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Tony Dungy


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Is it me or does Tony Dungy have something against the Colts? Im not sure if I hear him say anything positive about the Colts in the Luck era. At first I just thought he was just being neutral but you realize he never really says anything positive but rather focuses on the negatives. I mean you expect Harrison to say negatives like he always does. He did pick the Colts to win tomorrow but we all know that story of peoples opinion on Dalton.


The most obvious one is when Dungy said RG3 was going to have a better career than Luck.


Its not like management fired him. Maybe he just sees Luck as having the potential of winning many championships over Peyton and how Dungy was never able to do that?


Just my 2 cents.

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He's paid to be objective not a Colts fan.  He tends to pick the Colts when he's asked to pick so I don't think he has anything against them at all.  Other than maybe Saturday he's probably their biggest fan in the national media. 


Also when asked to pick between RG3 and Luck he said he would pick RG3 over Luck because he thought RG3 had a good arm but went out of his way to say you couldn't go wrong with either guy and has praised Luck on several other occasions and has admitted he was wrong about RG3 over Luck.  That's why he was a Head Coach and not a GM.  He can coach the talent just not pick it. 

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Yes her hates the Colts, He hates Irsay, He hates Luck, He hates Grigson....He hates our new defensive philosophy....Hell my sources even told me Dungy even hates Blue now!......... :rollseyes: Seriously....some of you all worry about what the media says or is paid to say entirely to much.......Its beyond ridiculous

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Can't be close to as disappointing as Dungy's career as a coach. Super Bowl aside he was constantly out-coached in playoffs by Cowher, Turner, Belichick, et al. Who cares what he thinks. He orchestrated a defensive scheme that was successful for 6 seasons in the early 2000s.

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He picked the Colts to win tomorrow, what more do ya want?  Personally, I have not heard Dungy say anything disparaging about the Colts, unlike Marshal Faulk, Brown, Harrison, etc. etc.


I find myself in total agreement with Gavin though..who the hell cares what any of these talking heads think?  In life, all that matters is that you believe in yourself, what other's think of you is irrelevant.  Sadly, too many people don't get that.

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I am amazed how anyone could think Tony bleeds blue. Most NFL coaches coach for many teams and they have little loyality to a team especially one that has few of "their" players or "staff "remaining on it. If you ever see Reggie on TV he'll be bleeding blue. I suspect the same is true for many former players who's careers turned around 1 team or who's body of work for one team is overwhelming. 

Coaches don't bleed any color for any team, GM's like BP don't bleed for a team, and self promoting former players like dieon sanders didn't even bleed for a team when they were playing ( too wrapped up in their self promotion). 


Most coaches and Front office people in the NFL are like prostitutes and when they are not paid anymore it's clear that they have no reason to return affection......with a few exceptions if the business relationship extends far enough.

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Can't be close to as disappointing as Dungy's career as a coach. Super Bowl aside he was constantly out-coached in playoffs by Cowher, Turner, Belichick, et al. Who cares what he thinks. He orchestrated a defensive scheme that was successful for 6 seasons in the early 2000s.

You know I really don't get the hate some have for Tony Dungy here.  He's the only coach in the history of the Indianapolis Colts to win a Super Bowl.  Before people say well he had Peyton Manning and another coach would have won more Super Bowls than Dungy did I would remind you Dungy's one Super Bowl is one more than any other coach has coaching Peyton Manning.  So I don't buy the argument that Dungy some how held Peyton back.  In fact I think if you look at Peyton's numbers under Dungy and how the rest of Peyton's career has gone without Dungy that Dungy got more out of Peyton than any other coach has. 


Also Dungy's defense lasted longer than six seasons.  He used it for seven years in Tampa before he got here and had success with it there too.  Before people downplay his success with the Bucs look at what the Bucs have been without Dungy, one of the worst teams in the league short of a season with Dungy's players the year after he was fired.  Dungy took the Bucs to level they have never sniffed without him.  Don't think the Bucs regret letting Dungy go?  Look at what they are doing now, bringing in Lovie Smith to try to re-create the Dungy era. 


So if people want to hate on Dungy and under value his accomplishments fine but I don't understand it.  He's easily the best coach in the history of the Indianapolis Colts one of the best coaches in the history of the franchise depending on how you feel about Weeb Ewbank and Don Shula. 

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It's you.


I've never heard anything from him that would give me a reason to believe he dislikes the Colts.


And I'd bet good money he didn't think RG3 would be better Luck.    I'm guessing you either mis-heard something he said,  or heard something out of context.....


Take a long deep breath......    all is good out there in the Colts universe tonight....   :thmup:

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It's you.


I've never heard anything from him that would give me a reason to believe he dislikes the Colts.


And I'd bet good money he didn't think RG3 would be better Luck.    I'm guessing you either mis-heard something he said,  or heard something out of context.....


Take a long deep breath......    all is good out there in the Colts universe tonight....   :thmup:

He really did like RG3 better

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I don't mean to be flip,  but I'm wondering if he was sober when he said that?    (I kid!   I kid!   Uhhh,  ahhh...   I think!)

He said he liked both and you couldn't go wrong with either but he would go with RG3 because he thought he had a better arm and he thought RG3's athleticism was unique and something Andrew Luck couldn't do.    It's not like he threw Andrew Luck under the bus.  Also to be fair at the time Dungy said this most of the sports world including this forum was split over Luck and RG3.

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I am amazed how anyone could think Tony bleeds blue. Most NFL coaches coach for many teams and they have little loyality to a team especially one that has few of "their" players or "staff "remaining on it. If you ever see Reggie on TV he'll be bleeding blue. I suspect the same is true for many former players who's careers turned around 1 team or who's body of work for one team is overwhelming. 

Coaches don't bleed any color for any team, GM's like BP don't bleed for a team, and self promoting former players like dieon sanders didn't even bleed for a team when they were playing ( too wrapped up in their self promotion). 


Most coaches and Front office people in the NFL are like prostitutes and when they are not paid anymore it's clear that they have no reason to return affection......with a few exceptions if the business relationship extends far enough.


Jimmy Johnson seemed pretty giddy today after the Cowboys "won" ...

just saying...

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He said he liked both and you couldn't go wrong with either but he would go with RG3 because he thought he had a better arm and he thought RG3's athleticism was unique and something Andrew Luck couldn't do.    It's not like he threw Andrew Luck under the bus.  Also to be fair at the time Dungy said this most of the sports world including this forum was split over Luck and RG3.


Well....   for what it's worth,  the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal has a long-time NFL writer (his name escapes me)  who every year prior to the draft, does a confidential anonymous survey of NFL execs.


Prior to the 2012 draft, he asked whether they preferred Luck or RG3....


The 20 NFL GM's who responded preferred Luck by a margin of 19-1.    It was not revealed who the person who preferred RG3 was....


Just sayin....

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Well....   for what it's worth,  the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal has a long-time NFL writer (his name escapes me)  who every year prior to the draft, does a confidential anonymous survey of NFL execs.


Prior to the 2012 draft, he asked whether they preferred Luck or RG3....


The 20 NFL GM's who responded preferred Luck by a margin of 19-1.    It was not revealed who the person who preferred RG3 was....


Just sayin....

Right and like I said before we are seeing why Dungy was a coach and not a GM.  He can coach the players just not pick them.  There is no denying that most of the world was split on Luck and RG3.  The fact front office people weren't doesn't really surprise me that's why they are in those roles. 

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You know I really don't get the hate some have for Tony Dungy here. He's the only coach in the history of the Indianapolis Colts to win a Super Bowl. Before people say well he had Peyton Manning and another coach would have won more Super Bowls than Dungy did I would remind you Dungy's one Super Bowl is one more than any other coach has coaching Peyton Manning. So I don't buy the argument that Dungy some how held Peyton back. In fact I think if you look at Peyton's numbers under Dungy and how the rest of Peyton's career has gone without Dungy that Dungy got more out of Peyton than any other coach has.

Also Dungy's defense lasted longer than six seasons. He used it for seven years in Tampa before he got here and had success with it there too. Before people downplay his success with the Bucs look at what the Bucs have been without Dungy, one of the worst teams in the league short of a season with Dungy's players the year after he was fired. Dungy took the Bucs to level they have never sniffed without him. Don't think the Bucs regret letting Dungy go? Look at what they are doing now, bringing in Lovie Smith to try to re-create the Dungy era.

So if people want to hate on Dungy and under value his accomplishments fine but I don't understand it. He's easily the best coach in the history of the Indianapolis Colts one of the best coaches in the history of the franchise depending on how you feel about Weeb Ewbank and Don Shula.

Dungy's defense worked in Tampa because the majority of their salary cap was spent on the defense.

He also had Monte kiffin and rod Marinelli with him in tampa, who may have been the true masterminds behind the Tampa 2

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Well.... for what it's worth, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinal has a long-time NFL writer (his name escapes me) who every year prior to the draft, does a confidential anonymous survey of NFL execs.

Prior to the 2012 draft, he asked whether they preferred Luck or RG3....

The 20 NFL GM's who responded preferred Luck by a margin of 19-1. It was not revealed who the person who preferred RG3 was....

Just sayin....

I suppose we could assume that 1 was Washington...just a hunch ;) hahahaha

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Can't be close to as disappointing as Dungy's career as a coach. Super Bowl aside he was constantly out-coached in playoffs by Cowher, Turner, Belichick, et al. Who cares what he thinks. He orchestrated a defensive scheme that was successful for 6 seasons in the early 2000s.

Dungy could only coach the players that Polian brought in. Was it Dungy's fault that Polian never put together a average defense or special team? Polian kept and over paid a lot of players who had no business being here. With all due respect I don't agree with your assessment.

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Dungy could only coach the players that Polian brought in. Was it Dungy's fault that Polian never put together a average defense or special team? Polian kept and over paid a lot of players who had no business being here. With all due respect I don't agree with your assessment.


Do you really think Dungy wasn't involved in personnel selection?

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Dungy could only coach the players that Polian brought in. Was it Dungy's fault that Polian never put together a average defense or special team? Polian kept and over paid a lot of players who had no business being here. With all due respect I don't agree with your assessment.

Well, I respect your respectful disagreement. I tend to agree with your position more than I disagree. Polian had some flawed philosophies and misses on talent. BUT, in my opinion, Dungy's defense was mastered around the same time he arrived in Indy. Just look at the Steeler's crushing upset of our greatest team in terms of talent and regular season dominance. Cowher just simply outcoached us and destroyed that defense with soft zone passes, etc. Polian put enough players out there to continually go the playoffs, earn byes, etc. then due to coaching and other flops (18 owning some, not all), we summarily underachieved in post-season. #respect.

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