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does it hurt less


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It doesn't matter one way or the other. The Colts weren't playing yesterday so i didn't care. I like pete Carroll so i was rooting for sea. They didn't win and i don't care. I don't get the thinking that if the team that knockedyour team out of the playoff wins it all you should feel better. That's dumb your team still lost. Kay like when people say well since you like the illini you sure root for a big ten team to win the ncaa tourney. Stupid i hate the other 13 teams all year for 45yrs. Now I'm going to root for 1 cause they play in the same conference. Sorry it dont work like that.

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Every NFC team was sicker than the next one. This playoff loss for the colts is the same as every other blowout loss or playoff loss to the pats or any team for that matter, we are used to so many they don't hurt as much.

Every blowout loss hurts me more and more, since we got blown out more and more but the exact same way..

We were promised improvement and a monster... Haven't seen any..

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The fact that New England won last night makes it way less likely that the NFL does anything to punish them. It was a longshot anyways because Goodell and Kraft are best buds but there is no way the NFL does anything to the Super Bowl champs because they don't want to put a stain on it. Even though there already is one.

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The fact that New England won last night makes it way less likely that the NFL does anything to punish them. It was a longshot anyways because Goodell and Kraft are best buds but there is no way the NFL does anything to the Super Bowl champs because they don't want to put a stain on it. Even though there already is one.

Is that why Bill Belichick was fined 500,000$? Because the Patriots are best buds with Goodell?

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Every blowout loss hurts me more and more, since we got blown out more and more but the exact same way..

We were promised improvement and a monster... Haven't seen any..


I'm sorry you're not getting information and game results in Croatia....


-- We made the playoffs the 1st year...

-- We won a playoff game the 2nd year...

-- We won two playoff games the 3rd year.


You haven't seen any improvement?      I'm sorry to hear that......

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This forum is so funny at times, I wonder how many folks even remember what it was like to be a Colts fan before 1998. I sure as heck do.  It wasn't much fun being awful nearly every year.  


How about we take a step back and be thankful we are in the position we are in instead of criticizing everyone in our organization.  It is really old watching people who in most cases have never even played football outside of High School at best think they can do a better job that those who do it for a living.  Its comical really.  Grigson gets bashed all the time but he sure put a lot of talent on the roster awful quickly.  Sure there are holes, some big ones, but you cant go from a complete blow up of an organization to the SB overnight.  It takes time.  If its another couple years and we are still getting smashed by NE then fine, but how about we pump the brakes for now.

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I'm sorry you're not getting information and game results in Croatia....


-- We made the playoffs the 1st year...

-- We won a playoff game the 2nd year...

-- We won two playoff games the 3rd year.


You haven't seen any improvement?      I'm sorry to hear that......

We are a product of a weak division and lucked out with two depleted teams this playoffs. If we faced Balt or Pitt in the wildcard probably would have gotten scraped. Remember we beat SF DEN SEA last year before losing Reggie/Bradshaw as well as no Allen then we lost our way. This year we beat everyone who we were supposed to and got smoked by all the real teams. In my opinion we regressed.

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We are a product of a weak division and lucked out with two depleted teams this playoffs. If we faced Balt or Pitt in the wildcard probably would have gotten scraped. Remember we beat SF DEN SEA last year before losing Reggie/Bradshaw as well as no Allen then we lost our way. This year we beat everyone who we were supposed to and got smoked by all the real teams. In my opinion we regressed.

Oh you mean the Baltimore team we beat earlier in the year?  yeah we had no shot if we faced them.  

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We are a product of a weak division and lucked out with two depleted teams this playoffs. If we faced Balt or Pitt in the wildcard probably would have gotten scraped. Remember we beat SF DEN SEA last year before losing Reggie/Bradshaw as well as no Allen then we lost our way. This year we beat everyone who we were supposed to and got smoked by all the real teams. In my opinion we regressed.

I agree.  Show me an improved team that gets blown out multiple times by different teams in the same season.  Not just beat, but humiliated.  We had no business being in the AFC conference game and anyone who says otherwise obviously was not paying attention.

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We are a product of a weak division and lucked out with two depleted teams this playoffs. If we faced Balt or Pitt in the wildcard probably would have gotten scraped. Remember we beat SF DEN SEA last year before losing Reggie/Bradshaw as well as no Allen then we lost our way. This year we beat everyone who we were supposed to and got smoked by all the real teams. In my opinion we regressed.


I'm well aware of all your talking points.


But your claim of getting beaten by Baltimore is curious.    We faced Baltimore this year and we beat them.


If we're going further in the playoffs, then we're doing better -- not worse.


Plus,   we're only three years into a massive rebuild.   These things take time. 


Expecting more in such a short period of time is simply unrealistic.

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Oh you mean the Baltimore team we beat earlier in the year?  yeah we had no shot if we faced them.  

I know we beat them, but Bradshaw and Richardson were in, Bradshaw fumbled twice in the red zone, Flacco turns into a new person in the playoffs, nothing is guaranteed but either way my point was if we didnt face that particular Bengals team or that particular Denver team we wouldn't have had it so easy.

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I'm well aware of all your talking points.


But your claim of getting beaten by Baltimore is curious.    We faced Baltimore this year and we beat them.


If we're going further in the playoffs, then we're doing better -- not worse.


Plus,   we're only three years into a massive rebuild.   These things take time. 


Expecting more in such a short period of time is simply unrealistic.

I see us similar to the 09-10 Jets, they backed in to the playoffs in 09 and made it to the AFC CG against us and were outmatched, but came back the next year prepared, they still lost in the AFC CG to the steelers but they still beat Indy and NE to get there who were both much stronger than the Bengals and Charger teams they faced the year before. I know it takes time but honestly felt we could have went all the way last year considering who we beat in the regular season, IMO I feel we were closer last year, we just went into the playoffs decimated and had our perennial bullies against us a week earlier.


We saw last year by losing to NE and SD we couldn't stop the run, bringing in Art Jones changed nothing as we still couldn't stop the run against Philly or NE (twice) this year. But at least we beat 3 of the final four last year, this year we beat nobody good except an injured Broncos team.

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Hurt???? The pain was watching a pitiful performance from our team and defense miss tackles over and over....losing was not painful...the game was painful. After its over its over...we aren't talking about losing a family member or a lost love. We are talking a football game. I was only dissappointed in the performance because I was looking for a quality game...like I saw last night. Sometimes I wonder if people really DO take this stuff so serious.

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This forum is so funny at times, I wonder how many folks even remember what it was like to be a Colts fan before 1998. I sure as heck do.  It wasn't much fun being awful nearly every year.  


How about we take a step back and be thankful we are in the position we are in instead of criticizing everyone in our organization.  It is really old watching people who in most cases have never even played football outside of High School at best think they can do a better job that those who do it for a living.  Its comical really.  Grigson gets bashed all the time but he sure put a lot of talent on the roster awful quickly.  Sure there are holes, some big ones, but you cant go from a complete blow up of an organization to the SB overnight.  It takes time.  If its another couple years and we are still getting smashed by NE then fine, but how about we pump the brakes for now.

Hey now we had some nice runs there with Captain Comeback and Marshall. That AFC Championship loss to Pittsburgh is still one of my favorite Colt memories even though it didn't turn out well for us. What wasn't a favorite memory was all the blacked out games that we couldn't watch because we couldn't even sell out a tiny 28,000 or whatever it was seat stadium. We had A LOT of lean years....so I've appreciated all the wonderful games and memories with Peyton and Co. and now Luck.

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I'm sorry you're not getting information and game results in Croatia....

-- We made the playoffs the 1st year...

-- We won a playoff game the 2nd year...

-- We won two playoff games the 3rd year.

You haven't seen any improvement? I'm sorry to hear that......

No need for you to be condescending when you can't even read and interpret a simple comment..

I was clearly talking about blowout losses to the patriots..

Don't make yourself look even dumber than you are..

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I see us similar to the 09-10 Jets, they backed in to the playoffs in 09 and made it to the AFC CG against us and were outmatched, but came back the next year prepared, they still lost in the AFC CG to the steelers but they still beat Indy and NE to get there who were both much stronger than the Bengals and Charger teams they faced the year before. I know it takes time but honestly felt we could have went all the way last year considering who we beat in the regular season, IMO I feel we were closer last year, we just went into the playoffs decimated and had our perennial bullies against us a week earlier.


We saw last year by losing to NE and SD we couldn't stop the run, bringing in Art Jones changed nothing as we still couldn't stop the run against Philly or NE (twice) this year. But at least we beat 3 of the final four last year, this year we beat nobody good except an injured Broncos team.


This. The 2013 team was the best of the Luck-era Colts. If we weren't so ridiculously injury-riddled on offense, and Grigson had signed a competent #3 receiver in the prior off-season, I think they had a realistic shot at the Super Bowl. 

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It doesn't matter one way or the other. The Colts weren't playing yesterday so i didn't care. I like pete Carroll so i was rooting for sea. They didn't win and i don't care. I don't get the thinking that if the team that knockedyour team out of the playoff wins it all you should feel better. That's dumb your team still lost. Kay like when people say well since you like the illini you sure root for a big ten team to win the ncaa tourney. Stupid i hate the other 13 teams all year for 45yrs. Now I'm going to root for 1 cause they play in the same conference. Sorry it dont work like that.

Exactly.  My best friend is also a Colts fan and rooted for the Patriots yesterday because they were from the AFC. He says he is always for the AFC in the Super Bowl regardless.  I wanted to revoke his horse shoe card.  I bonded with my uncle instead during the game who is a Steelers fan and hates the Pats as much if not more than I do. 

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Man, hurts to see yet another ring for the Pats.  They consistently know how to win big games*---*with certain advantages at times.  


Now, its not heard of in sports to have a team stripped of their championship/accolades?  Did it not happen to Ohio St or USC in the recent past?  I just wish we had the true answer...do you reward your kids when they cheat on a test with A+ and say, yeah you can graduate to the next grade.  No, you flunk that class or receive a bit fat 0% on the test and say come back next year.  I fail to understand how we reward behavior like this...something is clearly amiss in the NFL---I hope their are still answers coming but I don't expect them...

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The Pats played a stronger game, but they should have lost this one except for "the worst call in super bowl history".


If it weren't for the best catch in superbowl history the seahawks would have not even been in that position. They got a bit lucky there themselves. The patriots earned this one. They made just enough plays to win. To the original question, to me it hurts more knowing that 9/10 we are gonna lose to them again next season. 

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I agree.  Show me an improved team that gets blown out multiple times by different teams in the same season.  Not just beat, but humiliated.  We had no business being in the AFC conference game and anyone who says otherwise obviously was not paying attention.


Well, my thought has always been if you win in the Wildcard Round and then again in the Divisional Round, then that team deserves to be in the AFC Championship Game.  Who else would have deserved it?  One of the vanquished teams?


And just so you know, I do play close attention.

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