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What's Worse Than 1-2?

John Waylon

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what's worse?  Having to have 3 goal line stands to win the game (2 on the 2pt conversion and the earlier one that only yielded a field goal, all saved us).  Thankfully Jacksonville next week and then Houston.  Perhaps we can do 3 things... get healthy, break the all time record for consecutive  Divisional wins and get game ready not to get humiliated by New England.  

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Not our best game, but a win is a win is a win is a win.


That only leaves us to ponder what's worse than 1-2?


The Titan's onside kicking game. Just so many bad things about that play... Lol. That was baaaad. 



What's worse than 1-2?


Jurassic Park 3. Had to re-live that with my 6 year old this weekend. Good god almighty. 



What's worse than 1-2?


The Rams wanting out of St. Louis so bad they set the turf on fire in an attempt to burn the building down. (Anyone remember what that happened at LOS?)

The way we've gone 1 - 2, nothing is worse (not even having Fredd Young or Frank Kush) ...

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