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The Colts Coaching Staff [Mega-merge]


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This just goes to show how inept our coaching staff really is. The Broncos shouldn't have won tonight, but they have made changes to their strategy to complement the players they have, and they have been very sucessful. Meanwhile, we do the same stupid thing each and every Sunday, and the result is the same....we lose in grand fashion.

Someone explain to me why we even should entertain keeping our coaching staff one minute past the expiration of this season? This Colts fan wants Caldwell and Co. gone.

Replaced with who? I don't care. Anyone but Caldwell and Co......Anyone, and I really mean that.

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Tebow for Luck? I'm not too sure about that one.....If Caldwell gets a hold of Tebow, poor 'ol Tim is going to be working for McDonald's by the end of week three next season.

i sadly agree :(

But i wouldnt mind having tebow as our backup behind peyton for 4 more years. he could become a great passer possibly and then would be unstopable.

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i sadly agree :(

But i wouldnt mind having tebow as our backup behind peyton for 4 more years. he could become a great passer possibly and then would be unstopable.

you are nuts if you believe he would become a great passer. His form is terrible and most of his throws are way off target. He didn't play a great game, once again their defense won the game. If we had their Defense we would've won a few games too. Von Miller, Elvis Dumervil, Champ Bailey just to name a few. If we had some real pass coverage we would also be a lot better. Our corners are embarrassing.

But Luck for Tebow? I'd lose all faith in the Colts organization if this happened. But John Elway would do it in a second.

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Not to defend the coaching staff but after watching the Broncos what's getting lost in all of this Tebow stuff is just how well the Broncos D is playing. If our D was playing like that we would probably win a game or two with our QBs. With that said it's unbelieveable what happens to Tebow once the 4th quarter starts he becomes a new player. I don't know how well you can compare the Broncos and the Colts though it's sorta comparing apples and oranges because they are both built in completely different ways.

Also I am not sure if doing new stuff with our guys would matter I just think we have a lack of talent. Our stuff is pretty simple to start with so we can't really make it more simple and if they can't handle the simple stuff I am not sure they could handle more complex stuff.

I've said before I am not going to be shocked either way with what happens with Caldwell. I can see the Colts bringing him back if he makes major changes to his coaching staff (which is where new systems are really going to come from) under the grounds that his team was missing the guy the whole team was built around and that if they had that guy they probably had 10 to 11 wins and were in the playoffs. With that said I can also understand if they just look at him and go 0-16 or 1-15 and say Peyton Manning or not we can't have that and we are going to go in a new direction.

Peyton Manning or not it is painfailly clearly that Caldwell's biggest issue is that his teams don't adjust in games. I've said before the difference between him and Dungy is that Dungy knew the little changes to make and when you really needed to stick with what you were doing and that made all the difference in the world and Caldwell just doesn't. So I can see and would probably more agree with the idea it's time for a new coach but I can also see how the Colts might not agree with that view.

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How does a guy that has won 5 games get fired, but our 0-13 dufus is still collecting a paycheck?

Maybe they want to show there fans they care, but wait I thought playing with back ups gave you a free pass. They not only lost a shut down stud corner and a stud RB and their starting QB, HUH!
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So we get to keep the wooden solider Caldwell becasue he sucks up to the owner and GM? Caldwell should be fired ASAP. What a joke. I have a bad feeling Caldwell may actually get an extension. Oh well, another winless season next year with him, should bring another number 1 pick. That is what is wrong with Colts managemnet by not wanting to make any changes. What type of message does that send to the fans?. Haley, a hot head. So what? is that today's players are so soft that they can't take any type of tough approach? Oh, that works so well with Caldwell. See how inspire our team is?

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Haley was reported to have issues with the GM, Caldwell and Polian don't have those issues. There was more than KC's record that lead to Haley getting fired.

You will never have an issue with a person who sits obediently by your side and does only what they are told,that he how I have stayed married 23 years!
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The Broncos offense is about as bad as the Colts, their winning is coming from great defensive play and stupid coaching from the opposition. The Broncos did not win that game yesterday, the Bears lost it.

Actually their winning is coming from solid defensive play (which was terrible through the first five games under Orton), some luck, and great QB play in the 4th quarter. Tebow could just as easily be .500 or worse, but because of his intangibles (I guess what Fox says is competitive greatness and his ability to bring confidence to his teammates) and Denver's coaching staff, he is 7-1.

There are many things I don't like about Tebow, but the way he plays and how he brings out the best in his teammates are the definition of a great professional athlete (or athlete at any level for that matter). I mean, at this point in the season, I can't stomach to watch a Colts game all the way through, and being able to tune into a Denver game and just watch the drama unfold is a pleasure. So here's to the creativity of Fox and the Broncos staff, Tebow, and the defense!

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I was wondering the same thing. Maybe Caldwell is still here because he deflects some of the blame from Polian and son.

That and he is Polians best bet to help get the first draft pick for years to come, because as long as he coaches here, Bill

will be picking in the top three.

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Maybe Caldwell has dirt on ownership and he contiues to get hush money pay checks; only in good old America. If someone that incompenetent was running a company, they would have been let go a long time ago. Tweet man Jim needs to get his head out of his Tweeting and focus on his crumbling team and organization.

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Horseman, you goot it right! Fox inspires his players and commands respect. Caldwell inspires being a coward and zippo confidence.

Were was this inspiring and respect when Denver sucked butt early in the season? Where has Caldwell inspired cowardness and zippo?

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So we complain that we built a team and a strategy around one player's strengths: those belonging to Peyton Manning.

Then the Broncos do the same for Tebow.

It's bad to build around one player's strengths when it suits our argument to fire everyone. It's good to build around one player's strengths when it suits our argument to....fire everyone.

Can't have it both ways, folks.

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    • I think even though the sample size was small last season it gave people a false sense of where he is. But we also can’t ignore thst maybe the regression is just because of the lack of off season work. If it’s just the lack of offseason work it should correct itself fairly quickly. We should def him settle in by game 6 or 7.
    • It just seems like people have sold themselves the idea he was going to come out great this season which I think is and was completely unreasonable.   I hope to see some improvement by the end of the season, but I really don't expect a whole lot until sometime next season. AR has got so much catching up to do.   I mean, there's no doubt AR's struggles are affecting MPJ, but MPJ has never been a great separater and seeing a defender right besides MPJ is probably stopping AR from throwing his way at this point.   Also, to be clear, I'm not saying AR will DEFINITELY be great, but I do think we DEFINITELY don't know yet and people need to be a lot more patient with him.
    • They both couldn’t throw or work on footwork. To ignore this could be a possibility with AR is naive. Let’s see where he is by game 7. Especially when it looks like he went backwards  from last season.
    • Other than the fact that Luck was a proven NFL QB in his prime and that his shoulder rehab lasted 3x as long.   
    • His lack of experience was a well-known risk in drafting him and it's a big reason why some were skeptical (including me). On the flip side, it sort of seemed like people disregarded his lack of experience then in favor of things like potential and upside. But now he's struggling and it's showing. If anything, it's validated those initial concerns.   I tend to think WR drops following a QB from college to the NFL says as much about the QB as it does the pass catchers. But they need to do better. I think it will take a combination of improvements from both AR and the pass catchers.   Not sure if something is up with MPJ, but some "regression" this year was very predictable. At one point, I actually thought he might leave in FA when faced with prospect of re-signing with a run-first team and a young QB who is still learning how to throw short and intermediate passes (the area he operates). But he stayed...and I am glad he did. But if it continues, there are going to be a lot of people blaming MPJ, which is pretty ridiculous, when you think about just 6 months ago, people were talking about how great of a contract it was and that MPJ was a legit WR1 with AR.  
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