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Brady "Sour Grapes"


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You do realize in just the last 45 days we have had three occurrences of teams violating the same rules the pats have alleged to have violated and nothing was done other than a warning to two of those teams.   And those have been forgotten about, and I bet you that before Sunday you could not even tell me who those three teams are as the stories went under the radar.  If the violation of the said rules is such an nationwide issue and such an integrity issue, then those three teams would have been well know prior to Sunday and we would of had threads in the General Forum discussing it.   


But we don't and that is the frustrating part for we pats fans.  Some teams violate the rules and it goes under the radar, but once the pats do it, it is a national crisis.  That is the part that is frustrating, the double standard. 


There were three teams found to have 11 balls below specs while the opposing team had all balls within specs? I did not know that


I'm sorry but I don't see the Patriots as the sole persecuted team in the NFL

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There were three teams found to have 11 balls below specs while the opposing team had all balls within specs? I did not know that


I'm sorry but I don't see the Patriots as the sole persecuted team in the NFL



Not to be a nit picker , but the report is that all 12 balls were found to under spec. 11 were exactly 2 lbs under and the 12 was under by an undisclosed number.

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Where has Kraft been? You see him on TV 100 times a game every time they show a touchdown? Where is he? It's Friday and he's been in hiding all week. Arrogance starts from the top down I guess.

He won't say anything until the league releases its investigation. That is pretty standard protocol as owner to wait for the findings and then comment ...

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There were three teams found to have 11 balls below specs while the opposing team had all balls within specs? I did not know that


I'm sorry but I don't see the Patriots as the sole persecuted team in the NFL


The truth is that no other team has been accused of this. Yehoodi is spinning like a top.

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law firms and forensic scientists and investigatory firms dont need to be brought in to handle this, the NFL has the people. typical nonsense to create layer upon layer of garbage to try to cover up the facts and delay the process so the NFL can get through next week. unbelievable

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law firms and forensic scientists and investigatory firms dont need to be brought in to handle this, the NFL has the people. typical nonsense to create layer upon layer of garbage to try to cover up the facts and delay the process so the NFL can get through next week. unbelievable


It doesn't do anyone any good to rush through anything. As much as I'd like to see the Pats severely punished right now, it's really not realistic to expect that to happen. Anytime something like this has come up, it takes weeks, or longer, for the league to act. And it's in the bylaws that the team gets a chance to defend itself. It's impossible to do that before the Super Bowl. 

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There are reports now that the Pats were playing with Colts balls in the first half ...


Best to wait for the investigation with all the conflicting reports on every detail.

I know you have been on this forum for awhile.  But, I feel like I need to remind you that you will get back what you put out.  The Patriots cheated. Again.  The Colts game against the Pats was awful.  We didn't even appear to be awake.  But to call what happened pregame chaos and justify cheating because it didn't make a difference in the game?  WHATEVER!  You sound like my ex-husband!

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Listening to Bob Ryan of the Boston Globe on SC this morning is actually hilarious. "If this was ANY other team no one would care! It would be the backpage of Tuesday's news and a slap on the wrist! I think this will fire them up even more I feel bad for the Seahawks!" the hypocrisy and deflection's are actually getting really annoying.


Wait....what is so hilarious about this?


You literally admitted to this same thing in the other thread....


Correct, if this was Tampa, or Tennessee, this would not be an issue. It is a big issue because it happened in a championship game followed by an off week and it is by the team that got caught cheating once before


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You post here as though you are trying to build a portfolio for a Patriots PR position.  And you get lots of practice bobbing and weaving and misdirecting and shifting and spinning.


But honestly, this blame the whistle blower thing is ridiculous and an argument for someone who has no other defense.


Your team, has arrogantly boasted about knowing the rules so well......so much better than everyone else, that they are able to shift things to their advantage.


In this case they broke the rule.  So, I'm not buying into your effort to turn this into something about the Colts


This is about the Patriots.


Now if you are going to go with "You can't prove anything" (another argument for someone who has no defense) fine


You can now proceed with conjuring unlikely scenerios in which nobody in the Patriots knew anything about this and are complete victims.

BOOM!  Now this is a post!  Thank you Nadine!

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Wait....what is so hilarious about this?


You literally admitted to this same thing in the other thread....




Because it was the second offense in a championship game...not week 17 Tampa. To think it would be a nonstory for other teams would be correct, but it's not. It's the cheaters again and they deserve to be shamed like they have been.

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It doesn't do anyone any good to rush through anything. As much as I'd like to see the Pats severely punished right now, it's really not realistic to expect that to happen. Anytime something like this has come up, it takes weeks, or longer, for the league to act. And it's in the bylaws that the team gets a chance to defend itself. It's impossible to do that before the Super Bowl. 


Throw in the backlash the NFL has endured for recent quick decisions, and yeah, this won't be a quick resolution.

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Throw in the backlash the NFL has endured for recent quick decisions, and yeah, this won't be a quick resolution.

That's the choice, make a decision now to clean up your image but "deflate" the superbowl game and be at risk that a non-thorough investigation was made, or wait til after the superbowl for the best profits and ratings but then ruin your integrity.

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Here's the issue. You guys are setting yourselves up for a big letdown.


In the past, you guys have used the Patriots punishment for Spygate as the way to justify how serious it was. How many times have we heard here, "Well if it wasn't a big deal, then why did they get the biggest fine in history and lose a 1st Round Pick?" We hear it all the time. Ok fine...you believe the punishment proves it was a big deal. Let's go with that.


Now, with this ball pressure thing, if the Patriots do not receive a huge punishment...a 'slap of the wrist' as it has been called here...are you all going to be consistent in how you perceive it? Would the 'small punishment' be indicative of just how silly the reaction has been to all this in the same way you have used a big punishment as proof for how big a deal it was?

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You do realize in just the last 45 days we have had three occurrences of teams violating the same rules the pats have alleged to have violated and nothing was done other than a warning to two of those teams.   And those have been forgotten about, and I bet you that before Sunday you could not even tell me who those three teams are as the stories went under the radar.  If the violation of the said rules is such an nationwide issue and such an integrity issue, then those three teams would have been well know prior to Sunday and we would of had threads in the General Forum discussing it.   


But we don't and that is the frustrating part for we pats fans.  Some teams violate the rules and it goes under the radar, but once the pats do it, it is a national crisis.  That is the part that is frustrating, the double standard. 

The only frustrating thing about being a Patriots fan is the fact that the team you supports not only continues to cheat, but they continue to get caught. Brady comes out and says "Study the rulebook." one week, and the next week gets caught cheating and tries to act like he didn't know he was cheating. It's cheating and against the rules no matter how you twist it.


Stop trying to say "well this other team did it!" like that is going to make anyone not care that the Patriots cheated. That's the natural reaction for Patriots fans, put the blame on others and take blame off of ourselves. It doesn't work that way. You cheat, you get caught, you deal with it.

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Here's the issue. You guys are setting yourselves up for a big letdown.


In the past, you guys have used the Patriots punishment for Spygate as the way to justify how serious it was. How many times have we heard here, "Well if it wasn't a big deal, then why did they get the biggest fine in history and lose a 1st Round Pick?" We hear it all the time. Ok fine...you believe the punishment proves it was a big deal. Let's go with that.


Now, with this ball pressure thing, if the Patriots do not receive a huge punishment...a 'slap of the wrist' as it has been called here...are you all going to be consistent in how you perceive it? Would the 'small punishment' be indicative of just how silly the reaction has been to all this in the same way you have used a big punishment as proof for how big a deal it was?


No, deflate-gate, on it's own, will be blown out of proportion thanks to SpyGate. And that wouldn't be fair.


HOWEVER, that's why SpyGate was so bad, as it's now historically going to be referred to as long as BB and the Pats organization in general will be judged.


BB's personality, arrogance of some ex-players (and some present), and the phrase 'The Patriot Way' all play into this also.

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Because it was the second offense in a championship game...not week 17 Tampa. To think it would be a nonstory for other teams would be correct, but it's not. It's the cheaters again and they deserve to be shamed like they have been.


Ah...I see. So now it's you who's jumping around a bit...


All week you've been talking about the integrity of the game and how it doesn't matter how insignificant the offense itself was because it's still cheating. Now you're saying that the conditions of the situation do, in fact, matter. "Because it was the Patriots, in a championship game...and not Tampa, in week 17"....why should any of that matter if your chief concern is the integrity of the game of football?


So in reality it isn't about the integrity of the game at all for you, because if it was, the team involved shouldn't matter, the month the game is played in shouldn't matter, none of that should matter because after all, cheating is cheating, right?


Just come out and say it. You are extra angry because it's the Patriots...to you it wouldn't matter if it was the first offense or the fourth, but since it's the Patriots, it's a national tragedy.

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Here's the issue. You guys are setting yourselves up for a big letdown.


In the past, you guys have used the Patriots punishment for Spygate as the way to justify how serious it was. How many times have we heard here, "Well if it wasn't a big deal, then why did they get the biggest fine in history and lose a 1st Round Pick?" We hear it all the time. Ok fine...you believe the punishment proves it was a big deal. Let's go with that.


Now, with this ball pressure thing, if the Patriots do not receive a huge punishment...a 'slap of the wrist' as it has been called here...are you all going to be consistent in how you perceive it? Would the 'small punishment' be indicative of just how silly the reaction has been to all this in the same way you have used a big punishment as proof for how big a deal it was?



BTW... for Mayo whatever his name is .. would you relay this to him you you guys stumble over each other. The report is saying that the balls entered into the game at half time .. the ones BROUGHT UP TO PROPER PRESSURE .. . STAYED THAT WAY THROUGHOUT THE  "ENTIRE" get that... ENTIRE... one more time... ENTIRE  2ND HALF.  


The above is EVIDENCE that the "WEATHER" did not deflate the footballs. The Colt balls were Ok , the Patriot cheat balls once re inflated were OK. Pretty much proves at least one of those two rotten , cheating creeps was lying yesterday. I think the penalty might be a little more than you people are thinking. It's going to be pretty much obvious that at least Brady lied and that will not be looked at favorably.

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Here's the issue. You guys are setting yourselves up for a big letdown.


In the past, you guys have used the Patriots punishment for Spygate as the way to justify how serious it was. How many times have we heard here, "Well if it wasn't a big deal, then why did they get the biggest fine in history and lose a 1st Round Pick?" We hear it all the time. Ok fine...you believe the punishment proves it was a big deal. Let's go with that.


Now, with this ball pressure thing, if the Patriots do not receive a huge punishment...a 'slap of the wrist' as it has been called here...are you all going to be consistent in how you perceive it? Would the 'small punishment' be indicative of just how silly the reaction has been to all this in the same way you have used a big punishment as proof for how big a deal it was?

A slap on the wrist isn't a fair punishment. The team continues to bend and break rules to their hearts content and they are smug and have absolutely no remorse. If they owned up to it and said, we knowingly broke the rule and we accept any punishment from the NFL, I would probably be okay with a smaller punishment even with the past incidents. However they don't care, they are in the Superbowl and broke rules to get their and they know there's nothing the NFL will do about it at this point. That is the main reason the hammer needs to be brought down full force. The Patriots need to have a come to Jesus meeting with authority instead of walking around with a God complex. Until the are properly punished they have proven they will continue to cheat. If they get away with it, then why have a rule book in the first place?

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Ah...I see. So now it's you who's jumping around a bit...


All week you've been talking about the integrity of the game and how it doesn't matter how insignificant the offense itself was because it's still cheating. Now you're saying that the conditions of the situation do, in fact, matter.


So in reality it isn't about the integrity of the game at all for you, because if it was, the team involved shouldn't matter, the month the game is played in shouldn't matter, none of that should matter because after all, cheating is cheating, right?


Just come out and say it. You are * because it's the Patriots...to you it wouldn't matter if it was the first offense or the fourth, but since it's the Patriots, it's a national tragedy.

Okay, seriously people have tried being civil with you time and time again. All you want to do is twist words to make it seem like your team is the victim. Dude they cheated. Regardless of what the other forum member said, I personally don't care if it was a Pre-Season game. The date, time, location, or planet of the game in question doesn't matter. The team cheated. That is what everyone is fed up about. It's not the first time, and probably will not be the last time they cheat.

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BTW... for Mayo whatever his name is .. would you relay this to him you you guys stumble over each other. The report is saying that the balls entered into the game at half time .. the ones BROUGHT UP TO PROPER PRESSURE .. . STAYED THAT WAY THROUGHOUT THE  "ENTIRE" get that... ENTIRE... one more time... ENTIRE  2ND HALF.  


The above is EVIDENCE that the "WEATHER" did not deflate the footballs. The Colt balls were Ok , the Patriot cheat balls once re inflated were OK. Pretty much proves at least one of those two rotten , cheating creeps was lying yesterday. I think the penalty might be a little more than you people are thinking. It's going to be pretty much obvious that at least Brady lied and that will not be looked at favorably.


I find it interesting what the release did not say. It did not confirm that they were at the proper PSI when the refs finished inspecting them. It specifically stated the state of the balls at 1/2 time and the end of the game. Then there is the  (deliberate?) use of the word under-inflated, and not deflated. ''




Looks to me like the NFL again is trying to give itself an out. 

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Okay, seriously people have tried being civil with you time and time again. All you want to do is twist words to make it seem like your team is the victim. Dude they cheated. Regardless of what the other forum member said, I personally don't care if it was a Pre-Season game. The date, time, location, or planet of the game in question doesn't matter. The team cheated. That is what everyone is fed up about. It's not the first time, and probably will not be the last time they cheat.


Look, my response was to bababooey, who for whatever reason, has been at the forefront of this anti-Patriot revolution that's been going on all week. Badmouth the team all you want...but he's been disrespectful to us as fans, he's been tripping over himself just throwing out the buzzwords over and over while not contributing anything of substance to any conversation...so you know what? I'm going to call him out on the hypocrisy he's showed about trying to claim its all about the integrity of the game. I'm sorry but those who are the loudest get the most attention...and hes certainly been the loudest this week and I've been reading what he says and it just hasnt been consistent.

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I find it interesting what the release did not say. It did not confirm that they were at the proper PSI when the refs finished inspecting them. It specifically stated the state of the balls at 1/2 time and the end of the game. Then there is the  (deliberate?) use of the word under-inflated, and not deflated. ''




Looks to me like the NFL again is trying to give itself an out. 


uh oh....now you've done it. 

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.


You're just not following this story very closely.     It was Baltimore who tipped off the Colts.


And once the word on the sidelines got to Grigson,  what was he supposed to do?    You were caught cheating,  HELLO?!?


And, to a man, every member of the Colts said this played no part -- zero -- on the outcome of the game.     The Pats kicked the Colts butt all over the field.     No question.    No one has said or hinted otherwise.


If you simply followed the story and not just barf up opinions to defend the indefensible,  you wouldn't be getting killed here.


A lot of people like you here....   but you've lost all sorts of credibility this week.    Your posts are consistently off point and ridiculous....

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I find it interesting what the release did not say. It did not confirm that they were at the proper PSI when the refs finished inspecting them. It specifically stated the state of the balls at 1/2 time and the end of the game. Then there is the  (deliberate?) use of the word under-inflated, and not deflated. ''




Looks to me like the NFL again is trying to give itself an out. 



What are you trying to say ? They were properly inflated at the end of the game. What do you mean by your 2nd sentence ?

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What are you trying to say ? They were properly inflated at the end of the game. What do you mean by your 2nd sentence ?


Actually, rereading the release, I missed an important piece. They did say the "standard was satisfied" before the game. They just broke that part away from where they described the state at 1/2 time and at the end of the game.  This is what happens when I post from work :) mea culpa?


I guess what I am trying to say is they term it underinflation , which implies, something was wrong, vs deflation, which implies a deliberate act. So to me, this is the NFL covering all the bases..ie, maybe they did, maybe they didnt, but rest assured, we're on it!

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I don't know your team seems to always have some issue with the Pats every time we beat you - the field being uncovered, the weather, rule changes to stop our DBs from being physical, and now ball inflation. Honestly, if I was a Colts fan, I would be asking Ryan Grigson why he cared so much about ball inflation prior to the AFC title game then getting his team prepared to compete. I mean you had a player miss the plane, you suspended another one and then deactivated your two number one picks on defense. Complete disarray. That was by far the least competitive game the two teams have played and the SB was on the line. I would rather have the Colts forget the balls and compete and win and be going to the bowl. But that is just me.

keep deflecting the fact the pats cheated. You look more and more ridiculous with each post. Get, what happened to the "the nfl isn't going to do anythin" mantra? Ted Wells is now investigating the case

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There were three teams found to have 11 balls below specs while the opposing team had all balls within specs? I did not know that


I'm sorry but I don't see the Patriots as the sole persecuted team in the NFL


No there were three teams that violated the NFL rules with respect to balls.  What part did you not understand?


So if the pats only had 4 balls underinflated they are innocent.  Is that your position?  Three balls, two balls, how many makes them innocent? 

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Actually, rereading the release, I missed an important piece. They did say the "standard was satisfied" before the game. They just broke that part away from where they described the state at 1/2 time and at the end of the game.  This is what happens when I post from work :) mea culpa?


I guess what I am trying to say is they term it underinflation , which implies, something was wrong, vs deflation, which implies a deliberate act. So to me, this is the NFL covering all the bases..ie, maybe they did, maybe they didnt, but rest assured, we're on it!



That's what I thought you meant after I posted that, Yeah... the officiating crew claims they tested the balls for air pressure when they initially checked them.

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No there were three teams that violated the NFL rules with respect to balls.  What part did you not understand?


So if the pats only had 4 balls underinflated they are innocent.  Is that your position?  Three balls, two balls, how many makes them innocent? 

I think that I am most familiar with what happened in this case.  So, my position is that's the part that I understand.  No need to call me a hypocrite.  I understand you are pursuing arguments in support of your team.  It's just in this case, it is so glaring.  


I guess it's up to the NFL to consider all the other cases you refer to.  I understand they've brought in all sorts of people and have done 40 interviews already.


If you are right and it's no different than what these others have done then I guess you'll prove right.

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Look, my response was to bababooey, who for whatever reason, has been at the forefront of this anti-Patriot revolution that's been going on all week. Badmouth the team all you want...but he's been disrespectful to us as fans, he's been tripping over himself just throwing out the buzzwords over and over while not contributing anything of substance to any conversation...so you know what? I'm going to call him out on the hypocrisy he's showed about trying to claim its all about the integrity of the game. I'm sorry but those who are the loudest get the most attention...and hes certainly been the loudest this week and I've been reading what he says and it just hasnt been consistent.

why are you even here? if you want to be in a * with all the other clueless pats fan just click underneath any boston globe or espn boston article on facebook. you know im right.  your team cheated and got caught twice. your team and fans are arrogant, the culture is anything to get an edge. its a cheating culture. this is bigger than the footballs, it's the issue of the culture of cheating at an organization that has been looked at as the gold standard of the league and they continue to break the rules.

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The only frustrating thing about being a Patriots fan is the fact that the team you supports not only continues to cheat, but they continue to get caught. Brady comes out and says "Study the rulebook." one week, and the next week gets caught cheating and tries to act like he didn't know he was cheating. It's cheating and against the rules no matter how you twist it.


Stop trying to say "well this other team did it!" like that is going to make anyone not care that the Patriots cheated. That's the natural reaction for Patriots fans, put the blame on others and take blame off of ourselves. It doesn't work that way. You cheat, you get caught, you deal with it.


My point went over your head apparently.


You and I drive down a road with a speed limit of 30 MPH and we both drive 35 MPH driving the same car with same traffic, you either get a pass or a warning.  I get a ticket and am labeled a threat to society.   I accept the ticket and accept that I was speeding (even though everyone drives 35 MPH), but what I don't appreciate is that one person is innocent and I am labeled a threat to society when driving 35 MPH in a 30 MPH zone.


What you do not understand, is I accept the speeding ticket but not the label a threat to society whilst another gets to slide.  Understand my point?

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I find it interesting what the release did not say. It did not confirm that they were at the proper PSI when the refs finished inspecting them. It specifically stated the state of the balls at 1/2 time and the end of the game. Then there is the (deliberate?) use of the word under-inflated, and not deflated. ''

Looks to me like the NFL again is trying to give itself an out.

How dare you post this!

The Colts should be awarded the AFCCG and play in the SuperBowl.. and at half time Brady and Belichick should be dragged out in chains. Then an announcement over the loud speaker asks the audience to look under their seats, where they will find a small bucket of stones... Everyone then proceeds to stone BB and Brady to death while the crowd cheers!

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I think that I am most familiar with what happened in this case.  So, my position is that's the part that I understand.  No need to call me a hypocrite.  I understand you are pursuing arguments in support of your team.  It's just in this case, it is so glaring.  


I guess it's up to the NFL to consider all the other cases you refer to.  I understand they've brought in all sorts of people and have done 40 interviews already.


If you are right and it's no different than what these others have done then I guess you'll prove right.


I am not calling you a hypocrite, it is just that when other violate the rule they get a slide or its not even something that hits the radar, then when the pats do it, they are a threat to national security.  Like I mentioned in my post to corgi (post #116), I accept the speeding ticket and that I am speeding, but do not appreciate being labeled a threat to society.  That is the point.

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I am not calling you a hypocrite, it is just that when other violate the rule they get a slide or its not even something that hits the radar, then when the pats do it, they are a threat to national security.  Like I mentioned in my post to corgi (post #116), I accept the speeding ticket and that I am speeding, but do not appreciate being labeled a threat to society.  That is the point.

I know

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why are you even here? if you want to be in a * with all the other clueless pats fan just click underneath any boston globe or espn boston article on facebook. you know im right.  your team cheated and got caught twice. your team and fans are arrogant, the culture is anything to get an edge. its a cheating culture. this is bigger than the footballs, it's the issue of the culture of cheating at an organization that has been looked at as the gold standard of the league and they continue to break the rules.


And there it is again. This is all you have offered to this debate all week. "Your team cheats...you fans suck...I hate your team...you fans suck...your team is scum...you fans suck." Just save yourself some time and copy and paste it every 4 minutes and that would be the equivalent to your presence on this board this week. All you're trying to do is elicit a negative response from us...and I don't know if you know this, but that is the definition of trolling. It does't matter if this is a Colts board, trolling is trolling, and when your sole purpose by posting is to get negative responses...well, there you go.


It's always so very telling when someone says 'why are you even here'....because the only time it ever comes up is when they have nothing else to offer a conversation. Its like you're holding your hands over your ears saying 'But! But! But!....YOU CHEATED!" That's all you got.

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