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Hypothetically, Andrew Luck comes back next year, could you even get a 2nd rnder for him?


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Luck is not coming back....its done.  That being said if Brissett continued to excel they would move Luck if he did  come back.  I would go so far as to say luck would even  ask to b traded. Knowing Ballard and Reich, they would not move on from Brisssett.  How do u think that would play in the locker room.  Remember, what ever Luck's reasons were, he walked away from this team 2 weeks before the season.   He is done in Indy and I think u would have a mutiny if the front office and coaches replaced Brissett unless he was totally s....ing the bed. Ballard especially has moved on from Luck.  Remember his phone call  with McDaniels.  Apparently Daniels was talking and Ballard simply wanted to know  "are u in".  Soon as Ballard got his answer, he moved on. 

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6 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

If luck unretires, which he isn't gonna do.    He would be the QB of the colts.   Zero percent Jacoby would be the starter

Gotta see how this season plays out.  Might not be as cut and dry as you think.  I’ll say this though...if they do keep a Luck...no way I trade Jacoby after what Luck pulled.  I‘d still keep Jacoby around as “quit insurance”.   I‘d still rather trade Luck as it stands right now. I now question whether he has the psychological make up to take us where we are trying to go. 

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59 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Gotta see how this season plays out.  Might not be as cut and dry as you think.  I’ll say this though...if they do keep a Luck...no way I trade Jacoby after what Luck pulled.  I‘d still keep Jacoby around as “quit insurance”.   I‘d still rather trade Luck as it stands right now. I now question whether he has the psychological make up to take us where we are trying to go. 

He isn't coming back.   But if he does,   he is the QB.   

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1 hour ago, Moosejawcolt said:

Luck is not coming back....its done.  That being said if Brissett continued to excel they would move Luck if he did  come back.  I would go so far as to say luck would even  ask to b traded. Knowing Ballard and Reich, they would not move on from Brisssett.  How do u think that would play in the locker room.  Remember, what ever Luck's reasons were, he walked away from this team 2 weeks before the season.   He is done in Indy and I think u would have a mutiny if the front office and coaches replaced Brissett unless he was totally s....ing the bed. Ballard especially has moved on from Luck.  Remember his phone call  with McDaniels.  Apparently Daniels was talking and Ballard simply wanted to know  "are u in".  Soon as Ballard got his answer, he moved on. 

You didn't listen to Irsay very close.   There is a reason they didn't try to recoup the money he was paid.   I don't think He comes back,   but if he does he will be the qb

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3 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

He isn't coming back.   But if he does,   he is the QB.   

That would depend on how long he sits out and if the team manages to somehow win a Lombardi without him in the meantime.  If the Colts franchise can cut ties with Peyton it could surely do the same with a Luck if it was in their best interest.  Ballard is just the kind of GM who could make that move and not incur the wrath of the fan base.   

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12 hours ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Gotta see how this season plays out.  Might not be as cut and dry as you think.  I’ll say this though...if they do keep a Luck...no way I trade Jacoby after what Luck pulled.  I‘d still keep Jacoby around as “quit insurance”.   I‘d still rather trade Luck as it stands right now. I now question whether he has the psychological make up to take us where we are trying to go. 


He won't come back...but IF he did...they aren't trading him. The Colts are a business and Luck is marketable (as well as extremely talented). For him to come back...I think his psychological makeup would already have to be in the right place...so I wouldn't worry about that.


As for keeping JB...it would make sense as insurance...but that would be upwards of $50M in cap space on QB alone. And then you expose the team to a potential QB controversy after the first team loss.


Plus, JB is a FA the following year and the Colts lose him anyways. So trading JB (especially if you could get a nice Day Two pick) and giving him the opportunity to start elsewhere and earn a big paycheck would be the right move.


I think you have to commit to one or the other in that scenario...and logically...that's Luck. 

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On 10/20/2019 at 11:49 PM, NewColtsFan said:




The Pro Bowl is meaningless.  Always has been.    And we lost to a better team in KC in the playoffs.


Neither will impact his value should Luck decide to come out of retirement. 




The above is totally 100% true. 


That said , I think the poster was questioning if maybe something was going on with Andrew Luck's arm at the conclusion of last year. I think it's a fair question. IMO Luck made NUMEROUS poor throws in the KC game. 


As to the Pro Bowl , I've seen probably more than anyone on this board. By the way , it was a great event in the late 50's and early 60's . Loved watching it. It has grown into a major farce and I only watched the last few because Luck was there. My impression of Luck in that game last year  was he threw the ball incredulously , horribly poorly. Not sure you can blame that on the fact that the pro bowl is "meaningless." The other QB's all threw fine , just Andrew was terrible and I mean terrible. 


It's only 2 games but it makes me wonder if his arm really did "fully" recover from that shoulder injury. There are many baseball players whose careers ended with shoulder problems. The are horrible for pitchers and QB's. The odds of Luck returning full strength were said to be around 85% . I think... I'm going by memory. He could have been one of those unlucky 15% that didn't fully recover ?


To take a step further , maybe this was a big factor (if true) as to why he retired with a calf injury ? He didn't disclose this but I don't think he or the Colts would think it was in either's best interest to immediately disclose this. I also don't remember him saying anything like there was no longer any issue with his shoulder ? 


Just food for thought as it seems a little (just a little) odd that a guy that young who loved football would walk out on his team due to a nagging calf injury. If there is more to the story , it will take a while to come out.. JMO.


So just my opinion that "maybe" those last 2 games were ominous. Sorry for the long post as I hate reading them.

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2 hours ago, shastamasta said:


He won't come back...but IF he did...they aren't trading him. The Colts are a business and Luck is marketable (as well as extremely talented). For him to come back...I think his psychological makeup would already have to be in the right place...so I wouldn't worry about that.


As for keeping JB...it would make sense as insurance...but that would be upwards of $50M in cap space on QB alone. And then you expose the team to a potential QB controversy after the first team loss.


Plus, JB is a FA the following year and the Colts lose him anyways. So trading JB (especially if you could get a nice Day Two pick) and giving him the opportunity to start elsewhere and earn a big paycheck would be the right move.


I think you have to commit to one or the other in that scenario...and logically...that's Luck. 

How do you can commit to someone who cant commit to you? 

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4 minutes ago, dw49 said:



The above is totally 100% true. 


That said , I think the poster was questioning if maybe something was going on with Andrew Luck's arm at the conclusion of last year. I think it's a fair question. IMO Luck made NUMEROUS poor throws in the KC game. 


As to the Pro Bowl , I've seen probably more than anyone on this board. By the way , it was a great event in the late 50's and early 60's . Loved watching it. It has grown into a major farce and I only watched the last few because Luck was there. My impression of Luck in that game last year  was he threw the ball incredulously , horribly poorly. Not sure you can blame that on the fact that the pro bowl is "meaningless." The other QB's all threw fine , just Andrew was terrible and I mean terrible. 


It's only 2 games but it makes me wonder if his arm really did "fully" recover from that shoulder injury. There are many baseball players whose careers ended with shoulder problems. The are horrible for pitchers and QB's. The odds of Luck returning full strength were said to be around 85% . I think... I'm going by memory. He could have been one of those unlucky 15% that didn't fully recover ?


To take a step further , maybe this was a big factor (if true) as to why he retired with a calf injury ? He didn't disclose this but I don't think he or the Colts think it was in either's best interest to immediately disclose this. I also don't remember him saying anything like there was no longer any issue with his shoulder ? 


Just food for thought as it seems a little (just a little) odd that a guy that young who loved football would walk out on his team due to a nagging calf injury. If there is more to the story , it will take a while to come out.. JMO.


So just my opinion that "maybe" those last 2 games were ominous. Sorry for the long post as I hate reading them.


i was really worried about luck after watching that pro bowl.  a lot of people seemed to just write it off since its a meaningless game, but thats not really relevant to andrew's health.  that matters just as much as any other game 

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19 minutes ago, Tsarquise said:

How do you can commit to someone who cant commit to you? 


That's what the contract language is for. Again...this is all hypothetical...but if Luck came back...I think it's because he's committed again. But he's not coming back.

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On 10/20/2019 at 9:55 PM, GusFring said:

He basically quit on the team. Its no doubt he could've been a great one, but he left the best team he's ever had. He abandoned them. But teams like Chicago, Oak, Wash, Cincy, Tampa, and probably some other team I can't think of will want him. But not for a 1. 

IMO, characterizing Luck's decision to retire as an 'abandonment' or "quitting on the team" isn't really fair. This isn't the same as deserting one's brother's in arms on the battlefield, or abandoning one's family, or any other conceivable situation in which there is a moral obligation to sacrifice one's personal well being for a greater moral good. The NFL is nothing more than a business enterprise which exists solely for entertainment value.


I think of all the NFL players of yesteryear who were encouraged to sacrifice their bodies and minds for the sake of "the team", who now suffer from cognitive decline, chronic pain, etc. due to concussions, injuries, etc. Luck made a personal and professional decision, which he felt was in his best interests, and I don't feel that anyone is in a position to judge it as wrong, unethical, selfish, etc. It's HIS life. I can understand how his decision is greatly disappointing for fans. But let's keep things in perspective. Life is bigger than football.

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Even if Luck wanted to come back, he wouldn't because he has too much pride IMO. 

Plus, is it worth giving up Brissett's next 12-14 years for Luck to play 6-7 more years, and then, retire?! 

Love Luck, but Brissett has the leadership/drive to really take us somewhere. He's our QB. 

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Anyone on here suggesting that luck wouldn’t fetch multiple first round picks if he came back after only 1 year off, at 31 years old and under contract is a lunatic.


He would go for at least 2 firsts and probably a couple seconds thrown in too.


“But he quit on his team and that’s a big red flag!”


So did Jalen Ramsey... what did he go for? A Cornerback..... teams would remortgage  their stadiums to be in with a chance of bringing in a player like Luck

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4 hours ago, Chucklez said:

Anyone on here suggesting that luck wouldn’t fetch multiple first round picks if he came back after only 1 year off, at 31 years old and under contract is a lunatic.


He would go for at least 2 firsts and probably a couple seconds thrown in too.


“But he quit on his team and that’s a big red flag!”


So did Jalen Ramsey... what did he go for? A Cornerback..... teams would remortgage  their stadiums to be in with a chance of bringing in a player like Luck



I agree that Luck would bring a decent return in a trade. And I also agree that other teams would probably not look at this as his "quitting" on his team. However they would IMO for sure worried about how much love he has for the game , as well as how high he prioritizes football. Can he come back and play through pain ? Would he maybe just say "it's just not worth it " if injured again. I love Andrew Luck as a person and a player and I don't begrudge him as he did what he felt was best for himself and his family.


But I do believe the return you speak about would be for a QB with similar talent "without" having the issues he now has. Two firsts and probably a couple seconds are a ton to give up without being sure you have a healthy committed player. A team could avoid the money "commitment" by signing him to an extension loaded with incentives. I'm sure Andrew would agree to that.


What I guess I'm saying is I would guess a first in the top 10 and a second or third.

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5 minutes ago, dw49 said:



I agree that Luck would bring a decent return in a trade. And I also agree that other teams would probably not look at this as his "quitting" on his team. However they would IMO for sure worried about how much love he has for the game , as well as how high he prioritizes football. Can he come back and play through pain ? Would he maybe just say "it's just not worth it " if injured again. I love Andrew Luck as a person and a player and I don't begrudge him as he did what he felt was best for himself and his family.


But I do believe the return you speak about would be for a QB with similar talent "without" having the issues he now has. Two firsts and probably a couple seconds are a ton to give up without being sure you have a healthy committed player. A team could avoid the money "commitment" by signing him to an extension loaded with incentives. I'm sure Andrew would agree to that.


What I guess I'm saying is I would guess a first in the top 10 and a second or third.

Ballard wouldn't take that trade.   Jay Cutler was traded for 2 firsts 

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5 hours ago, Colts1324 said:

Even if Luck wanted to come back, he wouldn't because he has too much pride IMO. 

Plus, is it worth giving up Brissett's next 12-14 years for Luck to play 6-7 more years, and then, retire?! 

Love Luck, but Brissett has the leadership/drive to really take us somewhere. He's our QB. 

Luck is only 3 years older than Jacoby

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5 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

It's the NFL.  There is no guarantee any player makes it 5 years

thats true and kind of the point i was getting at.  not directed at you, but a lot of people just seemed to assume Luck was going to play that long until he retired early.  now the 10 year starter talk is beginning for jacoby.  QBs are lucky to make it to 40, its not the norm 

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2 minutes ago, a06cc said:

Andrew regardless of his injury had us at 1-5 at this point in the season. JB has this team at 4-2. So I can’t understand how some of you would think Luck would automatically comeback and be the starter. 

different team, different set of circumstances.  didint jacoby start like 1-5 in 2017 too

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1 minute ago, a06cc said:

Yeah with a bad roster. Luck had the same roster last season. 


thats selective memory.  the team had a lot of rookies last year including the coach and they took time to gel and learn how to win in the league.  even big Q wasnt playing like an all pro at first and we didnt have a left tackle 

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1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

Ballard wouldn't take that trade.   Jay Cutler was traded for 2 firsts 


I like you and everyone else on this board have no idea what Ballard would take in a trade for Luck. I will say that the Cutler trade was 11 years ago and teams value draft picks much more than they did then. Also I said a 1st round pick in the top 10. Cutler 1st rounders were the 18th in that draft and next year's first. But then again there was a 3rd and Orton. Who knows ... this would have so many moving parts if ever came to be.

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1 hour ago, aaron11 said:

a disgruntled corner back just went for two firsts, Luck would bring more than that 



I did say a 1st in the top 10 picks. Saying the Rams would pick around 24th , they could not get to say 6 by adding there 2020 draft pick. That's going by the chart. But maybe your right .. I'm just of the belief that most teams would be reluctant to trade multiple high picks for a guy that retired because he couldn't take the injuries anymore.


But who the heck knows. Clowney brings a 3rd , while Tunsil brings 2 first. Good luck predicting something like this .


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19 minutes ago, dw49 said:


I like you and everyone else on this board have no idea what Ballard would take in a trade for Luck. I will say that the Cutler trade was 11 years ago and teams value draft picks much more than they did then. Also I said a 1st round pick in the top 10. Cutler 1st rounders were the 18th in that draft and next year's first. But then again there was a 3rd and Orton. Who knows ... this would have so many moving parts if ever came to be.

If luck comes back,   and Ballard and Irsay decide to trade him. (Neither are going to happen)  luck would fetch at minimum 2 firsts.    No question

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Try to think about this from the other team's perspective--would you really be happy with trading 2 firsts for a guy that disappeared on his team less than 2 weeks before the start of the season?  I think that you'd have to know several things about that guy that are simply not knowable, to be comfortable with a trade like that.

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I also watched "some" of the pro bowl & Luck did look bad. But it was the skills challenge that was most telling & depressing.  Now surely Luck isn't gonna come out throwing rockets in a silly contest, but the lack of zip on his passes & the horrendous accuracy was shocking.  He may have had the lowest score in history.  Maybe hit the closest targets twice. 


That, coupled with the bad playoff game, had me really worried about arm fatigue or a dead arm. Maybe understandable coming off his first year back from surgery?  But maybe there's more there???  Then he skips OTA's &, correct me if I'm wrong, his first pass of his first training camp practice vs the defense was an interception...


Then he didn't practice for a while.  Then came out and "gave it one more go" before the Bengals game & retired the following week.  I doubt Luck walks away from the game because of an ankle injury unless major surgery was the only option.  I think it may have been the shoulder.


And because of that & the way he retired, I don't know if we could get two firsts. I can see a first and a second though. Then again, Elway might give us that and then some... 


Regardless, barring this team completely coming off the rails or JB getting injured, I don't think you could just give Luck the job back.  I don't know if the majority of the players would just be ok with that.  This is becoming JB's team as each week passes.  If he gets us to the playoffs & wins a game, I think it'll be tough to take the job from him.  


Look at the joy with which Doyle celebrates when we score. The way he looks to JB & congratulates him.  Same for the lineman. It's a tight brotherhood in that locker room. And Luck isn't in there everyday like JB is & how can they trust that Luck has that fire back burning in his belly?  Luck may have gotten Drew Bledsoe'd. 


If he comes back, you move him to the NFC for the most ransom you can get. Then we finish putting the key pieces to our Dynasty in place with those picks...


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On 10/21/2019 at 12:43 PM, aaron11 said:

he would not come back for that

I disagree, he has enough cash and does not want to play,thats why he's gone. So in limited situations that may work for him,and the team.It's not about the money,or stat's for HIM it's all about getting hurt.Less chance of that this way and he could still play the game he loves. Win,Win

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11 hours ago, Imgrandojji said:

Try to think about this from the other team's perspective--would you really be happy with trading 2 firsts for a guy that disappeared on his team less than 2 weeks before the start of the season?  I think that you'd have to know several things about that guy that are simply not knowable, to be comfortable with a trade like that.

i think someone would do it if they talked to luck and he said he is good to go.  it might be a risky move, but some GM that has to win now or lose his job would consider it


rams just traded two firsts for a CB that quit on his team and faked and injury so they can win now

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