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TY Hilton signs new deal (Mega Merge)


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Buddy, just give it up. Bottom line is there are no guarantees except the ones you make. Simple law of holes .... "when in one stop digging". Read my lips .... the TY deal did absolutely nothing to improve this team now or in the future .... period! The rest is another argument.


So what?


Same with Dallas and the Dez deal.    Same with Damaryous Thomas and Denver.    Signing them didn't improve them either.




Re-signing them is the cost of doing business.    Because if you don't and they leave,  then your team is worse.


And by re-signing them, you've told the team you're interested in remaining competitive for as long as possible.


And if we hadn't re-signed TYH,  then what are we telling guys like Dorsett,  Moncreif and Carter?     The message is wide receivers are easily replaceable and we're not going to re-sign you past your rookie deal.     Not a very good or strong message to the team.


I think you are way, WAY over-thinking things here, simply because you don't like the contract we gave him.   


I think you'd feel better about things if you simply said it's the cost of doing business.   The best players get the best deals -- period.

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Wide receivers are a dime-a-dozen as the game has shifted to become more pass oriented and WR's are making HUGE money. Which means more and more football players are going to want to start being WR's overall, IMO. Look at all of the good WR's that have come into the league in just the last few years alone. Pretty much unprecedented. Look at how good Josh Gordon and Justin Blackmon are, yet, they don't have jobs. Why? Because the next Josh Gordon and Justin Blackmon are right around the corner. True story.


Wide receivers may be -- in your words -- a dime a dozen,  but great ones,  difference makers,  are not.   They're rare and special.


With 32 teams,  there may be only 12-16 special WR's in the NFL.   True difference makers.    Teams can still succeed without them as New England has shown.     But rare talents are special.   And they make the best deals.


TYH is special.   You may not believe so,  but his numbers say so.    And the Colts rewarded him.   Which is good for the team.


It shows the team the Colts are trying to remain competitive for a long time.   That's good for moral and good for business.

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This likely means his signing bonus is no more than $10m. There could be additional bonuses starting in 2016. 


Spotrac still hasn't got the full deal up, but based on that Tweet it looks to have been structured in the best way it could have been IMO. I doubt he's going to get all the way through to those numbers in 2019 and 2020 one way or another and even if he did, I'd imagine the cap would be something stupidly higher by then.

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Dear lord... where do you start with this thread, it should  have been a stereotypical preseason one. Sign a fan favorite to long term deal.. celebrations, punch may have been served, you know vanilla stuff. Hiding the really exotic off the wall stances until say a middle of a game when people claim the sky is falling after minute 2 of the first regular season game. 


Some points, if I may, aimed generally:


  • I find it amusing that people are claiming we're stacked at WR. We have two receivers that have any real history or NFL production, one of whom is, well, old. Beyond that we have a boat load of potential sure, but what's the expression about eggs and counting? Do people have that short a memory that they forget when last season we said we were stacked at WR after signing Nicks.. yeah looked how that turned out. 
  • TY is really darn good, maybe not top 5 but certainly top 10, you can't argue with his production and he still has room to get better. To that end, let's say we didn't tie him up and he has another decent season, do you really want him testing the waters in FA? Let me rephrase that, do you want him testing the waters of FA where is by far and away the best receiver available? See the thing about the Bryant/Thomas deals was aside from setting a new market (which was already a big high because of Megatron's outlier), it also took two WRs off the FA market. If we assume Green/Jones are also going to never see FA, it's pretty thin for 2016. Point being, TY would have got paid a heck of lot more if he hit FA. 
  • It has been proven time and time again we can afford to sign the TY's, the AC's, the Fleener's, the Allen's of this world and still sign Luck. GB are the prime examples of this. You draft well, you resign key guys (at near enough Market Value) and you draft well to replace those you cut loose. We've done the hard part in finding a franchise QB. Where people who look at the Manning years and cricticise the roster composition go wrong is ignoring the at times horrific drafting. Spending money on Manning/Clark/Wayne et al didn't preclude having a good D, bad drafting and a bad scheme did. 
  • Speaking of money... Aside from Johnson.. look where the FA $$'s went this off season, the FO isn't just building a Star Wars offense, they're still trying to build a balanced roster. 
Long story short we've tied up a very good WR, about to come into his prime, at a market value rate. All being well, by the time this deal is done and he's hitting 31 we'll have had the best of his playing days out of him and I daresay the market will have moved on anyway that paying a WR 13 Million a year for his type of production will be a real steal.....

exactly....basically AJ is Reggie Wayne after the last time he re-signed....he DID get cut. His contract shows us he is here to try to put us over the top....he is a hired gun. He isn't our future....then we have an UDFA and a promising 3rd rd pick....that's it! We drafted a rookie and it's clear him and TY is where we see this team headed......over-whelm your secondary with speed and let our bigger guys work underneath. I do think we could add some attention to our OL but luck is like Peyton.....u don't need an elite OL to be successful. Luck extends plays and Peyton got rid of the ball so quick. We had a team built to play with a lead....get up...let the pass rush overwhelm teams and of course a passive secondary with the Tampa 2. That was dungys defense....IMO dungy was responsible for our lacking defense. We drafted good LBs and safeties and of course great pass rushers but we missed on our corners...IMO dungy and that staff has to be responsible for not coaching up some better talent there. I think grigson has done a much more balanced approach in his accusations since year ones draft. He has drafted defense high with Werner, OL with mewhort and spent most his big money FA have been defense. Jones, Coles, Jackson to match the AJ, Gore, cherilus. He went out and got solid guys like redding and Langford and henniman and even his trades were for a rb and our best defensive player Davis. Any idea we haven't addressed or attempted to our defense is ridiculous. Just the past two offseasons we added Dt jones and Langford, lb dq Jackson and Trent cole...but wait no TY has cost us from addressing that...sorry those moves were just imaginary.
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After what I saw in Philly I think we should definitely go out and do a few more TY deals :woah: . That is exactly what will get us to the SB. Forget the OL and DL nonsense ... who needs those. Hell, Adrew and Frank are so good they don't even need a line.  If Frank gets tired we can allways spell him with a guy named "Porkchop" or a guy named "Serloin". The Eagle defense in particular seemed to love these cuts of meat. If Andrew needs a break we can throw in a guy named "Onyourback" or we have a completely unpracticed rookie named "Bendit". All a good plan. :excited:

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This is a six year, $66.5m contract ($11.08m/year). Fully guaranteed at signing is $11m (signing bonus of $10m + new base salary in 2015 of $1m). The rest of the guaranteed money kicks in year by year. Guaranteed for injury is an additional $28m, so if Hilton suffers a career ending injury, then he gets all of that. Decision points basically every year, due to the rolling guarantee structure, but mostly in 2019 when his salary jumps to $13m but his dead money would only be $2m.


Because the signing bonus isn't outrageous, this contract can easily be restructured as time goes on. But they've kept the same basic structure as previous contracts.

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This is a six year, $66.5m contract ($11.08m/year). Fully guaranteed at signing is $11m (signing bonus of $10m + new base salary in 2015 of $1m). The rest of the guaranteed money kicks in year by year. Guaranteed for injury is an additional $28m, so if Hilton suffers a career ending injury, then he gets all of that. Decision points basically every year, due to the rolling guarantee structure, but mostly in 2019 when his salary jumps to $13m but his dead money would only be $2m.

Because the signing bonus isn't outrageous, this contract can easily be restructured as time goes on. But they've kept the same basic structure as previous contracts.

That's a solid deal for both sides. I really don't understand why folks are complaining about it.

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After what I saw in Philly I think we should definitely go out and do a few more TY deals :woah: . That is exactly what will get us to the SB. Forget the OL and DL nonsense ... who needs those. Hell, Adrew and Frank are so good they don't even need a line.  If Frank gets tired we can allways spell him with a guy named "Porkchop" or a guy named "Serloin". The Eagle defense in particular seemed to love these cuts of meat. If Andrew needs a break we can throw in a guy named "Onyourback" or we have a completely unpracticed rookie named "Bendit". All a good plan. :excited:


I feel like you'd be better off rooting for another team at this point.


You clearly don't understand all the specifics of how Hilton's deal is structured, Josh Wilson did a fantastic breakdown of the numbers. It's an INCREDIBLY team-friendly deal. Read the article, or don't, I couldn't really care less.



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