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Hard Knocks?

dudley dawson

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Anyone besides me think the Colts should do Hard Knocks?  I know it gets frowned upon by most fans when their team is on it , but i think it would exciting to see the interworkings of our organization.  But I'm probably in the minority :) .


I would love it. I think people really exaggerate the "distraction" aspect of it. 

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Anyone besides me think the Colts should do Hard Knocks? I know it gets frowned upon by most fans when their team is on it , but i think it would exciting to see the interworkings of our organization. But I'm probably in the minority :) .

H E Double Hockey Sticks NO!!!!!

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Anyone besides me think the Colts should do Hard Knocks?  I know it gets frowned upon by most fans when their team is on it , but i think it would exciting to see the interworkings of our organization.  But I'm probably in the minority :) .

First. I would love it.

Second. I wonder about the distraction piece too. I watched A Football Life on Bill Belchick last year (about 2 seasons ago) and they turned out fine. Given the player interaction is greater on Hard Knocks, AFL was filmed during the season and not training camp like HK.

Third. I love your user name! NERDS!!!!

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Anyone besides me think the Colts should do Hard Knocks? I know it gets frowned upon by most fans when their team is on it , but i think it would exciting to see the interworkings of our organization. But I'm probably in the minority :) .

As a colts fan I would love it. I guess most teams see it as a distraction

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They can't they win too much. You can't be on Hard Knocks if you've made the playoffs in the last 2 years.

Not true.

Every team can volonteere to be on the hardknocks.. Only when nobody wants it, the league can choose any team, except the teams that made the playoffs past 2 years or have a first year coach..

So colts could be on the hard knocks this year, if they want to.. Doubt it happens though..

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Not true.

Every team can volonteere to be on the hardknocks.. Only when nobody wants it, the league can choose any team, except the teams that made the playoffs past 2 years or have a first year coach..

So colts could be on the hard knocks this year, if they want to.. Doubt it happens though..


That's correct.  I think Dallas would do it every year if they'd let them.  It's free advertising for the team and it does help build fans. 


It's a great show, very well produced.  I'd love it if the Colts did it, but I doubt it would happen.  Not a lot of drama on our team now that TRich is gone.


Now, the Browns!  That's going to be a fun show.  Can't wait!

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Not true.

Every team can volonteere to be on the hardknocks.. Only when nobody wants it, the league can choose any team, except the teams that made the playoffs past 2 years or have a first year coach..

So colts could be on the hard knocks this year, if they want to.. Doubt it happens though..


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I'd love it. Instead of coming here to read posts about what happened at TC, I could actually see it on TV, with HBO quality production. I honestly think anyone that says they're against it would change their mind like one episode in after seeing Luck throw a back corner TD to Duron Carter.


The one aspect that I maybe wouldn't like is seeing guys get cut. That's always the bummer part of the show, and if it were the Colts, I'd undoubtedly be rooting for one of the guys that gets released in the 5th episode. Aside from that I'm all for it.

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Really? Now you are the spelling police? I think all of has a typo every once in a while. Or maybe we don't know exactly how to spell a word? Nice of you to make a point of it.

haha couldn't resist the temptation just gentle ribbing

By the way, it should read "I think all of US have a typo....."

haha haha haha. Sorry, just in one of those moods....

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Anyone besides me think the Colts should do Hard Knocks?  I know it gets frowned upon by most fans when their team is on it , but i think it would exciting to see the interworkings of our organization.  But I'm probably in the minority :) .

No way no how. It's a major distraction that's why they get out of the city for training camp. So there's no distraction they can just focus on football and nothing else. Let the New York team like the Jets take the limelight and will take the championships. 

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so a program showing the ins and outs of your favorite team is a no go for you?


Yep, i will not watch it. All those shows are is fake drama. Where there's not drama, they create it....when was the last time a team that was on that show wasn't in the news for drama in the locker room after that show?

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Yep, i will not watch it. All those shows are is fake drama. Where there's not drama, they create it....when was the last time a team that was on that show wasn't in the news for drama in the locker room after that show?


The Falcons, last year.


It's funny... How can you know the show is fake drama if you don't watch it?

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Yep, i will not watch it. All those shows are is fake drama. Where there's not drama, they create it....when was the last time a team that was on that show wasn't in the news for drama in the locker room after that show?

I don't recall any news worthy incidents occurring I'm any of the Maybe the cheeseburgers atty jets practice

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So is Fast and Loud........


I don't know what that is, so I assume it's not something that interests me.


I do know what Hard Knocks is, because I'm an NFL fan. And if they featured the Colts, I'd be all over it. 


You don't have to like it. That's your business. I just disagree with the classification of it as a reality show. It's not. There's no trumped up drama. It's a documentary. It's like watching the making of/special features to a movie you really like. That's not for some people, and that's fine. But that doesn't make it a reality show.

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I would watch the bejesus out of it.  I think it's great getting a better view of the interworkings of a team.  The process that the coaches use to evaluate the players, the different things they discuss in meetings, they way each team has the same goals but goes at things so differently, and it's always a blast when they show some of the things the vets make the rookies do.

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I don't know what that is, so I assume it's not something that interests me.


I do know what Hard Knocks is, because I'm an NFL fan. And if they featured the Colts, I'd be all over it. 


You don't have to like it. That's your business. I just disagree with the classification of it as a reality show. It's not. There's no trumped up drama. It's a documentary. It's like watching the making of/special features to a movie you really like. That's not for some people, and that's fine. But that doesn't make it a reality show.


It's a very well produced show, and they always pick story lines that have some 'drama' in them.  But the stories aren't staged, and every football team has them.  I don't watch reality shows, but my understanding is that most of them are basically scripted.  Hard Knocks is nothing like that.


Last year the Falcons were a pretty boring team, and they even managed to make that interesting.  I think it's pretty silly to think that the rest of the league would gain any advantage by seeing our 'inner workings', if that's the reason for not wanting it.  But to each their own.


Yes, it's a distraction.  But so is every other forced media interaction with the teams and they deal with it.  I'd love to see the Colts do it.

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We're not eligible. You can't have made the playoffs for the past two years.

As another rule they can't ask a new head coach, this doesn't apply to us but still. Those are two of the rules for asking/selecting teams.


As has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, we ARE eligible. 

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As has been pointed out multiple times in this thread, we ARE eligible.

Well according to ALL the people on Siriusxm NFL radio, If you've been in the playoffs within the past two seasons you aren't. Sorry, but I'll take an experts advice on this than any forum member.

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Well according to ALL the people on Siriusxm NFL radio, If you've been in the playoffs within the past two seasons you aren't. Sorry, but I'll take an experts advice on this than any forum member.

Every team in the NFL is eligible. We just can't be forced into doing it.

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