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Stay Classy Tom Brady


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Of course he's classy when he's eliminated from the playoffs. If he was in the Superbowl, he'd be laughing at people, like Plaxico Burress, for not crediting the Patriots offense for scoring enough points.

Maybe Giselle can finally teach him how to throw, catch, and block at the same time.

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I don't understand all the hype for this story. Was it a nice thing to say? Sure. It''s hardly an example of the "ZOOM THEZ BRADY IS THEZ CLASS" craziness that has followed it.

No one ever said Brady hatred every person he ever came in contact with. Brady and all the pats organization has the reputation of being very, very classless in lose. This doesn't change that.

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It was a "normal" comment.

 It was a "nice" comment.

Seriously,  I don't understand what the big deal is about this.

 What else would he have said to him when shaking hands at the end of a game?   


Having said that...  It is/was  CJ making a big deal out of it,  not Tom.   

There is that.



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48 minutes ago, jet1968 said:

He's getting soft in his older years.


Just wait until he's in his 80's. He will be donating 95% of his money to the poor and saying, "Forgive me Holy Father, for I have sinned." The priest will be like... "Uhh, yea, anyone could have told you that."

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1 minute ago, The Old Crow said:

Ask Ed Reed how classy he is when he stuck up his little leg !

This, or how he trolls other teams with his photoshop. Edelman came out with a fake invitation for "Peyton Manning Retirement party" absolutely loved watching Brady get his teeth kicked in by Peyton again.

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3 minutes ago, bababooey said:

This, or how he trolls other teams with his photoshop. Edelman came out with a fake invitation for "Peyton Manning Retirement party" absolutely loved watching Brady get his teeth kicked in by Peyton again.


WAIT A MINUTE, Edelman created that?! Source please?

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Don't get me wrong...there have been several things I can question when it comes to Tom's integrity etc when it comes to Deflate, some whining, even some comments about Peyton in those personal emails...but to say he is classless...I think that's too much. Everyone has their opinion...I have mine but I've got a TON of respect for how hard he works to be so successful. I've never heard a teammate speak ill of him and clearly he over came great odds to be a great qb. I don't know why we need to bash him in a thread where he clearly had nothing but kind words to CJ. Maybe if Peyton can win a SB it will bring closure to the Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning thing around here. He clearly isn't the villain people make him out to be...and yes he is no Mother Teresa either. I don't know why when its clear a great deal of football players respect the guy (as a football player) that us fans can't do the same.

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Just now, dgambill said:

Don't get me wrong...there have been several things I can question when it comes to Tom's integrity etc when it comes to Deflate, some whining, even some comments about Peyton in those personal emails...but to say he is classless...I think that's too much. Everyone has their opinion...I have mine but I've got a TON of respect for how hard he works to be so successful. I've never heard a teammate speak ill of him and clearly he over came great odds to be a great qb. I don't know why we need to bash him in a thread where he clearly had nothing but kind words to CJ. Maybe if Peyton can win a SB it will bring closure to the Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning thing around here. He clearly isn't the villain people make him out to be...and yes he is no Mother Teresa either. I don't know why when its clear a great deal of football players respect the guy (as a football player) that us fans can't do the same.


No one denies most of what you say here. The problem is that people do not like bad losers. Tom is a bad loser. It's just a fact. BB is a bad loser. As an organization, the pats are bad losers.

That's what I mean when I say they are classless. I don't mean they are a jerk to everyone. I don't mean they never do anything good. I don't mean they don't care about each other. I simply mean they are very, very poor losers. Much more so than any other organization in recent years.

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Just now, ColtsSouljah said:


No one denies most of what you say here. The problem is that people do not like bad losers. Tom is a bad loser. It's just a fact. BB is a bad loser. As an organization, the pats are bad losers.

That's what I mean when I say they are classless. I don't mean they are a jerk to everyone. I don't mean they never do anything good. I don't mean they don't care about each other. I simply mean they are very, very poor losers. Much more so than any other organization in recent years.

Gotcha...I did not associate the words classless with sore/poor losers. I totally understand...I would say Floyd Mayweather is classless...yet he has never lost...and I don't associate the term with his winning or losing. Guess I didn't understand how the term was being used or basically why we were bringing such negativity into what should be a positive thread.

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1 minute ago, dgambill said:

Gotcha...I did not associate the words classless with sore/poor losers. I totally understand...I would say Floyd Mayweather is classless...yet he has never lost...and I don't associate the term with his winning or losing. Guess I didn't understand how the term was being used or basically why we were bringing such negativity into what should be a positive thread.

If you're a coach and leave the field before the SB ends and don't shake hands with the winning coach then you can be called classless. *coughBBSB42cough*

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There was a Bill Cosby cartoon earlier in my life that was called Fat Albert.  Brady reminds me a lot of Fat Albert, because all of his friends used to say:


"Fat Albert, You remind me of an empty schoolroom."


Fat Albert would always say:  "Why's that."


His little buddy would  say every time..."No class."  HMMMM Fat Albert....Brady...I liked Fat Albert a lot more. :)

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Wow...you'd think it was a NE Festivus celebration going on in here. Everyone just airing their NE Patriot grievances. Can't believe people hold onto such animosity for so long. You'd think someone stole their first born child or something. Just kind of sorry that in a thread of something nice about somebody we have to drag it down to this level. Oh well....it's the evil Patriots and the antichrist Tom Brady were talking about lol.

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3 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Wow...you'd think it was a NE Festivus celebration going on in here. Everyone just airing their NE Patriot grievances. Can't believe people hold onto such animosity for so long. You'd think someone stole their first born child or something. Just kind of sorry that in a thread of something nice about somebody we have to drag it down to this level. Oh well....it's the evil Patriots and the antichrist Tom Brady were talking about lol.

It's because their fanbase is worse and they make fun of Peyton and Andrew all the time. Not only that they dis the Colts constantly from their fans to the media. So screw the Pats!

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7 minutes ago, dgambill said:

Wow...you'd think it was a NE Festivus celebration going on in here. Everyone just airing their NE Patriot grievances. Can't believe people hold onto such animosity for so long. You'd think someone stole their first born child or something. Just kind of sorry that in a thread of something nice about somebody we have to drag it down to this level. Oh well....it's the evil Patriots and the antichrist Tom Brady were talking about lol.

I mean they did cheat against us in the biggest game of our last 5 years. Don't act like we are the only fanbase that doesn't like them.

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13 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

It's because their fanbase is worse and they make fun of Peyton and Andrew all the time. Not only that they dis the Colts constantly from their fans to the media. So screw the Pats!


8 minutes ago, bababooey said:

I mean they did cheat against us in the biggest game of our last 5 years. Don't act like we are the only fanbase that doesn't like them.

It's all good...let the hate build....feed the dark side lol....I understand..I don't find much appealing about them either but something just feels a little unhealthy when we even attack them when they do something good or nice. I'm a Colt fan and they've ruined plenty playoff parties of mine down through the years...but I'd like to think I can be objective when it comes to things like this and not let my fandom over shadow a good story. Also I'd like to think us good hearted midwestern values teach us a little better than getting down on the Bostonian level lol. Have at it...we've had plenty of hate on Tom threads through the years...what's one more lol.

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1 hour ago, dgambill said:

Don't get me wrong...there have been several things I can question when it comes to Tom's integrity etc when it comes to Deflate, some whining, even some comments about Peyton in those personal emails...but to say he is classless...I think that's too much. Everyone has their opinion...I have mine but I've got a TON of respect for how hard he works to be so successful. I've never heard a teammate speak ill of him and clearly he over came great odds to be a great qb. I don't know why we need to bash him in a thread where he clearly had nothing but kind words to CJ. Maybe if Peyton can win a SB it will bring closure to the Tom Brady vs Peyton Manning thing around here. He clearly isn't the villain people make him out to be...and yes he is no Mother Teresa either. I don't know why when its clear a great deal of football players respect the guy (as a football player) that us fans can't do the same.

I just remembered that Brady is friends with Donald Trump.....

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2 hours ago, dgambill said:


It's all good...let the hate build....feed the dark side lol....I understand..I don't find much appealing about them either but something just feels a little unhealthy when we even attack them when they do something good or nice. I'm a Colt fan and they've ruined plenty playoff parties of mine down through the years...but I'd like to think I can be objective when it comes to things like this and not let my fandom over shadow a good story. Also I'd like to think us good hearted midwestern values teach us a little better than getting down on the Bostonian level lol. Have at it...we've had plenty of hate on Tom threads through the years...what's one more lol.

I am very objective when it comes to ranking teams and players. I already have said Tom is a Top 3 QB of all-time on here many times. I just don't care for 90% of their fanbase or the east coast media that make fun of Andrew and the Colts over and over and bash Peyton by calling him a choker. Many Pats fans don't even think Peyton is a Top 10 QB of all-time because he only has 1 ring. A lot of the east coast media makes fun of him by calling him forehead, choker, etc.. I have read tons of posts on other websites like ESPN and NFL.com over the years is where I know this to be fact. So like I said if any Colts fan or Peyton fan wants to bash anything Pats I am all for it. They cheat and in reality most of the time lose without class. When the Pats lost to the Giants in 2007 Belichick didn't even shake Coughlin's hand. Like I said screw the Pats.

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4 hours ago, bababooey said:

This, or how he trolls other teams with his photoshop. Edelman came out with a fake invitation for "Peyton Manning Retirement party" absolutely loved watching Brady get his teeth kicked in by Peyton again.


Agreed. What happened to all the Patriot fans ? Was there a mass booting this week based on Manning- Brady agitation ? It's been quiet. 

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1 minute ago, The Old Crow said:


Agreed. What happened to all the Patriot fans ? Was there a mass booting this week based on Manning- Brady agitation ? It's been quiet. 

It's been pleasant.    I was not wanting to gloat,  I am just enjoying the moment, and the week.

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14 minutes ago, Mrs. Misunderstood said:

It's been pleasant.    I was not wanting to gloat,  I am just enjoying the moment, and the week.

I was actually wanting to rub it in haha (sarcasm) I would've took it easy on them actually, that was a great game on Sunday. I give Dynasty credit he owned up. It's been a fantastic week.

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