough arm, he is not the most accurate, but accurate enough, his release is quick enough, he is athletic, he can move in and outside the pocket. Actually, by now, he has quite good pocket awareness, and pocket presence, which he didn't have at all in 2017. This is something he learned on the way, so he can improve. All in all I what I see is a good game manager material. Like Brady was in 2001-2002. Or Flacco was in the beginning of his carreer. A lot of (important) things to like, but also a list of areas to improve in. Will he eventually become a Flacco, or will he be better? I don't know. I think no one knows yet, we have to see.


So, while I think the Colts MUST excesize the opportunity to try to develop him, because he is too good to just get rid of, he is not good enough at the moment to build the future on him. Ballard has to have a plan B. The Colts has a deep roster already, they can afford now, to make a gamble on spending a 1st or 2nd rounder on a young QB. Even trade up, and give up a future 1st/2nd rounder if they see fit. Then put the new guy and Jacoby on field and let them compete. And see who'll come out on top.


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17 hours ago, stitches said:

Huge props to Brissett for the play he made especially with the background of the entire game he and the entire offense had(including Frank). The OLine was outplayed, Frank IMO was outcoached by Fangio O vs D.


Frank's concerning to me lately. He's starting to be too conservative and somewhat stubborn, both as a play calller and a game manager.


The decision to kick the FG on the first drive was maddening. It's 4th and 1, you're facing a good defense, you got a boost with the big kickoff return, you just got a big seven yards on third down, and you're on the 27. I thought that was go for it territory all the way. (And while I'm not including it in part of my analysis, missing the kick gave Denver the ball on the 35, so insult to injury, all self-inflicted.)


His second down play calling was also predictable. Outside of the FG drive at the end of the second quarter, they had ten 2nd and 6 or less situations. They called seven runs. They were mostly unsuccessful, including some negative runs. Overall on second down, they called 11 runs and 8 passes, and about half of those passes came either in a hurry-up or a 2nd and long. 


This second down pattern particularly bothered me because if you have some success on first down, you should have the defense on their heels. They wound up with a bunch of stalled drives instead, going 4/12 on third down. 


You have a conservative QB who sometimes appears gunshy (there's a lot of talk about receivers not being open; I think when people see the QB not throwing the ball they assume no one was open, but that's not what I saw, and I'm waiting for the All 22 to confirm), and now we're "complementing" that with a play caller and game manager who is trending conservative.

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15 hours ago, Patrick Miller said:

The dude won the game at the end. I swear Brissett had done nothing but show up and STILL people say " yeah but"....


It's called being able to look past the outcome and make an objective assessment of the game. 


No one is displeased we won. Interesting a lot of the people saying "we won that's all that matters" were calling the game lost at the start of the 4th Qtr...

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2 minutes ago, Superman said:


Frank's concerning to me lately. He's starting to be too conservative and somewhat stubborn, both as a play calller and a game manager.


I think this is a fair assessment. With all the focus on Brissett I'm not sure we're looking the play calling as much as we should. As you say combine conservative QB with conservative playcalling... what do you expect to happen?


Calling runs for Hines between the tackles on 2nd and longs (at least twice), really got my knickers in a twist, as did the 2 runs called near the end. I can get you don't want to take the sack, but getting stuffed in the backfield would have had a similar outcome, and they were getting penetration all day.


Credit to Denver's D aside, if we'd lost that game it was a game we lost, not that they won. Gifting them 1st downs on D, and a poor showing for the most part on O. 


Waiting on the All 22 too as it looked like there were times on broadcast you could see seam routes coming open, so it should be glaring on 22. 

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2 hours ago, DougDew said:

Not picking on you, but using your comment to make a general observation. 


Don't know how Cain ever got the reputation around here as being anything better than a 6th round developmental WR.  If we waive him tomorrow, that isn't a bust.  Fountain was drafted ahead of him.


I think folks wanted to praise Ballard (sorry) and built Cain up to be a 2nd rounder to then say that Ballard was a genius to steal 2nd round talent in the 6th. Ignoring the fact that Ballard also passed on him in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  Cain was the BPA at the time, 185th best player, nothing more.  


Just goes to show the void of talent JB has to work with so far.


Cain  6th round.   

Fountain  5th round

Pascal  UDFA.

Rogers UDFA.

Hines 4th.


Where's Campbell and Ebron?

I wish we would of taken Mclaurin over Campbell. He was nfl ready. Maybe next year we get a stud instead of relying on late round picks. 

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