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Josh McNary charged with rape (Merge)


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Lets not get into who is a good person and who is not. Especially let's stand up for our military who protect us every day. If you are a military expert or PTSD expert........by all means....

I'm sure he watched a YouTube video on it amd is now the upmost authority in the subject

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, January 14, 2015 - inflammatory
Hidden by Superman, January 14, 2015 - inflammatory

You need to shut your mouth and read the post closer ! 

And I take it as an insult ,  not all are on up and up but a very high percentage are . I took care of those who were  not upstanding in the Marine Corps prison they were few and far between.

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That's not the only charge he faces according to this report in a separate incident http://www2.theindychannel.com/web/wrtv/news/local-news/colts-lb-josh-mcnary-faces-rape-charge


This particular story is not well written.    I've written a number of stories like this.


I believe this is all part of the same incident.    The woman allegedly assaulted at McNary's apartment.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Superman, January 14, 2015 - inflammatory, off topic
Hidden by Superman, January 14, 2015 - inflammatory, off topic

You guys need to get over yourselves.  Most are honorable but that does not mean ALL of them are.  It's not a knock on the military establishment or on those that serve with honor just stating the fact that just because someone puts on the uniform does not mean they have honor. 


And to say it's strange for someone that was in the military to do something like this shows some ignorance about the military.

Spoken like a true champ there Coffee.  There is something called dishonorable discharge or Court Martial for those not deemed in honor.  Most are honorable and some full honors and retirement.  You brought it up with no hesitation.  It was wrong.  

Edited by MTC
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I'm sure he watched a YouTube video on it amd is now the upmost authority in the subject

No, I didn't watch a youtube video on it.  I was in the military and a girl in my company got raped by a sergeant and it was swept under the rug.  But the military was nice enough to give her an honorable discharge for medical reasons while the sergeant was held back from one round of promotions.


So you guys can sit back on your comfy couches and drink beer and pretend like you know anything about the military and what it takes to serve honorably.  The uniform does not make the man.

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No, I didn't watch a youtube video on it.  I was in the military and a girl in my company got raped by a sergeant and it was swept under the rug.  But the military was nice enough to give her an honorable discharge for medical reasons while the sergeant was held back from one round of promotions.


So you guys can sit back on your comfy couches and drink beer and pretend like you know anything about the military and what it takes to serve honorably.  The uniform does not make the man.


Not to speak for anyone else, but I don't think that comment was directed at you.


Also, this is entirely off topic and should be dropped from discussion. Please. Thanks.

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Am I the only one who would be content to simply put him on the COMMISSIONER'S EXEMPT list and see the process unfold before just cutting the guy loose?


I am not sure they can  do that anymore, as outside groups on the panel said it wasn't strong enough punitive action.  This was released on since December 10, 2014-


"Effective immediately, violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding assault, battery, domestic violence or sexual assault that involve physical force will be subject to a suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors, as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant."


Formally charged with trial date set is likely good enough, do not necessarily need adjudication. This is what that whole ordeal after Ray Rice was all about.  We'll see but either way, he gone....

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Mod note: Some posters are getting pretty testy and starting personal squabbles in this thread. Stop. It's already a sensitive enough topic. If you have that much of an issue with another poster's comments in this thread, you'd be best served ignoring them.


And as always, anything you see that's against the board rules should be reported, not quoted and responded to.


Thanks in advance

Yeah THANKS...pm ME.  

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, January 15, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Superman, January 15, 2015 - No reason given

You guys need to get over yourselves.  Most are honorable but that does not mean ALL of them are.  It's not a knock on the military establishment or on those that serve with honor just stating the fact that just because someone puts on the uniform does not mean they have honor. 


And to say it's strange for someone that was in the military to do something like this shows some ignorance about the military.

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I am not sure they can  do that anymore, as outside groups on the panel said it wasn't strong enough punitive action.  This was released on since December 10, 2014-


"Effective immediately, violations of the Personal Conduct Policy regarding assault, battery, domestic violence or sexual assault that involve physical force will be subject to a suspension without pay of six games for a first offense, with consideration given to mitigating factors, as well as a longer suspension when circumstances warrant."


Formally charged with trial date set is likely good enough, do not necessarily need adjudication. This is what that whole ordeal after Ray Rice was all about.  We'll see but either way, he gone....


I don't know about that.


He hasn't been proven to have violated the PCP. Only charged. The exempt list was a pending resolution concession that the league made, on a case by case basis. Ray Rice was never on the exempt list; he wasn't disciplined by the league until after his legal situation was resolved.


I don't think anyone liked the exempt list thing, and I doubt they use it anymore. Especially not here; McNary isn't a big enough contributor for the Colts to be concerned with keeping their rights to him. But I don't think the release you pointed to has deemed the exempt list as unusable in these situations.

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Not to disparage the military, but they have their issues with assault allegations as well.

having 10 years as a Military police mos, I can say sadly that you are right. Whole the army tries to teach honor, soldiers are still human and make stupid choices. I hope he's proven innocent however if he is guilty, may they throw the book at him
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Oh, they have every right to. I'm just sick of seeing the NFL jump the gun on punishment only to have to come back later and change it if something new comes up. I don't understand the rush to judgment when you have a mechanism to effectively push pause on the process.


I think more times than not the NFL hasn't jumped the gun.  The 9ers didn't jump the gun with their d-lineman (I think his name was McDonald), the Ravens didn't jump the gun with Ray Rice (neither did NFL), etc. etc....


Yes, due diligence should be done and we have a pause button now, so the NFL should utilize that, IMO -- but I don't think they have a very big track record of jumping the gun to get players out of the league.

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Public relations nightmare for the Colts.  The fair thing to do is suspend him indefinitely until he is convicted or exonerated by the court system.  The team can later cut him or reinstate him depending on the legal outcome.  However, the safe and politically correct thing to do is cut him promptly and ask questions later.  The mainstream media will jump all over this sensational ratings-bonanza of a story and fry him in the court of public opinion long before his case goes to trial.  Even if the accuser later recants or McNary is acquitted at trial, the damage to the team's image is already done.  The only thing the front office can do now is try to limit the fallout.

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Posted · Hidden by Superman, January 15, 2015 - No reason given
Hidden by Superman, January 15, 2015 - No reason given

No, I didn't watch a youtube video on it.  I was in the military and a girl in my company got raped by a sergeant and it was swept under the rug.  But the military was nice enough to give her an honorable discharge for medical reasons while the sergeant was held back from one round of promotions.


So you guys can sit back on your comfy couches and drink beer and pretend like you know anything about the military and what it takes to serve honorably.  The uniform does not make the man.

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I don't know about that.


He hasn't been proven to have violated the PCP. Only charged. The exempt list was a pending resolution concession that the league made, on a case by case basis. Ray Rice was never on the exempt list; he wasn't disciplined by the league until after his legal situation was resolved.


I don't think anyone liked the exempt list thing, and I doubt they use it anymore. Especially not here; McNary isn't a big enough contributor for the Colts to be concerned with keeping their rights to him. But I don't think the release you pointed to has deemed the exempt list as unusable in these situations.


The whole point of the 4 month panel was that the league wasn't quick acting enough nor tough enough  in some people eye, and the setting arbitrary punishements in others.  Dec 10 NFL- Stated-


"The policy was developed after an extensive series of meetings and discussions over the past four months with a wide range of experts and others inside and outside of the NFL, including current and former players, the NFL Players Association, domestic violence/sexual assault experts and advocates, law enforcement officials, academic experts, and business leaders"


and in the new revised policy on page two is this-



Expectations and Standards of Conduct
It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. We are all held to a higher standard and must conduct ourselves in a way that is responsible, promotes the values of the NFL, and is lawful. If you are convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding (as defined in this Policy), you are subject to discipline. But even if your conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, if the league finds that you have engaged in any of the following conduct, you will be subject to discipline. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following: "

Huge list snipped.


And this-


Whenever the league office becomes aware of a possible violation of the Personal Conduct Policy, it will undertake an investigation, the timing and scope of which will be based upon the particular circumstances of the matter. Any such investigation may be conducted by NFL Security, independent parties, or by a combination of the two. In cases that are also being investigated by law enforcement, the league will work to cooperate with and to avoid any conflict or interference with the law enforcement proceedings.


The league can and will act on its own accord.  If it finds that player (not courts etc...) has violated the policy, as stated above they can and will invoke punishment described in this new policy.


The whole policy is here for anyone interested:



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The whole point of the 4 month panel was that the league wasn't quick acting enough nor tough enough  in some people eye, and the setting arbitrary punishements in others.  Dec 10 NFL- Stated-


"The policy was developed after an extensive series of meetings and discussions over the past four months with a wide range of experts and others inside and outside of the NFL, including current and former players, the NFL Players Association, domestic violence/sexual assault experts and advocates, law enforcement officials, academic experts, and business leaders"


and in the new revised policy on page two is this-



Expectations and Standards of Conduct
It is not enough simply to avoid being found guilty of a crime. We are all held to a higher standard and must conduct ourselves in a way that is responsible, promotes the values of the NFL, and is lawful. If you are convicted of a crime or subject to a disposition of a criminal proceeding (as defined in this Policy), you are subject to discipline. But even if your conduct does not result in a criminal conviction, if the league finds that you have engaged in any of the following conduct, you will be subject to discipline. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following: "

And this-


Whenever the league office becomes aware of a possible violation of the Personal Conduct Policy, it will undertake an investigation, the timing and scope of which will be based upon the particular circumstances of the matter. Any such investigation may be conducted by NFL Security, independent parties, or by a combination of the two. In cases that are also being investigated by law enforcement, the league will work to cooperate with and to avoid any conflict or interference with the law enforcement proceedings.


The league can and will act on its own accord.


The whole policy is here for anyone interested:




I don't see how that precludes the league from placing a player on the exempt list, at the request of the team.


Let's say a situation like this arises in the middle of the season, and the team wants to sit the player down while the investigations -- both criminal and by the league -- are pending. That process could take an undetermined amount of time. They could still request the exempt list.

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I've never been in the military(I have a disability so pretty much eliminates that) but I never understood some peoples thinking that all or even a lot of our servicemen....and women for that matter are all honorable upstanding individuals with a perfect track record

Certainly no one in any group of people is squeaky clean.  That doesn't detract from the respect that we have for our men and women in service

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I don't see how that precludes the league from placing a player on the exempt list, at the request of the team.


Let's say a situation like this arises in the middle of the season, and the team wants to sit the player down while the investigations -- both criminal and by the league -- are pending. That process could take an undetermined amount of time. They could still request the exempt list.


I believe, by this policy, he already is suspended with pay immediately. But  independent investigation by league begins at their discretion too.  And once they collected enough evidence to convince them it has happened (not to court standards, its stated so in policy) the 6 month suspension without pay begins. and the counseling etc... support for victim families etc..  So they will likely not dilly dally in their own investigation lest the outside groups rage upon the NFL again for failure to implement an acceptable policy after spending so much time money and energy trying to 'Get it right'.


Needless to say, he is unavailable as a player the rest of this year, and once findings come in, then the 6 games would follow unless the whole thing is a scam.

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Certainly no one in any group of people is squeaky clean.  That doesn't detract from the respect that we have for our men and women in service

I never meant to imply any amount of disrespect towards them, I fully respect and appreciate the sacrifices they make and even humbled by some of them

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I believe, by this policy, he already is immediately. But  independent investigation by league begins at their discretion too.  And once they collected enough evidence to convince them it has happened (not to court standards, its stated so in policy) the 6 month suspension without pay begins. and the counseling etc... support for victim families etc..  So they will likely not dilly dally les the outside groups rage upon the NFL again for failure to implement an acceptable policy.


I'm digging into it. I think you posted the wrong portion, but I think you're right. Check this out:


Leave with Pay – You may be placed on paid administrative leave or on the Commissioner
Exempt List under either of the following circumstances:
First, you are formally charged with a crime of violence, meaning that you are accused of having
used physical force or a weapon to injure or threaten another person, of having engaged in a sexual
assault by force or a sexual assault of a person who was incapable of giving consent, of having
engaged in other conduct that poses a genuine danger to the safety or well-being of another person,
or of having engaged in animal abuse. The formal charges may be in the form of an indictment by
a grand jury, the filing of charges by a prosecutor, or an arraignment in a criminal court.
Second, if an investigation leads the Commissioner to believe that you may have violated this
Policy by committing any of the conduct identified above, he may act where the circumstances and
evidence warrant doing so. This decision will not reflect a finding of guilt or innocence and will
not be guided by the same legal standards and considerations that would apply in a criminal trial. 5
In cases in which a violation relating to a crime of violence is suspected but further
investigation is required, the Commissioner may determine to place a player or other employee on
leave with pay on a limited and temporary basis to permit the league to conduct an investigation.
Based on the results of this investigation, the player or employee may be returned to duty, be placed
on leave with pay for a longer period, or be subject to discipline.
A player who is placed on the Commissioner Exempt List may not practice or attend games,
but with the club’s permission he may be present at the club’s facility on a reasonable basis for
meetings, individual workouts, therapy and rehabilitation, and other permitted non-football activities.
Non-player employees placed on paid administrative leave may be present only on such basis as is
approved by the Commissioner or the league disciplinary officer and only under circumstances in
which they are not performing their regular duties.
Leave with pay will generally last until the league makes a disciplinary decision and any
appeal from that discipline is fully resolved. 



I don't know if that's automatic, but it's definitely an option that still exists. It might be close to automatic.


And correct me if I'm wrong, but the exempt list frees up the roster spot for the team, right?

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Love our culture of guilty until proven innocent when it comes to rape. /s


Due process pertains to legal protections in criminal proceedings. Neither the Colts, nor the NFL, nor the fans, are obligated to extend a presumption of innocence to anyone in any situation.

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Here's the thing; the honor in our military service is the act of doing it.  Becoming a service member.  That is an honorable action but an honorable action can be done by anyone.  Some of the posters on here are formerly in the armed forces (Thank you BTW) will attest that the military does have some bad apples. 


I've known of people who were given choices, military or jail.  It goes to show as long as your healthy, posses a GED/Diploma and can pass a physical you can join.  It is not an elite club (no offense)


Here's a little food for thought from my step-dad who is a retired military vet.  He once told me that the army and its soldiers are a reflection of society.



Back to McNary,  he realized he made his bed, now he is going to have to sleep in it.  If he is found to be exonerated, congrats, if he is found guilty; it's a shame and my prayers go out to the woman and her family.

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