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Some need to see the truth of the Colts trenches.

Lawrence Owen

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.


That bolded is not true at all. I agree about Pep though.

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.

they stopped running and the offense stalled when it was still 0-0... That kind of blew my mind.
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I stopped reading at "Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills."





When Indy WAS running the ball..they were better...period. they just stopped running.  Nearly every run indy made was 4-5 ypc.  At that time,..Bills biggest run was a 5 yard carry...and had 4 stops for losses, and many more for no gain.  If we had kept running, We could have stayed on the field...probably atleast kept our average, and the bills would  have had to pass more.


Just because they had so many  more yards in the end, does not mean they ran it better... they just ran it more.  

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When Indy WAS running the ball..they were better...period. they just stopped running.  Nearly every run indy made was 4-5 ypc.  At that time,..Bills biggest run was a 5 yard carry...and had 4 stops for losses, and many more for no gain.  If we had kept running, We could have stayed on the field...probably atleast kept our average, and the bills would  have had to pass more.


Just because they had so many  more yards in the end, does not mean they ran it better... they just ran it more.  

just because "we stopped running" doesn't mean you can say "plus our running game was better than the Bills".  That is a false statement.  The Colts running game is predicated on their ability to orchestrate running plays as part of the overall game plan, then execute that plan. Further, in-game adjustments based on what's working and what's failing dictate what plays are called and, in addition, what adjustments running backs make to find yardage. Overall, we ran the ball poorer than the Bills, Colts were not even close to being better than their running game. When the chips were down, they blasted all over us.

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Our run game was non-existent.  One we think we know about Pep's offense - its has to be balanced.  There was no balance yesterday.


As for the OL - did you not see the OL kill two drives because of holding penalties, an illegal formation.

Did you see the Bills o-line get called on twice as many holding penalties?

Holding happens, especially when you play great defenses. the timing of 2 back to back hurt yes,...but all in all..we had 5 penalties.  that is not horrid overall...especially considering bills had 11.

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just because "we stopped running" doesn't mean you can say "plus our running game was better than the Bills".  That is a false statement.  The Colts running game is predicated on their ability to orchestrate running plays as part of the overall game plan, then execute that plan.  

ok..how about 'our running game was consistently gaining effective yards than the bills were'?

I'll even edit that in for more accuracy.


...................................................NVM...won't let me edit it now >.<


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I was really really surprised that the Colts stopped running so quickly... It was like they forgot that running was an option for 3 quarters of the game... As others have asked, is that on Pep or Luck, or both? 


I too don't think the O-line and D-line were as bad as some are saying.  I think it was more ILB, DB, Luck, WR and play calling. 


I thought Gore, Varga and Robinson (outside of that crazy fumble that was a damn good hit by the defensive player) played very well.  Varga is a great KR option and a solid runner and passing option out of the backfield.  Robinson picked up some tough yards when given the chance as well and blocked very well.  Gore is still a powerful runner and did solidly when he actually ran.


The D-line did just fine overall but the ILB's were god awful!

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Agree 100% on the d line. It's hard to evaluate the o line IMO because Luck was under a lot of pressure but Buffalo blitzed on virtually every play. The fact that we didn't go to quick hitting passes and more runs is on the coaches, not the line.


 The game was filled with quick hitting passes.

 Unfortunately Andrew is not good at it. Only slight improvement from year one to now.

 Bring on teams with weak D`s and the AFC South.

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how much of the blame on the lack of running the ball is on Pep and how much could be on Andrew for checking out of run plays into pass plays?


I'd love to know the answer to that myself, but unfortunately there's no way we'll ever know for sure.. If it's Luck checking out of run plays, then they need to reel him in a bit and maybe take back some of the authority they've given him at the LOS.  If it's Pep, send him on his way and let Chud take over.

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I've got a bad feeling that the exact opposite is coming. I firmly believe that Girgson and Pagano have agreed to mutually part ways at season's end, and right now I'd bet a strong stack of chips that Pep is in for a promotion. 


I know for a fact that would never happen. I'm not sure Pep is viewed favorably in the organization.

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I know for a fact that would never happen. I'm not sure Pep is viewed favorably in the organization.


There have been no reports of real heat on him. 


He's still doing the exact same stupid stuff that he was doing in his first season, so it's plausible to assume that no one has gotten on his rear end and told him to stop doing dumb things that hurt the offense. 


Despite his shortcomings here, he's drawn a great deal of interest for HC jobs at the college level, and even at the NFL level. Everyone seems inclined to agree that it's not a matter of "if", but a matter of "when" he becomes a head coach, be it in the NCAA, or NFL. 

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I've got a bad feeling that the exact opposite is coming. I firmly believe that Girgson and Pagano have agreed to mutually part ways at season's end, and right now I'd bet a strong stack of chips that Pep is in for a promotion. 


Hmm, well it would certainly connect some dots.

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Our OL did fine? Just because the stats aren't crazy, doesn't mean they played well

Yes, they did. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing...I expected them to get demolished on every play. Luck was given plenty of time for most of the game and a lot of the pressure that did get to luck was due to coverage down field and the lack of seperation from the WR's.

Everyone the D line exceeded expectations.

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.


Excellent post!  I completely agree.  My disappoint is with the coaching strategy.  For some reason, offensively, Pep wasn't throwing more screens, swing passes, or quick hitters to the TE.  It was Luck dropping back and trying to force balls to the outside.  Defensively, Manusky kept blitzing even though Taylor would just check the ball short.  That is my biggest complaint about the Colts is the strategy for the games.  I would bet anything that when the Patriots play the Bills, Brady will be hitting swing passes to some unknown RBs who are wide open.  It is frustrating.  But I really liked what D-Line was doing.  The inside linebackers are just terrible against the run.  Two often they were out of position or just got blown away.  I hope Moore plays more to see what he can do.

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I've got a bad feeling that the exact opposite is coming. I firmly believe that Girgson and Pagano have agreed to mutually part ways at season's end, and right now I'd bet a strong stack of chips that Pep is in for a promotion. 


I really -- REALLY hope you're wrong about that. The man is over his head at OC let alone taking over as head coach.

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I hope I'm wrong too, folks. I don't necessarily hate Hamilton, but I don't love him either. 


I've drawn the comparison elsewhere, and I'll make it here, I think Hamilton as a head coach would likely be jim caldwell 2.0.


Grigson wants the most control. That much, to me at least, is obvious. But it's for that reason I don't see a great coach in our future. Most great coaches want a heavy amount of say in the process. 


Pep just strikes me as one of those "good soldier" types who will follow his leader right over the edge of the cliff, which is exactly what I believe Grigson is looking for. 

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.



I agree and was saying this yesterday as well. We honestly looked, well unprepared and rattled.

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Yes, they did. I honestly couldn't believe what I was seeing...I expected them to get demolished on every play. Luck was given plenty of time for most of the game and a lot of the pressure that did get to luck was due to coverage down field and the lack of seperation from the WR's.

Everyone the D line exceeded expectations.

I agree. Plus it looked like Holmes was making some nice adjustments to the blitzes and shifting the line correctly on certain plays. All in all I was pleasantly surprised by the O-Line against one of the best defensive fronts in the NFL. I am looking forward to how they play against an average defensive front this year.


As far as our D-Line I thought we looked very good. Plus the amount of holding calls on the Bills O-Line is very encouraging as they had to grab cloth in order to keep our guys contained. I think the future is looking bright for the D-Line. 

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.

If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.

The o-line did fine. They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game.

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.

The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D. They got penetration early and often. Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure. Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.

Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.

On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.

And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.

man I've been saying the dline is bright and the ilb suck since preseason
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At 4 minutes left in the 1/2...before the Carlos 26 yard td run...Indy was averaging 4.3 ypc...Bills...1.2 ypc -not counting the qb scrambles-

Colts ran it only like 4 times after that...


I agree that all in all we did a really good job of containing McCoy when he got the handoff. Henry Anderson played really well.

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I agree.....but since Luck has so much more control of the offense Im wondering if hes checking out of run plays and calling more pass plays himself.

as much as they say he has control it doesn't seem like he does I don't feel like he would do these stupid plays but he is a yes man and will do exactly what the coaches ask him to
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Did TY McGill play any yesterday? Other then being unsure about that I thought the d line did a damn fine job.

I don't remember seeing him a lot, but I saw him in on 1 play for sure. After watching the game I can say I am very excited to see this group once McGill and Winn get up to speed and get our playbook down. I think that will just add another two good rotational players to a promising young D-Line.

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Frankly..There is WAY too many complaining that the o-line and d-line are 'horrible'.


If you think so..you DID NOT watch the game.


The o-line did fine.  They allowed 1 sack, and 5-6 pressures on Luck the entire game. 

Plus the running game was BETTER than the Bills.

Against one of the best front 7's in the NFL..I think this is amazing.

The problem was not how good/bad it was..the problem was we ran it so little. That is coaching.


The D-line -and Vonte- Was THE bright spot of the D.  They got penetration early and often.  Anderson and Langford had multiple tackles behind the line and created QB pressure.  Parry held hid spot..hardly moving the entire game, except when he was penetrating the line also.  

The ILB's were BY FAR the worst stain on the field. Bad positioning,..over playing runs..and if they did get in position,..they wiffed tackles.


Grigson/Pagano deserve credit for how much improvement they brought to the trenches..not spit-sayings.


 On that note however,...Hamilton needs to redirect his game plans. If the run is working..stay with it.


And Grigson/Pagano also need to continue with their trend of replacing LB's who are not performing with new young faces if they do indeed perform better in the near future.

Right on the nose post!!!!

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I agree.....but since Luck has so much more control of the offense Im wondering if hes checking out of run plays and calling more pass plays himself.


From what some of the reporters who've talked with Andrew and Pep, it appear that Luck switched out of designed run plays quite a number of times because of the looks the Bills were giving him.

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