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Orlovsky's Play vs. the Ravens [Merge]


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i don't think Painter is good at all but Dan Orlovsky is now 7 for 17 for 44 yards an INT and three fumbles. This just proves to me it doesn't matter which one we play at QB we don't have a QB which is why we need Luck in the draft this year. The QB poistion just keeps being our biggest problem and I really think if we fix that spot we'll fix a lot of our issues with this team.

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+1 which is what I was saying as well after the game last week. I understand that his 4th quarter play gave some glimmer of hope but you still have to try to be objective and consider the context. Playing against a real defense in actual gametime he's the same as Painter.

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the 'issues' will still be there on defence no matter who the qb is. but yeah obviously the offense will be fine again with manning back. i still think harbaugh would run the ball and keep being successfull even if manning was playing, they would still have the same score, except we would have near or more points.

We all expected dan to struggle this week, as ravens are obviously a good defense, im a little surprised by castonzo getting beat buy t sizzle alot, thought he was better than that, more work to be done

really need to get that td on in the first quarter, would do alot for the offense for the rest of the game.

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Ravens are a huge notch over the Pats' D, so Orlovsky's struggles not unexpected, IMO. I called a 34-10 game at the beginning, we will see how it unfolds. The Pats will have a hard time going through the Ravens, IMO, the Ravens look like the cream of the crop in the AFC.

But when I look at playing versus average Ds like the Pats, Panthers, Jags, Titans etc., that is where I think Orlovsky gives us a slightly better chance. Not by leaps and bounds, just a slightly better chance, IMO. We will see how we play the Titans next week.

However, our D will continue to be a primary reason we will go 16-0 for the most part. We will not stop the Titans enough times nor will we stop MJD enough times to win vs the Titans or Jags, it looks like it. Our O has to help out the D by putting up 20 pts or more to stand a chance vs the Titans and Jags.

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When your offensive line lets you get absolutely destroyed the way the colts O-line has today I don't blame Orlovsky for this game at all. We've got an all pro center a 1st round rookie and an average takle (Diem). Besides those 3 our line is full of below average lineman that no other team wanted like the colts have had for years. Then the defense he has to rely on to help him out cant do nothing but slow down the run. If Flacco would've just thrown the ball on every snap he would have completed 10 yrd pass after 10 yrd pass. 8 plays TD, 8 plays TD, 8 plays TD all day. Our defensive philosophy is horrendous!!!! I'm not saying Orlovsky is our savior or even a good QB by any means but this team has ALOT more things to worry about than the QB position. I am a die hard colts fan, have been to 3 games this season and watch every game every week, but this is getting embarrassing Irsay has got to do something or he's going to lose his players and alot of fans and I'd hate to see that.

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There is merit to this thread, however if we remember back in the first 3 or so weeks that Painter started, he played really well. Defenses hadn't figured him out yet and he was completing a lot of passes and scoring touchdowns. The fact of the matter is, we still lost those games despite our QB position playing well. Certainly those games were much closer, but I don't believe that with better QB play that we would have won any more games this year (maybe one). Of course I'm assuming that by better QB play we're not speaking about Peyton Manning or Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady level.

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When your offensive line lets you get absolutely destroyed the way the colts O-line has today I don't blame Orlovsky for this game at all. We've got an all pro center a 1st round rookie and an average takle (Diem). Besides those 3 our line is full of below average lineman that no other team wanted like the colts have had for years. Then the defense he has to rely on to help him out cant do nothing but slow down the run. If Flacco would've just thrown the ball on every snap he would have completed 10 yrd pass after 10 yrd pass. 8 plays TD, 8 plays TD, 8 plays TD all day. Our defensive philosophy is horrendous!!!! I'm not saying Orlovsky is our savior or even a good QB by any means but this team has ALOT more things to worry about than the QB position. I am a die hard colts fan, have been to 3 games this season and watch every game every week, but this is getting embarrassing Irsay has got to do something or he's going to lose his players and alot of fans and I'd hate to see that.

it got a bit hard to watch today... just 1st down after 1st down, then the o line letting sacks, then ist down after 1st down. grrrrrrr. im going to say it, our defense looks like a bunch of headless chickens. albeit 200+lb, but still headless chickens.

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Well, that was ugly, all the way around. I think Orlovsky is better than Painter, but when faced with a top rated defense, they both leave a lot to be desired. I do think the focus needs to be on why we are 0-13 after losing several players, most noteably PM. Focus the attention back on Caldwell, and realize that even a moderately competent coach should have been able to win at least one game with the talent on this team....just one. The way it looks now, 0-16 is looking very promising.

I hope a new coach is looking promising too, because this is Caldwell's legacy.

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consider this Painter should know this system very well and he stinks we all knew that. Orlovsky isn't really familiar with this offense and i haven't seen any adjustments. Also OP has only one player playing his natural position.but the last couple of season they have either pass blocked great and compleely forgot how to run block or this year they are better run blockers than pass blockers.

1. we have no choice but to draft Luck and hope he is all that he is in college and that he will b able to sit for a year or two

2. we have to hope PM can play again

3. we can draft bigger and heavier DL in the later rounds

4. fire the whole coaching staff no matter what

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I think our D played well actually given the circumstances

It's more the horrible defensive philosophy and coaching than it is the players. Our D plays soft 7-10 yrds off the line of scrimmage every game then when we dig ourselves into a hole we can't climb out of (without manning there to clean it up for them) then they decide to actually start playing a little more agressive man to man. So much for being happy about D coordinator getting fired, I guess atleast I had a week to be optimistic that our D would improve.
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Yea, I hear people saying the defense is a bigger need, but frankly, our QB situation is a need also. Yes, we have Manning, but there is absolutely no guarantee he will remain upright coming off his neck surgery, our poor o-line, our poor coaching, and the fact we have to throw the ball a lot to win games. It doesn't help Manning hasn't played football for an entire season and that he isn't getting any younger.

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I think Painter would've played much worse given its the Ravens. The O line didn't play well today and the defense had more problems with Ray Rice than Joe Flacco. Also no one in the secondary can play man vs. someone like Torrey Smith which is why they played zone.

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It's not that Painter or Orlovsky are terrible. They're both poor to mediocre at best. I'd take either of them over a truly awful QB like Grossman or Losman.

Anyone not named Manning will suck on this "team" with:

-This coach or lack thereof.

-This o-line or lack thereof. (It's better than last season at least thank god.)

-This defense or lack thereof.

-Our special teams or lack thereof sans our kicker and punter.

You could throw Brees, Rodgers, Brady, a Grizzly Bear named Bruno or whoever in as our QB and they will get ruined. Granted we wouldn't be 0-16 with any of those names (especially the grizzly bear) but we wouldn't have any thing close to a winning season. 4 wins, maybe.

Painter = Below Average.

Orlovsky =MAYBE average.

The Colts = One of if not THE worst "NFL caliber team" ever fielded.

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When your being sacked as your center gives you the ball.. how many of you monday night quarter backs could keep from fumbling the ball.

I agree of course, but it's worth noting that the same thing was happening to Painter. An awful lot of his inaccuracy and errors were due to having about .124 seconds to get rid of the ball on every play. Both Orlovsky and Painter leave a lot to be desired, but I've felt all year that the oline's weakness in pass blocking has been the big problem - particularly since Castonzo and Reitz got injured (which had a LOT to do with Painter's "decline".) The fact that they are both back and the pass blocking looks worse than ever is disturbing.

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i don't think Painter is good at all but Dan Orlovsky is now 7 for 17 for 44 yards an INT and three fumbles. This just proves to me it doesn't matter which one we play at QB we don't have a QB which is why we need Luck in the draft this year. The QB poistion just keeps being our biggest problem and I really think if we fix that spot we'll fix a lot of our issues with this team.

If yoiu'r ebeinbg honest..Orlovaksy has played better than ainter.

he was bad Sunday at Baltimore...

..but he's jt the first to have that happen.

Orlovsky has faced NE and Balt...

...Wait till he plays Tennesee and Jacksonville before you judge

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If yoiu'r ebeinbg honest..Orlovaksy has played better than ainter.

he was bad Sunday at Baltimore...

..but he's jt the first to have that happen.

Orlovsky has faced NE and Balt...

...Wait till he plays Tennesee and Jacksonville before you judge

Both of which have better Ds than the Pats do. I'll give him credit for playing the Ravens today. WIth that said I stil don't think it's going to matter much who the QB is beacuse I don't think Painter or Orlovsky are good enough. The main point i was trying to make here is that this underscores how bad we need a QB which is why the smart thing to do is lock up that poistion by keeping Peyton (if healthy) and drafting what is supposed to be the closest thing to a can't miss you are going to find in the draft Luck and make sure the QB poistion is secured for the next 15 years because as we have seen this year it doesn't matter what kind of players you have around the QB if the team is built around the QB (which all Polian teams have been) if the QB isn't good enough your team is going to struggle.

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Both of which have better Ds than the Pats do. I'll give him credit for playing the Ravens today. WIth that said I stil don't think it's going to matter much who the QB is beacuse I don't think Painter or Orlovsky are good enough. The main point i was trying to make here is that this underscores how bad we need a QB which is why the smart thing to do is lock up that poistion by keeping Peyton (if healthy) and drafting what is supposed to be the closest thing to a can't miss you are going to find in the draft Luck and make sure the QB poistion is secured for the next 15 years because as we have seen this year it doesn't matter what kind of players you have around the QB if the team is built around the QB (which all Polian teams have been) if the QB isn't good enough your team is going to struggle.

But they wont be up 14 after the first couple of posessions...

Tennesse's D is not so great as we saw today....and Jacksonville has won how many?

the post-season will take care of itself..WE need to win at least one...this year

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But they wont be up 14 after the first couple of posessions...

Tennesse's D is not so great as we saw today....and Jacksonville has won how many?

the post-season will take care of itself..WE need to win at least one...this year

They held the high powered Saints to 22 points...Also one game does not make a season. It's not like we put up 22 on them. Holding the Saints to 22 is pretty good.

The Pats are ranked 32nd in the NFL in giving up yards the Jags and Titans are both in the middle of the pack. They are better Ds.

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the Titans and Jags play in a division with NO healthy starting QBs.(our division)

we know how much difference that makes

Those numbers..as I think you know....are VERY misleading

Teneesee's D is no great shakes...and Jacksonville is Jacksonville

The arguement that its easier to play at home against Tenn than it is on the road at NE and Balt is an arguement that mo one would make.

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the Titans and Jags play in a division with NO healthy starting QBs.(our division)

we know how much difference that makes

Those numbers..as I think you know....are VERY misleading

Teneesee's D is no great shakes...and Jacksonville is Jacksonville

The arguement that its easier to play at home against Tenn than it is on the road at NE and Balt is an arguement that mo one would make.

And they play more than just teams in our division. Don't mistake me saying that someone has a better defense as being they are a better team. The Titans and Jags both have better defense than the Pats a quick check of numbers will show you that. It's not even close.

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And they play more than just teams in our division. Don't mistake me saying that someone has a better defense as being they are a better team. The Titans and Jags both have better defense than the Pats a quick check of numbers will show you that. It's not even close.

how well you do,,and again I know you know hthis..

is not just a factor of "d"

Its how far you are behind..

NE and Baltimore bury us early, agreed..? 'O' was bad today..

Why not give Orlovsky a chance against a non-playoff team?. At home. ? Didnt Painter have one or two?

We're trying out our 3rd string QB for next season and trying to win one consolation game.

That's all we're doing

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I was looking forward to this thread...I'm ready to hear all the people from last week who said Danny was the real deal and that we would have won all these games with him and how we were going to win out tell me they were wrong and they are sorry for even suggesting such lunacy.

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Orlovsky not only missed most of this throws..he got beaten like a dusty rug...

.....Again..we start the game with 3 passes and then we're behind...10....

///We've got to run the ball...so we arent down 2 scores in the 1st Q

Run the ball where?? The Ravens D-line totally dominated the Colts O-line and RB's were getting gang-tackled in the backfield.

You can't "run the ball" when you can't run the ball.

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Run the ball where?? The Ravens D-line totally dominated the Colts O-line and RB's were getting gang-tackled in the backfield.

You can't "run the ball" when you can't run the ball.

nite...The QB gets killed...

..and we did run the ball...some...You have to commit to it...

Nobody gets full body trauma when runs fail.. they had to sweep Orlovsky off the field.

Running plays...MNnning isnt playing. We pretend he is.

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Castonzo was horrible, his footwork was horrible in college and nothing has changed. Link had some bad plays too, and Diem wasn't great although he missed a little bit of the game. They did a great job against Ngata however, but everything else was bad.

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Castonzo was horrible, his footwork was horrible in college and nothing has changed. Link had some bad plays too, and Diem wasn't great although he missed a little bit of the game. They did a great job against Ngata however, but everything else was bad.

I know Baltimore is a vicious phyiscal team...

but we dont have a pitch sweep?

We dont run a draw play...We ran a WR reserve 4 weeks ago once...

All our plays are I formation or obvious one back handoffs between the tackles..

No motion.

I think we have some backfield speed if we used some deception.

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