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National Media Missing the True Story in this Game


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Prisco dinged the Cols two spots on his Power Rankings for the 7-point loss to the Pats (his #1 team).  One of the in-game tweeters said that "Blount is running all over the Colts again."  That Breech guy at CBS said the Pats were one garbage-time TD from yet another two-score rout.  It seems that none of these guys remembered their pre-game analysis or paid attention to the actual goings-on on the field. 


We heard all week how the Colts had no chance and that "Brady might hang 60 on the Colts".  Instead, we saw a first half in which the Colts outplayed the Pats, a D that held Blount in check all day (with the exception of one single run), a Colt running came that ran all over the Pats, a cooly efficient Luck with a very good first game as a quick releaser, and the Colts one botched ST play away from an OT game.  Bottom line is that everyone wrote the Colts off, yet they stood toe-to-toe with the supposed best team in the league (though I personally believe that to be Cincinnati) and played them to a virtual draw.  Knowing that Luck will only get better as he continues to recover, I feel like the Colts may yet fulfill expectations this year (though likely without home-field advantage) 

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.

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I was at the game and walked out thinking that the Colts can compete with the Pats. Even though it is still early, the gap is not nearly as wide this year as last between these two.  I don't think the Pats are unbeatable.  They have some chinks in the armor for sure.


The kicker, as a Pats hater, is that I have to begrudgingly admit that they generally play better at the end of the year than at the start and if that holds, the Colts better follow the same trajectory or they may be one of those blowouts come January.

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The Colts ultimately screwed their chances trying to get cute and run trick plays. 



They played a great first half, but second half? Not so much. 



It's great they finally had a competitive game with New England for once instead of getting straight up blown out. The interception returned for a TD really turned the tempo of this game around. 

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Like I always say, most people in the media are *s. "Pats deflate Colts" "Pats Roll over Colts" blah blah blah. "Andrew Luck cant carry this team blah" (never mind the pick 6 and holding teams to low scores generally) All stupid statements that show they have no idea what is going on at all.

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.

the Colts are generally VERY good the next game after a loss so they'll be ready for New Orleans.

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Prisco dinged the Cols two spots on his Power Rankings for the 7-point loss to the Pats (his #1 team). One of the in-game tweeters said that "Blount is running all over the Colts again." That Breech guy at CBS said the Pats were one garbage-time TD from yet another two-score rout. It seems that none of these guys remembered their pre-game analysis or paid attention to the actual goings-on on the field.

We heard all week how the Colts had no chance and that "Brady might hang 60 on the Colts". Instead, we saw a first half in which the Colts outplayed the Pats, a D that held Blount in check all day (with the exception of one single run), a Colt running came that ran all over the Pats, a cooly efficient Luck with a very good first game as a quick releaser, and the Colts one botched ST play away from an OT game. Bottom line is that everyone wrote the Colts off, yet they stood toe-to-toe with the supposed best team in the league (though I personally believe that to be Cincinnati) and played them to a virtual draw. Knowing that Luck will only get better as he continues to recover, I feel like the Colts may yet fulfill expectations this year (though likely without home-field advantage)

Most of the garbage they spew out is for shock value to achieve cheap ratings for their show or timeslot, because they are incapable of having any normal, original sports news that they have to twist things around and exaggerate.

They know what viewers talk about around the water cooler, so they drag it out and milk it as long as they can. They probably don't even care about the topic, but they have to act as though they do in order to debate it on air.

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.

Respect to you for acknowledging this was/expected to be a close game when the vast majority of people believed we were gonna get waxed(Including some Colts fans & you know who you are) You're 1 of the very few Pats fans that I've seen show class despite beating us for a 7th straight time. As for the Saints, I believe we'll bounce back & win a close game against them. See you guys in January.

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it? Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.

I hope we blowout the saints 62-0. They say that we are too classy but that was straight out disrespectful to score 62-7 with Curtis Painter as our QB.
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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.


Well I'm glad we made it competitive for your team.. lol


Colts need to ride the wave of playing strong against the Saints. Losing sucks, I don't want another one back to back.

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The colts vs the media is a losing battle. Too many Pats lovers out there. Too many former pats players in the media. To me there's no point in even getting upset anymore. Nothing we do will ever be good enough for them. We fought the Pats hard tooth and nail. But all they can talk about is that ONE play. Yes, it was a dumb play, we all know that. But it was still just ONE play. Health Evans is especially one person I dislike more and more everyday with his slick smart a** comments that were made during the highlights of the game." T.Y. didn't catch that, but let them have, they need all the help they can get." Lol I HATE that guy with a passion.

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Prisco dinged the Cols two spots on his Power Rankings for the 7-point loss to the Pats (his #1 team). One of the in-game tweeters said that "Blount is running all over the Colts again." That Breech guy at CBS said the Pats were one garbage-time TD from yet another two-score rout. It seems that none of these guys remembered their pre-game analysis or paid attention to the actual goings-on on the field.

We heard all week how the Colts had no chance and that "Brady might hang 60 on the Colts". Instead, we saw a first half in which the Colts outplayed the Pats, a D that held Blount in check all day (with the exception of one single run), a Colt running came that ran all over the Pats, a cooly efficient Luck with a very good first game as a quick releaser, and the Colts one botched ST play away from an OT game. Bottom line is that everyone wrote the Colts off, yet they stood toe-to-toe with the supposed best team in the league (though I personally believe that to be Cincinnati) and played them to a virtual draw. Knowing that Luck will only get better as he continues to recover, I feel like the Colts may yet fulfill expectations this year (though likely without home-field advantage)

I noticed the media's tone as well. They are hating on and disrespecting the Colts this year for whatever reason. I don't really take their analysis of the Colts very seriously these days as it has bordered on unprofessional in some instances. I heard Skip Bayless refer to the Colts as that "sorry team" yesterday. Most fans know this team's strengths and weaknesses much better than these talking heads. I see potential in this team and believe they will get better as the season goes on provided they are reasonably healthy going into the post season. Sunday night showed that this team is capable of playing with and beating N.E. if they ever learn to stop shooting themselves in the foot. It was a big first step.
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The colts vs the media is a losing battle. Too many Pats lovers out there. Too many former pats players in the media. To me there's no point in even getting upset anymore. Nothing we do will ever be good enough for them. We fought the Pats hard tooth and nail. But all they can talk about is that ONE play. Yes, it was a dumb play, we all know that. But it was still just ONE play. Health Evans is especially one person I dislike more and more everyday with his slick smart * comments that were made during the highlights of the game." T.Y. didn't catch that, but let them have, they need all the help they can get." Lol I HATE that guy with a passion.



Too many Pats players in the media and "Pats Lovers"? I think you guys' obsession with the Patriots is a little creepy.


There's players from every team in the media. it's not just retired Patriots players. 


Every fan base thinks the media is out to get them. Go ask Saints fans if the media loves them. Saints fans have been convinced since early 2012 that the national media is involved in a conspiracy against them and wants them to lose every single game. Or ask Steelers fans, considering their team has been picked to lose in many games this past year, when they're normally a darling. I'm sure Patriots fans too, who didn't believe the Deflate Gate thing, were angry at the national media for making fun of them as well.


I think some of you watch too much TV and take it way too seriously. Don't listen to it if it bothers you that much. 


If the trick play worked, Pagano would be getting called a genius right now. Trick play comes with the risk of it blowing up in your face. Sean Payton of all people has had the trick play screw up on us in the past before in certain games. 

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Am i the only one who saw the faces of the Pats on the sideline?

They were confused, started. Yes even belichek, brady and Gronk.

We had them where we wanted them and then the "gimmicks".

I thought the Pats looked out of sorts all night. Brady was really the only one dialed in. I think maybe all the DG talk and the emotion of everything did get to them. Even after the game they seemed more relieved than anything. Football is an emotional game and sometimes that emotion can work against you. I really don't think Bill likes that type of hype especially with everyone predicting a blow out. I am glad the game was early in the season for both teams. Get it out of the way and keep on grinding.

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After watching New Orleans last week vs Atlanta, and Indy vs NE on Sunday, I think this Saints/Colts game is gonna be a really good one. I have the Colts in a close one, then I see them going 2 out of 3 vs CAR/DEN/ATL. That would make us all pretty happy I think.

Colts win by 7

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I thought the Pats looked out of sorts all night. Brady was really the only one dialed in. I think maybe all the DG talk and the emotion of everything did get to them. Even after the game they seemed more relieved than anything. Football is an emotional game and sometimes that emotion can work against you. I really don't think Bill likes that type of hype especially with everyone predicting a blow out. I am glad the game was early in the season for both teams. Get it out of the way and keep on grinding.


I noticed Brady wouldn't look up when he wasn't on the field. Probably didn't want the camera showing any facial expressions during this game without his helmet on. :P Belichick looked a bit worried, which was out of the norm for him I feel like.

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I noticed Brady wouldn't look up when he wasn't on the field. Probably didn't want the camera showing any facial expressions during this game without his helmet on. :P Belichick looked a bit worried, which was out of the norm for him I feel like.

Brady seems really angry to me. His pressers have been brutal. Not that I blame him given the off-season. But he snubbed NBC after the game and then gave about a one minute presser with very short answers. It is a shame really but the league has lost him I think for good. He will do just enough to meet the minimum as far as the media is concerned. I kind of want him to show up and go all Marshawn Lynch and say "I am just here to not get fined."  Wouldn't that be awesome? haha

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.

Agreed.  Fortunately, the Saints D isn't the same as the Pats D, and our D should be in a position to play man coverage instead of that dopey zone its had to play for the past few games.

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Too many Pats players in the media and "Pats Lovers"? I think you guys' obsession with the Patriots is a little creepy.


There's players from every team in the media. it's not just retired Patriots players. 


Every fan base thinks the media is out to get them. Go ask Saints fans if the media loves them. Saints fans have been convinced since early 2012 that the national media is involved in a conspiracy against them and wants them to lose every single game. Or ask Steelers fans, considering their team has been picked to lose in many games this past year, when they're normally a darling. I'm sure Patriots fans too, who didn't believe the Deflate Gate thing, were angry at the national media for making fun of them as well.


I think some of you watch too much TV and take it way too seriously. Don't listen to it if it bothers you that much. 


If the trick play worked, Pagano would be getting called a genius right now. Trick play comes with the risk of it blowing up in your face. Sean Payton of all people has had the trick play screw up on us in the past before in certain games.

I'm actually not obsessed with the pats one bit. But aside from that, I can see what your saying.

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Brady seems really angry to me. His pressers have been brutal. Not that I blame him given the off-season. But he snubbed NBC after the game and then gave about a one minute presser with very short answers. It is a shame really but the league has lost him I think for good. He will do just enough to meet the minimum as far as the media is concerned. I kind of want him to show up and go all Marshawn Lynch and say "I am just here to not get fined."  Wouldn't that be awesome? haha


Brady didn't look angry in my opinion on Sunday night, maybe it was the deflategate story kinda wearing on him. He was in hostel territory so I think he didn't want to show any emotions that would throw him on the front pages of everything online. You know how the media likes to blow everything out of proportions. I think the only one who looked extra angry was Edelman. I noticed Brady kind of shake his head after he threw the ball at the wall like he was trying to be Tarzan or something? He sure had to earn that TD too, probably saw stars for a bit.

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Brady didn't look angry in my opinion on Sunday night, maybe it was the deflategate story kinda wearing on him. He was in hostel territory so I think he didn't want to show any emotions that would throw him on the front pages of everything online. You know how the media likes to blow everything out of proportions. I think the only one who looked extra angry was Edelman. I noticed Brady kind of shake his head after he threw the ball at the wall like he was trying to be Tarzan or something? He sure had to earn that TD too, probably saw stars for a bit.

Yeah. The way Brady got booed at the beginning of the game was the loudest and longest boo I had ever heard.  And it lasted pretty much the whole first series. So you are most likely right that he did not want to show much out there for the fans to feed off of.

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I am not surprised the Colts brought their A game as the Pats get everyone's A game. In the end, the blow out talk was just silly. Just win. Especially on the road in the conference. What will be interesting is to see how the Colts come out vs Saints. Will they be emotionally spent from the Pats or will they use it as confidence and continue to built on it?  Pagano has to get this team to put the Pats behind him and the punt call and get ready for Drew Brees.


Personally, I'm more optimistic about the Colts chances going forward. Aside from a couple of questionable plays, putting us in a bad position, therefore bringing on what many are calling "panic mode" (trying to catch up), I think the Colts were solid. A healthier Luck, the O line holding, D improving and the run improving. What's not to like (barring any trick plays)?


There's room for improvement (as with most teams), but overall I think the Colts have made progress.

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The colts vs the media is a losing battle. Too many Pats lovers out there. Too many former pats players in the media. To me there's no point in even getting upset anymore. Nothing we do will ever be good enough for them. We fought the Pats hard tooth and nail. But all they can talk about is that ONE play. Yes, it was a dumb play, we all know that. But it was still just ONE play. Health Evans is especially one person I dislike more and more everyday with his slick smart * comments that were made during the highlights of the game." T.Y. didn't catch that, but let them have, they need all the help they can get." Lol I HATE that guy with a passion.

He wasn't much of a player and he's even less of a MAN.

NFL network has the "all cheater" team of him, mcGinest, a d Bruschi.

I love how quiet Bruschi gets when yhey talk about a player that gets an HGH suspension.

I miss the old days of NFL network when it was just Rich Eisen 24/7.

But yea, heath evans is a tool. LOVES the sound of his own voice, but talks like he has some kind of liquid in his mouth.

Come on nfl network, get some real talent. Not just guys with poor diction trying to improve their HOF odds.

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Personally, I'm more optimistic about the Colts chances going forward. Aside from a couple of questionable plays, putting us in a bad position, therefore bringing on what many are calling "panic mode" (trying to catch up), I think the Colts were solid. A healthier Luck, the O line holding, D improving and the run improving. What's not to like (barring any trick plays)?


There's room for improvement (as with most teams), but overall I think the Colts have made progress.

It was easily their best game of the year, coaching aside.

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Too many Pats players in the media and "Pats Lovers"? I think you guys' obsession with the Patriots is a little creepy.

There's players from every team in the media. it's not just retired Patriots players.

Every fan base thinks the media is out to get them. Go ask Saints fans if the media loves them. Saints fans have been convinced since early 2012 that the national media is involved in a conspiracy against them and wants them to lose every single game. Or ask Steelers fans, considering their team has been picked to lose in many games this past year, when they're normally a darling. I'm sure Patriots fans too, who didn't believe the Deflate Gate thing, were angry at the national media for making fun of them as well.

I think some of you watch too much TV and take it way too seriously. Don't listen to it if it bothers you that much.

If the trick play worked, Pagano would be getting called a genius right now. Trick play comes with the risk of it blowing up in your face. Sean Payton of all people has had the trick play screw up on us in the past before in certain games.

I'm sure the media hates on a lot of teams. But this has been going on for much of Peyton manning career here as well. It took a long time to get noticed by them, and after the SB win, not a whole lot changed.

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Well I'm glad we made it competitive for your team.. lol


Colts need to ride the wave of playing strong against the Saints. Losing sucks, I don't want another one back to back.

I think the AFC South could be like the NFC South of a year ago. 7-9 would probably win the division. That said if it wasn't for probably 6 wins against our divisional foes we might be 7-9. Unless we see some very much improved coaching and execution I could see this team as a 9-7 team. Just too much inconsistancy....even from half to half. Coming into the season I thought we had the talent to be a 12 win team and battle for the AFC but the lack of a consistant pass rush...penalties...Luck's decision making/execution...and the head scratching coaching decisions and play calling I just don't trust this team to beat the best of the best. However, all that matters is this team playing well in the post season.  I think they can go on the road and win and be one of those hot teams late...thats all I think I can hope for.

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The colts vs the media is a losing battle. Too many Pats lovers out there. Too many former pats players in the media. To me there's no point in even getting upset anymore. Nothing we do will ever be good enough for them. We fought the Pats hard tooth and nail. But all they can talk about is that ONE play. Yes, it was a dumb play, we all know that. But it was still just ONE play. Health Evans is especially one person I dislike more and more everyday with his slick smart * comments that were made during the highlights of the game." T.Y. didn't catch that, but let them have, they need all the help they can get." Lol I HATE that guy with a passion.


Y'know, I heard some whining about a T.Y. catch on a Patriot website.  Are they complaining about the TD?  'Cause I just watched the highlight and didn't see anything questionable about it...

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Am i the only one who saw the faces of the Pats on the sideline?

They were confused, started. Yes even belichek, brady and Gronk.

We had them where we wanted them and then the "gimmicks".

You are correct.  I saw BB face during the 1st half and it was a frown or grimace.  Like what are they doing now.


They came out and drove down and scored on their 1st drive of second half.  BB had a surprised look most of that drive, because our Defense went from Man/ Press Man to Zone.  Everybody knows Brady can pick apart a Zone Defense.


Our Offense also changed strategy in the 2nd half, went away from the run and short/intermediate passes to trying to go deep.


I'm still trying to figure out that.


IMO, the penalties and trick plays didn't hurt us as much as changing game plan.

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Yeah. The way Brady got booed at the beginning of the game was the loudest and longest boo I had ever heard.  And it lasted pretty much the whole first series. So you are most likely right that he did not want to show much out there for the fans to feed off of.

Interesting...the tv announcers said the booing of Brady wasn't "too bad". Lol

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