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Potential Trade Targets ( for OLB)


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Hello everyone, I have decided I would form a list of potential OLB Ryan Grigson could trade, or atleast look at in regards to replacing Mathis. I know there will be many who will say Next Man Up and TBH, if it was a position like DL, ILB or WR, I would understand that idea. But with OLB, some could argue it is a bit of a weak area anyway and without Mathis makes it worse. Here are a list of people I think Grigson should look at and reasons teams may choose to offload them:


Marcus Smith ( back up in Philly)

Brandon Graham ( also Back up)

Quinton Coples ( underachiever for Jets)

Melvin Ingram ( Chargers just draft Attaochu)

Dion Jordan ( rumoured in offseason as trade bait, facing suspension)

Barkevious Mingo ( rotational player in Cleveland or Jabaal Sheard a underrated but less known name)

Aldon Smith ( talented but troubled- facing suspension)

Nick Perry ( Underachiever in GB)


Some have mentioned maybe someone like Tamba Hali, although he's a very good pass rusher, he is also 30 and I think we would want someone for a long time alongside Werner as oppose to someone to play for 4-5 years.


If you can think of any more let me know and share your thoughts with the names listed above.

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I'm going to guess we roll with who we have. I would be cool with Tamba Hali as a bandaid for now. Big negative on Aldon Smith, the guy cannot stay out of trouble. However, I could totally see Grigson going after Michael Sam because that's how he rolls, aka project player.

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Here are people I would want. Although we are okay now we could use some depth.

1.) Dion Jordan would be a good one to aim for!

2.) James Harrison out of retirement ( 1 year deal, he played alright for Bengals last year)

3.) Quinton Coples from the Jets. Everyone under achieves for the Jets. (Must be the coaching staff.)

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I think they drafted Werner to be Mathis' replacement.  It may be happening a year sooner than expected but, IMO, roll with who is on the roster.  If Cam is going to miss extensive time then maybe look at someone to that they could activate but the Colts still have pretty good depth at the position with Werner/Walden as the starters and Studebaker, Newsome, Johnson.  They could also look at moving McNary to OLB and bringing A. Jackson up from the PS.

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Here are people I would want. Although we are okay now we could use some depth.

1.) Dion Jordan would be a good one to aim for!

2.) James Harrison out of retirement ( 1 year deal, he played alright for Bengals last year)

3.) Quinton Coples from the Jets. Everyone under achieves for the Jets. (Must be the coaching staff.)

not on defense, Ryan is a heck of a defensive mind.
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I hope we don't trade any draft picks actually. I would rather have a full stable of draft picks than give up a solid pick for another team's backup. 


I would really love to see Jon Newsome get some snaps at some point this season. Let's give the guys currently on the roster a chance to show what they can do. 


What ever happened to Caeser Rayford? I realize he was a pre-season dynamo last year, but he knows our defense. Maybe he could come in and give us a boost. 


Let's go after a guy like Dante Fowler from Florida, Alvin Dupree from Kentucky, or Randy Gregory from Nebraska in the 2015 draft.    

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I think they drafted Werner to be Mathis' replacement. It may be happening a year sooner than expected but, IMO, roll with who is on the roster. If Cam is going to miss extensive time then maybe look at someone to that they could activate but the Colts still have pretty good depth at the position with Werner/Walden as the starters and Studebaker, Newsome, Johnson. They could also look at moving McNary to OLB and bringing A. Jackson up from the PS.


Trying McNary out at olb and moving Jackson up would be a good idea.

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What do you think it would take to acquire some of those players? And you trust Grigson to do it? Might as well just play with who we have. No draft picks should be traded away

I would vary from player to player but rather than give a pick straight up, I would offer something like a conditional pick. For example, say we traded for someone like Marcus Smith, if he gets less than say 5 sacks with his time with us- he give up a 3rd, if he reaches 5 sacks or over- we give up a second and if he becomes a probowler by the end of the year, we give the Eagles a first. something similar to that, it sounds wishy washy but it would be something to consider.

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I'm going to guess we roll with who we have. I would be cool with Tamba Hali as a bandaid for now. Big negative on Aldon Smith, the guy cannot stay out of trouble. However, I could totally see Grigson going after Michael Sam because that's how he rolls, aka project player.

I sure hope he doesn't sign Sam. Not because of who he chooses to love, he can love whoever he wants, but because of the mass media circus that come with him. Honestly, I like guy. But I think that's why Sam isn't on an active roster. Most teams don't want that kind of media circus following the team week in and week out. Unfortunate for Sam but that's reality.

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Here are people I would want. Although we are okay now we could use some depth.

1.) Dion Jordan would be a good one to aim for!

2.) James Harrison out of retirement ( 1 year deal, he played alright for Bengals last year)

3.) Quinton Coples from the Jets. Everyone under achieves for the Jets. (Must be the coaching staff.)

If you call a Top 5 defense underachieving then the :colts: need to underachieve more often

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Hello everyone, I have decided I would form a list of potential OLB Ryan Grigson could trade, or atleast look at in regards to replacing Mathis. I know there will be many who will say Next Man Up and TBH, if it was a position like DL, ILB or WR, I would understand that idea. But with OLB, some could argue it is a bit of a weak area anyway and without Mathis makes it worse. Here are a list of people I think Grigson should look at and reasons teams may choose to offload them:


Marcus Smith ( back up in Philly)

Brandon Graham ( also Back up)

Quinton Coples ( underachiever for Jets)

Melvin Ingram ( Chargers just draft Attaochu)

Dion Jordan ( rumoured in offseason as trade bait, facing suspension)

Barkevious Mingo ( rotational player in Cleveland or Jabaal Sheard a underrated but less known name)

Aldon Smith ( talented but troubled- facing suspension)

Nick Perry ( Underachiever in GB)


Some have mentioned maybe someone like Tamba Hali, although he's a very good pass rusher, he is also 30 and I think we would want someone for a long time alongside Werner as oppose to someone to play for 4-5 years.


If you can think of any more let me know and share your thoughts with the names listed above.


Not knocking your logic, but I don't get why we need to pick up another LB at all. In my mind, LB is not anywhere near a dire situation for us. I believe we are already in good shape.


We have a good front 7, even without Mathis. And we have good depth.


I believe we should develop who we have on the current roster. If a deal comes along that is too good to pass up then yeah, but I wouldn't reach for anything. JMO.

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I hope we don't trade any draft picks actually. I would rather have a full stable of draft picks than give up a solid pick for another team's backup. 


I would really love to see Jon Newsome get some snaps at some point this season. Let's give the guys currently on the roster a chance to show what they can do. 


What ever happened to Caeser Rayford? I realize he was a pre-season dynamo last year, but he knows our defense. Maybe he could come in and give us a boost. 


Let's go after a guy like Dante Fowler from Florida, Alvin Dupree from Kentucky, or Randy Gregory from Nebraska in the 2015 draft.    

Newsome got some snaps in the Denver game.  He looked like a late round rookie playing in his first NFL game. :)  Although I don't remember any thing he necessarily did wrong... He just ran, got blocked and negated.

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Not knocking your logic, but I don't get why we need to pick up another LB at all. In my mind, LB is not anywhere near a dire situation for us. I believe we are already in good shape.


We have a good front 7, even without Mathis. And we have good depth.


I believe we should develop who we have on the current roster. If a deal comes along that is too good to pass up then yeah, but I wouldn't reach for anything. JMO.

I think this is true. I'm also of the mind that people are overreacting to a week 1 game wherein the defense had to go to an incredibly hostile environment in Denver and play an offense that is likely to average 35 ppg without their best pass rusher. Granted, Mathis is gone for the year now, but I think overall the defense looked up and down and came out overall looking about NFL average. An average defense with an offense that has the ability to make explosive plays the way ours does (really would like to run the ball double digit numbers of times against aggressive pass rush >_>) is really not a sky is falling scenario.


LB is also one of the deepest positions we had heading in to the season. Was Mathis the best? Absolutely, but this is the perfect time for "next man up" mentality. It's all Grigson's guys at LB now, meaning he has faith these guys can get it done. If the Colts should be looking anywhere for defensive upgrades, it's at safety, but that's also a premium position that I don't think they'll be able to do anything about until draft time.

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Newsome got some snaps in the Denver game.  He looked like a late round rookie playing in his first NFL game. :)  Although I don't remember any thing he necessarily did wrong... He just ran, got blocked and negated.


I wonder what his assignments were?  It's a lot easier when you're assignment is to rush the QB, forget your lane or any coverages.

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I wonder what his assignments were?  It's a lot easier when you're assignment is to rush the QB, forget your lane or any coverages.

That is a good question.  I would imagine the assignment would be the same no matter who was in there but I don't know.

And for the record, I don't think it's a bad thing for a late round rookie playing in his first NFL game to look like a late round rooking playing in his first NFL game.

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That is a good question.  I would imagine the assignment would be the same no matter who was in there but I don't know.

And for the record, I don't think it's a bad thing for a late round rookie playing in his first NFL game to look like a late round rooking playing in his first NFL game.


Agreed.  But, as we were talking about in the other thread, there are plenty of people here who expected him to be a great pass rusher. 


On a different note, I wonder if Mathis is a good coach.  I understand that it's a lot to ask of a player, to mentor and groom another guy to take your job. 

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I think this is true. I'm also of the mind that people are overreacting to a week 1 game wherein the defense had to go to an incredibly hostile environment in Denver and play an offense that is likely to average 35 ppg without their best pass rusher. Granted, Mathis is gone for the year now, but I think overall the defense looked up and down and came out overall looking about NFL average. An average defense with an offense that has the ability to make explosive plays the way ours does (really would like to run the ball double digit numbers of times against aggressive pass rush >_>) is really not a sky is falling scenario.


LB is also one of the deepest positions we had heading in to the season. Was Mathis the best? Absolutely, but this is the perfect time for "next man up" mentality. It's all Grigson's guys at LB now, meaning he has faith these guys can get it done. If the Colts should be looking anywhere for defensive upgrades, it's at safety, but that's also a premium position that I don't think they'll be able to do anything about until draft time.


I agree with all of the above. 


I will add that our defense played a great offense in week 1. Week 1, on the road, against a great offense, in today's modern NFL, is a lot to ask of any team. Our defense will be tested next week too, and I believe we will play much better than average. 

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I agree with all of the above. 


I will add that our defense played a great offense in week 1. Week 1, on the road, against a great offense, in today's modern NFL, is a lot to ask of any team. Our defense will be tested next week too, and I believe we will play much better than average. 

Next week is a different type of challenge, The Broncos are a powerhouse but methodical and take chunks. The Eagles wear you out by coming at you with play after play and really pushing as fast as they can. Week 1 was the ultimate test of defensive skill, Week 2 will be the ultimate test of endurance.

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Next week is a different type of challenge, The Broncos are a powerhouse but methodical and take chunks. The Eagles wear you out by coming at you with play after play and really pushing as fast as they can. Week 1 was the ultimate test of defensive skill, Week 2 will be the ultimate test of endurance.


There are a few things I like about the Colts defense matching up against the Eagles offense. I believe we can get to the quarterback, minimize the yards per carry to under 4, and our corners can hang with their receivers. What we need to find is an answer to teams TE's. This will be the next step for us to improve. 


The Jaguars got in Foles face early and often, and roughed him up causing 3 early turnovers. The Eagles like to take chances with going for the big plays, and I believe we can capitalize. 


I am not really concerned about Maclin. That is not to say he can't have a good day, but I believe that Davis will shut him down, Toler will hold his own, and Butler will have a lot of success against him. In my mind, no matter where they line up Maclin, we can cover him. 


Shady and Sproles will be a huge problem for a lot of teams this year, but as long as we don't give up the big run then I believe we can hold them to under 4 yards a carry. If they run straight at us then we should be fine, but we tend to have issues with running backs and quarterbacks running wide on us. Containment will be an important key this week. 


Zach Ertz and Celek will be good tests for us, and a good measuring stick for how we cover above average talent at the TE position. 

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I know I am in the minority here but I say wrap up those two six round draft picks and grab someone who is capable and sitting behind someone who is a pro-bowler.  Who that would be I have no idea.

I have no idea who you are getting that is better than what we already have for 2 6th round picks. Pass rushers are at a premium. I think our best bet is to play who we have on both sides of the ball.


If Grig's see's a way to improve the team he will. Hopefully he won't do it by mortgaging the future. We are in the thick of things in the AFC. Who is the front runner Denver? I like our chances. We need to keep building with what we have.


Go into next years draft with the picks to add more talent. We are close and we are not replacing Mathis this year not even close.

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Sorry sir, I was being sarcastic. I never liked him since his first season, and did a little jig when he was booted out. His cheap shot at Irsay recently backed up my dislike for the guy.

Oh yeah Hughes was the whipping boy around these parts for a long time, & never seemed to reach his "first round potential" but his play has improved since his change of scenery, ala Jennings (maybe not to the same extent but...) and even seemingly Satele now (at least after one game)...

But since Hughes was traded for Sheppard, & now Sheppard is gone & Mathis is out for the season, his added depth wouldn't hurt...

but yeah Hughes didn't do a heck of a whole lot as a Colt...  

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Oh yeah Hughes was the whipping boy around these parts for a long time, & never seemed to reach his "first round potential" but his play has improved since his change of scenery, ala Jennings (maybe not to the same extent but...) and even seemingly Satele now (at least after one game)...

But since Hughes was traded for Sheppard, & now Sheppard is gone & Mathis is out for the season, his added depth wouldn't hurt...

but yeah Hughes didn't do a heck of a whole lot as a Colt...  

I don't know why people keep bringing up Satele, he's the backup in Miami that had to play out of necessity because Pouncey was out. A lessened New England rush D push, and he was blocking for Knowshon Moreno, a guy who will tear up on his own. Satele will be a bench warmer by the end of the year.

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I don't know why people keep bringing up Satele, he's the backup in Miami that had to play out of necessity because Pouncey was out. A lessened New England rush D push, and he was blocking for Knowshon Moreno, a guy who will tear up on his own. Satele will be a bench warmer by the end of the year.

Well he is mentioned because he played decently in Oakland when they had a rather productive run game, he then comes to the Colts for a couple of seasons and the interior Oline is arguably the teams biggest weakness, which he garnered much of the blame for, then he goes to Miami and after preseason & opening weekend, the guy at least looked serviceable...

I don't think he will be going to a pro-bowl in the near future, but his 'suck' seems to be on a much lower level than when he was a Colt, kind of like with Jerry Hughes, & to a greater degree, like Tim Jennings...

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