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Are Colts Becoming Dsyfunctional?


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Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees? Everyday new stories that make ones head spin; He says (so media reports) of drafting Luck, then not drafting Luck, Archie says Manning to play, and then unsure if will play again, who's coming as GM, who is turning down GM spot, and of course the issue of Caldwell going or not. Cannot recall an off season like this, except whe Irsay's father and Rossenbloom switched teams.

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Irsay isn't adhering to media timetables. They need something to print and since they have nothing to report, they speculate.

This country has become addicted to instant gratification and can't stand having to wait a week or so for Irsay to make an incredibly important decision.

That's all this is.

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Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees? Everyday new stories that make ones head spin; He says (so media reports) of drafting Luck, then not drafting Luck, Archie says Manning to play, and then unsure if will play again, who's coming as GM, who is turning down GM spot, and of course the issue of Caldwell going or not. Cannot recall an off season like this, except whe Irsay's father and Rossenbloom switched teams.

I've never heard Irsay say he wont draft Luck. His story has always been to draft Luck if he's available and keep Manning if hes still able to play. The national media cannot accept this so they spin stories that say they only keep Manning or they draft Luck and trade/ release Manning.

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I do wish though that Irsay would lay off the twitter. Not entirely, but just reel it in some ya know. Especially on the back and forth spats. For the most part I like his use of twitter, but I think he should refrain from using twitter as a venting medium. For example, what I am referring to is when he shot back at Adam Schefter concerning the Pats front office guy apparently rejecting the GM offer. Some of you may have liked that, but personally, I think that refute should have gone privately between Irsay and Schefter, and then Schefter should have amended his twitter accordingly.

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Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees? Everyday new stories that make ones head spin; He says (so media reports) of drafting Luck, then not drafting Luck, Archie says Manning to play, and then unsure if will play again, who's coming as GM, who is turning down GM spot, and of course the issue of Caldwell going or not. Cannot recall an off season like this, except whe Irsay's father and Rossenbloom switched teams.

It sounds like you don't know anything about Steinbrenner, and it sounds like you are assigning blame to Irsay for trivial comments made by a handful of others. I couldn't disagree more with either of your comparisons.

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I do wish though that Irsay would lay off the twitter. Not entirely, but just reel it in some ya know. Especially on the back and forth spats. For the most part I like his use of twitter, but I think he should refrain from using twitter as a venting medium. For example, what I am referring to is when he shot back at Adam Schefter concerning the Pats front office guy apparently rejecting the GM offer. Some of you may have liked that, but personally, I think that refute should have gone privately between Irsay and Schefter, and then Schefter should have amended his twitter accordingly.

It is a new world and twitter is a powerful real time medium

It can also work for everyone else. For example,my brother could not get comcast to bury the cable line they had laying in his back yard.

He kept calling, they would come, decide that it looked too difficult......and leave

He tweeted about it and comcast got it buried that week

Anyway, I like it when Irsay corrects the media. They should be accountable for what they are putting out there.

He does not often go back and forth like that. I cannot think of the last time.

But, I've never felt it was not warranted

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Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees? Everyday new stories that make ones head spin; He says (so media reports) of drafting Luck, then not drafting Luck, Archie says Manning to play, and then unsure if will play again, who's coming as GM, who is turning down GM spot, and of course the issue of Caldwell going or not. Cannot recall an off season like this, except whe Irsay's father and Rossenbloom switched teams.

Steinbrenner? Not even close. In '98 Jim Irsay was a new owner even though he's been in/around Colt function pretty much his entire life. Looking back, a domineering Polian-type was probably exactly what he needed then. The firing was correct in many ways and I'm looking forward to things playing out.

This back and forth twitter has to STOP especially during GM serach- Doe the new GM want to have the impression that Irsay is acting like a an immature child.

Stop stressing the tweets. He's not the only one to use the platform. Plenty of presidential candidates do it too.....not that it validates anything but welcome to the social media world. Free advertising and in certain instances the record can be set straight instantly, like the A. Schefter situation the other day. Point is - like or not it's here to stay. It's a part of how Irsay stays in touch with his fan base, among other things.

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I've never heard Irsay say he wont draft Luck. His story has always been to draft Luck if he's available and keep Manning if hes still able to play. The national media cannot accept this so they spin stories that say they only keep Manning or they draft Luck and trade/ release Manning.

NFL.com article Headline Irsay isn't down with speculation its also ARTICLE LINK & BELOW is URL


Irsay isn't down with speculation its also ARTICLE LINK & BELOW is URL

Colts owner Jim Irsay is tired of reports about what his team will do this offseason with Peyton Manning, the No. 1 draft pick and its GM search. So Irsay turned to a sounding board he knows well: Twitter.


On Sunday, Irsay used his Twitter account to shoot down reports that the Colts and Peyton Manning have discussed moving a March 8 deadline for the team to pay the quarterback a $28 million bonus that will trigger the remaining four years on his contract.

He also addressed reports that he already has decided to take a quarterback with the No. 1 overall pick in the April draft.

( though exact tweet below looks like not sure which QB is the discussion BUT may mean anyrhing with Jim like which QB if were to take a QB )

Irsay didn't stop there. He then engaged in a tweef (tweet + beef) with ESPN's Adam Schefter, who reported Sunday on the Colts' search for a general manager to replace Chris Polian, whom Irsay fired along with his father, Bill, last week.

Multiple tweets are in article on this calling Schefter "MISLEADING..come on,your better than that..get your head in the game,son!"


JimIrsay Jim Irsay JAN 8 As Such u will have to go days back to try & find above and below tweets with URL below

There has been no discussion of a deadline push,

n just like '98 with Manning/Leaf..u have 2 go thru a long,disciplined process of evaluation


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Hey MAC, know Steinbrenner too well from follwing them since early 70's- They were far more entertaining and way dsyfunctional there for quite some time- Usually Colts off season BLAND; at least this one keeping everyone guessing- Oh, I'm sure all NFL owners tweet endlessly. Also, not blaming Irsay, but he is usually in the background as did not much make much of a peep during this stinker season. Him, Polian, Caldwell was hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil (All related to this season).

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Sounds more like fans are dysfunctional to me...just saw a archie manning thread for GM... and a Trade manning for Jim Harbaugh... :facepalm:

I just hope that the GM is here by the end of this week so he can get his coaching staff together if he's gonna dismantle this one... cant go late into january without having a GM

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The potential is there.

However, with all the "issues" the team is dealing with , that is normal. Whether Manning was out this year or not, the problems were still there. Manning's play helped to mask that but a "rebuilding/re-tooling" time was drawing near regardless. If you think about it, with the 1st pick possibilities, uncertain future of Manning, etc, NOW it is indeed "time" as Irsay put it.

The "stubborness" and "outbursts" of Polian 1 and the rumored problems Polian 2 had with staff, along with poor defensive and ST play was pushing us there. Manning gave us enough success to overlook it. But we all knew the issues were there. I'm on the fence with caldwell. He kept the team in enough to get two wins at the end of a long, hard season on the players. My "jury" is still out.

Look, we've had a decade of great play and got a Super bowl out of it. This organization has nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the contrary. Were seasons left on the table? Possibly , but the difference between 0 SB and 1 SB is FAR greater than between 1 & 2. But the team and organization became "stale" i feel. ANY business needs to constantly evolve. If you stay the same, you die. You need to get the most out of your players strengths. Every player is different. I HATED the "do what we do" philosophy and the "next man up" philosophy. It has burned us over and over. You need to maximize each players strengths and minimize their weaknesses, similar to what I feel NE does well. I feel we became "drunk" by our success. If we weren't as successful would we draft a DE #1 when we had 2 pro bowl DEs? I think bigger needs would be addressed. Its easy to "do what you do" when you're getting 10+ wins every year. The league "caught up".

The GM that is chosen will be as big as the Manning and/or Luck, etc decision. He will help shape this team's future.

Change is hard. Change is scary. But not changing is even scarier. Because its a slow death.

It WAS time.

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Hey MAC, know Steinbrenner too well from follwing them since early 70's- They were far more entertaining and way dsyfunctional there for quite some time- Usually Colts off season BLAND; at least this one keeping everyone guessing- Oh, I'm sure all NFL owners tweet endlessly. Also, not blaming Irsay, but he is usually in the background as did not much make much of a peep during this stinker season. Him, Polian, Caldwell was hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil (All related to this season).

I was responding mostly to the: "Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees?" comment. I live in the NY market, am a Mets fan, and was subjected to his antics (and comments on his antics in the news and from friends) from the day he bought the team until the day he died. He was a tyrant with a fragile ego who created problems where none existed, ruined peoples lives for perceived slights, and acted every day in every way not as a responsible steward of a public trust - competing fairly against his peers with the good of the entire league in mind - but as if he was the Lord on High of a superior entity, entitled (and destined) to win the championship EVERY year. He was a wealthy 10 year old constantly ready to take his ball and go home if he didn't get his way. "Success" can be decieving - I consider him one of the worst owners I've ever seen.

Jim Irsay is a gentleman and a terrific owner, who is mostly just trying to uphold his responsibilites and do the right thing for everyone. All he is doing that is unusual is using a medium that didn't even exist in Steinbrenners day to communicate directly with the fan base. I hate Twitter, but I see nothing wrong with anything he has done or said. The examples you give are of OTHER people acting irresponsibly, not Irsay.

If you were just trying to say that we are having a wild and wooly offseason, than yeah, this is far and away the most tumultuous one of Jim's tenure. In a way it's refreshing and exiting, but I wouldn't call it dysfunctional at all.

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I was responding mostly to the: "Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees?" comment. I live in the NY market, am a Mets fan, and was subjected to his antics (and comments on his antics in the news and from friends) from the day he bought the team until the day he died. He was a tyrant with a fragile ego who created problems where none existed, ruined peoples lives for perceived slights, and acted every day in every way not as a responsible steward of a public trust - competing fairly against his peers with the good of the entire league in mind - but as if he was the Lord on High of a superior entity, entitled (and destined) to win the championship EVERY year. He was a wealthy 10 year old constantly ready to take his ball and go home if he didn't get his way. "Success" can be decieving - I consider him one of the worst owners I've ever seen.

Jim Irsay is a gentleman and a terrific owner, who is mostly just trying to uphold his responsibilites and do the right thing for everyone. All he is doing that is unusual is using a medium that didn't even exist in Steinbrenners day to communicate directly with the fan base. I hate Twitter, but I see nothing wrong with anything he has done or said. The examples you give are of OTHER people acting irresponsibly, not Irsay.

If you were just trying to say that we are having a wild and wooly offseason, than yeah, this is far and away the most tumultuous one of Jim's tenure. In a way it's refreshing and exiting, but I wouldn't call it dysfunctional at all.

Great post.

The Yankees largely overachieved for many years, up until Joe Torre got there. To call Steinbrenner a great owner is really a stretch. He had a lot of money, but not until he got good people in his organization and took a bit of a back seat did the team really do anything. He was a tyrant before then, and only slightly less so afterward.

Any comparison between him and Jim Irsay is completely misguided. The more appropriate comparison would be between Steinbrenner and Bob Irsay. That would be spot-on.

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What I meant was basically unpredictable off season like some Yank Years. Yanks became stable with Buck/Gene Michael after George's 2nd ban (wish longer at that time). Nobody has to tell me about Yanks tenure, Know all too well living in the city and following them when Burke from CBS was in charge and Houk manager in early 70's.

B. Irsay was a little more of a impulsive decison maker there at times, as he hired Joe Thomas to gut the team in 72 Recall Johnny U in that hideous SD uniform.

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What I meant was basically unpredictable off season like some Yank Years. Yanks became stable with Buck/Gene Michael after George's 2nd ban (wish longer at that time). Nobody has to tell me about Yanks tenure, Know all too well living in the city and following them when Burke from CBS was in charge and Houk manager in early 70's.

B. Irsay was a little more of a impulsive decison maker there at times, as he hired Joe Thomas to gut the team in 72 Recall Johnny U in that hideous SD uniform.

We've had the same GM for fourteen years. Any change at the top is going to seem radical and unpredictable. But everything ends some time, right? I don't see why we're making such a big deal out of this offseason. Irsay will hire a GM, and then he and the GM will make a decision on the head coach. That's really all that Irsay has done that has seemed unusual this offseason.

The other issues, like whether we'd win a game or go 0-16, whether Manning would be healthy, who we would draft #1, those are all issues that really don't have much to do with Irsay. Mostly out of his control. I think he's a really good owner. We've been one of the most stable franchises in the NFL for the last decade plus. I think, if he gets the right guy at GM, this change can be a really good thing for the Colts.

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I don't think they're dysfunctional but there is a power void right now. There's no GM. When Irsay hires one, we'll know about Caldwell and what they're going to do. Then, there will be a direction to go. New defensive scheme or a hybrid scheme. Also, we don't know whether or not Manning will be healthy enough to play and if the Colts do or don't take Luck.

Dysfunctional, no, but there is a period of being unsure about a few things. It will work itself out once the new GM is hired.

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It is a new world and twitter is a powerful real time medium

It can also work for everyone else. For example,my brother could not get comcast to bury the cable line they had laying in his back yard.

He kept calling, they would come, decide that it looked too difficult......and leave

He tweeted about it and comcast got it buried that week

Anyway, I like it when Irsay corrects the media. They should be accountable for what they are putting out there.

He does not often go back and forth like that. I cannot think of the last time.

But, I've never felt it was not warranted

I love the way he engages the world via twitter rather than play the "we'll let you know when we know something". Golden owner and I feel lucky to have him running my team.

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How can we be dsyfunctional at the moment? We have one guy in charge calling all the shots unless you think Irsay is arguing with himself which I guess is possiable.

Also last time I checked Archie doesn't cash a paycheck from the Colts so while he's our QBs dad he's pretty much just any other talking head out there.

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Is Irsay becoming Steinbrenner of 1970's Yankees? Everyday new stories that make ones head spin; He says (so media reports) of drafting Luck, then not drafting Luck, Archie says Manning to play, and then unsure if will play again, who's coming as GM, who is turning down GM spot, and of course the issue of Caldwell going or not. Cannot recall an off season like this, except whe Irsay's father and Rossenbloom switched teams.

And how many championships did the yankees win under George Steinbrenner? I think JI is acting like any human would. I like his gusto!

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I've never heard Irsay say he wont draft Luck. His story has always been to draft Luck if he's available and keep Manning if hes still able to play. The national media cannot accept this so they spin stories that say they only keep Manning or they draft Luck and trade/ release Manning.


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I agree with the comments that the media coverage is dysfunctional. Like someone said, they need something to write about, so they speculate and get things all stirred up.

How many times did someone ask Ryan Grigson a question at the press conference yesterday about changes AFTER he made it clear he's just arrived?!?!? I'll bet there were at least 3 more questions about something that will take at least a few days to mull over. My gosh, the guy probably hadn't even seen his office yet, or knew where the men's room is located, or the coffee machine either.

Give him a chance to at least talk to a few people before making major changes. The guy was just given his new job earlier in the day. Do they expect a new employee to make decisions that will impact the franchise during his lunch hour?

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If you want to see real dysfunction, look at the New York Jets.

We've got a few wrinkles that need ironing out. We're fine.

The jets fans that I met during the AFC championship were a lot of fun!

I don't know about the team though, anonymous public shots at your QB? That's not good

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