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2017-2018 Indiana Pacers and Everything NBA Thread

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21 hours ago, aaron11 said:

read something on pacers digest


guess who is the only team in the league that hasn't had a top 9 pick since 1989?


this is why i take issue with those that think i just want to tank the years away.  it wont kill us to get younger and accumulate some picks every once in a while

I was ok with cleaning house this year if we could have got say high pick next year for PG....if we could have had say two top 10 picks next year and then Myles....then clear cap space in 19 and start adding vets to make another run at things but with no high draft picks this is about as good as we can do. We are still clearing cap space next offseason and in 19 and we have drafted ok in the 11-15 range so we can again...but this is the best the Pacers will tank...they won't go all out mode they have to pretend to be relevant to keep fan attention while be just bad enough to get decent picks and clear the books.

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5 hours ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I just read up on the new jersey thing.  I actually saw a picture of the new look jerseys and I dis like 3 of the 5 Bulls jerseys lol.  I also read the home team gets to pick which jersey they want to wear then the Road team has to pick white or a secondary color pending what the home team picks.  So the NBA is going away from strictly home white and dark away.  Kind of interesting. I am a fan of Nike though.  I wonder if Nike will make the name and number shirts now?  And if they do I wonder what they'll cost?  I like those.

I think it's going to be very interesting. I'm not sure why addias keeps losing these things.. with picking only between 4 jerseys that's going to cut a lot into their choices. Some teams have soo many alternate jerseys, going to 4 will be a culture shock. And the NBA was already more "relaxed" on the home and away jerseys. Nothing like the NFL. I'd see the teams swap jerseys all the time. I also wonder if the sleeved jerseys are going to be one of the 4??

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45 minutes ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

I think it's going to be very interesting. I'm not sure why addias keeps losing these things.. with picking only between 4 jerseys that's going to cut a lot into their choices. Some teams have soo many alternate jerseys, going to 4 will be a culture shock. And the NBA was already more "relaxed" on the home and away jerseys. Nothing like the NFL. I'd see the teams swap jerseys all the time. I also wonder if the sleeved jerseys are going to be one of the 4??

I totally agree.  I looked at each teams 5 jerseys yesterday and don't believe I saw sleeved jerseys but I could be wrong.  I know the Bulls had classic white and classic red then the Cursive Chicago Red Jerseys, a Black Jersey that looked like a Christmas Day Jersey and then another Red one.  None were sleeved.  I did see one of the Raptors jerseys was one of the old school ones from the 90's which is pretty cool.  If you search around on facebook or even google you might be able to view some. 

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6 hours ago, dgambill said:

I think he moves on for the very reason your stating. He is getting ready for his post-nba transition. He owns studios in LA....huge house in LA...mecca of media. His whole operation is run out of LA (all his lackies etc work and live out of there). I would be shocked if he doesn't go there....and not to play with rookies....to play with veterans. Ingram would be in his 3rd season....hitting his stride....lonzo in his second...the rest of the team would be guys like possibly PG (to carry the load) and look who else is free agents at that time....good friend Melo could opt out...Wade will be free...CP will be free agent...they will get guys to take less than max and sign 3 and 4 of them....or possibly get the lakers to trade Ingram for someone under contract if he wants. Lakers will be a prime destination next offseason for several players....if your going to not win anymore championships...and LBJ might not considering the Warriors team you might as well lose in style and in the best city to promote in.....and LA qualifies for that. He will make it look like Gilbert forced his hand...I gave Cleveland a championship and now I'm moving on. You will see tons of guys sign one year minimum contracts to go to LA...no problem filling out the roster. I'd say it is 75-25 he goes...maybe it will be somewhere else but Cleveland can't get better....and if a team like Boston is set to pass Lebron in the East....he is going to move on...he did it before...when the going gets tough...Lebron takes his ball and goes home. He clearly doesn't like Clevelands owner so I see no reason he would have loyalty to stay...and I wouldn't even be surprised if Magic promises Lebron a piece of the Lakers under the table if he will hang it up there....so after he retires they sell him a minority stake in the team....I don't put it past winking Magic at all.


You make a compelling case I do admit. One thing I often never think about though is Lebron and his thing with L.A. and how big it "might really be". Is it that big? Maybe it is.........I never studied into it. And I know LaVar Ball already has declared that if Lebron goes to the Lakers then Lonzo will be passing the ball to the best player in the world and it will result in a title etc. Of course if this were to happen they need more FA help then just Lebron/Ingram and Lonzo which you did state with players who could jump on board asap to ride that gravy train.


Do I personally see it happening? The Lebron fan in me hopes not........I would prefer he just end it in Cleveland quietly and go out a hero with that historic comeback title they got. 


The west has way more teams to compete with, but you could argue that only the Warriors are the real obstacle and that eventually GS will lose some super powers as time goes by and IF injuries, age and complacency hit them at all.


And a loaded up Lakers team btw would get the ref help. lmao I am sorry but they will. I always know and we all do that the league loves to help out the Lakers. lmao 


Best point is the relationship between Lebron and Dan Gilbert. It's still icy IMO.........and it has been for some time. What Dan Gilbert said and did and the letter he wrote about Lebron when he left for Miami, that was NO JOKE.:eek:


Oh man this is hard to mentally grasp, I have not been following Cavs fans much since the finals ended and FA flopped for them. But so many of them are paranoid as hell about Lebron and some are also hoping he don't "vanish" in the ECFs next year to make it easier to leave like in the past.


As for Lebron negotiating with Magic too, well that again is something we can't predict but yeah it COULD happen maybe. I can't say it can't.


All of this is very mind boggling and we got a full year of Lebron speculation. lmao None of us knows the truth of what may happen but the Lakers thing has been brought up a lot in the national media.


I probably would not pull for them either even if they got Lebron which may shock some people. I have a tough time imagining Lebron playing in the western conference but i guess it's good to be semi sorta prepared ahead of time even if I am very hesitant on the idea of him moving his family again.


But I do realize for Lebron he has stated before he has other goals in mind too for the future and making loads more money.


One thing I did think of, I wonder if one reason LaVar Ball is so arrogant is because maybe he knows next offseason the Lakers are loading up hard?:dunno:



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13 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

Well im sure they will improve a little.. i mean the west clearly got better. He looked good. And yes his dad is thr one who hyped him up this year.  And because of that. Solid pro or not. Im expecting him to exceed Steph Curry status this year.


I agree, I think Lonzo passes Steph Curry maybe around February or so. It's just a matter of time when. Not if, but when.:headspin:


But this Lakers team really isn't too good. But NEXT year when they get Lebron, PG and a small hoard of cheap ring chasers apparently the league will never be the same again.:headspin:

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28 minutes ago, Jules said:


I agree, I think Lonzo passes Steph Curry maybe around February or so. It's just a matter of time when. Not if, but when.:headspin:


But this Lakers team really isn't too good. But NEXT year when they get Lebron, PG and a small hoard of cheap ring chasers apparently the league will never be the same again.:headspin:

Your sarcasm is better than mine regarding your first paragraph lmao 

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12 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Your sarcasm is better than mine regarding your first paragraph lmao 


There is something about Lebron James btw that brings out the conspiracies in NBA fans, sad but true. And now that you combine DA BIG BALLER FAMILY it is going to snowball to new heights. Cleveland fans are going to go insane this year unless Lebron guarantees he is staying in Cleveland.


But now that it is being floated around. If you could get Lebron/PG to L.A. you could get the cool cheap veteran ring chasers too like how Miami brought in Ray Allen and Bibby. 


Now Wade can then go and join up in L.A. for this gravy train too on a small deal himself. He only stayed in Chicago this year for the money since next year he is taking a pay cut to join the showtime Lakers.


And we could get Lakers/Celtics finals again.


See it's all coming together and LaVar knows this and he is being cocky about it since he is keeping it a secret.


I am slightly joking about all this btw but then again a new super team is not out of the realm of possibilities.


Hell Durant might even dump the Warriors for the Lakers too eventually.

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3 hours ago, Jules said:


There is something about Lebron James btw that brings out the conspiracies in NBA fans, sad but true. And now that you combine DA BIG BALLER FAMILY it is going to snowball to new heights. Cleveland fans are going to go insane this year unless Lebron guarantees he is staying in Cleveland.


But now that it is being floated around. If you could get Lebron/PG to L.A. you could get the cool cheap veteran ring chasers too like how Miami brought in Ray Allen and Bibby. 


Now Wade can then go and join up in L.A. for this gravy train too on a small deal himself. He only stayed in Chicago this year for the money since next year he is taking a pay cut to join the showtime Lakers.


And we could get Lakers/Celtics finals again.


See it's all coming together and LaVar knows this and he is being cocky about it since he is keeping it a secret.


I am slightly joking about all this btw but then again a new super team is not out of the realm of possibilities.


Hell Durant might even dump the Warriors for the Lakers too eventually.

Out of all the sports the NBA seems like it has the most conspiracy theory's. I always thought the NBA wanted Jordan to win his 6th Title to pass Magic. In a way I still do.

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3 hours ago, aaron11 said:

that luxury tax number is insane if im reading that right


78.2 mil???  seriously?

That is correct. I honestly figured it'd be higher.  It'll be a bit lower after next year when LeBron leaves and they waive or trade Smith, Shumpert, Korver and Love lol.  Kyrie will want out too.

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16 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

He's got it narrowed down to the Cavs, Lakers and Bulls I believe lol.  He'll make decision by this weekend.

Cavs are getting desperate haha. Derrick Rose doesn't give them more of a chance to beat the Warriors haha. That's freakin laughable. But I could definitely see why the Lakers would want him. Rose would be an experienced PG to help Lonzo when he needs it

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39 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

Cavs are getting desperate haha. Derrick Rose doesn't give them more of a chance to beat the Warriors haha. That's freakin laughable. But I could definitely see why the Lakers would want him. Rose would be an experienced PG to help Lonzo when he needs it

I read him and Kyrie would start together.  That's a horrible idea, neither one plays defense and there 6'3.  Klay would post up all day among other players lol.  It makes sense for the Lakers but I think he'll end up back in Chicago or on the Cavs.  I am a Bulls fan and I am not against him coming back and I am not against him not coming back.  The Bulls are going to be horrible for years to come so it doesn't really matter haha

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2 hours ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

I read him and Kyrie would start together.  That's a horrible idea, neither one plays defense and there 6'3.  Klay would post up all day among other players lol.  It makes sense for the Lakers but I think he'll end up back in Chicago or on the Cavs.  I am a Bulls fan and I am not against him coming back and I am not against him not coming back.  The Bulls are going to be horrible for years to come so it doesn't really matter haha

Yeah the defense would be way worse than it already was haha

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3 hours ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

He's got it narrowed down to the Cavs, Lakers and Bulls I believe lol.  He'll make decision by this weekend.

If he signs with the Cavs and stays healthy, he will give them more than Deron Williams did. Those are obviously huge 'ifs' though.

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22 hours ago, Jules said:



You make a compelling case I do admit. One thing I often never think about though is Lebron and his thing with L.A. and how big it "might really be". Is it that big? Maybe it is.........I never studied into it. And I know LaVar Ball already has declared that if Lebron goes to the Lakers then Lonzo will be passing the ball to the best player in the world and it will result in a title etc. Of course if this were to happen they need more FA help then just Lebron/Ingram and Lonzo which you did state with players who could jump on board asap to ride that gravy train.


Do I personally see it happening? The Lebron fan in me hopes not........I would prefer he just end it in Cleveland quietly and go out a hero with that historic comeback title they got. 


The west has way more teams to compete with, but you could argue that only the Warriors are the real obstacle and that eventually GS will lose some super powers as time goes by and IF injuries, age and complacency hit them at all.


And a loaded up Lakers team btw would get the ref help. lmao I am sorry but they will. I always know and we all do that the league loves to help out the Lakers. lmao 


Best point is the relationship between Lebron and Dan Gilbert. It's still icy IMO.........and it has been for some time. What Dan Gilbert said and did and the letter he wrote about Lebron when he left for Miami, that was NO JOKE.:eek:


Oh man this is hard to mentally grasp, I have not been following Cavs fans much since the finals ended and FA flopped for them. But so many of them are paranoid as hell about Lebron and some are also hoping he don't "vanish" in the ECFs next year to make it easier to leave like in the past.


As for Lebron negotiating with Magic too, well that again is something we can't predict but yeah it COULD happen maybe. I can't say it can't.


All of this is very mind boggling and we got a full year of Lebron speculation. lmao None of us knows the truth of what may happen but the Lakers thing has been brought up a lot in the national media.


I probably would not pull for them either even if they got Lebron which may shock some people. I have a tough time imagining Lebron playing in the western conference but i guess it's good to be semi sorta prepared ahead of time even if I am very hesitant on the idea of him moving his family again.


But I do realize for Lebron he has stated before he has other goals in mind too for the future and making loads more money.


One thing I did think of, I wonder if one reason LaVar Ball is so arrogant is because maybe he knows next offseason the Lakers are loading up hard?:dunno:



Lebron is global...he wants to own his own team no doubt. He wants to be a mogal like the Jay Zs etc of the world....and he is well on his way. He could stay but there is nothing left to accomplish in Cleveland. 

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Pacers sign Damien Wilkins....37 year old sg who hasn't played in the league for a couple years...there you go....I'm sure that was the guy we had to cut Niang for! Man imagine if we missed out on him!


honestly this is a vet minimum to come in camp and help teach the young guys how to compete....but I don't expect anything big going forward just more of these training camp offers.

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9 hours ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

Derrick Rose to the Cavs heating up lol.  I wonder if this signing would suffice for LeBron and Kyrie



If Rose agrees that he's a bench player, that will help them a lot

He can still score and push the pace..

I cant see him on the Lakers

We'll see how much Derrick wants to play on a playoff team again

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21 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Pacers sign Damien Wilkins....37 year old sg who hasn't played in the league for a couple years...there you go....I'm sure that was the guy we had to cut Niang for! Man imagine if we missed out on him!


honestly this is a vet minimum to come in camp and help teach the young guys how to compete....but I don't expect anything big going forward just more of these training camp offers.

Unless we're just doing somebody a favor...I dont get this.

As you say, we may just be trying to get him back in the league or he could be an older Locker room presence.


I'm just shuffling..dg.....I have no idea why we signed a 37 year old guy

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30 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Lebron is global...he wants to own his own team no doubt. He wants to be a mogal like the Jay Zs etc of the world....and he is well on his way. He could stay but there is nothing left to accomplish in Cleveland. 

LeBron will eventually own the Cavaliers..

.....Dan Gilbert likes him even less than LeBron likes Gilbert

...but good business is good business

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1 hour ago, RockThatBlue said:

If he signs with the Cavs and stays healthy, he will give them more than Deron Williams did. Those are obviously huge 'ifs' though.

Derrick Rose is not going back to the Bulls under any circumstances.

..I dont know who started that rumor..but its all over Chicago radio...Bulls have absolutely no further interest in Rose

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4 hours ago, Luck is Good said:

Cavs are getting desperate haha. Derrick Rose doesn't give them more of a chance to beat the Warriors haha. That's freakin laughable. But I could definitely see why the Lakers would want him. Rose would be an experienced PG to help Lonzo when he needs it

Rose helps them win the East...sure he does..that's all you can worry about

...you never know who you'll face in the finals

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13 hours ago, Luck is Good said:

That's a load of crap. Anyone with a brain knows the Warriors are gonna win the West

I dunno.  Things are looking pretty tight out there.  I don't think any team can beat them, but I think some teams can give them a good run for their money, maybe take them to 6 or 7 games.  You have Minnesota who has stocked up tons of talent, Houston I can see either winning 55+ or being a total bust, San Antonio will always be in the running, OKC added Paul George and could add Rudy Gay.  I'm not saying the Warriors will win or lose, but I think their competition has gotten much better

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11 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I dunno.  Things are looking pretty tight out there.  I don't think any team can beat them, but I think some teams can give them a good run for their money, maybe take them to 6 or 7 games.  You have Minnesota who has stocked up tons of talent, Houston I can see either winning 55+ or being a total bust, San Antonio will always be in the running, OKC added Paul George and could add Rudy Gay.  I'm not saying the Warriors will win or lose, but I think their competition has gotten much better

Yeah the Warriors definitely won't go unbeaten through the West next season. Too many teams improved for them to keep that type of pace. But I didn't say they would sweep. I said they won't lose in their half of the bracket

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36 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I dunno.  Things are looking pretty tight out there.  I don't think any team can beat them, but I think some teams can give them a good run for their money, maybe take them to 6 or 7 games.  You have Minnesota who has stocked up tons of talent, Houston I can see either winning 55+ or being a total bust, San Antonio will always be in the running, OKC added Paul George and could add Rudy Gay.  I'm not saying the Warriors will win or lose, but I think their competition has gotten much better

Rudy Gay signed with the Spurs.  The Thunder can win round 1 maybe round 2 but they don't have enough to beat Golden State.  San Antonio might be able to give them a run for their money if they stay healthy.  Houston is still a piece or two away.  CP3 and Harden aren't going to beat the Warriors.  I would consider the Warriors heavy favorites to win it all again next year if they stay healthy.  Your right on about Minnesota though. Teague, Butler, Wiggins, Towns, Dieng, Gibson and Jamal Crawford, they could scare some people. 

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25 minutes ago, Luck is Good said:

Yeah the Warriors definitely won't go unbeaten through the West next season. Too many teams improved for them to keep that type of pace. But I didn't say they would sweep. I said they won't lose in their half of the bracket

To many teams in the West improved.  One of those teams being Golden State with getting Casspi and Nick Young(two deadly shooters).  The East didn't get better at all except for Boston.  The Cavs stayed the same, same with Toronto and Washington and teams like Chicago, Indiana and Atlanta got worse. 

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2 minutes ago, BullsColtsFan1 said:

To many teams in the West improved.  One of those teams being Golden State with getting Casspi and Nick Young(two deadly shooters).  The East didn't get better at all except for Boston.  The Cavs stayed the same, same with Toronto and Washington and teams like Chicago, Indiana and Atlanta got worse. 

Their bench is gonna be way better than last year. Re-signed Livingston, Iggy and D-West to begin things. Then they add Swaggy P and Omri Casspi. Good lord that bench unit would be a top seed in the East lol

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Just now, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Too bad we don't have anyone now to get him. I would've traded PG straight up for him considering what we got and knowing PG was leaving anyway.

I was just thinking that. A PG for Kyrie trade would've been fine with me.

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1 minute ago, RockThatBlue said:

I was just thinking that. A PG for Kyrie trade would've been fine with me.

Yep, just a little late now. The Cavs are in disarray right now regarding management, their Salary Cap, and LeBron is in his last year of his contract. They also know they cant beat the Warriors.

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3 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Yep, just a little late now. The Cavs are in disarray right now regarding management, their Salary Cap, and LeBron is in his last year of his contract. They also know they cant beat the Warriors.

If Kyrie is gone you have to think LeBron will be gone after this season too. Maybe LeBron will end up in LA after all.

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1 hour ago, 21isSuperman said:

I dunno.  Things are looking pretty tight out there.  I don't think any team can beat them, but I think some teams can give them a good run for their money, maybe take them to 6 or 7 games.  You have Minnesota who has stocked up tons of talent, Houston I can see either winning 55+ or being a total bust, San Antonio will always be in the running, OKC added Paul George and could add Rudy Gay.  I'm not saying the Warriors will win or lose, but I think their competition has gotten much better

I think if 1 team has a chance it would be OKC but it wont happen IMO. I can see OKC taking them 6 games though. OKC now has a great 1/2 punch with Russ and PG but they also have Good Big's that are athletic in Adams and Kanter that could give Warriors fits at times. To me the Spurs just don't have the Big's to be a threat to the Warriors and Parker and Manu both are old. I am not sold on how the Rockets chemistry will be now with CP3, he and Harden together = :dunno:. They don't play Defense either. 

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2 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

If Kyrie is gone you have to think LeBron will be gone after this season too. Maybe LeBron will end up in LA after all.

I'll still believe that when I see it. But yeah this definitely means LeBron is leaving Cleveland yet again

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1 minute ago, Luck is Good said:

This is freakin amazing. The Cavs are imploding right before our eyes. I would've traded for Kyrie straight up. He's a fantastic PG

I would've too, this is a prime example why you wait until late July or even August to do anything super important. We made that trade with OKC way too fast, other options normally materialize as July winds down.

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