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Patriots being investigated for Deflating footballs.....(Mega Merge)


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If this report is accurate then I hope the NFL sets a stern example by actually punishing this repetitively bad franchise.

As a repeat offender they should lose an entire drafts worth of picks spread over two seasons, odd then even.

Why should they be allowed to advance? Why are we fans not taking to social media demanding their disqualification?


In what sporting realm can a team/competitor be caught cheating and still be allowed to play for a championship the following game? This is ludicrous. 

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Not. The. Point. 


My god, I don't understand why they did this. Despicable, just disturbing and wholly disillusioning toward the integrity of this league. 


You wanna "protect the shield", Roger? Do something about this. Fans should boycott the Super Bowl. Cheaters have no place in that game. ANY other non-pro sport would consider this grounds for disqualification. 


I actually defended them due to what I considered an absolutely ridiculous premise. They need to pay for this. We didn't lose because of this, but cheating is cheating is cheating. 


Just like college football did when Notre Dame had their grass too long for the "Bush push" game or like NASCAR when a drivers car is found to be illegal after a race. Or in baseball when pitchers a nail file to ding up the ball or use too much pine tar. I know what the Patriots did is bush league, but I don't think it requires fans boycotting the Super Bowl. That's a little much. The NFL and the Super Bowl aren't exactly the perfect standard for high character and all things holy.

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From what I read the NFL Brass is disgusted over it

NE should be disqualified and the team they cheated against should advance. as fans, we cannot stand for this. Draft picks? Fines in a multibillion dollar industry? Really? 


Why are they being allowed to play for a championship right after being caught (YET AGAIN) cheating? 

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Hopefully the Pats lose a 1st rounder for this, that would be my guess. They lost a 1st round pick for spygate and the Saints lost 2 2nds for Bountygate (didn't have a 1st). I'm guessing a 1st rounder and a fine will be the punishment. Hopefully like Bountygate, the head coach (Belicheck in this case), will be suspended for a year as well.

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I don't think it requires fans boycotting the Super Bowl. That's a little much. 

Explain why?


Titles are removed from people for cheating, teams are disqualified. Why not in the NFL?


The NFL Network is avoiding right now, joking about it. 

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Now they need to fine the team a hefty amount along with the owner, suspend Belichick for not only the super Bowl... but all of next season because they have been caught cheating multiple times. The NFL wont be able to sweep this under the rug by burning the evidence like they did with Spygate to cover their butts. New England is and forever will be tainted.

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A team can be fined if it is found to be knowingly altering the weight of the football.

The NFL's game operations manual states: "Once the balls have left the locker room, no one, including players, equipment managers, ball boys, and coaches, is allowed to alter the footballs in any way. If any individual alters the footballs, or if a non-approved ball is used in the game, the person responsible and, if appropriate, the head coach or other club personnel will be subject to discipline, including but not limited to, a fine of $25,000."

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Belichick should be suspended for the Super Bowl, and they should lose all their draft picks in 2015.

They would still survive fine but I definitely take solace in the fact knowing that not only the first three rings aren't legitimate but now the possibly fourth ring isn't. Bill needs to be gone no doubt about it. Most postseason wins? Most postseason passing records? All tarnished completely. Record books won't reflect it and neither will hall of fame consideration but now EVERYONE has definitive proof.
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I'd suspend Belichick for a year if it were me.  You are messing with the integrity of the game which to me is right up there with the Saints putting out hits on players maybe even worse.  Not only that but the guy is a repeat offender of breaking the  rules of the game. How much of this crap are they going to put up with?  It's pretty disgusting really.

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A team can be fined if it is found to be knowingly altering the weight of the football.

The NFL's game operations manual states: "Once the balls have left the locker room, no one, including players, equipment managers, ball boys, and coaches, is allowed to alter the footballs in any way. If any individual alters the footballs, or if a non-approved ball is used in the game, the person responsible and, if appropriate, the head coach or other club personnel will be subject to discipline, including but not limited to, a fine of $25,000."


"including but not limited to" is the interesting part.  That means it is not limited to a fine.

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Now they need to fine the team a hefty amount along with the owner, suspend Belichick for not only the super Bowl... but all of next season because they have been caught cheating multiple times. The NFL wont be able to sweep this under the rug by burning the evidence like they did with Spygate to cover their butts. New England is and forever will be tainted.

Agreed this will stick with BB, TB, and the Pats Franchise for awhile

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I'd suspend Belichick for a year if it were me.  You are messing with the integrity of the game which to me is right up there with the Saints putting out hits on players maybe even worse.  Not only that but the guy is a repeat offender of breaking the  rules of the game. How much of this crap are they going to put up with?  It's pretty disgusting really.

I think he should be suspended indefinitely effective immediately meaning he would miss the Super Bowl and then after next season is over I would be open to lifting the suspension assuming he stays out of trouble (which I am sure he would he's a cheater not doing things outside the game) and be told if he is ever caught cheating again he would be facing a life-time ban.   

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Like BB had anything to do with the balls...

But of course if I were a Colts fan I would want BB to be removed from the league so they could actually start winning some games vs the Pats.


Lets be truthful, that's exactly what you are all thinking.

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I agree. I bet they've done it many times before just that nobody noticed it.

There were reports the Colts first noticed it during the Sunday Night Game thus they were tipped off to it going into the playoff game.  I highly doubt that this was just done in the two Colts games.  I think the Pats have been doing this for a while. 

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Like BB had anything to do with the balls...

But of course if I were a Colts fan I would want BB to be removed from the league so they could actually start winning some games vs the Pats.


Lets be truthful, that's exactly what you are all thinking.


How does it feel knowing your team will never have a legitimate Super Bowl win?


New England Asterisks tbh. 

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Like BB had anything to do with the balls...

But of course if I were a Colts fan I would want BB to be removed from the league so they could actually start winning some games vs the Pats.


Lets be truthful, that's exactly what you are all thinking.

Or maybe, that cheating is wrong and that there are rules in the game for a purpose.


This is twice the Pats have been caught for cheating, now. It's ridiculous that a championship team can get away with tampering with equipment for a competitive advantage and get away with it. Some sort of punishment needs to happen.

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