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Colts release OT Gosder Cherlius


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Sorry, wasn't directed at you, but at the tweeter. And of all Colts related media, I think Holder is probably the best. But he's wrong about that, and what's worse is he's stating his incorrect information so matter of factly.

So, just to be clear, releasing Cherilus saves the Colts $4m on the 2015 cap, and $4.1m on the 2016 cap. I'm 99.741% sure about this.

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Sorry, wasn't directed at you, but at the tweeter. And of all Colts related media, I think Holder is probably the best. But he's wrong about that, and what's worse is he's stating his incorrect information so matter of factly.

So, just to be clear, releasing Cherilus saves the Colts $4m on the 2015 cap, and $4.1m on the 2016 cap. I'm 99.741% sure about this.

I would think they'd be saving more cap space than that in 2016. He was signed to a big deal back in 2013.

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I would think they'd be saving more cap space than that in 2016. He was signed to a big deal back in 2013.

The bulk of the previously paid bonus money -- dead money -- hits the cap in 2016. That's $5.8m. His cap hit would have been $9.9m in 2016. That's where the $4.1m savings next year comes from.

This year, only the bonus money that was already hitting the cap in 2015 still counts. That's $2.9m. His cap hit would have been $6.9m. That's where the $4m savings this year comes from.

This is how releases work when they happen after June 1 (May 12 this year).

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Cherilus the 3rd player from less than impressive 2013 Colts' free agent class released. LaRon Landry and Ricky Jean Francois also released

— Mike Wells (@MikeWellsNFL)

July 26, 2015

Mewhort started the 2014 regular season finale at RT and played tackle in college. He looks to be the future now, opposite Anthony Castonzo.

— Kevin Bowen (@KBowenColts)

July 26, 2015

Could work out but I'm not comfortable with that

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This makes no sense. Where would Reitz be starting if they kept Gosder to start at RT and Mewhort at LG?


And Reitz may be solely a utility guy on a better offensive line, but as it stands he's better than pretty much any other option we have for LG, outside of DT. Both of them have the same issue, however. Injuries.


I'm sure the Colts have a plan. I'll be shocked if they released Cherilus and don't attempt to upgrade the offensive line in some way, shape or form. I'll be shocked if Reitz is the starter by Coach's decision. Who knows.. maybe Donald Thomas is healthy? But I doubt it.

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it could very well but I think the Colts have known this could happen for a while which is why they have been shifting guys around on the line. Would I be blown away to see the Colts sign Mathis? No. However, it apoears at least as of last week they had no interest in him. I am sure last week they knew releasing gosder could happen. So while their level of interest could change I don't think it will.

I also think it's telling Mathis was released a while ago and he's still on the market. Clearly the Colts aren't the only team not tripping over themselves to sign him. I would suggest that means teams don't think he was the player he was and is probably not going to perform to the level of the contract he will demand.


Mathis is still on the market because that's his choice, he's weighing his options and plans on signing with a new team in about a week or so. It's been reported that there's a ton of interest in Mathis, and him finding a new team won't be a problem for him.


The Colts tried to restructure Cherilus' contract, so they at least tried to keep him around. So it's really a toss up where they go from here. I'll be really upset if they don't at least try to upgrade the offensive line before the season.

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I'm sure the Colts have a plan. I'll be shocked if they released Cherilus and don't attempt to upgrade the offensive line in some way, shape or form. I'll be shocked if Reitz is the starter by Coach's decision. Who knows.. maybe Donald Thomas is healthy? But I doubt it.


Who do you propose is a better option at LG than Reitz or DT, other than Evan Mathis?

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I think the contract extension they gave him is an indication that they trust him as a starter, or 6th/spell lineman at very least. I expect two of Herremans, Thorton and Reitz to be our starters the last to be our "6th" lineman and Louis and Heenan brought along for depth. Donald Thomas is a wildcard at this point, may end up a starter, or could be cut tomorrow.

I would feel comfortable with Reitz as a starting guard. I expect C is Khaled Holmes' job to lose, but next time he's in the trainers room somebody will pass him by.


I agree with everything you just mentioned, but I'm still hoping we sign another player. If Mewhort goes down at tackle, I'm guessing Reitz would be his backup?

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Wrong again. Why are these media types fumbling this so badly?

I think he is referring to the 2.9m the Colts take in "dead money". So Cherilus has a negative cap hit of 2.9 but we save 6.9 by cutting him, with a net of 4m in new cap room.

So were still paying him, just not nearly as much as we would have if we kept him on board.

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Who do you propose is a better option at LG than Reitz or DT, other than Evan Mathis?


In all honesty.. I don't know. I'm guessing to get someone as close to Mathis as possible would be to make a trade (something I don't see us doing) Donald Thomas is a very solid player when healthy, and he's making starter money right now. But let's be honest, the guy hasn't played in two years and is coming off two major surgeries.. His future doesn't look very promising right now.


But maybe he could come back and start for us, but I'm not sold on that happening. I really like what I saw from Ben Heenan in the CFL, but coming to the NFL is a totally different atmosphere.


I really love for us to sign Mathis. I have seen him play almost every week (I live in PA, and my Dad's an Eagles fan) the guy truly is a difference maker. I'm only making the case for signing him because I truly do believe this could be the year we win it all and for that to happen, we will need to run the football and protect Luck.. and Evan Mathis gives us a much better shot at doing both of those things.

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grigson is really not scared to admit defeat

It's what I've come to admire most about Grigson especially after the unnecessary stubbornness of the Polian era. Grigson may not be the best GM, but he's a good talent evaluator (some before signing, some after signing haha) and he setup all the contracts from his 2013 spending spree with this exact move in mind. None of the guys Indy picked up in 2013 were superstars they were all just upgrades from the players we had on the 2012 squad (although that wasn't a high bar to hit to begin with). As Grigson got more money he has made it a habit to upgrade the team each year in free agency, obviously Luck's next contract changes that strategy, but at that time the salary cap would have increased to help absorb some of the blow from Luck's massive contract and Indy well continue to sign free agents.    

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Why not Reitz at RT?  What makes him so easy to eliminate from consideration?


Reitz at LG and Mewhort at RT makes much more sense to me. Reitz was never great when plugged in at RT and I don't forsee that changing. Mewhort I believe can be a very good RT in this league.

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It was either kravitz or Chappell that was on 1070 last week that said the Colts had no interest in Mathis based on what they felt was a good source. Take that for what it's worth.


I think that was before the colts made the decision to release GC

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Not sure why you face palmed. Yes, admit defeat

The 2013 FA class was awful

Landry & Cherilus headline it. Grigson admits defeat by getting rid of them

Thought they'd work here and paid them handsomely to do so but neither worked out

These signings were an upgrade, not suppose to be the answer at the time signed IMO. I faced palmed because of your non stop negativity on about every move that Grigson makes. Finding players at reasonable contracts is not as easy as you seem to think. The signing of free agents are mostly gambles anyway because if these players were so good they wouldn't be free agents. Juggling the cap to account for free agents is not something a lot of GMs do to find starters.

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These signings were an upgrade, not suppose to be the answer at the time signed IMO. I faced palmed because of your non stop negativity on about every move that Grigson makes. Finding players at reasonable contracts is not as easy as you seem to think. The signing of free agents are mostly gambles anyway because if these players were so good they wouldn't be free agents. Juggling the cap to account for free agents is not something a lot of GMs do to find starters.

I agreed up till here "The signing of free agents are mostly gambles anyway because if these players were so good they wouldn't be free agents."


There are plenty of instances of star players hitting FA

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These signings were an upgrade, not suppose to be the answer at the time signed IMO. I faced palmed because of your non stop negativity on about every move that Grigson makes. Finding players at reasonable contracts is not as easy as you seem to think. The signing of free agents are mostly gambles anyway because if these players were so good they wouldn't be free agents. Juggling the cap to account for free agents is not something a lot of GMs do to find starters.

My negativity? Um, you quoted someone else and face palmed them. I'm saying what they were trying to say. But okay, whatever works for you

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Why not Reitz at RT? What makes him so easy to eliminate from consideration?

1. Mewhort has experience at RT and has been there all offseason so stick with that

And 2. They're hoping Mr. Thornton can get his life together and be the G we expected him to be. Reitz would be a solid backup if the line is Castonzo, Thornton, Holmes, Herremans, & Mewhort

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I agreed up till here "The signing of free agents are mostly gambles anyway because if these players were so good they wouldn't be free agents."


There are plenty of instances of star players hitting FA

You are correct to a certain point. But the larger number of these free agents have out priced themselves to the teams that cut them. The good players you speak of are mostly high dollar players and expect to get paid high dollar. That in itself will prohibit a lot of teams signing them because of the cap. Also the bigger part of these free agents have some age and miles on them so it does make the gambling aspect of signing them for big money more risky.

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I think he is referring to the 2.9m the Colts take in "dead money". So Cherilus has a negative cap hit of 2.9 but we save 6.9 by cutting him, with a net of 4m in new cap room.

So were still paying him, just not nearly as much as we would have if we kept him on board.


Still not really the way it works. I'm trying not to nerd out on this topic because I know everyone doesn't find this as interesting as I do. But here goes:


The Colts don't have to pay Cherilus another dime. The dead money represents money that's already been paid to him, in this case, signing bonus money and additional salary that was treated as signing bonus due to certain rules. It's a total of $14.5m, and it's divided evenly over the life of the contract, up to five years worth. That's $2.9m/year. It's called prorated bonus. Every cent that a team pay a player eventually has to hit the cap, regardless of the structure of the contract.


So in 2013 and 2014, a portion of his cap hit was that $2.9m of prorated bonus. 


When he's released, all of the prorated bonus that has not yet hit the cap now gets accelerated. If it's before June 1 (this year it was May 12 because they changed the date; not sure if they'll make that change permanent), the entire amount gets accelerated to that year's cap, because all paid money has to hit the cap. If the player is released after June 1, then only the current year's portion of prorated bonus counts against the cap in that year (in Cherilus' case, $2.9m in 2015). The rest of the prorated bonus counts against the cap the next season (in Cherilus' case, $5.8m in 2016).


Cherilus unpaid salary is not guaranteed, so his $4m salary in 2015 and his $7m and $7.5m salaries in 2016 and 2017 go away completely. They don't have to be paid, nor will the ever count against the cap. The remaining $8.7m in dead money that will go on the Colts cap is entirely due to previously paid money. In a very real sense, releasing Cherilus means the Colts don't have to pay him the remaining $18.5m on his contract, nor does it ever count against the cap. That's over half the total value of the contract.


So, just to clarify, the Colts have a cap hit of $2.9m in 2015 and $5.8m in 2016 for Gosder Cherilus, and that's a savings of $4m and $4.1m respectively.

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So I really wonder if they are going to re sign him for a vet minimum, or try to bring in Mathis? Interesting how this could go.

Need to bring in Mathis or a camp body. No more Cherilus.

If he was healthy, why would we cut him?

Only way was if they felt he was being paid too much. So we cut him cause he wouldn't take a pay cut. So if that's the case I'm sure vet minimum is LESS than what we offered him so why would he take that? It makes no sense, just move in without him

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