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Manning, Irsay & Kravitz Saga (Mega Merge)


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I'm not assuming that Manning is healthy, I'm stating that IF he is healthy I want him back on the Colts. YOU are stating that you are the fan of a college football player and are expressing outright glee at the prospect of tossing Manning aside (while rudely miss-characterizing my intent). I take exception to all of it. I'm thinking, 15-17 maybe?

If he is healthy by when? What if the Colts retain him and he's not ready by Sept.? Not disagreeing. Just asking at what point do you move on?

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Not only did your ad hominem attack fail immensly because my argument does not lose weight simply because I am a fan of a college quarterback, your rebuttal is filled with assumptions, from start to finish. Talk to me when Manning is healthy. As of now Manning is not healthy. Irsay is taking a quarterback #1 and you can pout and stomp your foot all you want but it won't help.

Well maybe it won't even be Luck :hide: who knows how this will pan out. :???: There are other QB's out there and one of them got the Heisman Trophy. :hmm:

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instead of trying to read between the lines and comprehend what people are saying, perhaps you should instead listen to the words they actually say?

Such as Irsay saying that if Peyton is healthy, he's our QB...and Peyton saying that he wants to play his entire career in one place...or instead we can try to act as though these are all some sort of super cryptic clue laden tid bits straight out of some sort of spy super thriller movie

Thats it right there. Peyton is not healthy and I think they all know that he won't be healthy when the march 8th deadline rolls around. Therefore, Irasy is most likely going to part ways with Manning right before that time.

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I'm not assuming that Manning is healthy, I'm stating that IF he is healthy I want him back on the Colts. YOU are stating that you are the fan of a college football player and are expressing outright glee at the prospect of tossing Manning aside (while rudely miss-characterizing my intent). I take exception to all of it. I'm thinking, 15-17 maybe?

I am an Indanapolis Colts fan first unlike a bunch here who are Peyton Manning fans first. I would much rather see the franchise be set up for success taking a very good prospect, one of the best to come along in some time, rather than put all the eggs in one basket. That basket being a 36 year old quarterback with 3 neck surgeries who EVEN post-op will have question marks as to how he will play. That is me. I am grateful for what Manning has done but tossing Manning outright in glee? Sure you can call it that. I call it moving forward. I am not going to grasp at straws, cross my fingers, or make up assumptions (which is all I hear). If my words have struck you the wrong way then that is fantastic.

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Well maybe it won't even be Luck who knows how this will pan out. There are other QB's out there and one of them got the Heisman Trophy.

Heisman trophy winner doesn't mean nfl caliber qb. Look at the last 10 winners.But ur right there r others and it may not be luck

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Irsay has got lot of nerve! Peyton is a grown man and can say what he wants to say. Must be very toxic there because Peyton has never spoken out before. The Colts are going the way of Dallas Cowboys. Meddling owner and wanna be celebrity owner, Jerry Jones/Jim Irsay. These meddling owners forget that they pay salaries and are not players themselves. If Manning goes I go. I think he has another super bowl in him. There is no loyalty anymore, even if you help build a team. Business or not loyalty is still important.

Have you ever played a sport? Issues like this should be kept in house, both by the player and the owner. Comparing Irsay to Jones is comical, other than the fact that they are both owners. As for as loyalty goes, Irsay showed a lot of loyalty with that $26 million last year.

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Well maybe it won't even be Luck :hide: who knows how this will pan out. :???: There are other QB's out there and one of them got the Heisman Trophy. :hmm:

If the Colts take RG3 I would be shocked but I would still 100% support RG3 no matter what. I think RG3 is a great quarterback. Better than Luck? no. Whoever is under center next season I will whole heartily support but in my opinion the right man is the man in my avatar.

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Irsay has got lot of nerve! Peyton is a grown man and can say what he wants to say. Must be very toxic there because Peyton has never spoken out before. The Colts are going the way of Dallas Cowboys. Meddling owner and wanna be celebrity owner, Jerry Jones/Jim Irsay. These meddling owners forget that they pay salaries and are not players themselves. If Manning goes I go. I think he has another super bowl in him. There is no loyalty anymore, even if you help build a team. Business or not loyalty is still important.

That's ^ the biggest stretch since I saw Irsay compared to the late George Steinbrenner. What a joke.

So the team was largely built around Manning for over a decade and he's been paid at the top of his profession with enough money in the bank to secure his entire family 10,000 times over plus any charity work he wants to do. Now, with serious health concerns of one man bearing on the future of a commitment Jim Irsay has with the city of Indianapolis through 2034 together with thousands of dependant families and business owners.......not to mention fans everywhere.......you tell me what loyalty is.

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You just came off a 2-14 season, your GM has been fired, your HC and a good portion of his staff have been kicked to the curb; I really don't think anyone should be surprised to hear that morale might be a little low and tensions high.

I didn't see the interview, but it sounds like a mountain/mole hill thing.

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Thats it right there. Peyton is not healthy and I think they all know that he won't be healthy when the march 8th deadline rolls around. Therefore, Irasy is most likely going to part ways with Manning right before that time.

Do you know what % he is at right now?? No.. me neither. Guess we will have to wait and see.

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Irsay is an attention seeking you know what.

He's one step away from Jerry Jones at this point.

He's breaking up with Peyton and doing it like a high school boy trying to break up with his girlfriend. Act like a jerk until she gets fed up and breaks up with him. Then he claim not to be the bad guy.

Maybe you assume too much?

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Telling a player to quit football for a lot of reasons is not crazy talk. However, it also does not make it a valid opinion or an opinion that needs to be expressed in the paper. The decision is up to the player not a columnist.

I see your point. Granted no one forces people to read Kravitz' stuff, I think Kravitz thinks logically and people don't like logic.

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Heisman trophy winner doesn't mean nfl caliber qb. Look at the last 10 winners.But ur right there r others and it may not be luck

I was just saying that no one knows who they are going to choose yet. It could be another surprise because Irsay has had a lot of them lately.

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I'll be VERY angry if Irsay does this.

Its better than paying 35+ million next year for a player who can't play.

Irsay is right.

peyton knew what he was saying and the ramifications. Peyton and Archie need to keep their mouths shut about certain things.

peyon is an EMPLOYEE. A WELL paid one at that . he needs to act like it.

The COLTS are bigger than manning. NOT the other way around.

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If the Colts take RG3 I would be shocked but I would still 100% support RG3 no matter what. I think RG3 is a great quarterback. Better than Luck? no. Whoever is under center next season I will whole heartily support but in my opinion the right man is the man in my avatar.

Agreed. They could trade for Matt Flynn and I would be supportive and wish the best.

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If anyone reads the story on Colts.com titled "Manning a medical matter," they will see YET AGAIN that Irsay is only concerned about Manning's health. Not only that, but the comments he made sound much less negative than Kravitz made it out to be on Twitter.

Anyways, I'm not concerning myself with this too much. I'm just excited to see how things play out in the next year.

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If anyone reads the story on Colts.com titled "Manning a medical matter," they will see YET AGAIN that Irsay is only concerned about Manning's health. Not only that, but the comments he made sound much less negative than Kravitz made it out to be on Twitter.

Anyways, I'm not concerning myself with this too much. I'm just excited to see how things play out in the next year.

Krav isn't making this out to be anything. I just heard Irsay on espn and he actually said those things and krav said on espn he thinks Irsay is taking this to seriously.

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If he is healthy by when? What if the Colts retain him and he's not ready by Sept.? Not disagreeing. Just asking at what point do you move on?

And that, as they say is the $28 million dollar question. Nobody knows.

My hope is that on March 1st they examine him, and strength tests indicate that he has made substantial gains in the tricep. That isn't possible if the nerve isn't working. He may very well be well on his way, with Irsay only needing to trust that he will be able to regain the rest of his conditioning. If the nerve still hasn't responded at all, then obviously he will be released. That call would be easy. The tough middle ground is the thought that the nerve may have responded enough to give him some strength, but perhaps plateaued without anyone knowing for sure. He may be "better", but not able to make all the throws, and no way of knowing for sure if he will regain the ability. At that point I would hope for a verbal agreement, in which the Colts cut him, and then resign him before training camp IF he has come all the way back. If not he would likely retire.

The bottom line is that if both parties want it, it can be worked out - but it requires communication. What's disturbing about the noises we are hearing is the lack of communication, which suggest that at least one of the parties doesn't "want it". Makes me sick to my stomach.

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Do you know what % he is at right now?? No.. me neither. Guess we will have to wait and see.

Your right, I have no idea where he's at right now, but unless that nerve is 100% regenerated by march 7th then there is no way Irsay is going to make a 28 million dollar investment to keep him. I have just chosen to accept that more than likely complete regeneration by that time is highly unlikely and the Colts will move on. I also believe that Irsay said he'll keep Manning "if healthy" before the decision was made to fire the Polians, Caldwell, and most of the other staff. Therefore, Irsay could have just changed his mind and chose to completely rebuild for the future. That certainly looks more likely than keeping Manning at this point.

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This is all just a buncha he-said high order media soap opera mess until we get it from the horse's mouth. Who cares. If everything as reported to this point is true then both sides have fallen short in the handling. But so what. Wouldn't be the first time either of these guys have spoken first & thought later. Nothing new here. All that matters is the end result because there ain't nothin goin on these two couldn't get past with a handshake if they're going to do more business together..........or not.

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And that, as they say is the $28 million dollar question. Nobody knows.

My hope is that on March 1st they examine him, and strength tests indicate that he has made substantial gains in the tricep. That isn't possible if the nerve isn't working. He may very well be well on his way, with Irsay only needing to trust that he will be able to regain the rest of his conditioning. If the nerve still hasn't responded at all, then obviously he will be released. That call would be easy. The tough middle ground is the thought that the nerve may have responded enough to give him some strength, but perhaps plateaued without anyone knowing for sure. He may be "better", but not able to make all the throws, and no way of knowing for sure if he will regain the ability. At that point I would hope for a verbal agreement, in which the Colts cut him, and then resign him before training camp IF he has come all the way back. If not he would likely retire.

The bottom line is that if both parties want it, it can be worked out - but it requires communication. What's disturbing about the noises we are hearing is the lack of communication, which suggest that at least one of the parties doesn't "want it". Makes me sick to my stomach.

Great post MAC. Just stellar. And an option most people haven't considered. If both sides are truly loyal that could work. It would give Peyton a few extra months of rehab and healing. I want to see Peyton back as much as anybody but not at the expense of our long term future.

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I'm a little iffy on this. I wouldn't be surprised for Irsay to say he wished Manning would have kept it all in house, but I just can't see him saying "Peyton acted like a politician" or something to that effect. I wouldn't be surprised if the quote has been taken way out of context. Personally, I would like to see the transcript of the interview instead

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I do not like the way Peyton is being treated. No one would have ever thought that there would be this kind of debate going on about him, or that he would be ignored by the owner and left to wonder where he stands. Who would have thought he of all people would have to "run into" the new general manager in the hall and be given the royal brushoff, so to speak. That is what happened. Read between the lines of what he told Kravitz.

The business of pro football is rotten. Many, of course, would say, and rightly so, that Peyton is crying all the way to the bank. But I just think it is a rotten way to treat the man that saved your franchise and gave you perhaps the best run your team will ever have. A man who will go into the hall of fame unanimously on the first ballot and is in the argument for greatest of all time. A man who is a class act in every way.

At the very least Irsay and the new g.m. and coach owe Peyton a real conversation and the respect he so richly deserves. They definitely should not cut him like he was a third stringer and let him find out the hard way. Any change needs to be done in mutual respect and good taste. He deserves that.

Maybe I am just prejudiced for Peyton. I know Montana got treated bad at the end of his career, and Peyton's own Dad was shuffled around before he retired. I just did not think the Colts would do that to Peyton.

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Either of the three in the Peyton Manning offense will struggle for quite sometime.

Bring in a West Coast offense and they all 3 would have a much better chance of succeeding.

hey now, i didnt say that we would keep the offense the way it is now, once Peyton is gone...but i do think that of the 3, Luck would do the best the quickest of all of them in learning the offense we run now...

But yeah, the west coast offense is pretty universal around the league...i think thats why some are speculating that Pagano may try to bring in Hue Jackson as offensive coordinator, which honestly i think would be a great hire...i think he got the raw end of the deal in Oakland, fired because of the GM wanting his own guys in there...very different than us firing our HC because he cant coach, before anyone chimes in about that! lol

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I'm a little iffy on this. I wouldn't be surprised for Irsay to say he wished Manning would have kept it all in house, but I just can't see him saying "Peyton acted like a politician" or something to that effect. I wouldn't be surprised if the quote has been taken way out of context. Personally, I would like to see the transcript of the interview instead

Good God people, Get over your scepticism. Nobody is making up nothing. Here's the link to the video.


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