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Free Agency Strategy

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During Grigson's first four years he was pretty aggressive in free agency. Then him/Irsay mentioned a different approach to building this team after last season. They would look to build the team through the draft. I'm sure a big part of that is also due to extensions give to Luck and Hilton.


The Colts are projected to have around $50 million in cap space come March. I think it will likely be over $60 million with a couple of cuts. They should be within the top half of the league in terms of cap space. They might even crack the top 10.


They do need to leave some cap space for free agency, maybe a couple of extensions, and to sign a couple of their own free agents but nothing that should be too costly. They will, imo, have enough cap space to bring in a couple of starters and maybe even a high priced one at that.


Do you think the Colts will or should go after a big name in free agency? I've mentioned cornerback as a possibility with a guy like Trumaine Johnson or Stephon Gilmore but can also see Kawann Short being an option to improve the defensive line.



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Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line. Honestly if Eric Berry were to become available he would held out our secondary tremendously. 


There are just a lot of needs at a lot of places, most notably pass rush, but I don't see any ones good enough for us to pick up this off-season. 


Trumaine Johnson may come at a discount after having a poor season.

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I think we should go hard at a couple of the free agents. No point having all that cap space and a laughable defense. 


One or both of Ingram and Perry would be my priority followed by Bouye.


Absolutely don't want to see any free agents being brought in on offense unless it's an affordable, big-bodied wide receiver as depth.

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Our free agent Approach prior to last year was quantity over quality IMO. I believe we should pay for a good, young pass rusher. Maybe another defensive back. If we go big receiver, I'd say Kenny Britt can be a value option, although we've missed on veteran WRs.


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One thing to remember is that the FA list isn't set in stone. There will be some players cut because maybe cap casualties or they have a younger cheaper replacement in house or recovering from an injury. The names will change so I'm not so caught up on the names just yet but I think a couple key positions will be necessary to fill in FA. One is corner...it's a very hard position to transition to for a rookie and I would like us to re-sign Butler to play inside and back up safety. That will be a big chunk of money but a starting corner opposite Davis is necessary and then draft one of the talented youngsters to learn. I also think a rush OLB is also a must. Another expensive investment but I don't think we can afford a rookie to come in and be our only threat. I'd like to draft one with our first rd pick but we would still need someone to teach them and pair them with. This will be the biggest part of our money but it's the hardest positions to have a rookie step right in and start. I do think we probably then need a veteran MLB to help stabilize the the LB core like DQ kinda did. I'd be thrilled if we re-sign Turbin to back up Gore and maybe draft a RB in middle rds. If Doyle can be brought back reasonably that would be nice too and maybe Walden back....but the rest would likely be spent on DL help and maybe safety depth. I just think the OL started to gel or at least improve and the money needs to go to the defense at key positions like OLB, CB, and MLB.

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I am hoping the Chiefs give Berry the big contract and Poe hits the market.  We really need a big NT and he would be perfect. I would love Ingram or Perry too.  Add Zach Brown as an ILB and we've added three starters.  I think we could get three.  Zeitler would be a real bonus.  Too early to tell with FA.  Things change fast. But it's fun to speculate. 

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3 hours ago, Stillen said:

Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line. Honestly if Eric Berry were to become available he would held out our secondary tremendously. 


There are just a lot of needs at a lot of places, most notably pass rush, but I don't see any ones good enough for us to pick up this off-season. 


Trumaine Johnson may come at a discount after having a poor season.

Between him and Poe I think one might not be resigned by the chiefs. No matter which comes free we should make a play for them. 

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1 hour ago, ClaytonColt said:

I think we should go hard at a couple of the free agents. No point having all that cap space and a laughable defense. 


One or both of Ingram and Perry would be my priority followed by Bouye.


Absolutely don't want to see any free agents being brought in on offense unless it's an affordable, big-bodied wide receiver as depth.

I dont want to go anywhere near Bouye based on what kind of money he will command, if Houston even lets him go. I dont think one season of good play, in a contract year, with two of the fastest pass rushers in the NFL making his job easier will be worth the money he will get. Especially when he would be coming to our terrible pass rushing situation, which would make any DB look bad. 

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18 minutes ago, SaturdayAllDay said:

I dont want to go anywhere near Bouye based on what kind of money he will command, if Houston even lets him go. I dont think one season of good play, in a contract year, with two of the fastest pass rushers in the NFL making his job easier will be worth the money he will get. Especially when he would be coming to our terrible pass rushing situation, which would make any DB look bad. 

Excellent point.  Need to really do the due diligence. 

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6 hours ago, SaturdayAllDay said:

I dont want to go anywhere near Bouye based on what kind of money he will command, if Houston even lets him go. I dont think one season of good play, in a contract year, with two of the fastest pass rushers in the NFL making his job easier will be worth the money he will get. Especially when he would be coming to our terrible pass rushing situation, which would make any DB look bad. 

I am pretty scared that he will be financially over rated based on his body of work. He's definitely not one to be breaking the bank for but should be better than what we have and looks more promising than many of the other free agents.

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17 hours ago, Stillen said:

Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line. Honestly if Eric Berry were to become available he would held out our secondary tremendously. 


There are just a lot of needs at a lot of places, most notably pass rush, but I don't see any ones good enough for us to pick up this off-season. 


Trumaine Johnson may come at a discount after having a poor season.


I have been talking about Zeitler for awhile wanting him as the starting RG for Indy. Another name I want is DE/OLB Jabaal Sheard. NT Dontari Poe is the other big name I'd like to get. Would free up everyone else and Poe can also provide some pass rush from in interior. 

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Our top priority needs to be Melvin Ingram and Dontori Poe (if he is available). After those two guys I think Perry or brown are inside linebacker options. We need a good corner opposite Vontae I would love Bouye or Johnson. I think a guard would be nice as well Zeitler, Lang , or Warford.

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Brandon Williams for NT, Ingram or Perry for pass rusher, Trumaine Johnson for #2 CB, re-sign Darius Butler, Robert Turbin and Jack Doyle, the rest from the draft. 


That would be some FA play makers that would demand some attention from the opposition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Grigson wasn't all that aggressive in FA, he never has been.  


I think his only top 5 contracts for players comming from other teams where Landry and Cherilus.


For the most part I like the strategy, I just don't think he did a very good job bringing in the right players.  Most of his high profile signings and middle of the road signings busted.  



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If Kevin Zeitler is available, that would be a tremendous signing. Our O-line would be set for 2017 and possibly a few years beyond. Then we'd need to think hard about picking up a starter or two on defense. Draft more on the defense side of the football but also pick up a dynamic running back.

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On 1/17/2017 at 2:51 PM, Stillen said:

Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line. Honestly if Eric Berry were to become available he would held out our secondary tremendously. 


There are just a lot of needs at a lot of places, most notably pass rush, but I don't see any ones good enough for us to pick up this off-season. 


Trumaine Johnson may come at a discount after having a poor season.

It looks like you are new to the board judging by your posts. You must not have spent any time in this section Zeilter is the most talked about free agent OL on here. 


I think we should focus on the front 7 of the D. I would try to sign an ILB, an Edge and/or DL. I'm going t


If we signed a FA RG I would be fine with that. That's the only spot I think we look at on O.


I would not overpay for a CB.The draft is deep. I would consider taking a corner early and on day 3 too. Davis Rashard and Robinson next year It's the year after when Davis is a FA that it would be nice to have 2 second year guys 

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Typically new GMs to a team will invest a bit more heavily in free agency to get the types of players the coaches want and to start turning over the roster.  Then after a few years they focus more on building through the draft.  Polian did the same thing when he became the Colts GM, the new GM of the 49ers will do it.  Happens all the time.

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I think that Indy will be relatively quiet in FA... choosing to lock up players like Mewhort and Moncrief (and hopefully Doyle) for long term deals more than bringing in guys from other teams. 


I don't think that the new GM has a mandate to make it to the SB in year 1. More likely that it will be a "build from within" approach. I do hope to get a young playmaker or two out of FA, but I highly doubt that we see a lot of roster turnover this off-season, outside of replacing older guys with draftees...


I think that there is a 50% that we see Melvin starting at #2 corner, for instance, with a 2017 rookie ready to take over for 2018... Same with EJax at ILB, ect. That approach is fine by me, btw... I don't want to see any more Gosders or Landrys being signed. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/17/2017 at 6:51 PM, Stillen said:

Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line.


O lione (especially tackle) e seems to have poor selection in the draft this year. So O line will be fought over and overpaid in FA this year.

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With the cap space we have this year and next year, coupled with a dearth of extensions to sign, I can only think of a couple of homegrown players to resign over the next few years, if we don't spend cap space, we are going to run into the cap spending rule in the CBA. The first period was 13-16, and you had to be at 89% of your cap or that money went to the players association I believe, but if you did not spend the floor limit, you lost it. The next period is 2017-2020 for spending the minimum floor on cap space and we are not even close to the percentage right now. We are going to have over 60M and possibly closer to 70M after cuts are all done. You know Jones is gone, and that puts us over 60M.


FA Rule-Always look at the player's system they played in and the players who surrounded them and did it influence their performance, when looking at going to a team who does not have the same pieces.

System fit and players who influenced play around you are why FA's bust so often!


I would not touch Bouye, and have been saying it. Same reason said here. One year record with a team who has a great pass rush. That makes a CB look so much better.


Poe is going to command at least Malik Jackson money, so 14-15M/yr. He has had major back problems. I do not want to take a gamble with that kind of money.


Brandon Williams is the player I want at NT. He will command 9M/yr. but he is a beast, and is not unduly influenced by players around him making him better.


Zeitler would be nice, but i would rather have one of the other prominent guards at a discount. Lang?


i would love Ingram, but I read today from an agent because of the dearth of quality LB's & players who can rush, a player many like here for us to go after, Zach Brown could command up to 9M/yr.


Trumaine Johnson will go to Cleveland. Regardless of bad year, they have his DC from last year and over 100M in cap space. He will get 13M/yr. from them. Jenkins got 12M/yr. last year.


If somehow Gilmore got loose, I would pay him the money. Same for Berry!

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On 1/17/2017 at 3:51 PM, Stillen said:

Kevin Zeitler is a name that no one has been talking about that I think we should go after to solidify the o-line. Honestly if Eric Berry were to become available he would held out our secondary tremendously. 


There are just a lot of needs at a lot of places, most notably pass rush, but I don't see any ones good enough for us to pick up this off-season. 


Trumaine Johnson may come at a discount after having a poor season.

100% with you on Zeitler. Makes our often picked on o-line a possible top 10 o-line. 

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The biggest name I'd go after is Kevin Zeitler. He's the top dog OL in FA this year, but idk if any of these teams with crazy amounts of money will value a guard as much as we do. I think teams may hesitate to give him Osemele money, but I'd honestly give him an even 12 a yr. We have no more excuses, yes our D is trash, yes we have maybe more needs then any team in the league but if Andrews taking 40 hits a year again how long is he going to last? We need to stop taking 5-7 step drops and Andrew needs to let it fly and stop patting the ball, being hesitant, but he knows he's about to get leveled who wouldn't be. We need to cater to our franchise QB and at least let the man make it til he's 35, at this rate he'll be done by 32.

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I think 3 impact starters is pretty logical. My ideal 3 FAs

Kevin Zeitler 12mil/yr

Zach Brown 8mil/yr

Johnathan Hankins 8mil/yr


Kevin is clearly the top OL in FA, but I say we take it to a price a team hopefully wont want to match. And if they do at least they had to spend more.


Zach Brown is the best ILB in FA IMO. He has the versatility to play Mike or Will, great run filler who sheds blocks very well but also a great athlete who covers great for a ILB.


Johnathan Hankins I hope gets slept on with a few big name NT hitting FA. He's a huge body, block eating, disruptive run filler. My favorite part about his game is probably his pass rushing, a true 3 down NT. Probably the best value at NT.


Not a FA signing but I'd love to get Mychal Kendricks from Philly to play the Mike. Hopefully we can get him for our comp. 4th. He's an athletic freak who plays the run very well. Struggles in coverage, but we drop Clayton on passing downs so he's either off the field or rushing the passer a trait I think he's very underrated at.

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