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Don't Be Too Upset With Irsay, Manning Is Still Not Healthy.


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So after all the backlash at the front office and owner Jim Irsay lately for letting Manning go, I have to admit I thought it was wrong. What amazes me is this. None of the analysts are paying much attention to his health, it's almost as they are trying to pass Manning off to the media and other teams as 100% healthy and ready to play football.

FWIW I still haven't seen anything saying the nerve has regenerated, I haven't seen anything that shows me that he can even return to the NFL QB level. Today I was giving it some thought, and I do remember something about Irsay saying that he would keep Manning if healthy. What if the real issue behind all of this is that Manning can't play football?

Just food for thought since everyone and their mother is talking about the pre-injured Peyton Manning going to play football at other teams, but that is not even remotely the case.

What is everyone's opinion?

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Report earlier today his arm strength while improving is sill "far off"



From the first article

It should be no surprise, then, that Cole mentions in his report that at least one team is willing to sign Manning without seeing him throw.

We think the accurate number is two. And it’s likely the two teams would be signing him for reasons unrelated to just how far and hard he can throw a ball.

All I have to say to this is.... wow... just wow..

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I wouldn't sign him without some kind of termination clause if he's not 100% full strength by the start of preseason IMO. Some team is going to feel really stupid if the give him a boatload of cash in terms of his contract and guaranteed money if he don't fully recover before the season.

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All the analysts can say whatever they want about where he is gonna land. He has to pass a physical to join the team. But if/when he gets healthy I think he still has the potential to be the best QB in the game again, as long as the new coach lets Peyton be Peyton and not a guy who has to listen to the coach and not deviate from the scripted offense.

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I think the NFL/analysts and fans are forgetting that Peyton is NOT 100%, there is no guarantee he will be the Peytdawg we all loved to watch. I know Irsay is getting a lot of heat, but in the position he was in, I would've done the exact same. This decision was not easy for Irsay but I believe he had the future in mind and felt this was best for the organization, and I respect him for that. We won't know if it was the right/best decision for a while but the anticipation is exciting and I can't wait to get this draft/offseason started. I see bright days ahead Colts fans, just give it a little while, don't expect too much right away.

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I'd be willing to bet he gets back to close to as good as he could have been before the injury. There are stories all about the media regarding how well he is and isn't passing. Maybe I'm being naive, but I don't think Peyton would carry on about how well he feels, and how he intends to be back on the field productive if he wasn't there or didn't think he can get there (that was a long sentence).

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not sure i understand the question. he needs to be able to scramble, run at least some, and throw the ball 30-40 times

And it’s likely the two teams would be signing him for reasons unrelated to just how far and hard he can throw a ball.

For what other reason would they sign him? Mentor etc...? I don't think Peyton is looking for that.

Am I reading the quote wrong?

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For what other reason would they sign him? Mentor etc...? I don't think Peyton is looking for that.

Am I reading the quote wrong?

oh i get it. the dolphins season ticket sales would skyrocket the day he's signed. lot of people down there with money. they are just choosing not to spend it on the phins

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So after all the backlash at the front office and owner Jim Irsay lately for letting Manning go, I have to admit I thought it was wrong. What amazes me is this. None of the analysts are paying much attention to his health, it's almost as they are trying to pass Manning off to the media and other teams as 100% healthy and ready to play football.

FWIW I still haven't seen anything saying the nerve has regenerated, I haven't seen anything that shows me that he can even return to the NFL QB level. Today I was giving it some thought, and I do remember something about Irsay saying that he would keep Manning if healthy. What if the real issue behind all of this is that Manning can't play football?

Just food for thought since everyone and their mother is talking about the pre-injured Peyton Manning going to play football at other teams, but that is not even remotely the case.

What is everyone's opinion?

I agree with you I just posted in aother thread that I think Manning's health is still a real issue because of the following:

1. Manning said himself he still has work to do in regards to his health.

2. If he was fine I think the Manning camp would have produced a better video than the very grainy four passes video that they produced.

3. He doesn't want passing a physical to be a part of his new contract with his new team.

4. He wont throw for his new team before he signs with them (although the CBA could prevent that I am not sure what the rules are since he is no longer on a team.)

5. Clayton said Manning needs more time to keep getting healthy.

It could very well be he has more time and finishes his rehab and is just fine. However, it could be the rehab doesn't go the way he hopes. He might very well reach a point where the nerve in his arm just stops coming back, doctors have said you never know when, however, or if a nerve will come back. He could also suffer a set back we don't know. I do think if he can't play though it's going to take getting out on a field in training camp or a pre-season game to make him understand that.

If he can't play though Irsay is going to look like one of the smartest people in the NFL. He will have clearly made the right call and he'll be able to bring Peyton back this season to honor him and let him go out right for the fans which I think will do a lot to heal some of what has happened this past week.

I think it's 50/50 either way right now on Peyton's health. His neck is good to go but I think his arm has some real questions about it and no one knows those answers we just have to wait and see.

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I think it has been funny reading all of the hate on Irsay. I am a huge 18 fan and was upset when this idea of releasing him first came up. I thought it would be the stupidest move ever.....trade the pick and here we go.

After composing myself and thinking it thru, it had to be done. Even the cuts yesterday had to be done at some point. Just get it over with, eat the cap hit for this year and get ready for 2013. Obviously this draft will be big as we wont have any big $$$ for free agents. We will not be very good this year but will get another Top 10 draft pick next year and can draft well again and have a heck of a lot of $$$$ to play with.

I am very excited to finally not see a cover 2 defense with db's 7-10 yards off. I look forward to seeing the middle getting clogged up and lb's blitzing and db's blitzing. Offenses won't know what to expect...out D will finally have some bite.

I'M PUMPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote our new head coach who ended hos conversation with Jim Irsay with....." LET'S HUNT"

THE COLTS WILL RISE AGAIN..............BELIEVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u tell I'm a bit excited :)

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I've been saying he will be forced to retire for 5 months now(I sound like a broken record on here) and I'm sticking to that until I actually see him in a game. That has just been my gut feeling all along. Once again I hope I am wrong and he comes back and plays great but his arm strength could plateau at any time on his way back. So my guess is still that Irsay will be proven right by releasing him and all those people that are mad at Irsay for doing so will be wondering why they were mad in the first place.

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Even if he can throw a mile, will his 1st NFL hit in 1 1/2 years feel like being hit by a semi and can he recover from it

Where have you been? Taking a hit is not the issue. It's all about throwing ability and arm strength and gripping the ball and arm durability at this point. His actual neck is probably stronger now than it was before the four procedures.

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Ummm Can he do it 40 times in 30 minutes?

Good point. There are many issues at play here. Being with a new team and teammates he's going to have to get like a million reps in practice to get ready. Durability factor of the arm is going to be a big issue.

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Where have you been? Taking a hit is not the issue. It's all about throwing ability and arm strength and gripping the ball and arm durability at this point. His actual neck is probably stronger now than it was before the four procedures.

Where have I been? I'm not talking about his neck, otherwise I would have mentioned his neck. See? I'm talking about a 35 year old whose body hasn't seen game action in a year and a half. Sorry I didn't make myself clearer
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Where have I been? I'm not talking about his neck, otherwise I would have mentioned his neck. See? I'm talking about a 35 year old whose body hasn't seen game action in a year and a half. Sorry I didn't make myself clearer

Sorry man. My apologies. :shake:

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It is pretty clear that even going by what the media has said about him not being 100% yet that he is still better right now than all but a handful of QB's in the NFL. The teams chasing him know this. Add in his football brain and he is right up there with the best from last season.

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I think it has been funny reading all of the hate on Irsay. I am a huge 18 fan and was upset when this idea of releasing him first came up. I thought it would be the stupidest move ever.....trade the pick and here we go.

After composing myself and thinking it thru, it had to be done. Even the cuts yesterday had to be done at some point. Just get it over with, eat the cap hit for this year and get ready for 2013. Obviously this draft will be big as we wont have any big $$$ for free agents. We will not be very good this year but will get another Top 10 draft pick next year and can draft well again and have a heck of a lot of $$$$ to play with.

I am very excited to finally not see a cover 2 defense with db's 7-10 yards off. I look forward to seeing the middle getting clogged up and lb's blitzing and db's blitzing. Offenses won't know what to expect...out D will finally have some bite.

I'M PUMPED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote our new head coach who ended hos conversation with Jim Irsay with....." LET'S HUNT"

THE COLTS WILL RISE AGAIN..............BELIEVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u tell I'm a bit excited :)

Loooooooooooove this post.

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I have not and will not be upset with Irsay. After Addai, Clark, Bullitt, Brackett, etc...were cut, it made alot more sense why Manning did not stay. You know Manning was told all of this by Irsay probably before the Superbowl and gave him the option of helping oversee a total rebuild, or moving to possibly greener pastures to finish his career. I loved all of these players as much as anyone and Irsay has had a winning organization for a long time now. To say he had nothing to do with helping build that is *ic and saying he is the cause of all of these recent events is pretty petty as well IMO.

We will be fine and I am looking forward to FA and the draft!

Come on people, don't be this guy...


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Your joking right, you still believe he's not healthy? Open your eyes, to think this is almost as bad to think Mr. Irsay really tried to work out a deal to keep him. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what part of Manning saying that he "still has work to do" at his farewell press conference didn't you understand?

To me, "still has work to do" means just that and that he's not totally healthy.

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This is a glass half empty/full type of thing. I read the article entitled "Manning making encouraging progress in his arm strength" and say, that's good. Others say, uh oh, he's not there yet.

What I gathered from the articles, is he is where he is supposed to be for this point in his recovery. It's going to be a bit of a gamble for everyone involved. He is not currently ready. But, it's March. If he's made really good progress in the past month and that continues, he'll be ready by the time September rolls around.

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So after all the backlash at the front office and owner Jim Irsay lately for letting Manning go, I have to admit I thought it was wrong. What amazes me is this. None of the analysts are paying much attention to his health, it's almost as they are trying to pass Manning off to the media and other teams as 100% healthy and ready to play football.

FWIW I still haven't seen anything saying the nerve has regenerated, I haven't seen anything that shows me that he can even return to the NFL QB level. Today I was giving it some thought, and I do remember something about Irsay saying that he would keep Manning if healthy. What if the real issue behind all of this is that Manning can't play football?

Just food for thought since everyone and their mother is talking about the pre-injured Peyton Manning going to play football at other teams, but that is not even remotely the case.

What is everyone's opinion?

Mortenson, has said Peyton is throwing "very well"...

This whole ordeal was nothing but a PR battle. And Petyon won, but... who really won? Manning and the Colts won. Both wanted a split. Don't kid yourselves. Manning could be a Colt if "he wanted" But he does not.

Irsay will/has gotten hit with the brunt of the backlash but I guarantee you all... Manning wanted out he door long before Jimbo ever mentioned it. His contract made it clear.

Manning is an Alpha male.... and he is a master PR man. Now all he has to live up to are "expectations". From another city......

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