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Offseason priorities


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32 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


That's a lot of "ifs"....


If we get this guy and IF we get that guy, and the other guy and another guy....


And all the other spots,  if we get the right players to fill holes....   etc.


I don't see a lot of play makers and difference makers on defense.


This team obviously will change more than four players between this year and next, and the thinking is that a lot of those new players will be average Joes that you need, but not difference makers. So we're not talking about the bulk of the roster.


We're talking about improving the weakest parts of the team. I think we can identify four positions, add in very good players, potential difference makers, and be a championship contender.


I don't think the offense is far off at all. We need one or two OL and a good coordinator. Yes, the "IF" is that Luck plays well, but that's a given.


The defense doesn't have a lot of playmakers. But we're not going to add a handful of difference makers in one offseason, nor do we need to. And yes, this is based on the assumption that key guys are healthy and young guys get better, but that's what every team is looking for.


Other positions need to be upgraded: CB, S, ILB, RB. Vinatieri is a free agent, so we might need a new kicker. Again, I'm not saying that we can just make four moves and suddenly be the best team in the league. I'm saying that if you add four potential difference makers at key positions, along with the obvious roster adjustments, this team is right back in the mix.

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39 minutes ago, SOMDColtsfan said:

Then repeat the next 50 years and we are the Detroit Lions..no thanks! lol

hmmm....GM & coach out (probably most of the assistants)...o-line blows....defense - meh...not much to see and no one is afraid of it.

Pretty much outside of Luck, special teams and a few other odds/ends....we could start from scratch and be in better shape then we are now.


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1 hour ago, ThaCaliColt said:

Screw bringing in free agents on the OL. Why the hell were they let go in the first place? If they were expendable there, they are expendable here. And coaching has GOT to be taken into consideration here. Thornton, Holmes and Mewhort were solid picks. Herremans was very successful in Philadelphia. Cherilus was solid in Detroit. These guys all come here and struggle mightily...I bet a few of these guys could be thrown right into the mix in some place like NE we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


LOL what? The issue is the free agents we brought in man. We brought in losers when we should have brought in stars. And Holmes was NOT a solid pick. He was a terrible pick. Thornton wasn't either. We could have had Brandon Williams instead of Thornton. And if  we had took those picks we used for them we could have traded up and got a GOOD player instead. Logan Ryan, Tyrann Mathieu, etc. Hadn't you rather have one of those guys? Actually you know what. Yeah I just disagree with everything you said lol. Instead of going over every little part. Now this offseason maybe with a new GM and coaching staff we can bring in a stud like Osemele and put him at RG for the next 4 years and have a good line. Instead of the Grigson approach of bringing in losers and hoping they play well. Or just bringing in mediocre players and hoping they perform well because signing a great player may hurt our cap situation in 5 years. That's a stupid approach. You gotta go all in and not settle for less. We signed Greg Toler over guys like Sean Smith and Brent Grimes for example

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The lines and secondary should be the prime real-estate. We really need another game changing player on the defense. After that, we could go a long way with healthy, consistent players. They don't have to be elite either, just solid and able to get the job done. 


Health has always been my biggest worry. One injury can be enough to completely derail a season sometimes... 

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37 minutes ago, Superman said:


This team obviously will change more than four players between this year and next, and the thinking is that a lot of those new players will be average Joes that you need, but not difference makers. So we're not talking about the bulk of the roster.


We're talking about improving the weakest parts of the team. I think we can identify four positions, add in very good players, potential difference makers, and be a championship contender.


I don't think the offense is far off at all. We need one or two OL and a good coordinator. Yes, the "IF" is that Luck plays well, but that's a given.


The defense doesn't have a lot of playmakers. But we're not going to add a handful of difference makers in one offseason, nor do we need to. And yes, this is based on the assumption that key guys are healthy and young guys get better, but that's what every team is looking for.


Other positions need to be upgraded: CB, S, ILB, RB. Vinatieri is a free agent, so we might need a new kicker. Again, I'm not saying that we can just make four moves and suddenly be the best team in the league. I'm saying that if you add four potential difference makers at key positions, along with the obvious roster adjustments, this team is right back in the mix.


I'll focus on your last sentence.......    "....right back in the mix."


I guess it depends on your definition of what "right back in the mix"  means?


If it means winning the AFC South and having a shot to do some damage in the playoffs,  then I'd agree with you.


But if it -- as the poster who started this thread suggested -- we're now a legit Super Bowl contender,  then I'd respectfully disagree.      


If/when Pagano gets fired,  we're not one coordinator away.    We're also going to need a good D-Coordinator and presumably one that is comfortable with a 3-4 press scheme.      I think it's all easier said than done.


So, between the "4 difference maker" players that we have to get the and right guys to fill holes,  we still need the right head coach,  the right OC and the right DC.    


That's a LOT of things that have to go right.     I think the odds of all those things happening as we hope for are very long.....    perhaps not impossible,  but perhaps not very likely.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong............      (But fear I'm not)


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34 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

hmmm....GM & coach out (probably most of the assistants)...o-line blows....defense - meh...not much to see and no one is afraid of it.

Pretty much outside of Luck, special teams and a few other odds/ends....we could start from scratch and be in better shape then we are now.



You were doing OK with the post and then you had to reach for the end of the last sentence.


If you were being facetious,  then OK.     But if you're being serious,  then I think your kick was way, WAY wide of the mark.      There may not be a ton of talent on the team,   but there's a fair amount and this is NOT a team where we need to start over.



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1 minute ago, NewColtsFan said:


I'll focus on your last sentence.......    "....right back in the mix."


I guess it depends on your definition of what "right back in the mix"  means?


If it means winning the AFC South and having a shot to do some damage in the playoffs,  then I'd agree with you.


But if it -- as the poster who started this thread suggested -- we're now a legit Super Bowl contender,  then I'd respectfully disagree.      


If/when Pagano gets fired,  we're not one coordinator away.    We're also going to need a good D-Coordinator and presumably one that is comfortable with a 3-4 press scheme.      I think it's all easier said than done.


So, between the "4 difference maker" players that we have to get the and right guys to fill holes,  we still need the right head coach,  the right OC and the right DC.    


That's a LOT of things that have to go right.     I think the odds of all those things happening as we hope for are very long.....    perhaps not impossible,  but perhaps not very likely.


As always in these cases,  I hope I'm wrong............      (But fear I'm not)



I don't think Pagano is the right guy for a team that wants to be a perennial contender. And I really, really like him. But I think the writing's on the wall. That likely means an entirely new staff, and probably some philosophical changes (offensive system, blocking scheme, defensive front, coverages, etc.) All that considered, yes, we have bigger problems than can be solved by four good players.


However, let's say you rewind to this past offseason. If we improve the offensive line (egregious that Grigson didn't do more), improve the pass rush, and get more efficient play from Luck, then I think this team is improved from 2014, and this season is more of a 12-4 kind of year. And I don't see anyone in the AFC that a better version of last year's Colts can't beat in the playoffs.


In our present version of reality, however, we're probably taking a step back before we go forward. Maybe we get some more magic next year like we did in 2012 and 2013, but more likely, we're going to need at least a year to get back on track.

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16 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


You were doing OK with the post and then you had to reach for the end of the last sentence.


If you were being facetious,  then OK.     But if you're being serious,  then I think your kick was way, WAY wide of the mark.      There may not be a ton of talent on the team,   but there's a fair amount and this is NOT a team where we need to start over.



Let's see.....


Points per game - 24th

Points allowed per game - 28th

Yards per game - 26th

Yards allowed per game - 28th

2nd in the AFCS - the worst division in the AFC and depending on the week, the worst division in the league.

-81 point differential - only better than Dallas, Miami, TN, Cleveland and SF.


How bad does it have to be before you blow it up? Dead last in all catagories? Like I said...other than QB, special teams and a few other odds/ends I'd be okay starting from scratch.

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2 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

Let's see.....


Points per game - 24th

Points allowed per game - 28th

Yards per game - 26th

Yards allowed per game - 28th

2nd in the AFCS - the worst division in the AFC and depending on the week, the worst division in the league.

-81 point differential - only better than Dallas, Miami, TN, Cleveland and SF.


How bad does it have to be before you blow it up? Like I said...other than QB, special teams and a few other odds/ends I'd be okay starting from scratch.


It's just one year.     A year ago we were in the AFC Championship game.     That's one win away from the Super Bowl.


Blowing up a team because of one disappointing season is classic fan overreaction.


You're willing to throw out the baby with the bath water simply because of one bad year.     That's a fan's view.       There's much more talent on this roster than you want to acknowledge.    


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21 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

Let's see.....


Points per game - 24th

Points allowed per game - 28th

Yards per game - 26th

Yards allowed per game - 28th

2nd in the AFCS - the worst division in the AFC and depending on the week, the worst division in the league.

-81 point differential - only better than Dallas, Miami, TN, Cleveland and SF.


How bad does it have to be before you blow it up? Dead last in all catagories? Like I said...other than QB, special teams and a few other odds/ends I'd be okay starting from scratch.


You don't build a team based on statistical rankings.

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1 hour ago, COLTS449 said:


LOL what? The issue is the free agents we brought in man. We brought in losers when we should have brought in stars. And Holmes was NOT a solid pick. He was a terrible pick. Thornton wasn't either. We could have had Brandon Williams instead of Thornton. And if  we had took those picks we used for them we could have traded up and got a GOOD player instead. Logan Ryan, Tyrann Mathieu, etc. Hadn't you rather have one of those guys? Actually you know what. Yeah I just disagree with everything you said lol. Instead of going over every little part. Now this offseason maybe with a new GM and coaching staff we can bring in a stud like Osemele and put him at RG for the next 4 years and have a good line. Instead of the Grigson approach of bringing in losers and hoping they play well. Or just bringing in mediocre players and hoping they perform well because signing a great player may hurt our cap situation in 5 years. That's a stupid approach. You gotta go all in and not settle for less. We signed Greg Toler over guys like Sean Smith and Brent Grimes for example

At the time they were taken, Thornton and Holmes were not viewed as poor picks by any stretch of the imagination (Holmes was viewed as one of the better interior line prospects in the 2013 draft). It's easy to sit here in retrospect and state that we should have gone this route or that. Do you really feel the coaching staff has done an effective job given the personnel they've had to work with? And, I'm referring to the offensive line primarily. That was what my original post centered around. I wasn't referring to defensive backs. Who would have predicted Herremans or Cherilus were going to be utter dissapointments? With so many changing rotations on the offensive line and inconsistency performance wise, I really think you have to begin to question the effectiveness of the coaching staff. Now, with respect to the secondary, linebackers and other positions, I think that yes, we could have made a lot of wiser decisions (Greg Toler I agree).

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How about loosing to the Texans for the first time since 2012?


We had a 16 game winning streak against the AFCS...until this year.....and it wasn't because our competition was better.


Dec 13....Colts have allowed a combined 96 points the past two weeks, only 10 teams have allowed more in consecutive weeks since the merger.


Colts franchise has allowed 50+ points 9 times (including Baltimore years), four have come under Pagano.


@GreggDoyelStar - on Jags loss.....Worst Colts loss of the Pagano/Grigson era.
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1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


It's just one year.     A year ago we were in the AFC Championship game.     That's one win away from the Super Bowl.


Blowing up a team because of one disappointing season is classic fan overreaction.


You're willing to throw out the baby with the bath water simply because of one bad year.     That's a fan's view.       There's much more talent on this roster than you want to acknowledge.    


Just one year....pffttt

You apologists have been saying that for what 3-4 years now?

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35 minutes ago, ThaCaliColt said:

At the time they were taken, Thornton and Holmes were not viewed as poor picks by any stretch of the imagination (Holmes was viewed as one of the better interior line prospects in the 2013 draft). It's easy to sit here in retrospect and state that we should have gone this route or that. Do you really feel the coaching staff has done an effective job given the personnel they've had to work with? And, I'm referring to the offensive line primarily. That was what my original post centered around. I wasn't referring to defensive backs. Who would have predicted Herremans or Cherilus were going to be utter dissapointments? With so many changing rotations on the offensive line and inconsistency performance wise, I really think you have to begin to question the effectiveness of the coaching staff. Now, with respect to the secondary, linebackers and other positions, I think that yes, we could have made a lot of wiser decisions (Greg Toler I agree).


The coaching staff needs to be replaced too. Herremans hadn't been good in a couple years and was getting old. Cherilus had a lot of injury issues and we made him the highest paid RT in the NFL. We need a new GM and coaching staff, but its not like the staff's had these great offensive lineman and they all suck because of them. They suck because they're either old, injured, or they just simply suck. We need a complete overhaul as far as GM and the coaching staff go. Then maybe we can get some good players and get results.

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9 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

How about loosing to the Texans for the first time since 2012?


We had a 16 game winning streak against the AFCS...until this year.....and it wasn't because our competition was better.


Dec 13....Colts have allowed a combined 96 points the past two weeks, only 10 teams have allowed more in consecutive weeks since the merger.


Colts franchise has allowed 50+ points 9 times (including Baltimore years), four have come under Pagano.


@GreggDoyelStar - on Jags loss.....Worst Colts loss of the Pagano/Grigson era.


More stats, which say nothing about the state of the roster.


It's mostly a semantics debate anyways. We all know there will be significant roster turnover. There has to be. Whether we call it 'blowing it up' or 'restocking' or whatever term you want to use, the roster needs work.


But you don't look at a couple of statistical rankings and say 'well, the offense is 25th in the league, we must need to rebuild the offense.' That's nonsense. We need two players on offense, a C and a RT. Better play calling and Luck playing like Luck again, and we're a top five offense. Why blow it up just because of a ranking?


Now if you want to talk about blowing up the defense, that's a different story. But we still have some good players, a few of them are pretty young, and no matter what, you're going to have some replacement level players on the roster.

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1 minute ago, scooter4910 said:

"You don't build a team based on statistical rankings. "


How about W/L record? How does bottom 1/2 of the league sound to you?


Yeah, you don't build a team based on record, either.


You do realize our QB has missed 8 games, right?

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"More stats, which say nothing about the state of the roster.


It's mostly a semantics debate anyways. We all know there will be significant roster turnover. There has to be. Whether we call it 'blowing it up' or 'restocking' or whatever term you want to use, the roster needs work.


But you don't look at a couple of statistical rankings and say 'well, the offense is 25th in the league, we must need to rebuild the offense.' That's nonsense. We need two players on offense, a C and a RT. Better play calling and Luck playing like Luck again, and we're a top five offense. Why blow it up just because of a ranking?


Now if you want to talk about blowing up the defense, that's a different story. But we still have some good players, a few of them are pretty young, and no matter what, you're going to have some replacement level players on the roster."


Okay...stats won't do it for you....W/L won't do it for you....injuries won't do it for you....what do you want to grade performance on? Box seat/jersey sales or the number of times Pagano hugs his players?

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23 minutes ago, scooter4910 said:

Just one year....pffttt

You apologists have been saying that for what 3-4 years now?




Saying what now?     I'm not following.....


We've been in the playoffs and going further in the playoffs for 3 straight years before this one?    What do I have to apologize for?


We've had a bad year including losing our QB for more than half the season.


I don't see any reason to blow this up.     

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Playoffs....yep, we made the playoffs....yay!! And the Pats and Steelers brush us aside like a pesky little brother. We're no threat, just a bump in the road to drive over.


And we get or collective behinds handed to us virtually every time we meet any of the elite teams....and this year the not so elite teams.



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Being a colts ticket holder....one more upgrade the team needs to make during the off seasson is to the current GM position.


Grigson has shown that he is learning on the job and has too many misses to date.  Poor personnel decisions such as A. Johnson, Richardson, Werner, Toler, playing two rookies on the O line protecting your franchise and finally a total degradation of or overall lack of team talent.  The NFL season is long and colt teams has always been able to bring up talent within to shore up things when needed.   Not any more and I assume that the GM has the final say on personnel decisions.  For someone who was suppose to be a good judge of talent, he has too many strike outs.


Pagano has at least shown he can coach our guys and has held the locker room together during a very tough season.  While I believe he should have changed OCs much sooner in the season than he did at least he corrected the situation and deserves a contract extension.


I really do not believe Grigson has shown he can do the job and there should be limits to the ability to learn on the job.  Aquire an experienced and proven GM to take us forward from here.


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O-Line is the #1 issue for next season.  #2 is CB. #3 is pass rush.


CB: The system scheme is dependent on strong man-to-man coverage and Toler has demonstrated that he can't elevate his game to the level necessary for the defense to thrive. Depth is also more than questionable.


O-Line: #1 Right Tackle, #2 Center. Failure to address it in the past offseason is also the #1 reason this team finds itself outside looking in today. The front office simply must be called out for their catastrophic failure of judgment on addressing this widely known and endlessly discussed team weakness during the offseason, then compounding the problem by leaving the team without a starting Right Tackle. I can't emphasize enough how much management needs to be held accountable for this seasons unraveling.


Pass Rush: OLB. Again the front office thought they addressed this widely known and endlessly discussed weakness when they signed Trent Cole.


Sadly, the fans on this forum had strongly held reservations about these very positions and voiced them loudly and persistently during the offseason.


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RB-Gore (preferably sharing carries)


WR-Hilton, Moncreif, Dorsett 








QB-who knows              

Line-Holmes, Thornton, Reitz and Good

RB-Herron(sign) and another 

TE-Doyle(sign) and another

WR-Carter, Bray, and another



Line - Parry, Anderson, Langford,

OLB - (need to add a stud), Mathis,

ILB - (need to add a stud), Jackson

CB - Davis, need a #2

S - Adams, Gaethers



Kerr, McGill, Jones?

OLB-Walden, Newsome and (Werner, if we get a new staff)?

ILB-Freeman (sign at right price), Moore , Irving

CB- Butler, Smith and another

S-Lowery (sign if cheap), Anderson?


Between draft and free agents we need 3 starters on offense and 3 starters on defense. Two on defense need to be play makers. Easier said than done. 




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4 hours ago, scooter4910 said:

Playoffs....yep, we made the playoffs....yay!! And the Pats and Steelers brush us aside like a pesky little brother. We're no threat, just a bump in the road to drive over.


And we get or collective behinds handed to us virtually every time we meet any of the elite teams....and this year the not so elite teams.




You've suffered through one bad year.    Poor pitiful you,  my how you've suffered!


Hey,  it's sports.   There are no guarantees.     If you want something that's a lock,  then try something else.   You won't find it in sports.


The people responsible for this year are likely going to lose their job.   Pagano and the staff will go.    Grigson might and if I had my way,  he would be fired.     We'll find out next week.


All I'm saying is that while we're not very good,  we're not that terrible.   Not a bad enough team to blow-up.   You're frustrated with a bad season, so in your mind the best thing to do is "blow it up!"    As I've been saying, a classic fans over-reaction.     


This team could be back as AFC South champs next year.    I'd be surprised and disappointed if we're not.   

There should be better days ahead........


Not sure what I have to apologize for.....?


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Although I agree the Colts are a few players away from SB contention, I think it might be more than 4:  (2 pass-rushers, 2 on O-line, 1 CB, 1 ILB and electrifying 1 RB to add as a change-of-pace to Frank Gore), there were glaring issues above personnel this year:


Penalties and turnovers killed them in a few games. How many times did we see a good run by Gore only to have holding called? 


Play calling was questionable in some games as they either moved away from the run too soon (NE) or tried to move the ball too far down field (Carolina).


Inconsistent play in all three fazes lost games throughout the year. For instance; how many times have we seen the defense stuff the run on first and second down, only to give up a long pass or big run for a first down?


Personnel decisions: Why was the O-line set and then changed early in the year? 


One last thought: "Blowing the team up", is no solution. It would require a 2 to 3 year rebuilding process, new scheme, learning curve, etc. I would argue that unless someone like Sean Payton is available, the logical thing to do is to give Pagano and Grigson 1 more year with a healthy team and see what happens.



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I hope we can land a Pass Rusher in the Draft that will be similar to Mathis or Freeney. That would be huge and there are 2 or 3 really good one's coming out. The Main reason why our Defense was solid this past Sunday is because we pressured Tannehill all day. We need to bulk up the O.Line as well. Have to protect #12. We take care of those 2 needs and 12 stays healthy we should be back to 10 or 11 wins again.

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Fixing to pay the quarterback more then 100 million dollars. Better sign some guys that will protect him. Working on 4th and 5th quarterback this year. If that doesn't say something about the line protection then I guess management will never get it figured out.

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They need a legit, shiny 1st round prospect at center. A new quality center would improve the line immensely, and would make Castonzo, Mewhort, and Reitz jobs that much easier. I'd be happy if we actually drafted 2, just to be sure. Maybe take one in the 1st round and another in the 4th or 5th, so that way we have decent depth and youth at the middle of our line. No more of this patchwork nonsense that they've been doing the last 2 years with UDFA's snapping the ball to Luck.


Outside of that, I have to think pass rushers, a CB, and a RB. It'll be interesting to see how free-agency shakes out as well.

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To me the offseason priorities are simple.


1) Get Luck back to form.  He hid lots of warts for this team


2) Get younger - too many gambles on vets that have not panned out


3) Get more athletic across the board.  Likely another way of saying point # 2


Above is probably an over-simplification but to me as long as # 1 in particular happens, they have a shot to contend every year.

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I'll just throw this into the mix too because I haven't seen anyone say it: We'll need to find a #2 QB somewhere. I think Matt is done - or should be. Not saying we draft one necessarily, but we need to find a young gun to develop and who we feel we can count on for a game or two here and there.

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Wisniewski would be just fine at the right price, besides, his dad was a Colt....  


Morris Claiborne, hey, he should come cheap, and who knows, still young, obviously has great athletic ability, who knows....


As for a pass rusher, Newsome had the dreaded sophomore slump..... He may never be a pro-bowler year-in year -out, but people saying to cut him?  that's not necessary

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MASS PANIC!... oh wait sorry I thought that was the thread premise :-)


Offseason priorities for me would be the following (Coaching and GM changes aside):


1. Get Luck back into his groove

2. Get a pass rusher

3. Get an ILB

4. Get an interior lineman

5. Get a #2 Corner


In the draft an OLB, ILB, and RB will most likely be our high picks.  Meaning we would need FA to take the #2 Corner, and Interior lineman.  Wouldn't hurt to get a proven pass rusher as well.  But honestly this team won potentially 8 games without Luck.  Luck when he is on provides an easy 4 additional wins.  That works for me. 


Oline isn't as big of an issue to me as everyone else.  I do think we need a young, healthy and talented RB and sadly a replacement TE for Allen.  But we can get by if we get the top 5 things I listed. 

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18 hours ago, COLTS449 said:


The coaching staff needs to be replaced too. Herremans hadn't been good in a couple years and was getting old. Cherilus had a lot of injury issues and we made him the highest paid RT in the NFL. We need a new GM and coaching staff, but its not like the staff's had these great offensive lineman and they all suck because of them. They suck because they're either old, injured, or they just simply suck. We need a complete overhaul as far as GM and the coaching staff go. Then maybe we can get some good players and get results.

Yes, at this point an overhaul is warranted.

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5 hours ago, jskinnz said:

To me the offseason priorities are simple.


1) Get Luck back to form.  He hid lots of warts for this team


2) Get younger - too many gambles on vets that have not panned out


3) Get more athletic across the board.  Likely another way of saying point # 2


Above is probably an over-simplification but to me as long as # 1 in particular happens, they have a shot to contend every year.


Yes, particularly at linebacker where we need young, athletic, quick guys who can really cover.

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3 hours ago, Surge89 said:

MASS PANIC!... oh wait sorry I thought that was the thread premise :-)


Offseason priorities for me would be the following (Coaching and GM changes aside):


1. Get Luck back into his groove

2. Get a pass rusher

3. Get an ILB

4. Get an interior lineman

5. Get a #2 Corner


In the draft an OLB, ILB, and RB will most likely be our high picks.  Meaning we would need FA to take the #2 Corner, and Interior lineman.  Wouldn't hurt to get a proven pass rusher as well.  But honestly this team won potentially 8 games without Luck.  Luck when he is on provides an easy 4 additional wins.  That works for me. 


Oline isn't as big of an issue to me as everyone else.  I do think we need a young, healthy and talented RB and sadly a replacement TE for Allen.  But we can get by if we get the top 5 things I listed. 


 Andrew is sort of a .500 QB outside of our division and IMO he will be a .500 or so player IN our division going forward, Unless we do become a better coached team and get a lot more talent on the roster. lol
 The Cake walk that Andrew has earned so much of the ballywho over has come to an End!

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1:  Clear cap space by releasing AJ, Cole, and Toler (not sure if his contract expires this year anyway).  I would consider Jones too, but Henry's injury looms and if Langford gets dinged, the DL gets thin quickly.

2: Upgrade needed positions by free agency to the extent possible: 

2A: I would sign either CB Casey Heyward or Janoris Jenkins...neither should break the bank.  Still have the rookie Smith and could add another CB in the mid rounds

2B: Sign Stefan Wisnewski or Alex Mack if available.  Mack should command less of a contract than what he signed last year considering injury and age.

3:  Upgrade the athleticism of the back 8 on defense:

3A: Notably targeting multiple OLBs during the draft and trade back or up to align need with value.

3B: Target FS to pair with Geathers at SS

4: Target OT/G swing man...good talent in round 2 or 3...possibly allowing Reitz and Thornton to compete for RG.

5: Watch for talented ILBs falling in the draft, possibly trading up to get.

6: Offer Lamar Miller or Alfred Morris reasonable FA contracts but don't chase them.

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23 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


 Andrew is sort of a .500 QB outside of our division and IMO he will be a .500 or so player IN our division going forward, Unless we do become a better coached team and get a lot more talent on the roster. lol
 The Cake walk that Andrew has earned so much of the ballywho over has come to an End!


uh... the TEAM is .500 outside the division and a ton of that can improve on a simple coaching change.  We have talent on the roster.  Luck being active makes that talent look even better.  It isn't all doom and gloom like you imagine. 

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12 hours ago, coltsfeva said:

Although I agree the Colts are a few players away from SB contention, I think it might be more than 4:  (2 pass-rushers, 2 on O-line, 1 CB, 1 ILB and electrifying 1 RB to add as a change-of-pace to Frank Gore), there were glaring issues above personnel this year:


Penalties and turnovers killed them in a few games. How many times did we see a good run by Gore only to have holding called? 


Play calling was questionable in some games as they either moved away from the run too soon (NE) or tried to move the ball too far down field (Carolina).


Inconsistent play in all three fazes lost games throughout the year. For instance; how many times have we seen the defense stuff the run on first and second down, only to give up a long pass or big run for a first down?


Personnel decisions: Why was the O-line set and then changed early in the year? 


One last thought: "Blowing the team up", is no solution. It would require a 2 to 3 year rebuilding process, new scheme, learning curve, etc. I would argue that unless someone like Sean Payton is available, the logical thing to do is to give Pagano and Grigson 1 more year with a healthy team and see what happens.



Giving Pagano another year isn't an option.  He has to be rehired if you keep him and anything less than multiple years is a vote of no confidence.  Not an option, and neither is rehiring him.

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