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Golden Era


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Seeing Peyton in the AFCCG made me realize how much I miss the old guard. I miss the 12-4 seasons and the realistic shot of being a Superbowl contender for almost 10 straight years.  I miss the most beautiful mind in football, the chess matches, and Peyton on the sideline studying photos of the defense. I miss Peyton catching the defenses with too many players on the field,  the chemistry he built with Wayne, Harrison, Stokely, Garcon, Collie, Clark.... the New England rivalry.... I'm missing it all.  I miss Tony Dungy. I miss the brilliance of Bill Polian. I feel like a guy who has left his wife for a younger model and realized he had it all and lost it. Just raising a toast today to an era that captured the imagination of our city. Cheers


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1 hour ago, SteelDragon said:

Seeing Peyton in the AFCCG made me realize how much I miss the old guard. I miss the 12-4 seasons and the realistic shot of being a Superbowl contender for almost 10 straight years.  I miss the most beautiful mind in football, the chess matches, and Peyton on the sideline studying photos of the defense. I miss Peyton catching the defenses with too many players on the field,  the chemistry he built with Wayne, Harrison, Stokely, Garcon, Collie, Clark.... the New England rivalry.... I'm missing it all.  I miss Tony Dungy. I miss the brilliance of Bill Polian. I feel like a guy who has left his wife for a younger model and realized he had it all and lost it. Just raising a toast today to an era that captured the imagination of our city. Cheers



Nice post, SD! Miss all of it. But, seeing the changes of the new guard with our coaching staff has lit a fire under this man's backside. With the new hires & potential that most of these guys possess, especially Monachino, Krein, and Philbin, it certainly looks like to this Old-Colt-Codger the organization is quite serious this go around. And, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if the Colts take off rather quickly. Our draft is going to be critical this year. Let's see what rolls in. I haven't been more excited about the sweeping changes that have already taken place in a long, long while.

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I always think what could have been had either Corey Simon or Booger McFarland been able to stay healthy. I still can't believe that era ended with only one Super Bowl. Either way, I'll always look back on those years fondly. I was at a very impressionable age and was fortunate enough for my family to have season tickets. I doubt I'll ever love football and the NFL more than I did during those years.

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It was a nice run...the Johnny U years were an incredible run..the Bert Jones years were a great run.....the Luck years brought Indy to an AFC Championship game last year...if he wasn't hurt early, who knows? Woulda, coulda, shoulda's wont change the Manning years that were equally incredible! Indy beat Denver and played Carolina tight...the future is bright!

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It was a magical time.   Some of the best football games I've ever been to were in the RCA Dome.  I still have great memories of those times.     


Don't get me wrong, I LOVE  LOS.   The Best Stadium Ever.... and I love going to games there, it's just some of my fondest football memories are from the RCA Dome.

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I still have faith that Andrew will get us there again. He's got such a high ceiling: incredible talent with a powerful mind. 


It has been truthfully a lot of fun to see this team ebb and flow in the short time that it has been here. We've witnessed a lot of great quarterbacking in our neck of the woods, that's for sure! :thmup:

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42 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

I still have faith that Andrew will get us there again. He's got such a high ceiling: incredible talent with a powerful mind. 


It has been truthfully a lot of fun to see this team ebb and flow in the short time that it has been here. We've witnessed a lot of great quarterbacking in our neck of the woods, that's for sure! :thmup:


No doubt about that.  In the 60 odd year history of the Colts, I don't think there's a franchise that could match the QB quality.

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22 hours ago, SteelDragon said:

Seeing Peyton in the AFCCG made me realize how much I miss the old guard. I miss the 12-4 seasons and the realistic shot of being a Superbowl contender for almost 10 straight years.  I miss the most beautiful mind in football, the chess matches, and Peyton on the sideline studying photos of the defense. I miss Peyton catching the defenses with too many players on the field,  the chemistry he built with Wayne, Harrison, Stokely, Garcon, Collie, Clark.... the New England rivalry.... I'm missing it all.  I miss Tony Dungy. I miss the brilliance of Bill Polian. I feel like a guy who has left his wife for a younger model and realized he had it all and lost it. Just raising a toast today to an era that captured the imagination of our city. Cheers



We endured many years that were not so memorable obviously its the early years that make you appreciate 18 & 12 even more ...


We should give credit to 4 as well Captain Comeback had us all on the edge of our seats in Pittsburgh the playoffs were exciting & draining 1 catch away from the SB ,


We were given hope that better things could happen for our Colts -


Since 84 there has been 3 QB's that captured the imagination of this City the story in the Indianapolis Star if worth a read .


.http://www.indystar.com/story/sports/nfl/colts/2016/01/21/1995-indianapolis .






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1 hour ago, Live and let live said:

Also Bart Star, Brett Favre and Aaron Rogers with the Packers. Several teams have had great QBs.


You made me do a little research.  I won't go into how many years they were considered "good".  But the criteria (to me) is how many years did a franchise have a great QB since the Colts have been in existence.


SF - Brodie, Montana, Young - about 28 years.  Montana/Young overlap.

GB - Starr, Favre, Rodgers - about 32.  Favre/Rodgers overlap.


Colts - Unitas, Jones, Harbaugh, Manning, Luck - About 44 years! 


By contrast - Cleveland Browns????  They did win a championship in 64...Kosar....Sipe...???  So sad....

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10 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


You made me do a little research.  I won't go into how many years they were considered "good".  But the criteria (to me) is how many years did a franchise have a great QB since the Colts have been in existence.


SF - Brodie, Montana, Young - about 28 years.  Montana/Young overlap.

GB - Starr, Favre, Rodgers - about 32.  Favre/Rodgers overlap.


Colts - Unitas, Jones, Harbaugh, Manning, Luck - About 44 years! 


By contrast - Cleveland Browns????  They did win a championship in 64...Kosar....Sipe...???  So sad....


As much as I dislike the Cowboys : Meredith, Staubach, Aikman. Geez, it's been over 20 years since they've made any noise good to great QB in the NFC East.

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1 hour ago, Smonroe said:


You made me do a little research.  I won't go into how many years they were considered "good".  But the criteria (to me) is how many years did a franchise have a great QB since the Colts have been in existence.


SF - Brodie, Montana, Young - about 28 years.  Montana/Young overlap.

GB - Starr, Favre, Rodgers - about 32.  Favre/Rodgers overlap.


Colts - Unitas, Jones, Harbaugh, Manning, Luck - About 44 years! 


By contrast - Cleveland Browns????  They did win a championship in 64...Kosar....Sipe...???  So sad....

Lol, nice post and true....though Cleveland did have Otto Graham back in the 40's and 50's:D

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22 hours ago, Pagano's Realtor said:

I always think what could have been had either Corey Simon or Booger McFarland been able to stay healthy. I still can't believe that era ended with only one Super Bowl. Either way, I'll always look back on those years fondly. I was at a very impressionable age and was fortunate enough for my family to have season tickets. I doubt I'll ever love football and the NFL more than I did during those years.

Felt the same way when John Unitas left.


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1 hour ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

Lol, nice post and true....though Cleveland did have Otto Graham back in the 40's and 50's:D


Yes, he was maybe the greatest QB of his generation.  But I think he was done around the same time the Colts came into existence in Baltimore. 


Obviously, it's a very subjective study.  I think we can all agree that the Colts have been extremely gifted when it comes to QBs.

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31 minutes ago, Smonroe said:


Yes, he was maybe the greatest QB of his generation.  But I think he was done around the same time the Colts came into existence in Baltimore. 


Obviously, it's a very subjective study.  I think we can all agree that the Colts have been extremely gifted when it comes to QBs.

I was just expanding on your joke ;)

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On 1/27/2016 at 2:59 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Great Post. I think with Luck we will be in great hands as he already has 3 11 win seasons and a Final 4 under his belt but I know what you mean. Matching what Peyton did will be tough to do for a decade. I always felt like even if we had a mediocre Defense we could still win the SB with Peyton.

We are in fine hands with Luck, just need a better line and defense and this team is dangerous.  While the Peyton Manning show was incredibly fun and a great ride, the Colts didn't win a playoff game with Peyton until his sixth season.  Luck has already been to an AFC Championship game in 4.  I like our odds with Luck. 

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16 hours ago, RollerColt said:

I still have faith that Andrew will get us there again. He's got such a high ceiling: incredible talent with a powerful mind. 


It has been truthfully a lot of fun to see this team ebb and flow in the short time that it has been here. We've witnessed a lot of great quarterbacking in our neck of the woods, that's for sure! :thmup:

We have been fortunate with the last 2 QBs.  

But i think its funny how many forget the revolving door at QB (and poor play) before that.

i think its a sign of how many fans started their Colts relationship in the Manning years. (Or maybe that i'm getting old, haha)

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9 hours ago, Smonroe said:


You made me do a little research.  I won't go into how many years they were considered "good".  But the criteria (to me) is how many years did a franchise have a great QB since the Colts have been in existence.


SF - Brodie, Montana, Young - about 28 years.  Montana/Young overlap.

GB - Starr, Favre, Rodgers - about 32.  Favre/Rodgers overlap.


Colts - Unitas, Jones, Harbaugh, Manning, Luck - About 44 years! 


By contrast - Cleveland Browns????  They did win a championship in 64...Kosar....Sipe...???  So sad....

Imagine if we drafted Elway and could have kept him. We would probably have 4 or 5 rings.

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15 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

Imagine if we kept Elway.  

The Colts never had Elway to keep, they forwent drafting him because he flat out said he would never be a Colt, and if they drafted him, he would just not play football and enter the MLB draft instead. Rather than fool around with trying to play chicken with the guy, the Colts drafted someone else instead.


It's just one of the many reasons Elways is a *, and you should always hate everything he touches.

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4 minutes ago, SkyBane said:

The Colts never had Elway to keep, they forwent drafting him because he flat out said he would never be a Colt, and if they drafted him, he would just not play football and enter the MLB draft instead. Rather than fool around with trying to play chicken with the guy, the Colts drafted someone else instead.


It's just one of the many reasons Elways is a *, and you should always hate everything he touches.

Oops you're right. Should have said imagine if we did get Elway. 

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