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Boom Herron Waived/injured


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Boom is not a bum, but I would not call him a home run threat either.

Yeah he's not a home run threat

HRT are guys like Charles, McCoy, Peterson (Moved pretty quick for his size. Like a gallop lol)

I see the speed guys as HRT. Boom is just a solid back. Nothing more, nothing less

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It takes some 40 at bats to get one 20 Yard hit so statistically it appears that it does not matter if you have 9 home run hitters in the backfield. You just need good infield hits and the runs will take care of them selves.

*In Chris Tucker from Rush Hour voice*

What'd you just say?

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I just wanted to thank you guys for providing your insight and opinions on the situation. I respect your opinions, and you guys do have some valid points in your arguments. The only thing we can do now is wait for the regular season and see what happens with Ballard. I am curious though. With the available options right now on the market at RB who would you rather have than Ballard?

Not much to choose from. But the forum was high on that eagles RB Mortest. (Sorry. Can't spell his name for nothing right now lol)

Kick the tired on him maybe. Or really I'm cool with Gore Varga & Robinson

Use that 4th spot if they cut Ballard to bring in another DL or OL. 2 spots where we're most slim at

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It's a "What have you done lately?" League & none of you can give a legit reason based of production lately why Ballard should be on this roster right now. He's finished. An injury waiting to happen every time he touches the ball


Here's a hint.......


The Coaches and GM know more about Ballard and about the roster they're working with than you or anyone else here.   The next time you want to rant about what a dumb move they've made,  you might want to consider that.


Keep repeating this over and over....


"They know more than I do...."


"They know more than I do...."


"They know more than I do...."


You may not like it,  but it's true.

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Here's a hint.......

The Coaches and GM know more about Ballard and about the roster they're working with than you or anyone else here. The next time you want to rant about what a dumb move they've made, you might want to consider that.

Keep repeating this over and over....

"They know more than I do...."

"They know more than I do...."

"They know more than I do...."

You may not like it, but it's true.

So, with that logic.... there's no purpose for this forum. Everyone here has their standpoint on what the front office does. Clearly none of our voices matter in a sense but that's the point of this forum

If we're not gonna discuss/voice our opinions, we all might as well logout and let Nadine shut this bad boy down for good

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Not much to choose from. But the forum was high on that eagles RB Mortest. (Sorry. Can't spell his name for nothing right now lol)

Kick the tired on him maybe. Or really I'm cool with Gore Varga & Robinson

Use that 4th spot if they cut Ballard to bring in another DL or OL. 2 spots where we're most slim at

Well just remember we may not be done with the roster shuffling. We have only added players from waivers. We still may be in the market for a FA player. So even though the roster is basically set it still might be fluid towards the bottom of the 53.

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So, with that logic.... there's no purpose for this forum. Everyone here has their standpoint on what the front office does. Clearly none of our voices matter in a sense but that's the point of this forum

If we're not gonna discuss/voice our opinions, we all might as well logout and let Nadine shut this bad boy down for good




Clearly I don't want to close down the forum -- I spend way too much of my free time here,  and even some of my not-so-free time.    And that doesn't make my wife very happy!


But perhaps there's a way to rant that gets your frustration out without presuming that you or I or anyone here knows more than the coaches or GM.


I may disagree,  I may wonder what or why they're doing something,  but I try not to present an argument that says I'm obviously smarter than the coaches.    I find that it only gets me in trouble.


Just some food for thought......


And no matter what nonsense I write here,  don't stop posting! 


Keep repeating that....


"Don't stop posting...."


"Don't stop posting...."


"Don't stop posting...."


(And you can throw in an occasional "NCF is so full of crap!" for good measure!)        :thmup:

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So, with that logic.... there's no purpose for this forum. Everyone here has their standpoint on what the front office does. Clearly none of our voices matter in a sense but that's the point of this forum

If we're not gonna discuss/voice our opinions, we all might as well logout and let Nadine shut this bad boy down for good

There's also the possibility that Ballard looks good in practice to them...

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Never been a huge Boom fan. He's was a big improvement over TRich, and his 4th Down run against Cleveland was stuffed until he made a spin for a game saver. I guess his shoulder injury sealed his fate, but Robinson was looking good as the #2 anyway. I just hope everyone gets heathy and stays healthy for a change.

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Frank Gore had 5 runs of 20+ yards last year, Boom and Trent had 1 each. Lots of backs with less than 5 and some with zero. Appears that long speed has little to do with home runs..... DeMarco Murray had 15 with arguably the best OL in the league. 


 No offence, But this is the best post I've read by you.

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I think the problem lies with when the GM does make a move that some who don't like it they say silly stuff like he should be fired. Or if the Colts lose a game a bunch of people should be fired. Irsay is the only person that matters that make those choices. Why cant you just agree to disagree without getting all dramatic and demanding that someone be fired. Calling them stupid because you disagree with them doing their job makes yourself look silly. ( I would say stupid but that would put me in that category?)  There is no perfect GM in the NFL. They all have their times where they are right and wrong. Hindsight is a good thing to have after the facts. Would it be better to just voice your disproval of moves without thinking you know better and asking for their head because of it? It seems we have 3 different types of members. 1- the total homer who has nothing to say but how great things are. 2- the member who see past certain moves and realizes there is a bigger picture to look at and the team is made up of 53 players and not every one of them are going to be great players. 3- The member who whines and cries over every move made and thinks someone needs to lose their job because they done something that they think they know better. They can't give any credit to the opposition that makes good plays. If every player never made a mistake or got beat the team would never lose a game. That has only happened one time in super bowl history. GMs and coaches strive for perfection even tho there is no such a thing. Even the so called greatest players in history had lapses of bonehead plays because that is being human. ( and the shape of the football)

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Clearly I don't want to close down the forum -- I spend way too much of my free time here,  and even some of my not-so-free time.    And that doesn't make my wife very happy!


But perhaps there's a way to rant that gets your frustration out without presuming that you or I or anyone here knows more than the coaches or GM.


I may disagree,  I may wonder what or why they're doing something,  but I try not to present an argument that says I'm obviously smarter than the coaches.    I find that it only gets me in trouble.


Just some food for thought......


And no matter what nonsense I write here,  don't stop posting! 


Keep repeating that....


"Don't stop posting...."


"Don't stop posting...."


"Don't stop posting...."


(And you can throw in an occasional "NCF is so full of crap!" for good measure!)        :thmup:

Oh Knoes... hope that doesn't get you on the waiver wire!

Hope you got some practice Squad eligibility left???



You Know, the more I have read this thread, the more anxious I have gotten.

Then I remembered that were talking about the backups to Frank Freaking Gore!

One of the last of the true three down backs left in this league!

I know the Colts probably don't want to play him all three downs all season long, but seriously,

If need be he has the history to do it and we have adequate backups to spell him from time to time.



No Worries folks!


I think that the moves made in the last two days speak more to the future than the right now... JMO

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That is your opinion, and I respect it you have every right to feel that way. However, sometimes it is good to respect people with different opinions than yours. It has been proven that people with significant injuries can return and produce in the NFL. Like a previous poster stated Demaryius Thomas and Brian Crushing returned from significant injuries and produced with Crushing suffering multiple. It happens in the NFL, so what makes it impossible for Ballard to do it?

I don't mind the colts keeping Ballard, I have always like him, but you can't really compare Cushing's injury to Ballard's. Cushing had a 320 lb guard dive at his knee. Vick has injured himself twice in drills. Some,guys just don't have the body that can make it through the rigors of the NFL.

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bob sanders was on roids which made his bones weaker then my 7 year old cousin

And Ballard has been severely injured two,years in a row going though non contact drills. Maybe he's just brittle.

And I don't think roids make your bones weak.

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It's unfortunate, but Boom isn't going to affect wins and losses. This will just give Robinson more opportunities to shine as our number 2.

If healthy Ballard is our #2, he looked fantastic v Cincy until he tweaked his Hammie.  When healthy Ballard is starter talent, It would be fantastic if he can play this season, obviously a big "if" but I like our backs.  I like Boom but he was a fumble hazard, he played his role well.  We have four guys who can tote it.

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I never liked Herron.  IDK why people were on his bandwagon so much.  He is back-up, and doesn't have starter capabilities.  He is situational at best. He can catch a ball, and has some elusiveness.  But very bad at breaking tackles, and has shown alot of problems with the dropsies.

still, that being said, it was very surprising he was waved.

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