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According to PFF, Kelly has not had one negative play


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40 minutes ago, BOTT said:


Didn't realize Zach Galifianakis was that handsome.

Cute line there BOTT. I'm sure actor Robert Redford from "Jeremiah Johnson" would even laugh over that line. 


When I googled Zach's name, I was impressed how spot on Zack & Bob really were facial hair wise. Good call. 

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Funny how PFF is the forums bible one day then a curse the next. It's preseason, wait until Saturday. Kelly needs to get stronger. But I've like what I've seen. Went back and rewatched the games. Good is also coming along greatly as well. Those two work nicely together. Just like Jack and Casucko. Thank God we put Jack back at LG. 

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11 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

I loved this pick when it happened in the draft & I still do. But, you're right though CC1, if I am quick to question Ryan Grigson's decision making in other draft cycles, I must praise him for his for his Kelly choice that exceeded my expectations as well. Fair is fair. 

Needing a good center IMO was a no brainer but the center position was not the only blame for any one of QBs or RBs getting pounded on in the backfield. Hopefully with another year under their belts working together with Kelly being the anchor things will be a lot better.

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5 minutes ago, a06cc said:

Funny how PFF is the forums bible one day then a curse the next. It's preseason, wait until Saturday. Kelly needs to get stronger. But I've like what I've seen. Went back and rewatched the games. Good is also coming along greatly as well. Those two work nicely together. Just like Jack and Casucko. Thank God we put Jack back at LG. 

Gotta take pff with a grain of sand. Usually when they break down plays I listen but it's kinda mehh after that especially rating players

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3 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Needing a good center IMO was a no brainer but the center position was not the only blame for any one of QBs or RBs getting pounded on in the backfield. Hopefully with another year under their belts working together with Kelly being the anchor things will be a lot better.


Yeah, outside LT, pretty much every position on the OL was probably seen as upgradeable before the draft, I would think so :dunno:. I did however feel that we shuffled Johnnys and Joes constantly with pretty much the same results, and did have to take a second look at coaching; very glad they did.


This year, we have invested more than ever in personnel for all spots, IMO, along the OL. Now, we will find out if the coaching can make it work. 

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8 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

There was very few of us that wanted a center in the 1st. round. I was called pretty much stupid and had no knowledge of football for even suggesting a center in the 1st round. The center spot should never be taken till rounds 3 or 4.

Luck and the running backs were getting pounded mostly from right up the middle. The penetration not only put Luck in jeopardy it pretty much stopped the running game before it got started.

If Kelly can be to Luck what Saturday was to Manning he was worth a 1st round pick IMO.

I don't watch college Football near as much as some in here but still watch it and study players leading up to the Draft. Once Leonard Floyd got Drafted I wanted Kelly. I may have even taken Kelly over Floyd had both been there because of Luck's injuries last season.

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4 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Needing a good center IMO was a no brainer but the center position was not the only blame for any one of QBs or RBs getting pounded on in the backfield. Hopefully with another year under their belts working together with Kelly being the anchor things will be a lot better.

Yeah, I think every INDY fan on here drew a parallel between the chemistry between Manning & Saturday attributing to our team success for over a decade so hopefully the bond between Kelly & Luck will last just as long or longer as we fight for a ring in this new era. 

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3 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Yeah, I think every INDY fan on here drew a parallel between the chemistry between Manning & Saturday attributing to our team success for over a decade so hopefully the bond between Kelly & Luck will last just as long or longer as we fight for a ring in this new era. 


I dearly hope Chud is around at least for a couple of years in full and provides some stability. I don't want Luck going through a Russian Roulette of OCs early on in his career like Alex Smith. Having a guy like Tom Moore or Bruce Arians as OC  or LeBeau as DC provided stability for their sides of the ball in an unrealistic way because they did not kick the tires on being a HC for the longest time. Even now, Arians is the only one in the bunch that did it.


I can see Philbin sticking around but Chud, I hope he does too.

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11 minutes ago, chad72 said:


I dearly hope Chud is around at least for a couple of years in full and provides some stability. I don't want Luck going through a Russian Roulette of OCs early on in his career like Alex Smith. Having a guy like Tom Moore or Bruce Arians as OC  or LeBeau as DC provided stability for their sides of the ball in an unrealistic way because they did not kick the tires on being a HC for the longest time. Even now, Arians is the only one in the bunch that did it.


I can see Philbin sticking around but Chud, I hope he does too.

I think Arians wanted to be a HC but couldn't even get an interview.  Tom Moore just didn't have any interest.

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15 minutes ago, chad72 said:


I dearly hope Chud is around at least for a couple of years in full and provides some stability. I don't want Luck going through a Russian Roulette of OCs early on in his career like Alex Smith. Having a guy like Tom Moore or Bruce Arians as OC  or LeBeau as DC provided stability for their sides of the ball in an unrealistic way because they did not kick the tires on being a HC for the longest time. Even now, Arians is the only one in the bunch that did it.


I can see Philbin sticking around but Chud, I hope he does too.

You do make a very compelling point Chad when you raise a concern over Chud departing in a yr. or 2. I don't want a carousel of OC fluctuations either. Funny, you mentioned BA because when he was interviewing in AZ I said something to the effect of please stay in INDY with Luck because winning a ring molding him at QB will be much easier than turning the Cardinals around. Shows you what in the hades SW1 knows right? Not much obviously. haha It's okay; I enjoy making fun of myself & at this point, I'm accustom to being wrong in my predictions anyway. 


But, getting back to your primary thesis continuity at the OC position does matter & learning new schemes with new personnel on the sidelines does slow things down & inhibit progress in many cases. So, I share your fear in that regard Chad. 


Man, I can't spell anything right today. I'm constantly re-editing my posts this evening. 

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2 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

You do make a very compelling point Chad when you raise a concern over Chud departing in a yr. or 2. I don't want a carousel of OC fluctuations either. Funny, you mentioned BA because when he was interviewing in AZ I said something to the effect of please stay in INDY with Luck because winning a ring molding him at QB will be much easier than turning the Cardinals around. Shows you what in the hades SW1 knows right? Not much obviously. haha It's okay; I enjoy making fun of myself & at this point, I'm accustom to being wrong in my predictions anyway. 


But, getting back to your primary thesis continuity at the OC position does matter & learning new schemes with no personnel on the sidelines does slow things down & inhibit progress in many cases. So, I share your fear in that regard Chad. 

But the Colts possibly have two in house candidates to replace Chud....Philbin and Schottenheimer.  Marty Jr sucked at his former OC job, but it can be hard to judge an OC who doesn't have a QB?

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21 minutes ago, BOTT said:

But the Colts possibly have two in house candidates to replace Chud....Philbin and Schottenheimer.  Marty Jr sucked at his former OC job, but it can be hard to judge an OC who doesn't have a QB?

True, even John Elway & Gary Kubiack can't make Mark Sanchez clean up his turnover machine problems so maybe you're right, it's not fair to condemn Brian over Mr. Butt Fumble's ability to suck the Championship dreams out of NY city. 


I'd like Philbin to stay exactly where he is & never take another position in our organization because some guys are just better at certain spots rather than being a HC or Assistant HC. Look at Dick LeBeau. He's an exceptional DC who won rings in Pittsburgh & he will do good work now in Tennessee. However, I just can't see him running a whole NFL football program. 


I have nothing against LeBeau or Philbin being promoted in theory. However, some guys were just made to flourish intellectually as mentors teaching other units how to shine, dominate, & pulverize their competition across the line of scrimmage. 


Regarding Chud, you can offer him more money sure, but if the offers pour in you can't really stop him from moving on unless you remind him that his next field general won't be half as good as Andrew is right now. 

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40 minutes ago, BOTT said:

it can be hard to judge an OC who doesn't have a QB?

As my dad always says, "It boils down to 1 question [regarding whether to accept or decline a promotion]: Do you wanna be a killer whale in the ocean or a big fish in a small pond?" 


It's really a personality question & what your preferred level of fame & notoriety truly is as a coordinator or hypothetical coach based on the size of your market, your competition division wise, & how well the fan base embraces you. 

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Basically I wanted Floyd or Conklin the most, but they were taken very quickly. Conklin was a HUGE overpay when the Titans paid a heavy price to trade up and get him. When those two were gone, I was happy to get Kelly and was actually praying he'd still be there. I remember hearing the Colts were interested in him before the draft started, but I didn't know how much truth there was to it because I stay off twitter. Very happy we got him and I'll be happy to be wrong about him. He looks like a great pick already, a safe pick, a pick that will protect Luck for his career, and a pick that will live up to his draft position. Well done Grigson!

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So I guess my eyes aren't deceiving me.  I've watched every snap that he's played this preseason, and aside from maybe a couple times on running plays, I don't recall him missing on any play.


It is so refreshing not to have to watch our C reach back and try to grab the guy who got past him and is taking a bead on our QB!

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Kelly will be a boss. AC and Mewhort are solid on the left side, to say the least...


I gotta think that between Haeg, Clark, Good, Reitz, Thornton, and Harrison, there are two guys that will be able to round out this line into one of the better ones in the league by next season. I expect them to be greatly improved this season, as well. Kelly is going to make noticeable difference in protection along the interior from week 1.

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8 hours ago, twfish said:

The only player I wanted besides Kelly was Karl Joseph. That dude is going to be a stud but I beleive Oakland took him 2 picks ahead

Same. Joseph reminded me a lot of Bob Sanders. Oakland has some nice talent on D right now. They might have a bright future in Oakland.


I loved the Kelly pick though. With as terrible as our line play has been, how could anyone hate the pick? Hes a rock in the middle of the line.

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It's not a sexy pick by any means but I was good with it because he was the best player available at his position and it was a badly needed position for the Colts.  


I find it difficult to believe he hasn't made a mistake yet, being a rookie and all, but now that I think about it I haven't seen him do anything overtly bad.  I haven't seen him just destroy anybody either.  I think he's just been pretty solid, which is all you can really hope for.  I think it's a good thing when the center isn't getting any attention.  Means he's doing his job.  ProBowler?  Only time will tell on that.


I think next year we go defense heavy.

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On 8/25/2016 at 11:34 AM, DougDew said:

I didn't want a C in the first round.  I wanted a stud OLB.  Positional value is important, IMO.  Having said that, with the TRich and Werner busts, I thought this draft was very important to get a sure thing.  Get a player that was a consensus 10 year starter, considering the Colts had holes everywhere except WR.  OLBs can be risky, even if they project well.


The idea of getting a sure thing, and the fact that C was probably as much of a need as pass rusher, I thought Kelly was the best pick, despite my lack of enthusiasm for a C in the first round.

Position values are not important unless kicker or punter tbh, a great player is a great player 

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1 minute ago, jbaron04 said:

Position values are not important unless kicker or punter tbh, a great player is a great player 

It's very important.  A good QB will help you more than the greatest guard to ever play.

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1 hour ago, jbaron04 said:

Position values are not important unless kicker or punter tbh, a great player is a great player 


Respectfully,   I don't know where or when you learned this, but it's highly incorrect.


I'm not sure when it's ever been right.      Positional value has always been important.     The positions may have changed some as the rules have changed,   but positional value is always important.     That's why salaries vary so much from position to position.



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6 hours ago, DougDew said:

Here's a question for the forum......


Seeing the preseason so far, would you have been happy if the Colts picked Leremy Tunsil over Ryan Kelly if Tunsil dropped to the Colts Pick?

That is a good question, honestly I like Kelly a tad more. Especially with everything that came out about tunsil during the draft. Don't get me wrong Tunsil is a heck of a talented football player and the fact he played that well in college is crazy. Kelly fortified a much more needed role and carries himself like a Tru professional so more a "horseshoe guy"

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15 hours ago, DougDew said:

Here's a question for the forum......


Seeing the preseason so far, would you have been happy if the Colts picked Leremy Tunsil over Ryan Kelly if Tunsil dropped to the Colts Pick?

That's a no brainer for me Tunsil is a no brainer.  I wasn't big on a C in the 1st if Kelly lives up to the hype ok but you can't take him over Tunsil. Then you are not only not taking the BPA you are not taking the BPA in a position of need. How do you rationalize Kelly over Tunsil

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

Anthony Castanzo got beat like a drum out there. Regarding the center position, Harrison seemed to do well with the eye test? Can anyone else find any stats to see if that were true?


Please no to Harrison over Kelly lol. Give me R. Kelly all day. 

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Kelly looked like a rookie against a all pro line man, but if you noticed that same lineman could not could not get the same push against our RG  so it well take some time but kelly well work. On  the other Hand Castanzo got his butt handed to him time after time, I liked how Blythe looked when he took over over for Mewhort and Clark had a little trouble at RTexpected for a rookie but yhey have 15 days to get they guys playing together  

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I just watched every play that Kelly was involved in.  He had two bad plays.  One  where he had poor leverage when Allen shot the a gap and sacked luck.  The other was a stunt where he was slow in picking up the DE, though it didn't result in a sack.  Other than that he was solid.  Running game was harder to tell.  There should be concern in this game because of Costanzo and Clark (Good struggled a bit also), but not because of Kelly IMO.  Will be interesting to see pffs grades. 

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10 hours ago, Archangel said:

Kelly looked like a rookie against a all pro line man, but if you noticed that same lineman could not could not get the same push against our RG  so it well take some time but kelly well work. On  the other Hand Castanzo got his butt handed to him time after time, I liked how Blythe looked when he took over over for Mewhort and Clark had a little trouble at RTexpected for a rookie but yhey have 15 days to get they guys playing together  

Agreed.  Kelly will be fine.  We will be a lot better with Reitz back at RT.  Clark is not ready for full time duty. Good is improving every game. AC needs a heart to heart closed door.  

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