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14 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


No,  respectfully...    I don't think that's what Irsay is saying....    Ballard is running this, and he's not going to let Luck skip a step.    


That quote from Irsay is completely ridiculous.   I'm often the one around here to defend Irsay but that's just a flat-out silly, nonsensical quote.    Luck is NOT skipping steps.   Not one.   Not now or later.   Ballard will not let it happen.

I think what Irsay said is taken out of context.

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1 hour ago, crazycolt1 said:


That is not what he said.  How do you come up with that? 


Since you asked...


For me it’s Kevin Bowen’s tweet. The tweet specifically makes it seem like Irsay was speaking about off-season camp and Andrew saying “the hell with it.”

I watched the video, and after so many umms and uhhhs, it’s hard for me to focus.

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11 minutes ago, CamMo said:


Since you asked...


For me it’s Kevin Bowen’s tweet. The tweet specifically makes it seem like Irsay was speaking about off-season camp and Andrew saying “the hell with it.”

I watched the video, and after so many umms and uhhhs, it’s hard for me to focus.

I watched the video also and didn't pick up any vibes as to Irsay saying anything about skipping steps in Lucks rehab at all.

I took the comment 'the hell with it' was meant for when the time comes for Luck to throw on the field. Kind of what Ted Marchibroda said when he said 'Let er rip" 

Just my take on it.

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1 hour ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Yeah this will be year 2 of the 3 .... and we will be staying put at #6 .... CB has already stated he doesn’t want to leave top 10. 

If you think about it pick 11 or 12 is really a top ten pick when you realize that a number of teams are going to reach for a QB that will result in them being a top 10 pick but they actually do not merit top 10 overall consideration. 

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2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


Dont be surprised if we gain even more draft picks for 2019.    I think Ballard wants back to back drafts where he's got many extra picks.    


That will accelerate the rebuild...




Isn’t this Kraft/Hoodies recipe for sustained success? Sprinkle in some difference making FA’s, and we might just get somewhere. 

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Not being critical, just acknowledging what I see. I have never seen an owner who cares more, yet is so scrutinized. It's like people look for anything to point out. We all know he says um......yet every time he makes an appearance, it gets pointed out. 


People can certainly say what they want. But if you find yourself jumping at the chance for negative points about Mr. Irsay, it is likely an agenda. 


I am thankful for Jim. Hell of an owner....and he freaking loves this franchise. 

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2 hours ago, richard pallo said:

If you think about it pick 11 or 12 is really a top ten pick when you realize that a number of teams are going to reach for a QB that will result in them being a top 10 pick but they actually do not merit top 10 overall consideration. 

No message


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1 hour ago, MTC said:

Chris Ballard interview with Adam Schefter:




From the conversation about #6 and how many QBs go of the board beforehand, it's pretty obvious that they have 3 guys in particular that they have their eye on.  I think we all know who those three are.  


I've kinda been preparing for a pick out of left field, but he sure didn't make it seem that way here.

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30 minutes ago, Four2itus said:

Not being critical, just acknowledging what I see. I have never seen an owner who cares more, yet is so scrutinized. It's like people look for anything to point out. We all know he says um......yet every time he makes an appearance, it gets pointed out. 


People can certainly say what they want. But if you find yourself jumping at the chance for negative points about Mr. Irsay, it is likely an agenda. 


I am thankful for Jim. Hell of an owner....and he freaking loves this franchise. 


Best owner in sports!

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2 hours ago, richard pallo said:

If you think about it pick 11 or 12 is really a top ten pick when you realize that a number of teams are going to reach for a QB that will result in them being a top 10 pick but they actually do not merit top 10 overall consideration. 

True but who will we get to dominate? Chubb or Nelson will not be there at 12. 

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If Chubb gets taken by NY I think our pick will end up being Nelson. And wouldn't that be awesome if Will Hernandez was still around on day 2 like Forrest Lamp. Coming out with Nelson and Hernandez would be awesome.

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9 hours ago, TdungyW/12 said:

Thats what I figured .... I have patience and can wait. I’m happy with the way things r going. Last years deaft was good. This year will be good too as long as we get Nelson or Chubb .... (I hope chubb) and we get a 100% Luck back/protected. 

well, it's the sixth pick, don't get your hopes up too high.

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7 hours ago, Colt.45 said:

You shouldn't need 3 years to build in the NFL. One good draft class and a star QB can equal a one year turn around. See New Orleans.


A healthy Luck and a good class this year can equal a deep playoff run. 

New Orleans went 7-9 3 straight years before becoming good again.


A QB minimizes flaws but you still need time to beef up the roster so you can compete with the elite for rings.


See: Colts 2012-2014. Luck was enough to make em  playoff team, but they didn’t have the talent to compete with the NEs and PITs of the world.

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2 hours ago, chrisfarley said:

well, it's the sixth pick, don't get your hopes up too high.

As of right now .... it looks like QB 1-4 .... now that can always change. BUT all signs point that way which gives 5 & 6 Nelson, barkley or Chubb ..... or QB 1-3 which barkley going at 4 leaving Nelson and Chubb to go 5 & 6 or even a QB at 5 top leaving Nelson or Chubb at 6. 


I could also also see the giants trading down to address their glaring problem at corner .... possibly to 5 so Denver could get a QB or the bills .... there’s a lot of options and I’m staying positive. 

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4 hours ago, krunk said:

If Chubb gets taken by NY I think our pick will end up being Nelson. And wouldn't that be awesome if Will Hernandez was still around on day 2 like Forrest Lamp. Coming out with Nelson and Hernandez would be awesome.


I fear Denver steals Nelson right before us.     That's what I'm reading....


Hope that's wrong,  but fear that's right.    3 QB's plus Chubb and Nelson in the top-5.


Then,  the Colts are on the clock...........



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5 hours ago, Four2itus said:

Not being critical, just acknowledging what I see. I have never seen an owner who cares more, yet is so scrutinized. It's like people look for anything to point out. We all know he says um......yet every time he makes an appearance, it gets pointed out. 


People can certainly say what they want. But if you find yourself jumping at the chance for negative points about Mr. Irsay, it is likely an agenda. 


I am thankful for Jim. Hell of an owner....and he freaking loves this franchise. 

^^This^^   ....It is sad when a few Colts fans fall into what the media's opinion of him is. We as Colt fans know that Jim is not a great public speaker so don't find it necessary to point out a human flaw like some do. Maybe it makes them feel superior or something?  IMO it falls into the category of what some say about the differences of accents.

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I fear Denver steals Nelson right before us.     That's what I'm reading....


Hope that's wrong,  but fear that's right.    3 QB's plus Chubb and Nelson in the top-5.


Then,  the Colts are on the clock...........



then we get barkley.  i have no problems taking a back that high, especially when hes the best in player in the class 

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4 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I fear Denver steals Nelson right before us.     That's what I'm reading....


Hope that's wrong,  but fear that's right.    3 QB's plus Chubb and Nelson in the top-5.


Then,  the Colts are on the clock...........



See quite a bit of josh Allen talk. Dont think Keenum is the long term solution. Nelson is possible though. Although they have one good guard in Leery and there's a number of good guards in this draft. Barkley is another possibility knowing how much Denver likes to run.

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15 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


No,  respectfully...    I don't think that's what Irsay is saying....    Ballard is running this, and he's not going to let Luck skip a step.    


That quote from Irsay is completely ridiculous.   I'm often the one around here to defend Irsay but that's just a flat-out silly, nonsensical quote.    Luck is NOT skipping steps.   Not one.   Not now or later.   Ballard will not let it happen.


I thought it was silly, too.  I'm sure Irsay's intent was different...probably meant that AL was chomping at the bit to get back into action.  You're right, I believe Ballard is all over this and will not let AL take any chances.

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17 hours ago, csmopar said:

yep, and possibly even more... we have just shy of 60 million now, say 10 mil to sign draft picks and bubble players, leaves us around 50 million, add that to the 83 million we already know we're under the cap with for 2019, and 133 million!!  course that's the extreme case/high but still.  We're looking very pretty.


16 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

Dont be surprised if we gain even more draft picks for 2019.    I think Ballard wants back to back drafts where he's got many extra picks.    


That will accelerate the rebuild...


Do I sense.... optimism on the forum?

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7 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


I fear Denver steals Nelson right before us.     That's what I'm reading....


Hope that's wrong,  but fear that's right.    3 QB's plus Chubb and Nelson in the top-5.


Then,  the Colts are on the clock...........



My fear is only 2 QBs go in the top 5 and Barkley, Chubb, and Nelson are all gone at 6

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2 hours ago, k9copinmd said:

My fear is only 2 QBs go in the top 5 and Barkley, Chubb, and Nelson are all gone at 6


I think this is possible...   but I don't think it's likely.


I think if it happens, then Ballard either stays put and takes someone like Edmunds...   or trades back a little (still within the top-10) or a little further, with a team line Buffalo at 12.    I don't see the Colts moving back to 15 with Arizona --- too far.


If we trade back we're getting more picks PLUS a player that Ballard still likes a lot.


Put another way...   I don't fear your scenario.   I think Ballard has positioned the Colts to do very well no matter what.




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