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Josh McNary charged with rape (Merge)


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Is this player important for you guys?


What a terrible situation before the biggest game of the year.

He hasn't played a singled defensive snap in the playoffs. Some special teams against the Bengals, but that's it.  It might be a bigger loss if D'Qwell or Jerrell went down, but they're still truckin *knock on wood*.

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Is this player important for you guys?


What a terrible situation before the biggest game of the year.

He had 2 special teams tackles last year, Not sure this year, I don't believe he was important for us though from any standpoint though except just a numbers game

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Above is a link to many articles proving that rape is an anger, domination, control issue, more than a sexual encounter.

This isn't about who he is and what chicks he can pick up or not pick up.

Instead of speculating what happened, I will hope that a thorough investigation is done and justice is served. Also, that this awful incident doesn't take the teams focus off of Sunday.

moving on.....

I agree with you. That's why I've said, multiple times, it was a completely stupid and ignorant comment.

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there are different kinds of respect. I can respect McNary for his service to the country while at the same time having zero respect for him on a personal level should these charges be true. Likewise, I respect everyone in every branch of the military for their sacrifice and their service to the country while at the same time admitting and understanding that not all of them are good people on a personal level.

Very true. Im on board with that.

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I feel for all those affected by this. Most importantly to the young woman and families. Of course I would hope something like this is untrue of a guy a lot of people looked up to for his military service but obviously there is a lot of evidence since he is being charged. Horrible story all around. This has nothing to do with Colts etc...thats the last thing of concern. Real people being effected by real serious stuff. Someday hopefully this stuff will be a rare thing...unfortunately we here of this all too often.

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I think we should make him our captain!  Make him the face of the franchise... lmao of course, cut him!  What are we wating for?

Of course he is getting his due process. That is only fair. Nobody here knows the real truth. However if he is guilty I can't even describe my disgust...and if he isn't...that would be an utterly terrible thing too. Time and judicial system will hopefully work this all out and the truth hopefully will be brought to light and any wrong doing properly punished.

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I'll most definietely take someone's advise on a forum and spend he money to go to one. Jesus. Just because we disagree doesn't mean you have to be rude.

I would never purposely be rude but the statement was crass and completely off base of what rape is and the pain it causes. That's not something to be taken lightly as if he's casually dating.

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Has anyone else taken the time to read the police report, all 15 pages.... as someone who's trained in investigations, I must first commend the detective for a very thorough job.

However, 2 things pop out at me.

1st. Mc Nary is said to have preserved all the bedding and clothing in question.

2nd. This 2nd white male thats listed in the report as being present during this time. His occupation stands out to me. A Talent casting agent. Now I'm going to speculate but I am looking this agency up to see what type of talent they deal with. It could be he was trying to coherse her with some acting or modeling career or it could be this man is a porn producer and they tried to get her to have sex for that reason. Either way, the presence of a talent agent is intriguing to me and I'd want dig deeper into that.

Van Crafton was the 31 year old white, Casting360 talent agent, rather a model/client and NOT an agent, friend at the scene. They didn't redact his name from the end of the case file PDF.

Here's his profile for Casting360:


The victim while spotty on her memory didn't mention a 2nd man in the apartment at any point and the buildings security cameras didn't show him entering the apartment until after the incident. He was said to have been sleeping in his car in the parking lot (one would assume so he wouldn't interfere with his friend's, McNary's, chance of 'hookin up'). So, I don't think your porn scout theory holds up.

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Van Crafton was the 31 year old white, Casting360 talent agent, rather a model/client and NOT an agent, friend at the scene. They didn't redact his name from the end of the case file PDF.

Here's his profile for Casting360:


The victim while spotty on her memory didn't mention a 2nd man in the apartment at any point and the buildings security cameras didn't show him entering the apartment until after the incident. He was said to have been sleeping in his car in the parking lot (one would assume so he wouldn't interfere with his friend's, McNary's, chance of 'hookin up'). So, I don't think your porn scout theory holds up.

Didn't think it would. I was just throwing it at there for as a question as to where and how the dude played a role.

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Ok... So first off I would like to start with I have been in the Army for over 10 years as a Military Police Officer and an Inspector General.  On the civilian side I am a professional interviewer/ Interrogator with several professional certifications/ designations, part of which being a certified forensic interviewer and document analyst.


To address the military aspect of it:  We have a serious issue in the military with sexual assaults and rapes.  No question about it.  Much of our time training is spend on teaching Soldiers how to identify the signs of sexual assualt/ rape and how to prevent it from occuring.  It is something the military has spent a good deal of time and money on trying to address and it is still very much a work in progress.  It is a very unfortunate reality that the men and women who are so looked up to by much of America have this kind of problem within the ranks. 


Now, looking at the police report there are several odd contradictions that strike me as suspicious.  I won't go over all of them here but some of the most glaring were the fact that the victim reported walking up meridian street after leaving the apartment when later there is an Uber receipt showing she was picked up right outside of the apartment on Illinois street.  Next, it is clear the victim was extremely intoxicated if not possibly drugged.  Given that, the different details she can recall and not recall are very interesting.  This could be attributed to her blacking out and coming back around but the specifics she goes into just strike me as odd given the state she claimed to be in.  Its little details like that that should give the investigator pause.


Also, the incident happened on Dec 1st.  In the report the detective goes from learning T-mobile doesnt save tex message data on Dec 18th to getting a warrant for McNary's phone on Jan 5th. That's a long 2 1/2 weeks to wait before requesting a warrant for his phone.  Why the delay?  Holiday break perhaps?  Also, the fact that McNary took photos of the bedding and his injuries point to the fact that perhaps there is more to this story than we know at this point.  Given his statements to his friend it sounds like McNary was rather intoxicated as well.  Clearly, if rape occured this would not excuse his actions one bit.  Just another piece of the puzzle.


Clearly without McNary's side of the story we can't really come up with any solid conclusions.  Again, as someone trained to disect statements for signs of deception I find lots to be concerned with given the victims side of the story.


Not defending either side, just trying to give an unbiased assessment of the information that is out there.

Thanks for the professional opinion.

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I would never purposely be rude but the statement was crass and completely off base of what rape is and the pain it causes. That's not something to be taken lightly as if he's casually dating.



People are taking what I posted the wrong way. And yeah I know, my friend was raped. But ya sad isn't that it happened

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he is on the exempt/commissioners list

I know, but if you get charged with something that means the PA believes they have enough evidence to convict you.  Also meaning he was more than likely engaging in activity that the Colts organization wouldn't be proud of, regardless if he raped her or not.  Wheter drugs or violence was involved, who knows.  I don't think the Colts need any distractions at this point in the season.  He is a backup player, who hasn't really contributed all year, so I don't see any reason to keep baggage around.

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Of course he is getting his due process. That is only fair. Nobody here knows the real truth. However if he is guilty I can't even describe my disgust...and if he isn't...that would be an utterly terrible thing too. Time and judicial system will hopefully work this all out and the truth hopefully will be brought to light and any wrong doing properly punished.

The problem I have with the "due process" these athletes are millionaires, and in the court of law (believe it or not, money matters).  I see it happen all too often.  Money gets thrown around and some people just aren't that guilty all of the sudden.  Makes me sick to my stomach, how this world works!  Regular people get arrested for a crime and do year's, in return a famous person gets convicted for the same crime, and gets charges dropped or probation.  How does that even seem fair?  Just because you have more money to pay a smarter lawyer, to sling around nonsense to the judge, and find loopholes in the laws.  I have absolutely no respect for famous people who live above the law, and our judicial system.  Justice is a joke!  Accusations are one thing, but if the state files charges it's another...

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I know, but if you get charged with something that means the PA believes they have enough evidence to convict you. Also meaning he was more than likely engaging in activity that the Colts organization wouldn't be proud of, regardless if he raped her or not. Wheter drugs or violence was involved, who knows. I don't think the Colts need any distractions at this point in the season. He is a backup player, who hasn't really contributed all year, so I don't see any reason to keep baggage around.

He isn't around the team going forward unless he is exonerated
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Right, but he is still associated with the Indianapolis Colts. News reports still link the two together. It doesn't read former Indianapolis Colts player.

If it was Andrew luck it would be a distraction. A special teams player and his nonsense isn't going to be a distraction

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The problem I have with the "due process" these athletes are millionaires, and in the court of law (believe it or not, money matters).  I see it happen all too often.  Money gets thrown around and some people just aren't that guilty all of the sudden.  Makes me sick to my stomach, how this world works!  Regular people get arrested for a crime and do year's, in return a famous person gets convicted for the same crime, and gets charges dropped or probation.  How does that even seem fair?  Just because you have more money to pay a smarter lawyer, to sling around nonsense to the judge, and find loopholes in the laws.  I have absolutely no respect for famous people who live above the law, and our judicial system.  Justice is a joke!  Accusations are one thing, but if the state files charges it's another...

thats sad but I'm not interested in the fact he can get a good lawyer or because he doesn't work a lay job that he would get fired for this. All I'm interested in is fair process in this instance. Every circumstance is different...he and the accuser deserve fair process is all I'm saying...regardless of position in life.
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