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DeflateGate: Brady suspension expected (mega merge / updated)


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Here's what really irks me about this whole thing.  Tom cheated and Tom lied.  Anybody other than a homer  can see that.  
What I hate the most is that he deflected the blame onto the Colts when he said something about it being "sour grapes" in his presser.
Kravitz, Grigson, etc. .... along with the fans have had to endure such talk.   And, there have been those who took it to another level by accusing the Colts of being the ones who were in the wrong . . . to the point where the Colts were even accused of deflating the football(s).  
It's one thing to cheat and lie, but to blame it on the very people (team) that you cheated and lied against takes it to another level and makes Tom even more pathetic and disgusting in my book.


Best post of this entire thread,I think some Pats fans are the only ones who think this report is inconclusive.No ball boys/equipment managers or whatever their titles were,would mess with the psi of a football of their star QB without his direction or knowledge.Brady is looking foolish,i have friends who are fans of meany different teams,they all feel the same way as Colts fans do,he cheated and tryed to blame it on the Colts organization and he is making matters worse by continuing to deny it

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DG, would you see it the same way if this were Manning or Luck that was found to have done the same thing? You seem to be harder on your own guys, Irsay included. You seem to value doing things the right way. The integrity of the game is important to you and you don't like cheaters. What Tom Brady did was clear cheating. He may have won the games anyway but that does not dismiss his having intentionally and knowingly broken the rules.

Yes, I agree that Brady did not need to do this to be great and is one of the best to play his sport but so were Roger Clemens, Barry Bonds and Lance Armstrong in their sports. Brady is in their category now.

i think that's a bit harsh....PEDs and breaking a rule in the game is two different things IMO. Don't get me wrong...as far as personally and their character it's pretty sad thing...it hurts my opinion of the guy. It's like a guy using a corked bat...using pine tar pitching...it's going beyond the rules trying to get an advantage.....one that many other players try to do...at there own position on many plays....stickem with jerry rice, vasoline on OL jersey...that sorta thing. Findable, suspendable offense...but PEDs...that like bannable thing for me. Don't get me wrong....I hate cheating but I'm not going to pretend there aren't varying degrees.

If Peyton or dungy or Luck done this I would be very disappointed. If they lied and paid people off and covered it up and kept denying....yeah I would have a hard time cheering for them until they came clean...maybe at all. I had a LOT of respect for what Tom has accomplished on the field...this doesn't change that at all...but it changes how I view him personally....which probably doesn't matter. The player....yeah 1st ballot HOF best of his era....but one willing to bend the rules or do whatever necessary morally or not to win....so that hurts my fandom of them. Hard to root for. I hope nobody goes through this again....don't like it for the game etc. I think the NFL could have avoided this....by telling the PAts to knock it off and implementing better controls. It's like sitting cookies out there and saying don't eat them....very tempting....sadly one of our greats failed that. I do feel he is a great player and will come back with a vengeance to reconcile his name and image.....he is going to be a man on a mission...and the pats are going to be like a band of brothers ala 2007...and we remember how they DESTROYED teams that year....I'm ready to see that again...with colts being enemy #1 with a bullet....I thought this would be a good year to break through....them kinda still celebrating maybe distracted...not now....extra motivation the league has provided thrm.

Again I'm harder on owners and coaches....people of authority...that's why I wanted to see bigger punishment for coaches and owners...they should be held to a higher standard....and penalties should be the harshest...and IMO owners aren't hurt with money....rather draft picks that set their team back IMO.

Part of me thinks Tom kinda like Barry bonds being the clear players of their generation...the elite...the best..and when they saw others setting records or maybe cheating decided they too had to do WHATEVER it took to get to the top...even a small advantage...but one that may have more to do with confidence than real applicable advantage. Maybe that quest for 4 and Montana...maybe Peyton breaking records...could that caused him to do this...the drive to be the best?? Don't know...maybe being overconfident thinking he can be above the rules...maybe seeing or watching how belicheck will do whatever necessary or look for the gray areas in rules or go beyond to win and he said I'll follow my coaches lead. Don't know...just disappointed. Caught up in a lie...he made an error in judgement and let himself down...hope he picks himself up and shows his true greatness and owns up and then plays like a champion that he is after.....just not against the Colts lol. I thought about going to that patriots game....now there is no way....I'm afraid of how the fans may react that night and I hope Indy shows their true character that game...the fans behave and don't embarrass all of us....not sure I think that will happen...and likely Brady will probably feed off that and maybe put the greatest smack down in NFL history on us....like 85 bears smack down.

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I think if Bill knew, he didn't always know. I think it's possible that Brady told him about this after the fact. After all of the media jumped on this and after Bill had his press conference. 


Bill's first press conference was convincing. At least to me it was. I could be wrong though.


Now all of that said, I am giving Bill the benefit of the doubt here. Proof will be if/when Bill decides to trade Brady. Because I would expect nothing less from Bill to trade Brady if he was lied to. BB could come out of all of this smelling like a rose. Trade Brady away and toss the problem to the side. Now the problem with all of this is Kraft. If Kraft draws the in the sand and tells BB no, then Bill will might walk away from the patriots after this season.


One trade scenario I could see is Brady for Kap. Send Brady back to his hometown team, and have a young QB to mold for the future. 


In summary if BB had absolutely nothing to do with this then I believe he will do one of two things; he will attempt to trade away Brady, or he will resign as the patriots head football coach at the end of this year.


Note - I refuse to ever again write the patriots with a capital P.

most absurd thing I've ever heard. First off belicheck doesn't live on this high moral righteous throne...we all know that...and Brady IMO may have his greatest season ever...more motivated than ever to shut everyone up. It's going to be 2007 all over. They rally the troops...surround the wagon and CRUSH everyone they play if possible.....especially us. If Brady doesn't have a long suspension I would say he would push Peyton's 55 Td mark too but Brady will sit for a few games so that won't be possible....mvp caliber season you wait and see.
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most absurd thing I've ever heard. First off belicheck doesn't live on this high moral righteous throne...we all know that...and Brady IMO may have his greatest season ever...more motivated than ever to shut everyone up. It's going to be 2007 all over. They rally the troops...surround the wagon and CRUSH everyone they play if possible.....especially us. If Brady doesn't have a long suspension I would say he would push Peyton's 55 Td mark too but Brady will sit for a few games so that won't be possible....mvp caliber season you wait and see.

Thanks for your analysis, Tom.

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I will say this, the longer Brady says nothing, the worse it looks, and allows the narrative to grow. It's another NFL rule that the Patriots have exploited to their competitive advantage. NFL gave an inch, and the Patriots took a mile, so I could see Goodell being pretty salty about it.


Having said that, I still don't think it warrants anything more than a hefty fine. If a second offense were to occur, different story altogether.

The fact that these texts go back in time suggests a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc. violation... perhaps dozens to over a hundred such violations... this was NOT a single violation.  Plus the lying and refusal to cooperate fully with the investigation are additional violations of league policy.  I would not be shocked with 8 games.  I doubt it will be 4 games unless they want the mega publicity having Brady's first game back being against the Colts.  That would be the highest rated non prime time game of the season and would lead all news stories leading up to in a way that perhaps the NFL might not want.  I think 8 games with the possibility of dropping to 6 games with an appeal would be about right.  His reputation is already tarnished for all but Pats fans in denial.  The team's accomplishments (even the large rushing totals which were assisted by an under inflated ball that helped prevent fumbles) have been tarnished.  If this were anyone other than Brady or perhaps Manning or Rodgers, they'd be gone for a season.   If the NE players fumble more next year, that will remind everyone of yet another advantage they received due to cheating.  If it were college they'd have to vacate their wins and Seattle would be SB champs.  I think the team most screwed in all this most recently is Baltimore who barely lost and easily could have swayed the results due to the cheating.   And I still say that NE are cheaters and there's likely been (and perhaps are still) cheating going on we still do not know about.  They just haven't gotten caught.  If not for those interceptions, they'd still be cheating this coming season.  Once you cross that line, why wouldn't you look for any and all other opportunities to cheat in other big or small ways? The answer is they would.  

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The thing that is starting to bug me more than anything else now, is that the NFL is to blame. How could they have let the game balls be stolen away from under their very noses? How come they didn't react to Grigson's warning email? Etc.

No cheating, no issue. It really is that simple.

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.I'm afraid of how the fans may react that night and I hope Indy shows their true character that game...the fans behave and don't embarrass all of us....not sure I think that will happen...and likely Brady will probably feed off that and maybe put the greatest smack down in NFL history on us....like 85 bears smack down.

Or maybe the Colts will beat the crap out of NE and win a Super Bowl.  Why cower so much when we have great players and excellent new additions while NE has lost their stellar CB's.  How about a little belief in our guys for a change? Heck,depending on the suspensions, NE might not even be in the playoffs next year.  We have Baltimore, Pitt, Denver, Miami, NY Jets, Buffalo and the Texans to worry about! 

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The thing that is starting to bug me more than anything else now, is that the NFL is to blame. How could they have let the game balls be stolen away from under their very noses? How come they didn't react to Grigson's warning email? Etc.

No cheating, no issue. It really is that simple.

So you think they should have warned NE and let them get away with all this without any punishment? 

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The thing that is starting to bug me more than anything else now, is that the NFL is to blame. How could they have let the game balls be stolen away from under their very noses? How come they didn't react to Grigson's warning email? Etc.

No cheating, no issue. It really is that simple.

Could not agree more.


This one was a lay up for them and the screwed it up ... again. The thing that is absolutely stunning to me with regards to this and Colts fans is the fact that there is zero outrage over how this was handled by the league and a SB berth was on the line.


Grigson told the league prior to the game. They knew. And yet somehow, Walt Anderson for the first time in 19 years lost track of the Pats game balls prior to the game. And let me remind you that the start of the game was delayed due to the NFCCG going into overtime. Pletny of time to re-gauge those balls, find that they were deflated assuming they were, re-inflate them while noting the psi to then punish Pats and play the game on a level playing field. IF this had happened, a fair game is played, there is no investigation and Pats are punished within a day of the game. This is like 1,2,3, here. We are talking air ball pressure folks. Air ball pressure. Just check the balls. As soon as they waited to halftime it was too late. The balls had been out in the elements and they of course they screwed up the measurements with two different measurements being taken and managed to only gauge 4 of the Cotls balls because they ran out of time. And remember they had a HEADS up from Grigson. My gosh. This may be the worst black eye on the league yet second only to Rice. And now this report that can only go as far as to say probable, maybe, most likely because they messed up the procedure so bad.


What the Pats did is the equivalent of gamesmanship. I know some here want to blow it up to the whole integrity of the game. But there is a reason the games operations manual has this type of offense as a $25k fine. It is not a big deal and something that should be able to be detected without any issue if the refs did their job. Instead we get a 100 day investigation and report full of more holes than swiss cheese. This is the case because the league failed on so many levels with this one. And they rightfully should be called out for it.

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The thing that is starting to bug me more than anything else now, is that the NFL is to blame. How could they have let the game balls be stolen away from under their very noses? How come they didn't react to Grigson's warning email? Etc.

No cheating, no issue. It really is that simple.

Double post.

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if defendants can be court ordered to pay millions on account of "more probable than not," no amount of PA and agents crying will force a 4 game suspension being overturned for being harsh. It's not a difficult burden of proof to satisfy when the person in question is caught lying, a bunch of evidence supports the theory that a ball boy deflated it at the direction of the only man to handle the ball on every play, and then appears to have covered it up. The fact that a harsh penalty would get turned over where a lesser penalty wouldn't on the same evidence is irrelevant. All that matters is whether he probably did it. And the nfl has 243 pages under penalty of perjury that says he did.

The report says nothing about Brady in relation to the AFCCG. Nothing. There are no texts, no conversations, nothing. All they have is a ball boy ducking into a bathroom. The texts they do have is from the Jets game when Brady angrily told his guys to make sure the refs don't inflate to 16 psi and then you have the ball boy calling himself the deflator. You have the psi measurements prior to the game that were not written down but going off of memory and Anderson "thinks" he used the same gauge for all the balls. Then two separate measurements at halftime with varying psi levels and the science part not able to be completely refuted either. I don't know about you but I think a mediator would have a field day with this.

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Double post.

I doubt you do AM. I think you may have misunderstood.

Blaming the NFL is outrageous. Blame those who committed the 'crime', not those who should have prevented it.

'It's like the 13th chime of the clock' quoted someone the Institute is Sports Law and Ethics.

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I have no idea what you mean.

If the NFL had told the Patriots about the Colts concerns BEFORE the AFCCG, the Patriots would have refrained from deflating the balls and gotten away with the cheating scandal.  This was NOT a one time thing, this was an ongoing cheating strategy that likely goes back to prior seasons, but certainly went back most or all of last season.  They had a chance to catch them red handed and did so.  Your solution would have led to them getting away with it completely.  I am glad they got caught and this is coming out and punishment will be given and reputations ruined.  They deserve all the negative side effects from INTENTIONALLY CHEATING!  

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I doubt you do AM. I think you may have misunderstood.

Blaming the NFL is outrageous. Blame those who committed the 'crime', not those who should have prevented it.

'It's like the 13th chime of the clock' quoted someone the Institute is Sports Law and Ethics.

Shame on me. I missed your sarcasm in your previous post, didn't I? lol. And Superman said to have our sarcasm glasses turned up 20 percent. But then again, it is early here on the east coast. :)

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I doubt you do AM. I think you may have misunderstood.

Blaming the NFL is outrageous. Blame those who committed the 'crime', not those who should have prevented it.

'It's like the 13th chime of the clock' quoted someone the Institute is Sports Law and Ethics.

I am with you here. The cheating is paramount, no doubt. But this happens. A lot actually which is why when the league is given a heads up it is paramount that they do their job to ensure a level playing field. This did not happen and could have easily been prevented and still caught the Pats cheating and punishment would have been expedient.

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If the NFL had told the Patriots about the Colts concerns BEFORE the AFCCG, the Patriots would have refrained from deflating the balls and gotten away with the cheating scandal. This was NOT a one time thing, this was an ongoing cheating strategy that likely goes back to prior seasons, but certainly went back most or all of last season. They had a chance to catch them red handed and did so. Your solution would have led to them getting away with it completely. I am glad they got caught and this is coming out and punishment will be given and reputations ruined. They deserve all the negative side effects from INTENTIONALLY CHEATING!

Check my later post. I clearly made a hash of explaining myself.

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i think that's a bit harsh....PEDs and breaking a rule in the game is two different things IMO. Don't get me wrong...as far as personally and their character it's pretty sad thing...it hurts my opinion of the guy. It's like a guy using a corked bat...using pine tar pitching...it's going beyond the rules trying to get an advantage.....one that many other players try to do...at there own position on many plays....stickem with jerry rice, vasoline on OL jersey...that sorta thing. Findable, suspendable offense...but PEDs...that like bannable thing for me. Don't get me wrong....I hate cheating but I'm not going to pretend there aren't varying degrees.

If Peyton or dungy or Luck done this I would be very disappointed. If they lied and paid people off and covered it up and kept denying....yeah I would have a hard time cheering for them until they came clean...maybe at all. I had a LOT of respect for what Tom has accomplished on the field...this doesn't change that at all...but it changes how I view him personally....which probably doesn't matter. The player....yeah 1st ballot HOF best of his era....but one willing to bend the rules or do whatever necessary morally or not to win....so that hurts my fandom of them. Hard to root for. I hope nobody goes through this again....don't like it for the game etc. I think the NFL could have avoided this....by telling the PAts to knock it off and implementing better controls. It's like sitting cookies out there and saying don't eat them....very tempting....sadly one of our greats failed that. I do feel he is a great player and will come back with a vengeance to reconcile his name and image.....he is going to be a man on a mission...and the pats are going to be like a band of brothers ala 2007...and we remember how they DESTROYED teams that year....I'm ready to see that again...with colts being enemy #1 with a bullet....I thought this would be a good year to break through....them kinda still celebrating maybe distracted...not now....extra motivation the league has provided thrm.

Again I'm harder on owners and coaches....people of authority...that's why I wanted to see bigger punishment for coaches and owners...they should be held to a higher standard....and penalties should be the harshest...and IMO owners aren't hurt with money....rather draft picks that set their team back IMO.

Part of me thinks Tom kinda like Barry bonds being the clear players of their generation...the elite...the best..and when they saw others setting records or maybe cheating decided they too had to do WHATEVER it took to get to the top...even a small advantage...but one that may have more to do with confidence than real applicable advantage. Maybe that quest for 4 and Montana...maybe Peyton breaking records...could that caused him to do this...the drive to be the best?? Don't know...maybe being overconfident thinking he can be above the rules...maybe seeing or watching how belicheck will do whatever necessary or look for the gray areas in rules or go beyond to win and he said I'll follow my coaches lead. Don't know...just disappointed. Caught up in a lie...he made an error in judgement and let himself down...hope he picks himself up and shows his true greatness and owns up and then plays like a champion that he is after.....just not against the Colts lol. I thought about going to that patriots game....now there is no way....I'm afraid of how the fans may react that night and I hope Indy shows their true character that game...the fans behave and don't embarrass all of us....not sure I think that will happen...and likely Brady will probably feed off that and maybe put the greatest smack down in NFL history on us....like 85 bears smack down.

You are too level-headed. Lol. After I posted that comment, I did believe that I went too far in saying that his actions are on the same level as those of some PED users. But he did break the rules and he probably has been doing it for a while. You just wonder what else yet to be discovered that he and the Patriots have done to gain a competitive advantage.

You should go to the game

this year. It should be a good one and the Colts should win.

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The thing that is absolutely stunning to me with regards to this and Colts fans is the fact that there is zero outrage over how this was handled by the league and a SB berth was on the line.


This may be the worst black eye on the league yet second only to Rice. And now this report that can only go as far as to say probable, maybe, most likely because they messed up the procedure so bad.


What the Pats did is the equivalent of gamesmanship. 


You are stunned by your assessment of colts fans lack of outrage but not stunned by anything your team did.  Not the first time we've tripped your 'stun-o-meter'.


You fault the NFL for not catching the Pats deflating the balls and stopping it before the AFC championship...and in any event, it was just gamesmanship (we do what we want and it's your job to catch us in a timely and fair way)


And the NFL has the worst black eye in history for not catching the Pats sooner, not giving them a heads up that they were going to catch them and issuing a report that used the words "more probable than not"


I don't understand your selection of things to be stunned about.   I AM STUNNED by your zero outrage for what your team did.  


I am proud of the Colts for catching this and shining a light on it.  Proud of the Colts for rising above the deflection.


I am disappointed by the Pats organization and them not acknowledging it was wrong.  This wasn't rule bending, it was rule breaking.


And yes I think that what the Pats did was also unnecessary and petty.  So why do it?


If they truly believed that they didn't break the rules, they would say (as they have before)......."that's right, we found a loophole in the rules.  Aren't you jealous?"


They aren't saying that though........and you're not saying it........because you know that the rules were broken and broken intentionally.......and then covered up


You can close your eyes and cover your ears but whatever the NFL did or did not do.........doesn't change what the fact that the choice to circumvent rules was made by your qb


And now everybody knows it

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Irrelevant.  First, I wasn't aware of it so I didn't comment on it.  Had I, nothing would change.  


Cheating is cheating.  There are varying levels of impact of cheating, thus there will be varying levels of punishment.


You still haven't answered:


Do you believe Tom Brady is innocent or guilty of this?


Tom Brady would'nt answer that question last night instead he said theres people who don't like Tom Brady at least he finally told a truth .

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Great interview here from Brady's agent on the report, Brady's testimony and why he did not hand over his phone. After listening to this, there is no doubt the league will have a dog fight on their hands with this report regardless of punishment, http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/05/08/ac-intv-tom-brady-attorney-don-yee.cnn


His lawyer is a big part of the problem & an * .  What kind of lawyer councils his client to lie ? Cooperation & the truth would have set Tommy Boy free ,


The dog fight is over before it started lost in lies and years of habitual cheating that obviously worked well for the multiple Superbowl Chumps ,


After all this  is  the goal of all teams , Some say well they all do ?                Really  to what level & for how long ?


A Decade ?             A classless Organization from top to bottom .

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You are stunned by your assessment of colts fans lack of outrage but not stunned by anything your team did.  Not the first time we've tripped your 'stun-o-meter'.


You fault the NFL for not catching the Pats deflating the balls and stopping it before the AFC championship...and in any event, it was just gamesmanship (we do what we want and it's your job to catch us in a timely and fair way)


And the NFL has the worst black eye in history for not catching the Pats sooner, not giving them a heads up that they were going to catch them and issuing a report that used the words "more probable than not"


I don't understand your selection of things to be stunned about.   I AM STUNNED by your zero outrage for what your team did.  


I am proud of the Colts for catching this and shining a light on it.  Proud of the Colts for rising above the deflection.


I am disappointed by the Pats organization and them not acknowledging it was wrong.  This wasn't rule bending, it was rule breaking.


And yes I think that what the Pats did was also unnecessary and petty.  So why do it?


If they truly believed that they didn't break the rules, they would say (as they have before)......."that's right, we found a loophole in the rules.  Aren't you jealous?"


They aren't saying that though........and you're not saying it........because you know that the rules were broken and broken intentionally.......and then covered up


You can close your eyes and cover your ears but whatever the NFL did or did not do.........doesn't change what the fact that the choice to circumvent rules was made by your qb


And now everybody knows it

Read this from your own reporter ...


Insider: Colts' forewarning should have prevented DeflateGate



Stephen Holder, stephen.holder@indystar.com 8:37 p.m. EDT May 7, 2015



At halftime of the AFC Championship Game on Jan. 18, Indianapolis Colts General Manager Ryan Grigson received a call from the sideline on the press box telephone.

The Colts have a right to be irate about that.


Follow Star reporter Stephen Holder on Twitter: @HolderStephen.




Edited by Nadine
excessive quoting
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His lawyer is a big part of the problem & an * .  What kind of lawyer councils his client to lie ? Cooperation & the truth would have set Tommy Boy free ,


The dog fight is over before it started lost in lies and years of habitual cheating that obviously worked well for the multiple Superbowl Chumps ,


After all this  is  the goal of all teams , Some say well they all do ?                Really  to what level & for how long ?


A Decade ?             A classless Organization from top to bottom .

You obviously didn't listen to the interview ...

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  let's be honest...the NFL doesn't have a lot of integrity with the concussion stuff/letting abusers play...not really where people need to go to look up or point to integrity. Sorry...that's like complaining to the cops that you got jipped an ounce from your weed dealer....not much sympathy. I'm sorry but I think we will play the most angry motivated team the NFL has ever seen...I want no piece of them...I would not be surprised to see them put up a 50 burger on us...you guys are laughing now but I don't want to be hearing any crying come January if they whip us again. I think this is our "season on a brink" but this whole ordeal will give NE so much motivation....and I remember 2007....might see that all over. I fully expect them to try to run up the score on us and if they do I don't want to hear any whining. Not saying the colts did anything wrong but with the attitude on here I can't blame them if we give them bulletin board material.    we don't know what the NFL told the officials...they did their job...it's not their fault there was a hole in the chain of procedures that Tom and these guys exploited. Perhaps all they knew was to check to see if the balls were under inflated and when they weren't they were satisfied. Nobody knew how the pats were doing this...colts, NFL, refs...sometimes you have to catch them in the act to figure out how it was happening. I do wish it wouldn't have happened...NFL just told Tom to knock it off because I've thought a ton of the guy...but he did what he did....hopefully he will come out and apologize, be contrite, apologize to his team and the other players in the league and then go out and play lights out and remind everyone why he is the best qb of this generation. it was very lance Armstrong I agree...throw everyone and accuse everyone else...but let's also not forget both are many time champions playing in a sport that you try to get every advantage you can...and likely put your character to the test to do the right thing...sometimes our stars fail. Tom like lance has still done a lot....many many good things...money raised etc etc....a mistake and such doesn't make them evil or bad people....we all fall...most just not in the public eye. I hope he gets up and like I said comes back and plays great but realizes the sport that has given him so much he owes an apology to. That is all.


Dude if lying & covering up can bring down a sitting President it can bring down a lying cheating QB of a football team .


Tom like Lance is a bold faced liar & that makes people losers these 2 are perfect examples .

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Read this from your own reporter ...


Insider: Colts' forewarning should have prevented DeflateGate



Stephen Holder, stephen.holder@indystar.com 8:37 p.m. EDT May 7, 2015



At halftime of the AFC Championship Game on Jan. 18, Indianapolis Colts General Manager Ryan Grigson received a call from the sideline on the press box telephone.

The Colts have a right to be irate about that.


Follow Star reporter Stephen Holder on Twitter: @HolderStephen.





First, do not copy and paste entire articles here.  Use links

Second did you have the impression that I wasn't aware of any of that?

Third, you just made my point again

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When Probable is all that is needed its good enough to justify fines & penalties for an Organization that has cheated filmed & deflated foot balls for a decade .


And means probably the liar QB will sit a few games so probable or probably is code for guilty as hell..

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Great interview here from Brady's agent on the report, Brady's testimony and why he did not hand over his phone. After listening to this, there is no doubt the league will have a dog fight on their hands with this report regardless of punishment, http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2015/05/08/ac-intv-tom-brady-attorney-don-yee.cnn



Mods.... do we have a facepalm smiley......

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First, do not copy and paste entire articles here.  Use links

Second did you have the impression that I wasn't aware of any of that?

Third, you just made my point again

Sorry about the big post. The font came out really big. I will just post link next time.


My entire point was summarized in this article which seemed to be what you were refuting? I don't know. Maybe I misread.


And yes, the violation is horrible and should be punished. I have never denied that. But we are talking ball inflation here and the affect on the game was pretty much nothing so again, why not just check the balls prior to game so game is played fair? If not, then not sure how you can come out after that like this is some big crime if you allowed the game to be played for a whole half with unfair footballs.

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If everyone is playing by the rules, it is not necessary to re-gauge. Anderson had already checked the balls. The only people who are to blame for this are those who intentionally and deliberately broke the rules: Brady and the Pats.

Either she didn't read the report, or cannot correlate events and string them together (thus why she thinks Brady has done anything wrong).  Because in the report plain as day-


A. McNally took the bag of balls and left for the field without telling anyone.

B. When it was suggested that McNally had or may have taken them to the field, Anderson responded that “he‟s not supposed to do that.

C. NFL security official Richard Farley, who is assigned to New England, was dispatched back to the officials locker room to get the back-up balls because

     minutes before kickoff the main balls still hadn't been located.

D. McNally and the balls were found before kickoff.


Where is the time to re-gauge?  Also in the report is that Two alternate refs only had time to measure and adjust 11 Patriot balls, and measure 4 Colts balls before halftime (at the EDIT: AFCCG!  (maybe not)Longer than your typical half time) finshed.  To me, the proper response by Anderson just before kickoff would be to declare those balls unplayable and have NFL security go get and use the backup balls.


Yes,  that would have reduced the number of 'gift' balls that can be quickly taken out of play and given to charity organizations.  But integrity of the game comes before charitable gifts.  But I'm sure Anderson and group will state while the balls were lost for a period of time, they would never have guessed it was to tamper with them.


Somehow, not sure even a button list will 'click' any way...

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Sorry about the big post. The font came out really big. I will just post link next time.


My entire point was summarized in this article which seemed to be what you were refuting? I don't know. Maybe I misread.


And yes, the violation is horrible and should be punished. I have never denied that. But we are talking ball inflation here and the affect on the game was pretty much nothing so again, why not just check the balls prior to game so game is played fair? If not, then not sure how you can come out after that like this is some big crime if you allowed the game to be played for a whole half with unfair footballs.

The Elephant in the room is do you think Tom Brady cheated ?

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