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Who Will Be Our Next Gm?


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This may be the dumb question of the new year so far, but what is JMV? For us out of towners, is that a radio or TV station, or some other source?

Sports show host and is usually spot on, I am sur ethis is old news but Irsay tweeted that the guy he wants has never been a GM and is in the playoffs.
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When Tony Dungy says he would take RGIII over Andrew Luck, it shows me I don't want him with the Colts in any capacity as a personnel guy.

Dungy and his show has ran its course. I do not want to go back to being overly conservative and holy er than though. I want some smart, aggressive football with a bit of that 95 attitude team. If his idea is RGIII over luck, I want nothing to do with him running this show here as the main overseer of the team. Let him keep his glory days intact while he was here, his value is better that way.

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How about Bill Cowher as GM? Great football mind, I think. For coach, I think Jeff Fisher or even Jon Gruden? I may be prejudiced because they both love Peyton. What do I know? I do not even know if Bill Cowher and Jeff or Jon could coexist.

All I know is the Colts need people running the show that are imaginative, progressive, and desirous of winning rings.

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How about Bill Cowher as GM? Great football mind, I think. For coach, I think Jeff Fisher or even Jon Gruden? I may be prejudiced because they both love Peyton. What do I know? I do not even know if Bill Cowher and Jeff or Jon could coexist.

All I know is the Colts need people running the show that are imaginative, progressive, and desirous of winning rings.

Ah... NO on Cowher for coach.

As GM is laughable.

No offense.

And sorry, but when I hear Cowher speak, I don't hear ANYTHING "great" coming out of his "mind". He was in the perfect coaching position. His playoff record isn't that great. He's over-rated. I don't see him matching his past success if he comes back. I'm in Steeler country so i remember him well.

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Ah... NO on Cowher for coach.

As GM is laughable.

No offense.

And sorry, but when I hear Cowher speak, I don't hear ANYTHING "great" coming out of his "mind".

You might get a face full of spit unless you're holding an umbrella.

The guy can coach, though. Don't know about being a GM but I imagine he'd want a hefty amount of pull nearly equating to one.

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Whomever gets the job they will be involved in the decision on what to do about that #18 guy. I don't envy that decision unless Manning leads them like he used to. Alot of guys are getting up in years so the person will have to know talent and potential talent. Huge job for an organization that has been the cream of the crop for the past ten years and now is lying on the bottom of the barrel looking up. This fact is a new one as what other team has been so consistantly superior then fell like a rock? Good luck to whomever gets the job and I hope they can take HEAT because it is going to come unless the Colts come out stampeding like that have before.

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How about Jim Tressel for GM? Atleast the idea deserves consideration. I think the only reason Irsay let the Polians go is that they liked Caldwell, and Irsay wanted to fire Caldwell, which task he will summarily accomplish. The last few years Chris Polian has been a below average choice for GM. Apparently, Bill Polian is passed his great years, and Chris Polian is not a replacement. But the worst possible scenario is going back to Jim Irsay as general manager. He was the worst GM in sports history, and it was his vicodin addiction in 1995 that led to his rehab, which led to hiring Bill Polian as general manager. Bill Polian saved the Colts in Indianapolis. Because of him we were able to build a new stadium here. I think that its another horrible mistake by Irsay to fire Bill/Chris Polian like this--and the Colts will end up being worse because of it. Caldwell is a decent coach and they don't grow on trees. We had a chance to build a culture of success here, but because of one bad year, Irsay has torn down the whole thing and the Colts will start over. Its horrible timing for this, sickening.

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I'm kinda worried we just fired the winingest Gm of the past decade

That's a fair point to be brought up here. I know people were all over Polian (and with good reason) for the past few drafts but let's not kid oursleves for the most part life under the Polians, namely Bill, was pretty good. There is no promise that just because we fired the Polians that the new guy we hire is going to do a great job. With that said you can't not fire someone if you honestly think it's time for a change like Irsay felt just because you are scared the new guy might not work out. If that was the case no one would ever be fired.

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How about Jim Tressel for GM? Atleast the idea deserves consideration. I think the only reason Irsay let the Polians go is that they liked Caldwell, and Irsay wanted to fire Caldwell, which task he will summarily accomplish. The last few years Chris Polian has been a below average choice for GM. Apparently, Bill Polian is passed his great years, and Chris Polian is not a replacement. But the worst possible scenario is going back to Jim Irsay as general manager. He was the worst GM in sports history, and it was his vicodin addiction in 1995 that led to his rehab, which led to hiring Bill Polian as general manager. Bill Polian saved the Colts in Indianapolis. Because of him we were able to build a new stadium here. I think that its another horrible mistake by Irsay to fire Bill/Chris Polian like this--and the Colts will end up being worse because of it. Caldwell is a decent coach and they don't grow on trees. We had a chance to build a culture of success here, but because of one bad year, Irsay has torn down the whole thing and the Colts will start over. Its horrible timing for this, sickening.

Let's back the train up here a minute and make sure I got you right. You think the reason that the Polians got fired is because they didn't want to fire Caldwell and Irsay did? If that was the case how come the Polians are gone and Jim Caldwell still has a job at least for now. I could listen to an arguement that was the reverse of that where the Polians wanted to fire Caldwell and Irsay wanted to keep him, maybe I miss understood what you were saying and that's the arguement you were trying to say. The Polians did not get fired because they wanted to keep Caldwell and Irsay did not. If that was the case Caldwell would hae been fired with the Polians. Frankly I think the Polians getting fired had nothing to do with Caldwell because saying Caldwell is under review isn't exactly a ringing endrosement to lead me to think that the Polians got let go because they wanted to fire Caldwell and Irsay wanted to keep him. If that was also the case Irsay would have said Caldwell is our coach moving forward. The Polians got fired because Jim Irsay took a look at the team and said there isn't eough talent on the roster for any coach to win with and that's the GMs fault not the coach. The fact that the Polians seemed to have worn out there welcome with the rest of the front office staff didn't help their cause either.

Also why on earth do people that it's a good idea to hire Jim Tressel a guy who really doesn't have any kind of NFL experience (sorry being the guy telling Jim Caldwell when to and not review plays doesn't count) let alone front office experince as our GM? Tressel has never had to mange a cap before nor has been arond one and invovled with it and he's never been on the NFL side of the draft. I don't mind if we go with a guy who hasn't been an NFL GM before but I want a guy who has at least had experience around the NFL and understands the business side of the NFL. We are in a tight spot with a the cap we don't need someone who is learning how to manage the cap on the fly. Also Tressel is a coach, there were reports Tressel was interviewing for MAC school jobs, he looks like a guy who wants to coach not be a front office guy. This isn't like a guy a like Parcells who was done with coaching but still wanted to be around football so he went into the front office.

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