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Manning, Irsay & Kravitz Saga (Mega Merge)


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alright whose with me I say we storm west 56th street and make Peyton Manning and Jim Irsay sit down and talk to each other. If we need to find someone to be the mediate between the two I am sure we can find someone to do that but I do know this Bob Kravitz is NOT that guy!

They're probably upset about talking to the media before each other. I wouldn't make too much of it though. They've known each other a long time and Irsay loves Manning like a son-money proves that.

As far as the hype goes, it's nothing more than Housewives of Marion County. It's nothing more than a reality show to the press.

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Its sad. Every other post is someone grasping at straws trying to rationalize that Manning will still be a Colt this year. I don't think fans understand Mannings situation very well. Everyone seems to think he is some kind of god-like messiah who will magically heal by the time of the March 8th date (or be close enough to healthy) and that he will suit up, toss 30 - 40 TDs, 5k yards and the Colts will be back in the SB. Its the dream-scenario. Two words, Andrew Luck. Learn to love the guy because hes going to be here for a long time.

I agree with you that many people are in denial right now. But you have to let people go through their own process of acceptance. There is no one prescribed time table for everyone. You can't force them to cut off their emotional attachment to Peyton just like that. Everyone has there own way of processing these things. Some can see the writing on the wall and adjust their expectations accordingly as a means of getting a head start on coping with a bad situation. Others feel the need to painstakingly refute every possible sign contrary to what they are clinging so desperately to believe in their hearts. Others take out their frustrations by foolishly hating on Luck as if he is the embodiment of all that ails Peyton. At the end, we are all Colts fans caught in the midst of a situation surrounding 18 that just sucks right now. And we are all suffering in our own way.

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Everyone counting on Luck needs to remember that he is no sure thing - a lot of top prospects have trouble in the NFL, or get early injuries from which they never recover. People seem to be thinking that Peyton us the only gamble, and that just is not the case - Luck could be the next Kijana Carter or Ryan Leaf, great prospects with no NFL career.

Or a JaMarcus Russel. If Andrew thinks he is too good to sit what says he doesn't think he is too good to practice.

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Manning finally speaks. This was from the Indy star sports FB page! On the Kravitz article. Now can the media now let the so called rift between Manning and Irsay go now! It was way overblown to began with...

Colts QB Peyton Manning responds to owner Jim Irsay's comments earlier today: "At this point, Mr. Irsay and I owe it to each other and to the fans of the organization to handle this appropriately and professionally, and I think we will. I've already reached out to Mr. Irsay. I wasn't trying to paint the Colts in a bad light, but it's tough when so many people you've known for so long are suddenly leaving. I feel very close to a lot of these guys and we've done great things together. It's hard to watch an old friend clean out his office. That's all I was trying to say."

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Did I say that he said it? "If" is a powerful word my friend.

You wrote:

" If Andrew thinks he is too good to sit what says he doesn't think he is too good to practice."

What did you say then, buddy? I speak English friend, not very well sometimes but hey I am catching on after 45 years ;)

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You wrote:

" If Andrew thinks he is too good to sit what says he doesn't think he is too good to practice."

What did you say then, buddy? I speak English friend, not very well sometimes but hey I am catching on after 45 years ;)

If Andrew gets drafted and it does end up he thinks he is too good to sit behind Manning what says that his "too good" ideal of himself doesn't spill into other aspects? That's what I meant.

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"At this point, Mr. Irsay and I owe it to each other and to the fans of the organization to handle this appropriately and professionally, and I think we will. I've already reached out to Mr. Irsay. I wasn't trying to paint the Colts in a bad light, but it's tough when so many people you've known for so long are suddenly leaving. I feel very close to a lot of these guys and we've done great things together. It's hard to watch an old friend clean out his office. That's all I was trying to say.

"I just want to keep rehabbing and working hard, and when the time is right for Mr. Irsay and I to sit down, I look forward to a healthy conversation about my future. I've worked too hard and have such great respect and have so many great relationships inside the building and out, and it's incredibly important that those remain."

IMHO there was nothing wrong with anything Peyton said in the original interview

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Kravitz is at it again. Even more blatent this time. Manning sounds concilatory, and says he has already reached out to Mr Irsay - implying that his comments were missunderstood, and he didn't want the situation to devolve any further. Kravitz hears this and leads with:

"After listening to Manning Monday night, after listening to owner Jim Irsay characterize Manning Thursday as "a politician" who should keep his concerns "in house," there's no other conclusion to be reached by a sane, sober human being: Manning's days in Indianapolis are over, and they have been over for quite some time."


He then emphasizes several more times at the end how "angry" Irsay was at Mannings words. I saw the video of Irsays comments - what anger?

What is this jerks game. Instead of just reporting the news, he is trying to create and shape it for his own fun and profit. I can't stand him.

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Manning finally speaks. This was from the Indy star sports FB page! On the Kravitz article. Now can the media now let the so called rift between Manning and Irsay go now! It was way overblown to began with...

Colts QB Peyton Manning responds to owner Jim Irsay's comments earlier today: "At this point, Mr. Irsay and I owe it to each other and to the fans of the organization to handle this appropriately and professionally, and I think we will. I've already reached out to Mr. Irsay. I wasn't trying to paint the Colts in a bad light, but it's tough when so many people you've known for so long are suddenly leaving. I feel very close to a lot of these guys and we've done great things together. It's hard to watch an old friend clean out his office. That's all I was trying to say."

Thanks for posting this glad that we have heard from Peyton about this. This will be straightened out between him and Irsay sooner than later.

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Kravitz is at it again. Even more blatent this time. Manning sounds concilatory, and says he has already reached out to Mr Irsay - implying that his comments were missunderstood, and he didn't the situation to devolve any further. Kravitz hears this and leads with:

"After listening to Manning Monday night, after listening to owner Jim Irsay characterize Manning Thursday as "a politician" who should keep his concerns "in house," there's no other conclusion to be reached by a sane, sober human being: Manning's days in Indianapolis are over, and they have been over for quite some time."


He then emphasizes several more times at the end how "angry" Irsay was at Mannings words. I saw the video of Irsays comments - what anger?

What is this jerks game. Instead of just reporting the news, he is trying to create and shape it for his own fun and profit. I can't stand him.

A lot of people agree that they think manning will be released. What's the big deal.

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Wrong. The Colts are forbidden to play their home games anywhere other than Indy or negotiate relocation through 2034. Period.

So tell me, if you're in Irsay's shoes and find out Manning is an unhealthy gamble on March 8th do you throw caution to the wind and spend tens of millions & mortgage the future while huge decades-long commitments hang in the balance? Or, do you make a smart business decision and part ways with Manning even though it's not what you wished for and not the way you'd have ever prefered things to go if you could author the story?

Of course there's the release Manning and resign him sometime between March 8th and the start of the season option if he truly wants to remain a Colt and also wants to keep the team's best interest in mind.

I thought that was the reason the got the tax money to build the stadium. That wasnt the stipulation before the stadium was it.

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If Andrew gets drafted and it does end up he thinks he is too good to sit behind Manning what says that his "too good" ideal of himself doesn't spill into other aspects? That's what I meant.

Ok............that's a possibility, I guess? Though it is akin to saying, "If my Uncle had (you know whats) he would be my Aunt." Though in some cases it may apply...yikes!

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I tweeted Kravitz earlier today. I told him he might want to stop pouring gasoline on the fire. His job is to help sell newspapers, and in doing so sometimes he seems to feel he has to create news, or at least controversy, to generate interest. I also told him as much as I felt Polian had to go, maybe Polian was on to something by not talking to certain local media people...

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I agree with you that many people are in denial right now. But you have to let people go through their own process of acceptance. There is no one prescribed time table for everyone. You can't force them to cut off their emotional attachment to Peyton just like that. Everyone has there own way of processing these things. Some can see the writing on the wall and adjust their expectations accordingly as a means of getting a head start on coping with a bad situation. Others feel the need to painstakingly refute every possible sign contrary to what they are clinging so desperately to believe in their hearts. Others take out their frustrations by foolishly hating on Luck as if he is the embodiment of all that ails Peyton. At the end, we are all Colts fans caught in the midst of a situation surrounding 18 that just sucks right now. And we are all suffering in our own way.


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My take on this...Peyton needs more time, he is not healed, but believes he can be with more time. Thus the reason for Peyton's comments about "I dont want get into some type fan campaign with the owner, but" which is where the "politician" rebuttle came from.

Peyton needs more time and is Irsay willing to take that bet?

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What proof does Kravitz have that Peyton is done in Indy?

It's just his and several others opinion. Some people cant come to grips with the idea manning might not be a colt much longer and r in denial. To say 100% that he will stay or go is foolish IMO. No on knows but I would lean towards the letting go part.

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I tweeted Kravitz earlier today. I told him he might want to stop pouring gasoline on the fire. His job is to help sell newspapers, and in doing so sometimes he seems to feel he has to create news, or at least controversy, to generate interest. I also told him as much as I felt Polian had to go, maybe Polian was on to something by not talking to certain local media people...

This....and then some. This is being blown WAY out of proportion by Krapitz. He's known for this, whether be it Caldwell or Polian (loved his mea culpa after Polian was fired, nice try Bob)

Irsay sounds like he just got tired of the media crap and lost it a bit. Manning is right, they need to talk about this man to man, and that will happen. But the best thing for both is to try and not listen to the media hype machine. That's probably easier for Manning than Irsay given Jim's interest in new media like Twitter, but both need to stop reading this crap.

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It sounds to me like no one in the "House" or "Family" has been communicating with Peyton! In the scenario that seems to be unfolding, I'm on Peyton's side 100%. He's done too much for this franchise and city to be treated this way. Talk to the man! Someone should communicate something to him. This is ridiculous! I hope he kicks *** wherever he ends up playing...including kicking our *****.

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Both sides are setting the other up to be the bad guy should the divorce happen. I hate to tell Jim Irsay this but he's going to be the bad guy if he cuts Peyton Manning unless Peyton Manning just retires which I don't think is going to happen till he truly has to and I don't think March 8th is going to be that deadline. So rather than fight it I think it would be in Irsay's best interest to accept that and just keep quiet till he has to do it and try to sell it from the stand point of look we had to make an extremely hard business call that we hated doing but we are doing it with the best long term interest of the franchise

Why does there have to be a bad guy? What you say is reasonable. In the end, both sides are going to do what gives them the best chance to succeed moving forward. For over a decade, their interests have been complementary. For the first time, we are reaching a point where that may no longer be the case. Peyton's goal is to continue to play football at a high level, but Irsay has solid reason to doubt his ability to achieve that goal......and by giving him the opportunity to do it in Indy he could set his team back for the long term if his doubts materialize. Both sides need to do what is best for them moving forward. I don't see why there needs to be a bad guy in that.

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I'd have to agree with you. I'm on Manning's side regardless of what he has said. He is right about most things. It is sad to have someone working hard to put money in your pocket and then their released like that. Jim Irsay does owe Manning a lot regardless of the risk. Manning is willing to make another sacrifice for this team again like he's been doing for the past 14 years.

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They're going to get things worked out, but Manning better have the chance to prove himself. Even if something happenes to where he gets hurt. We need to draft Luck and sit him or get RG3. Jim Irsay owes Manning so much.

I'm so sick of hearing Irsay owes manning this and owes him that. PM didn't play for free guys believe it or not he was paid and paid verrrrry well.

Put yourself in Jim's shoes. If the doctors say in march hey he isn't 100% yet and he might not be by the season start. So now you have to decide to either cut him or gamble 28 million of your own money. IDC if he is rich that's a lot of money. Not to mention hes past his prime and this team isn't a real contender next year either way. So your in a rebuild mode anyways so do u pass on a great prospect in luck or pray pm gets healthy and doesn't regress. If it were me I would part ways with manning thank him for everything he has done and draft luck or rg3 whichever I thought was the best fit for the direction of the team.

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Kravitz is at it again. Even more blatent this time. Manning sounds concilatory, and says he has already reached out to Mr Irsay - implying that his comments were missunderstood, and he didn't the situation to devolve any further. Kravitz hears this and leads with:

"After listening to Manning Monday night, after listening to owner Jim Irsay characterize Manning Thursday as "a politician" who should keep his concerns "in house," there's no other conclusion to be reached by a sane, sober human being: Manning's days in Indianapolis are over, and they have been over for quite some time."


He then emphasizes several more times at the end how "angry" Irsay was at Mannings words. I saw the video of Irsays comments - what anger?

What is this jerks game. Instead of just reporting the news, he is trying to create and shape it for his own fun and profit. I can't stand him.

Kravitz has no choice but to support his views now. He isn't going to write articles contrary to his own stated position on the subject. He is shown nationally on ESPN as 'the reporter inside the building', so he can't possibly examine the issue from a matter of fact, unbiased position now. It's no longer journalism. It's Kravitz doing his part to ensure that the situation reaches the conclusion he predicted some time ago. Neither Manning nor Irsay has said they are angry, that there is contentiousness, that the relationship is splintering. As a matter of fact, each has said the exact opposite. I am not disagreeing about the outcome, but having Kravitz tell me the two sides are at odds, and it's armaggeddon at the complex is not at all what I see, hear, or read. There seems to be only one person who is reporting an ugly dissolution of the relationship.

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you are so right, think the colts have another jerry jones in the horizons, jim irsay jones

I don't agree with that. I think we are going to see people saying this because they don't want Peyton Manning released and if he is the person they are going to blame is Irsay because it's going to be his call. Again like I said we've seen this go from Irsay being loved for firing the Polian hated for when people thought they were going to keep Caldwell back to being loved when he did fire Caldwell and now I can tell going to be back to being hated if he releases Peyton Manning.

That's why I said it's not in Jim Irsay's best interest to fight a PR war with Peyton Manning over this. He has no shot at winning that fighting. It's best just to be quiet about it and if he has to make this hard call then you do it and sell to the fans at that point as we hated to do this but we had to do it for the long term future of the franchise.

Also for those saying Kravitz is blowing this up listen to what Peyton Manning is saying. Clearly he took what Irsay said as beng mad at him too. Like I said before it's not the tone it's the words Irsay said. You don't say the words Jim Irsay said if you aren't mad at someone. Kravitz is stiring the pot a little bit yes however you can tell that Irsay took exception to some of the things Manning had to say and I honestly think Peyton Manning is trying to say hey I didn't mean to make Jim Irsay mad but I am not backing away from what I said either.

Again I am saying this as someone who has been as hard on Kravitz as anyone here but in this case I think people are shooting the messanger because they can't stand the message.

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A lot of people agree that they think manning will be released. What's the big deal.

A topic of many different threads. I also think that there is a good chance at this point that Manning will be released. But that has NOTHING to do with my post.

The issue is that Kravitz - after being portrayed as the victim for years because Polian wouldn't talk to him (of course he was conducting a constant war against Polian at the time) - has now been patted on the head and welcomed back into the fold. Irsay as much as apologized to him while emphasizing the importance of the new GM having a relationship with the media. What has he done with this opportunity? Written article after article in which he insists that anyone with a brain in their head must KNOW that Peyton is leaving - using as "evidence" comments which suggest nothing of the kind. PM made the mistake of reaching out to him specifically, and he is now exploiting this to get on national media outlets, and act as if he is the referree in the middle of the devolving relationship between two of the most important figures in football. It doesn't matter what either of them say, he's twisting the result to support an idea that he thinks is controversal enough to sell a few newpapers. How about just dealing with the facts? Irsay and Manning SHOULD get together - to give Kravitz the biggest wedgie of his life, and throw him out of the building permanently. The man has no integrity, and serves no master besides his own twisted ego. Why anyone would talk to him is beyond me.

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Though I think it is very likely Manning could be done here, I did not see anything in that article that would support Kravitz's position that it is already a done deal. Just read Peyton's quote and Irsay's quote and leave it at that. The rest is just Kravitz giving his opinion of what he thinks should happen. When tempers calm down, I am sure they will talk. Peyton has already attempted to reach out to Irsay. But what is disturbing is that both men are talking through the media and not to each other and it appears that Peyton initiated this.

Kravitz has an agenda in all this and it's not to prepare the people of Indianapolis for the inevitable so much as it is to thrust himself into the national media limelight by cashing in on the jackpot of stories. No coincidence that these stories are popping up as the Super Bowl comes to Indy. People are discussing this stuff more than the actual game itself. And Kravitz is reaping the benefits appearing on ESPN, etc. I am not one who has blinders on regarding the precariousness of Peyton's future here but I have to admit that Kravitz motives are coming across to me as very suspect.

Besides this isn't the first time that Peyton has expressed frustration over staff changes to the media. I recall him voicing his displeasure when Tom Moore and a bunch of long time assistants were forced out by Chris Polian. So this isn't really anything new with him.

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There is nothing to communicate. Everyone is waiting on his health first.

Even when I'm mad at my wife for something, we'll communicate at least to some minimal degree. Sounds to me like they haven't said a word to Peyton. Obviously, they don't need his blessings for anything, but they could ask "how are you", "what's going on", etc., etc. You don't just say nothing to Peyton. He's done too much for the Colts. I'm not saying in the end it only make sense the Colts part ways with him, but communicate something to him NOW. I'm so FREAKIN' mad about this!

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think people are shooting the messanger because they can't stand the message.

Exactly. If polian and company were still here I could see being really upset with him but he has reasons to why he believes what he does.

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